
Chapter 222 Road Attack

Chapter 222 Road Attack
At nightfall, the luggage team stopped moving forward and found a flat place. The soldiers unloaded the cart from the camel and laid it flat on the ground. The parts on it were very heavy and could not be unloaded from the cart. Put them directly on the carts, arrange them neatly in ten rows, and each row has ten carts, so that the carts are gathered together to the greatest extent.

Three thousand Xixia soldiers lit more than a dozen bonfires, and the soldiers gathered around the bonfires to barbecue and drink, enjoying themselves very happily.

The coachmen gathered with the camels after eating dry food and went to bed early.

The main general of this supply team is Cao Li. He missed Ganquan Fort because of untimely intelligence, but he was lucky and was not held accountable, so he continued to serve as general.

Looking at the dark wasteland, Cao Li was somewhat worried. On the one hand, he was worried about the wolves, and on the other hand, he was also worried about the Song army's sneak attack.

But he couldn't control his subordinates. The soldiers wanted to eat meat and drink, but the commander didn't stop him, so he couldn't do anything about it.

The escort officer stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder with a smile, "My brother has been looking around all night, what are you worried about?"

"In case the Song army strikes, I'm worried!"

"How could there be Song Jun, they are surrounded in the castle, the commander will let them out? Stop thinking about it."

"Actually, I'm still worried about the wolves!"

The escort officer laughed loudly, "It's a bonfire! The wolves dare not come."

As soon as the escort officer waved, several soldiers stepped forward and dragged Cao Li over to drink. Cao Li had no choice but to follow.

At this time, on a mound two miles away, several Song soldiers watched the carnival of Xixia soldiers from a distance. After a long time, they turned their horses and galloped towards the east.

In the mountain depression ten miles away, a ray of light was faintly visible from a marching tent. Inside the big tent, Liu Cui was deploying a battle plan for several capitals.

"This time our goal is heavy supplies, not Xixia soldiers. This is our goal, and we must not miss our goal."

One of the heads asked cautiously: "What if we can wipe out the enemy army?"

"Here is the problem. Have you ever thought about it? There are [-] people on the other side, six times the number of us. This is not in the barracks. The soldiers all take off their armor, and the horses and weapons are not around. They can set fire to sneak attack and kill wantonly.

But now they are all wearing armor, weapons and horses are by their side, they can jump on horses to fight at any time, we have no problem killing [-] people, [-] people, but can we kill [-] people?Once we are entangled by the enemy, how can we complete our mission? "

Liu Cui's words made everyone understand. It is true that we can't take advantage of the moment, we must seize the opportunity to complete the task.

At this time, a soldier reported outside, "The brother who went to investigate has returned."

"Let him in!"

An escort walked in from the outside, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Commander!"

"Don't be too polite, tell me about the investigation!"

"Reporting to the general, the enemy army has lit more than a dozen bonfires, drinking and eating meat, shouting and shouting, and they are very excited."

"Are you sure they drink?" Liu Cui asked with a smile.

"The humble staff can be sure that they are indeed drinking and holding the skins. It must not be goat's milk."

Liu Cui asked again: "How are their carts and siege supplies arranged?"

"The carts were all unloaded from the camels and placed neatly in ten rows and ten rows. However, the siege equipment on the carts was not unloaded, and they were still placed on the carts. The carts were on the periphery of the soldiers. On the other side It's hundreds of camels and coachmen."

Liu Cui smiled and said to everyone, "It's similar to the scenario we imagined, so we will implement it according to the previously agreed plan."

Time gradually approached the third watch, and the Xixia soldiers, who had eaten enough, fell asleep by the bonfire one after another. They did not take off their armor, and the horses were beside them. The bonfire was already faintly extinguished. .

On the periphery, dozens of patrols were patrolling one mile away. They were distributed in a large circle and surrounded the Xixia army and supplies in the core from a distance.

Liu Cui led the cavalry of the Song Army to appear two miles away. Their horseshoes were wrapped in thick cloth, and their speed was not fast, and there was basically no vibration.

Usually five hundred war horses gallop, and the vibration can be faintly felt three miles away, but if the horseshoes are wrapped and the speed is very slow, it is afraid that they will not be noticed until more than a hundred steps away.

The cavalry of the Song army approached silently. Liu Cui drew out an arrow and aimed at a patrolman a hundred steps away. The arrow came so suddenly that the patrolman didn't realize it at all.

At the same time, the two guards in the north and the south were also shot dead by masters without shouting, and the three guards were shot dead, and a big gap [-] paces wide appeared, and the Song army urged their horses to pass through the gap without a sound. , approaching the enemy campfire.

When they were two hundred steps away from the enemy, they were finally discovered by the patrol.

The patrols yelled, and several gunpowder arrows shot into the sky, emitting a bright red light.

Liu Cui shouted, "Action!"

The five hundred people suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the luggage
Xixia soldiers woke up from their deep sleep one after another. Someone pushed Cao Li awake. When Cao Li heard that there was a sneak attack, he was shocked and turned over and shouted: "Assemble!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a wolf-toothed arrow 'whoosh! The shot came from the ground, extremely fast, and the arrow hit Cao Li in the back of the neck. Cao Li groaned and fell headlong.

The shooter was Liu Cui. He took the lead and saw Cao Li who was waving and shouting. He didn't know that the opponent was the general.

The cavalry of the Song army split up in front of the luggage, one left and one right, they were full of kerosene in their hands, they sprayed it while galloping, sprayed all the kerosene on the luggage, and threw it away after spraying the kerosene Flatten the bag, gallop on the horse, and leave quickly to the west.

Five hundred cavalrymen galloped past both sides of the luggage like two long snakes, nonstop throwing kerosene, sulfur and gunpowder into the luggage, and finally a dozen cavalrymen threw torches into the luggage, painted The heavy wagon full of kerosene' Boom! 'With a sound, it burned rapidly.

It took only three minutes from the beginning to the end, which was extremely short, and the three thousand soldiers of the Xixia Army were still in chaos, looking for horses, weapons, and their own team. A large area of ​​luggage has been engulfed by raging fire.

It was finally bright, and Liu Cui led his men back to the camp of the Xixia Army. The Xixia soldiers and coachmen had all retreated to Baochuan County.

Their main general was shot, the fire in the luggage was too great, there was no water source, and they could not rescue them. They did not know how many Song troops were around.

The open fire of the luggage has been extinguished, and it is still smoking. Most of it has been burned into coke, and only some parts in the middle have not been burned by the fire.

Soldiers of the Song Army dragged away several burned carts to open a passage, and the soldiers pulled out the unburned parts with ropes.

It turned out to be a few big guys, an extremely thick battering ram, about five feet long, at least made of a tree that is hundreds of years old, and iron chains around it, but the pointed part of the battering ram It has been burned to charcoal, but the body of the hammer is intact.

"Saw the hammer into three sections!"

Liu Cui gave an order, and the soldiers immediately got busy looking for the saw.

"Commander, take a look at this!" A captain shouted in the distance.

Liu Cui urged to go forward immediately, and saw a dozen soldiers holding out an extremely long wooden pole. The wooden pole was at least seven feet long, which was equivalent to the height of a seven-story building. The thickest part was thicker than a thigh, and the thinnest part was more than up the arm.

This wooden pole was held down by the battering ram, it was not burned, and it was perfectly preserved.

"What could this be?" Liu Cui asked in surprise.

An older man with more experience stepped forward to look carefully for a moment and said, "Commander, this should be the throwing pole of the trebuchet!"

Liu Cui was taken aback. The longest pole thrown by the trebuchet was only five feet long!How could there be a throwing pole seven feet long?

"It must be a trebuchet!"

Dutou pointed to a charred remains next to him and said, "Just look at this!"

Liu Cui saw the main body of the burned trebuchet next to it. It was a super-giant trebuchet with a height of three feet. This is the largest trebuchet so far.

There were three such trebuchets, all of which were burned down, leaving only one throwing pole intact.

Everyone looked at Liu Cui, Liu Cui thought for a while and said, "Take the iron chain of the battering ram and this throwing pole with you, and then find a good cart, and light the other spare parts that haven't been burned. burn!"

The battering ram was sawed into three pieces, and the fire was burning again. Liu Cui led the crowd around a large cart, turned around and drove away in the direction of Yelanggou
(End of this chapter)

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