
Chapter 223 Regret

Chapter 223 Regret
On Crescent Hill, a few miles south of Ganquan Fort, more than a dozen Jurchen spies observed the movement of the Song Army and the Xixia Army on the top of the mountain. They have stayed here since the Xixia people attacked Ganquan Fort, recording the daily situation, including Attack of the night.

Then the next morning, they sent the eagle letter to Jingzhao City. They brought thirteen letter eagles. On the tenth day, someone would send a new letter eagle, and it was recorded until the end of the war.

This was an agreement reached between the special envoy of Xixia and Wan Yanchang. Although Li Liangfu hated these Jurchens watching his army on the top of the mountain, he had no choice but to pretend that he did not see the Jurchens on the top of the mountain.

Just after dawn, another hawk slowly took off and flew towards the southeast.
At this time, Wan Yanchang is no longer in Pingliang Mansion and has returned to Jingzhao City. At this time, the line of Dasan Pass remains calm, and all Wan Yanchang's attention is focused on Ganquan Fort. The result of this Song Xia battle.

This is a conspiracy. If Chen Qing wants to keep Qinzhou, he must defend Ganquan Fort. If Xixia wants to go south, he must seize Ganquan Fort. This castle is extremely important to both parties. Wan Yanchang believes that this is a wonderful battle. Tigers fighting, he just watched the show from the sidelines.

"Report to Marshal, the eagle letter from Fort Ganquan has arrived!" A soldier reported from the hall.

"Bring it up!"

The soldiers went up to the hall and presented Wan Yanchang with a sorted eagle letter.

After Wan Yanchang finished reading the Eagle letter, his brows gradually frowned. The Xixia army projected kerosene and fireballs into the city all night, but there was only smoke in the city but no fire, and the smoke came from one place. The letter also talked about Song The army soldiers stood on the top of the city and whispered to each other, turning a deaf ear to the fireworks below the city.

From these descriptions, Wan Yanchang understood that Chen Qing had cracked the fire attack of the Xixia army, and it was meaningless for the Xixia army to continue to use fire to attack the city unless the trebuchet could accurately hit the fireball on the top of the city. The catapults of the Song Dynasty could do it, but the catapults of Xixia could not.

Wan Yanchang shook his head, and opened a small box on the table. Inside was a stack of Eagle Letters. These were the daily detailed records since the Xixia Army attacked Ganquan Fort. Through these records, Wan Yanchang could see that the Song Army had done a good job in defending the city. It is tough and effective, and has a very complete and smooth defense method.

The defensive measures are perfect, and many people can do it, including Wan Yanchang, who will be very thoughtful, but it is difficult for the defensive measures to be smooth, which means that various instructions must be quickly implemented on every soldier, and the soldiers can effectively understand and execute.

Wan Yanchang sighed softly. At this moment, he regretted a bit. He shouldn't have exchanged the army with Chen Qing, which strengthened Chen Qing's strength. Maybe this ferocious crane ate up all the clam meat, and finally returned endangers fishermen.

At this time, a soldier reported from the hall, "Report to Marshal Du, Marshal Sa Lihe, please see me!"

"Please come in!"

Wanyan Salihe arrived in Jingzhao yesterday and led [-] Jin soldiers. This was the last step in Wanyanchang's Shaanxi strategy. When the Jin soldiers returned to Shaanxi, he lured the Song army out by pretending to retreat, and killed them one by one. Divided and annihilated, although the Qinzhou army has not been annihilated, the [-] Jin soldiers have returned to Fengxiang impatiently.

After a while, Wanyan Saliyao walked into the lobby quickly. Wanyan Saliyao was also from the Jurchen royal family, who was here to take over Wanyan Wushu and continue to implement the Jin Kingdom's Sichuan-Shaanxi strategy.

After Wanyan Wushu's disastrous defeat at the Dasan Pass, he had been deprived of his military power and was left idle in the palace. The Emperor of the Kingdom of Jin adopted Wanyan Chang's strategy of luring soldiers, and sent Wanyan Sali to lead a Jurchen army of [-] to assist the end of the war. Yan Chang continued to implement Jin Guo's Sichuan-Shanxi strategy.

"See Marshal Du!"

Wan Yanchang nodded, "General Sa Liha, please sit down!"

Wanyan Sali drank and sat down, seeing the worry in Wanyanchang's eyes, he asked with a smile, "It seems that Marshal is worried about what?"

Wan Yanchang sighed, "I may have made a big mistake!"

"What big mistake?" Wanyan Sali was slightly taken aback.

"I mean Ganquanbao. I originally wanted to use Chen Qing to wipe out the Xixia people's ambitions, and exchanged prisoners with him. Judging from the current situation, he did hit the Xixia people's ambitions, but..."

"But what?"

Wan Yanchang smiled wryly, "But I also created a strong enemy!"

Wanyan Saliha had actually fought against Chen Qing. The food and supplies he transported to the south bank of the Weihe River were attacked by Chen Qing and burned to the ground.

But Wanyan Saliha didn't know that it was Chen Qing's doing, so when Wanyan Wushu told the wolf master how powerful Chen Qing was, Wanyan Saliji felt that Wanyan Wushu was looking for an excuse to shirk responsibility. How much experience and qualifications can the young Song Jiang who rose up after the Battle of Fuping have?
Wanyan Sali smiled slightly and said: "When I left Yanjing, I heard something from the wolf master. It is said that Zhu Shengfei, the new governor of Sichuan and Shanxi Province, is very disgusted with Chen Qing. Why didn't Marshal Du take advantage of the other party's contradictions to implement a plan to alienate him? , let Zhu Shengfei kill Chen Qing for us?"

Wan Yanchang said indifferently: "The reason why you know about this is because I reported it to the wolf lord. I am very aware of Zhu Shengfei's dislike towards Chen Qing and even Wu Jie. I am negotiating with Chen Qing to stimulate Zhu Shengfei and make him even more angry. I hate Chen Qing and look for opportunities to kill him, including the governor Fu Xuan who provoked Zhu Shengfei, and I sent someone to instigate him, and I have already implemented the plan of alienation."

Wanyan Sali asked hurriedly, "I don't know what the effect will be?"

Wan Yanchang shook his head, "Divorce may work on Wu Jie, but not on Chen Qing. Although he is young, he is very cunning, and he will not give Zhu Shengfei any chance. Zhu Shengfei sent someone to Chengji County to suspend his post, but he He led the army to Ganquan Fort, Zhu Shengfei wanted to kill him, but he became more and more troublesome in Ganquan Fort, and even the emperor of Song Dynasty began to pay attention to him. This kind of person is not Chen Qing's opponent."

Wanyan Sali pondered for a moment and said: "Chen Qing is just a general of the Song Dynasty, he can't change the overall situation, I suggest Marshal Du not to put too much thought on him, he should focus on our Sichuan-Shaanxi strategy, this is the overall situation, Don’t put the cart before the horse!”

Wan Yanchang pondered for a long time, then sighed lowly, "You are right. At present, the only way to get rid of the troubles in Ganquan Fort is to concentrate on capturing Hanzhong and opening the gates of Bashu. This is the overall situation!"

Wanyan Sali took out a booklet from his arms, "This is an idea of ​​a humble official to attack Hanzhong, please Marshal Du to see if it is feasible?"

This time it was the purpose of Wanyan Sali to come to visit Wanyanchang, Wanyanchang took the brochure and read it carefully.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of battle drums inside and outside Ganquan Fort was earth-shattering, and the sound of killing resounded across the battlefield. Corpses piled up into mountains and blood flowed into seas.
The siege battle of the Xixia Army had been going on for a day and a night. After Li Liangfu learned that the supply team was attacked halfway, he knew that he could not wait for a hundred catapults to fight, so he sent an army of [-] to attack Ganquan Fort.

Twenty heavy-duty trebuchets attacked the city wall with boulders. The towers on the city had been smashed, and the towering observation tower was hit by boulders one after another, making it crumbling.

Five hundred siege ladders were thrown into the battlefield, and the Xixia soldiers participating in the attack were all elite troops of the Dangxiang clan. In order to capture Ganquan Fort, Li Liangfu had already torn off his calm and calm label, and also tore off his false mask of loving soldiers like a son , to attack at all costs.

Li Liangfu was under strong pressure from the imperial court. Just last night, Emperor Li Qianshun sent someone to supervise the battle and asked him to capture Ganquan Castle within ten days, otherwise he would be dismissed from office and seized the title.

The pressure on Xixia is also great. Ten days later, the time limit given by the Kingdom of Jin is approaching. If Ganquan Castle cannot be taken, the Xixia Army must withdraw northward. How can Li Qianshun be reconciled?
The Xixia soldiers stared at their blood-red eyes, screamed and attacked upwards. What greeted them was a rain of rolling logs and stones. A series of soldiers were continuously thrown down the siege ladder, but some soldiers rushed up frantically.

Under the city wall, a Xixia soldier was about to shout, and more than a hundred Xixia army throwers threw flying spears at the top of the city at the same time. On the top of the city, more than [-] Song army soldiers and several Xixia soldiers were shot at the same time. The flying spear pierced through the body, screaming and fell down the city, there was a gap in the top of the city.

The Xixia soldiers below rushed to the top of the city frantically, and the top of the city was opened again. In an instant, more than [-] Xixia soldiers rushed to the top of the city.

Dozens of soldiers of the Song Army rushed up with spears, but the entrance of the stairs was already controlled by soldiers of the Xixia Army. A steady stream of Xixia soldiers killed them, and in a short while there were more than a hundred people. Dozens of Song Army soldiers could not resist and were killed. Retreating steadily, shouting for the head of the capital: "Help! Help!"

A gunpowder cartridge was thrown into the air and exploded in the air. This was a signal for help. Yang Zaixing led [-] soldiers and rushed to catch the Song army that was about to be defeated. The arrogance of the enemy.

He yelled, "Surround!"

Three hundred soldiers quickly surrounded the gap with huge shields, and countless spears stabbed at the Xixia soldiers together.

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(End of this chapter)

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