
Chapter 1503 Conspiracy

Chapter 1503 Conspiracy
It only took Chen Qing seven days to arrive at the camp of Daxing Mansion. At this time, Yang Zaixing, other generals and 20 troops had received a message from King Yong Feiying and assembled in Daxing Mansion.

In the big tent, Chen Qing pointed to Linhuang Mansion on the sand table with a wooden pole and said: "The Kingdom of Jin is planning to move its capital to Linhuang Mansion, and the intention of Wanyan Wushu is also very obvious. They want to control the grassland at the same time, and then integrate the power of the grassland and We fight, but we can't give him that chance."

After a pause, he looked at everyone again and said: "But this is our chance, everyone, the moment of revenge is coming. We have been waiting for this day for a long time. We will kill the Linhuang Mansion, destroy the Kingdom of Jin, and die for thousands of people." Revenge of my compatriots!"

All the generals were excited, and they raised their arms and shouted together: "Destroy the Kingdom of Jin!"

An army of 20 set off, carrying [-] camels full of food and supplies, and left Juyongguan to head towards Linhuang Mansion.

Every soldier rides a horse and walks lightly, which is the biggest advantage for them to get the horse breeding place in Hexi. Every soldier, even the infantry, has his own horse. They can ride instead of walking, which is faster and more economical. physical strength.

A mighty 20 army appeared on the boundless grassland, with flags unfurled, covering the sky and the sun, and the nearby tribes fled westward in fright.

At the same time, Liu Cui also led an army of [-] from Liaodong, and rushed towards Linhuang Mansion.

Linhuang City had been surrounded by [-] Jurchen legions. After being burned with kerosene by the Western Army, the Jurchen army attacked the city twice again, losing nearly [-] people, and then stopped attacking the city. Wanyan Wushu also led the way. The army rushed to Linhuang City.

In order to restrain the main force of the Jurchen army, Niu Gao resorted to a trick. He sent people out of the city at night and dragged back the hundreds of dead horses on the battlefield, leaving the corpses of the enemy troops alone.

This move made the enemy's chief general, Suo Li Yishi, realize immediately that the Western Army probably ran out of food, so they went out of the city to snatch the horse corpses.

He immediately sent someone to report to Wanyan Wushu. Wanyan Wushu also believed that the other party was short of food and grass. Food is running out, how long can they last?
Wanyan Wushu immediately ordered the army to stop attacking the city. The army changed its tactics and implemented the technique of besieging the city, trapping the Western Army to death in Linhuang City. At most one month, the Western Army in the city will collapse without a fight.

At this time, the team of the emperor, nobles and common people of the Kingdom of Jin stopped thirty miles east of Linhuang Mansion.

They lived by the river and built tens of thousands of large tents. Although there is no city, it is also very spectacular, and the big tents can't see the end at a glance.

The Kingdom of Jin carried millions of cattle and sheep, hundreds of thousands of stones of grain, 10,000+ carts, and an inestimable amount of wealth. After all, it was a dynasty, and all its national power and wealth were here.

But what the Kingdom of Jin lacks most now is population. They only have 10,000+ people left, almost all of whom are old and weak women and children. These old and weak women and children are also recruited to drive carts for them.

Women and the elderly drive carts, but one advantage is that they don't have to walk on their legs, and they can put their children and belongings on the carts.

Of course, the population of the Kingdom of Jin is more than that. Although most of them fled to the south and were migrated away by the Western Army under the pretext of epidemic prevention, there are actually more than [-] people in various places, but the population of more than [-] is too scattered. It is impossible to gather, and the rest of the population are the people of Shangjing, all of whom follow the royal family.

Their sick family members were left in Shangjing to fend for themselves, and the people were very sad. Thinking of their parents, brothers and sisters dying alone in Shangjing, everyone was heartbroken, but there was no way to stay in Shangjing, and they were the same is dead.

Fortunately, the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, Wan Yanquan, allowed them to take their children, even if they were sick, which gave the people a little bit of comfort, but even so, many children died on the way, in just half a month. Thousands of children died on the road alone.

Among the tens of thousands of large tents, the largest one is the king's tent, and the surrounding thousands are noble tents and warehouse tents. These special large tents are surrounded by barracks and separated from other large tents of ordinary people.

In a small tent next to the king's tent, Empress Pei Manshi and Zuo Chancellor Wanyan Xiyin were sitting together alone. Both of them were arranging their clothes. It was obvious that they had just done something unspeakable.

Wanyan Quan and his wife, Pei Manshi, are completely politically married. He doesn't like this wife very much, and there is no child between them. Pei Manshi stays alone all year round, but she is an extremely powerful woman who loves power. Of course Wanyan Wushu could not be tolerated to seize power, since the emperor refused to act and listen to her persuasion, she had no choice but to do it herself.

The target Pei Manshi was looking for was the famous old pervert Wanyan Xiyin. The two hit it off immediately, and not only had an indescribable relationship, but also reached an anti-Liang alliance.

Liang is Liang Wang Wanyan Wushu, and Wanyan Xiyin is also extremely dissatisfied with Wanyan Wushu. The good Dajin was tossed to death by him, and no one could tolerate it.

Moreover, Wanyan Xiyin also opposed moving the capital. Originally, he only agreed to go to Linhuang Mansion to take shelter for a year and a half before returning to Beijing. It became a relocation of the capital, which really made him very angry.

Now Pei Manshi asked to join forces with him to deal with Wanyan Wushu, he hesitated for a long time, but he still agreed, with the emperor's skin, many things will be easier to handle.

Wanyan Xiyin pondered for a while and said, "It doesn't matter whether the emperor agrees or not, the key is that you have to hold the emperor's seal in your hand."

Pei Man said with a smile: "You don't have to worry, the emperor's seal is in my hand, and he doesn't care about it at all. During this period of time, he was drinking all day, drunk and dreaming, no one wants to pay attention to him!"

She put her arms around Wanyan Xiyin's neck and said: "When you seize the power, you come to be the emperor, and I will continue to be your queen!"

Wanyan Xiyin laughed dryly, "Let's talk about this later!"

"Then tell me, which general did you recruit?"

Wanyan Xiyin pondered for a while and said, "Chang Han knows!"

Pei Manshi nodded, "I remember that he belongs to Wan Yanchang, but he hasn't been purged?"

"He was Wanyan Wushu's subordinate at the beginning. Wanyanwushu didn't kill him because of his sympathy. He had [-] troops under his command, all of them were Khitan and Han. He was originally stationed in Longzhou. Longzhou didn't Infected by the epidemic, Han Chang just rushed over to meet up."

Pei Manshi was dissatisfied immediately: "Since there is no epidemic in Longzhou, why don't you go to Longzhou, instead go all the way to Linhuang Mansion?"

Wanyan Xiyin sighed, "This is his political purpose, and it is also the real reason why he said he wanted to move the capital. He wants to lose the land of the Great Gold Dragon and move to the grassland. He wants to become the Great Khan of the Grassland!"


Pei Manshi was furious: "Isn't he afraid that his ancestors will come to settle accounts with him?"

"He has an army in his hands, so he's afraid of shit!"

Wanyan Xiyin cursed, got up and said: "Hurry up and draft an edict to make Han Chang the king of Liao. I promised him before, it is not good, and Han Chang will not easily do things for me."

"Is Han Chang reliable?"

Wanyan Xiyin nodded, "He is very loyal to Wanyanchang, and he only wants to avenge Wanyanchang. Wanyanwu shows the benevolence of a woman and let Han Chang go, he will be backed by Han Chang!"

Pei Manshi went out, and soon got back an imperial edict with the emperor's seal, making Han Chang the king of Liao and Minister of the Ministry of war.

Wanyan Xiyin hurried away with the imperial edict.

(End of this chapter)

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