
Chapter 272 Military News

Chapter 272 Military News
Chen Qing frowned and said: "I can't understand why Wan Yanchang is so bold to publicly assassinate the general of the Song Dynasty, isn't he afraid of being held accountable by the court?"
Liu Kai shook his head, "The reason why Wan Yanchang dared to be so arrogant is because a major event happened, which is extremely unfavorable to the Song Dynasty."

"What's the big deal?"

Liu Qi lowered his voice and said: "Yesterday morning, I received a message from Feiying that Liu Guangshi's [-] troops were in the east of Yangzhou, and they encountered the [-] cavalry of Commander Wanyan Nianhan. They didn't even know that the Jin soldiers were coming. It's Qi Jun."

"The results of it?"

Liu Kai smiled wryly, "I don't know yet, there should be a military report tomorrow morning, so it's probably more or less ominous!"

Chen Qing said slowly: "From the beginning, it was a strategy to lure troops. Using Yangzhou as a bait to lure Liu Shiguang's army to go north should be Wan Yanchang's handwriting, which is exactly the same as the strategy of withdrawing troops from Shaanxi Road Jinbing. .”

"What is the purpose of Jin Bing doing this?" Liu Kai was really puzzled.

Chen Qing sneered and said: "It should be to cooperate with Wan Yanchang's mission. If there is no bargaining chip, he will create a bargaining chip, and then threaten the court to renew the armistice agreement. Once the war in the east ceases, the golden soldiers will definitely transfer the [-] eastern gold soldiers to Shaanxi. At that time, it was the Qi puppet army who came to defend the Jianghuai."

Liu Kai sighed, "I'm afraid that at that time, the imperial court will no longer have the courage to take a step across the Yangtze River. The strategy of the Jin people is really better than ours, and they will follow each step without leaking."

Chen Qing thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid it has something to do with the internal struggle of the Jin people. The emperor of the Jin Kingdom wanted to weaken Nianhan's military power and hand over his tens of thousands of troops to Wanyan Wushu."

"What you said is also reasonable, but these things are far away from us. The real reality is that Wan Yanchang will kill you unscrupulously, and the court will still dare not let a fart go. Maybe they will use this Zhenwei Martial Arts Hall to cover the tank."

"That's okay, you have to give me an explanation!"

Chen Qing smiled lightly, he could not deal with Yan Chang temporarily, he could go to the battlefield to deal with him.

But if Liu Huan and Wang Bo were not dealt with, Chen Qing felt really uncomfortable, and it just so happened that they were asked to cover the tank for this assassination case.

At five o'clock, a rush of war horses came from a distance, and the defenders of Yuhang Gate looked out, and saw a few men on horseback running towards this side at high speed, and heard the ringing of bells from afar. .

"It seems to be Jinzizijidel!" The soldiers all recognized the ringtone, which is unique to Jinzijizizi.

There are two kinds of express delivery, one is ordinary express delivery, which can be used by ordinary people, and the other is gold letter express delivery, which is only used to deliver military reports and extremely important official documents.

The difference between the two is the color of the baggage on the body. Ordinary urgency is black, while jinzi urgency is yellow and golden, and jinzi urgency will ring the bell to notify the front to make way.

After a while, several horsemen rushed to the city, and the leading knight shouted: "Eight hundred miles urgently report to the army, open the door quickly!"

The city gate opened a hole, a soldier came out to verify their tokens, waved their hands, the city gate slowly opened, three messengers rushed into the city gate on horseback, and galloped in the direction of Da Nei
Just before dawn, the news that Chen Qing was assassinated by Jin Bing assassins spread quietly. The Jin Guo Pavilion was surrounded by a thousand imperial guards, and the Song army did not attack the gate. The Jin Guo Pavilion was dead silent, as if there was no one there.

At this time, Yang Yizhong rushed over with dozens of cavalrymen and asked loudly, "Where is the general?"

Liu Qi greeted him, "What's the matter with Yang Dutong?"

Yang Yizhong held up a gold medal and said loudly: "The government has ordered that all troops withdraw immediately!"

Liu Qi was dissatisfied and said, "But Wan Yanchang sent someone to assassinate Chen Tongzhi. The evidence is solid, so let's not pursue it?"

Yang Yizhong pulled Liu Qi aside, and said in a low voice: "The officials received an urgent military report at eight hundred miles this morning, and Liu Guangshi's [-] troops were wiped out in Yangzhou. Only Liu Guangshi and a few hundred people escaped." Changjiang, the officials were terrified and demanded to sign an armistice agreement immediately this morning and agree to all the conditions of Jin Guo. The assassination case is no longer important."

"It really is!"

Liu Kai said bitterly: "The general of the Western Army was assassinated without any explanation. This will seriously affect the morale of the army."

"Then what should we do? The officials will definitely not pursue the responsibility of the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, and they dare not pursue it, otherwise Wanyan Nianhan will kill the Yangtze River soon!"

Liu Kai whispered a few words to Yang Yizhong, and Yang Yizhong nodded repeatedly, "Since there are Han Chinese accomplices, it's easy to handle, I'll tell the officials!"

Liu Qi immediately ordered the entire army to retreat back to the camp, and the Jin Guoguan resumed normal order.

At dawn, the four ministers and Li Hui, a privy secretary, gathered in the emperor's study. The four ministers all looked very solemn, delivering the eight hundred li express letter that had just been delivered.

The [-] Song army encountered [-] gold soldiers and iron cavalry. Unfortunately, the entire army was wiped out. Liu Guangshi fled back to the south of the Yangtze River alone. This result was like a boulder, weighing heavily on the hearts of every Prime Minister, especially Lu Yihao, whose face turned deathly gray.

This time, he sent troops to regain Yangzhou under his strong urging. Now not only Liu Guangshi can't escape the guilt, but even he can't escape the guilt.

"Ai Qing, what do you think now?" Emperor Zhao Gou asked in a hoarse voice with red eyes.

Zhao Ding sighed and said, "The top priority is to prevent the Jin soldiers from crossing the river. Immediately send Zhang Jun to lead the Shenwu Zuo Army to the north to replace Liu Guangshi in Runzhou."

Zhao Gou nodded, "I think so too. I have already ordered Zhang Jun to lead the army northward. I am worried about the lack of troops and want to transfer Yue Fei to the front line of Jiangning. What do you think?"

Zhang Jun hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, Yue Fei is guarding the front line of Xuanzhou. He must not leave now, otherwise the front line of Xuanzhou will become a gap again. If the troops are insufficient, he can order Liu Kai to lead an army northward."

"Quasi-playing! Immediately announce the decree and order Liu Kai, the commander of the capital, to immediately lead the [-] imperial front battalion horse infantry to garrison on the front line of Jiangning."

After arranging two armies to go north, Zhao Gou's tension eased a little. He asked Zhang Jun again, "Signed an armistice agreement with Wan Yanchang, what new conditions does he have?"

"The conditions are the same as last year, but yesterday afternoon he seemed to put forward a new condition. He said that it has not been clarified yet, and he will reply to Weichen this morning."

"Go and negotiate with him immediately. As long as the conditions are not excessive, you can agree. I request that the armistice agreement be signed today."

Zhao Gou was really terrified. The [-] Jurchen army was driven to death by [-] Jurchen iron cavalry. If Wanyan Nianhan's [-] Jurchen army killed the Yangtze River, they would be completely finished. At this time, he just wanted to sign an armistice agreement, no matter what He is willing to pay any price.

Zhang Jun bowed and said, "Humble job, go and negotiate with Wan Yanchang!"

Everyone left and left, Zhao Gou gave Qin Hui a wink, Qin Hui understood, he did not leave, but stayed.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. I believe that the Jin people will not attack Jiangnan for the time being. After all, Wanyanchang is still in Lin'an! Wanyanchang's status is extremely high, and the emperor of the Jin Kingdom will not allow Wanyan Nianhan to take the risk of attacking."

"I hope Ai Qing is right, otherwise I will have to go to the south for inspection again."

Zhao Gou had completely calmed down at this time, he pondered for a while and said to Qin Hui: "The [-] army was completely wiped out. I must hold accountable for this, not only Liu Guangshi, but also some important court officials. Pushing hard for this adventure battle."

Qin Hui immediately understood that the government wanted to dismiss Lu Yihao's status. Others didn't know, but he knew that his wife's constant provocation in front of the Queen Mother finally worked, and the Queen Mother must not tolerate Lu Yihao.

"Your Majesty, Lu Xianggong was indeed overly enthusiastic about sending troops to Yangzhou. He has a great responsibility, but it is a little far-fetched to hold him accountable based on Yangzhou's defeat.

As far as Weichen knows, he is selfish. His clansman Lu Yingwen, his disciple Han Xi was an official in Jianzhou and Quanzhou, exploited the common people and merchants, and took tens of thousands of stolen goods. Yushitai had already secretly sent supervisor Yushi to the two states, With solid evidence, he can be dismissed and questioned, and Lu Yihao's recommendation can be held accountable. "

Qin Hui had long arranged for Yushitai to secretly investigate Lu Yihao's handle, and he was also waiting for the opportunity. Once the emperor decided to dismiss Lu Yihao, he would immediately produce evidence to make Lu Yihao unavoidable.

Zhao Gou was very satisfied with Qin Hui's assist, which was very timely. He nodded, "Since the evidence is solid, let's arrange impeachment on Yushitai!"

(End of this chapter)

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