
Chapter 273 Conditions

Chapter 273 Conditions
A low-key yet luxurious passenger ship sailed into Lin'an City. It is said to be low-key because its appearance is outdated, and it is no different from ordinary passenger ships. But when you enter the ship, you will find that its interior is very luxurious, although the layout is simple. , but it is all red sandalwood tables and chairs, famous calligraphy and paintings are hung on the ship wall, and official kiln porcelain is placed on the table.

But ordinary thieves can't recognize these precious woods, porcelain and calligraphy and paintings.

The owner of the boat is a middle-aged couple. They are Shen Gai's parents. His father is Shen Liang, and his mother is Lu family. False official, without any actual power, just has a relatively high social status. In addition, the Shen family contributed money to build the palace, and Shen Liang was named Viscount of Wuxing County.
Shen Liang's father came to An'an this time, of course, for his son's marriage. In fact, Shen Liang and his wife did not approve of his son marrying the prime minister's granddaughter. This is not in line with the tradition of the Shen family. For example, Shen Liang himself married the daughter of the famous Lu family in Suzhou.

Shen Liang hoped that his son would marry the daughter of the Yu family in Kuaiji. Of course, his son must marry the granddaughter of the prime minister. For the marriage, they also need to investigate Lu's family style, and how is Lu Xiu's temperament?

Jiangnan aristocratic families are very strict in marrying a daughter-in-law, even if the other party has power, but if the family style is bad, such as bullying men and women, or notorious, or women are arrogant and arrogant, they will not be accepted by the Jiangnan aristocratic family.

Lu Yihao's reputation is not very good. The main reason is that the monthly pile money he promoted was regarded as an evil law by the people all over the south of the Yangtze River. I also know that this is actually the emperor's decision, and the prime minister is only the executor, so Shen Liang tolerated this.

"Husband, shall we go directly to Lu's mansion today?" asked his wife, Mrs. Lu.

Shen Liang pondered for a while and said: "Father means that we should first investigate the style of Lu's family. I think it is right. Let's stay here first and visit Brother Fang Ming tonight, and then tomorrow I will visit a few friends from my classmates. You will be able to understand the situation of the Lu family."

The brother Fang Ming that Shen Liang was talking about was Liu Jin, a college student. Liu Jin's alias was Fang Ming, and he was also from Wu Xing, and he was a family friend with the Shen family.

Mrs. Lu nodded, "Why don't we visit Second Uncle too."

Lu's uncle, Lu Sheng, is a well-known Confucian in Suzhou and is currently the chief professor of Guozixue.

Shen Liang laughed, "If you put it this way, my husband also has several brothers and uncles in Lin'an! I almost forgot. Let's stay here first, and then we can make proper arrangements."

The Shen family also has a mansion in Lin'an, it is a five-acre mansion, the mansion is facing the river, and has its own dedicated pier. Not long after, the boat slowly approached the pier, and the butler came out to welcome the owner.

Shen Liang said to his son: "You decide on your official career in the past two days. Where are you going to be an official? Make a decision quickly. As for the marriage, since your mother and I are here, we will naturally make decisions for you, so don't worry about it." gone."

"Yes! The boy obeys."

After a pause, Shen Gai said again: "Would you like to say hello to the Lu family first, and make an appointment for a visit, and they can arrange it."

What the son said made sense, Shen Liang thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow evening, I will come to visit Lu Xianggong, you should talk to the Lu family first!"

"Father, can't you do it today?"

Shen Liang glared at his son, "Why are you in a hurry? Can marriage be so hasty?"

"Yes! The child knows."

Shen Gai was really depressed, so he had to hurry
Shen Gai came to Liu's mansion. He wanted to find Liu Huan to contact Liu Jin, a scholar. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the gate of Liu's house, he saw dozens of soldiers standing at the door with spears in their hands. Shen Gai was stunned. What happened? thing?

At this time, several soldiers came out of the mansion with a man. His hands were tied, his feet were kicking around, and he was wearing a black hood. Although he couldn't see him, Shen Gai recognized him at a glance. This man was his friend Liu Huan. .

Although Uncle Liu Huan was a bachelor Liu Jin, his parents, like Shen Gai, were relatively low-key landlords in Wu Xing, but Liu Huan was very lively, and wanted to see the world and make more contacts, so his father paid him Donated a court guard's errand.

In the past two years, Liu Huan has been in Lin'an, and he has also participated in the imperial examination, and passed a Mingjing subject, but Liu Huan does not want to be a civil servant in the county, but still wants to stay in Lin'an. He has made many connections, including climbing up with Qin Hui. His nephew Wang Bo.

Liu Huan and Shen Gai grew up together, studied together, and have a very good relationship. The difference is that Shen Gai regards Liu Huan as a close friend, but Liu Huan regards Shen Gai as a contact, which is valuable.

Liu Huan was pushed into a carriage and imprisoned, and the soldiers escorted the carriage away quickly.

Shen Gai saw the housekeeper chasing him out of the gate, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Uncle Zhong, what happened?"

The butler stomped his feet and said, "For some reason, the soldiers said that my young master colluded with the Jurchens and was a spy of the Kingdom of Jin. He was taken away. How can I explain to the old lady!"

Shen should be taken aback, Jin Guo spies, this crime is serious.

He didn't dare to get into trouble with his upper body, he quickly said: "Uncle Zhong quickly send someone to inform Liu Huan's parents, it's important to find a way to save people!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I will go back to Wu Xing now."

The butler ignored Shen Gai and ran back to the house, but Shen Gai didn't dare to stay for a long time, so he turned around and left.

At noon, Zhang Jun finished his negotiation with Wan Yanchang, and he rushed to the palace immediately to hand over the first draft to the emperor Zhao Gou.

Zhao Gou didn't care about lunch, so he quickly took over the first draft of the negotiation, his eyes showed a hint of astonishment, he was concerned about the additional conditions, and Wan Yanchang really put forward the additional conditions.

It's just that this additional condition was really beyond Zhao Gou's expectation. He thought it would be such a harsh condition, but he didn't expect the additional condition to be about Chen Qing.

The Song army must withdraw all the troops north of Dasan Pass to the south, and control Chen Qing to leave Sichuan and Shaanxi. '

The additional condition was just such a sentence, Zhao Gou was puzzled and said: "This condition is completely acceptable! Why didn't you sign it on the spot?"

Zhang Jun smiled wryly in his heart. Wan Yanchang's initial condition was to hand over Chen Qing to the Kingdom of Jin, but he firmly refused to agree to it. After going back and forth for nearly an hour, he reached this compromise.

"Your Majesty, we have reached an agreement with Wan Yanchang verbally, and your majesty still needs to make a final confirmation. In addition, we suggest that it is best to have a talk with Chen Qing. After all, it is not easy to establish the foundation of Ganquan Castle. It is best for your Majesty to appease you." him."

Zhao Gou also calmed down. He pondered for a moment and said, "Chen Qing was transferred from Sichuan and Shaanxi, how about sending him to Fujian?"

Zhang Jun shook his head, "Your Majesty, Chen Qing is good at fighting, and the Jin people have nothing to do with him, so they transferred him out of Sichuan and Shaanxi through negotiation, but it's a pity to leave him cold in Fujian. I suggest that he lead the army to pacify Dongting." Water thief."

Zhao Gou took a few steps with his hands behind his back and said to Zhang Jun, "That's the decision. You go and talk to him. If you have some unreasonable demands, you can agree to him. In addition, I decided to promote him to be in charge of the capital."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

Although the Empress Dowager only agreed to promote Chen Qing to the position of Deputy Governor, but since he was transferred from Sichuan and Shaanxi, he was no longer a thorn in Zhu Shengfei's side, so if he was appeased a little bit, the Empress Dowager would not object.

After a pause, Zhao Gou said again: "Mr. Zhang will tell Chen Qing again that he was assassinated last night. I will give him an explanation as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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