
Chapter 274

Chapter 274
Chen Qing was planning to visit Zhang Jun in the afternoon, but he didn't expect him to come to the door on his own initiative, and Chen Qing hurried out of the house to greet him.

Zhang Jun looked at the mansion with his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "This house is not bad, the location is good, and it is next to the river. You can take a boat to the West Lake directly. You should build a private dock."

"Reporting to my husband, there is a pier, but there is no boat for the time being."

"You can buy a boat! A good cruise ship only costs a few hundred dollars, can't you afford it?"

Chen Qing was taken aback, "So cheap? Isn't it rumored that someone spent tens of thousands of dollars to build a cruise ship?"

Zhang Jun smiled slightly, "The boat itself only costs a few hundred guan, but the two paintings of Yan Liben hanging inside will cost ten thousand guan."

"That's it, I understand!"

The two walked into the lobby and sat down. The corpse was cleared away by the military before dawn. Chen Qing asked someone to clean it thoroughly again, and there was no more bloody smell before.

The two sat down, and Yu Lian came in to serve them tea. Chen Qing has learned how to hide his secrets now. The sisters Yu Lian and Yu Ying are too eye-catching. I am afraid that Zhao Gou will also call them into the palace when he hears about them, like Zhang Jun. The rich and powerful had better not see it.

Yu Lian came in alone to offer tea and didn't attract Zhang Jun's attention. Chen Qing gave her a wink, and she immediately retreated.

Zhang Jun took a sip of tea and said, "Actually, the officials asked me to come see you."

"Is it related to the negotiations in the morning?" Chen Qing asked with a faint smile.

Zhang Jun was taken aback, "How did you guess that?"

"I have dealt with Wan Yanchang countless times. I know him too well. He will use all means to get rid of me, even using assassination methods, but even the assassination methods fail. Then he will definitely add me to the negotiation. Going in, just like last year when he proposed to exchange me for the Queen Mother, since the Jin Bing defeated the Song Army in Yangzhou, he will definitely repeat the old trick."

"You're right. The Song army suffered a disastrous defeat, and Wan Yanchang had the advantage in the negotiation. We all thought he would put forward such harsh additional conditions, but we didn't expect him to propose only one condition."

"Give me to Jin Guo?"

Zhang Jun smiled faintly, "He put forward this additional condition, but I can't agree, and neither can the soldiers of the Western Army."


"In the end, a compromise was reached and you were transferred from Sichuan and Shaanxi."

"Then what about my army?" Chen Qing asked anxiously.

"Your army also gave up on Qinzhou and retreated south. There can be no Song army in the north of Dashan Pass."

"Is this the final decision?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "The Son of Heaven has already approved it, and the official document will be signed in the afternoon, and then the Son of Heaven asked me to appease you. If you have reasonable demands, you can raise them, as long as they are not excessive."

"I only have one request!"

Chen Qing said without hesitation: "My army will still be led by me, and there are no other requirements."

"This request is not too much, and I can agree to you. In addition, the emperor is going to officially appoint you as the governor of the capital, and asks you to lead an army to participate in the suppression of the water bandits in Dongting Lake, and be restrained by Li Gang, Huguang Xuanfu envoy."

Chen Qing nodded silently. Li Gang, the boss, is much better than the disgusting Zhu Shengfei. More importantly, his foundation has not been lost. The foundation is neither Qinzhou nor Ganquanbao, but people, a group of soldiers loyal to him. His foundation, just like Yue's army, Zhong's army, and Wu's army, this Chen's army is the capital of his invincibility.

Zhang Jun smiled again and said: "Actually, it is a good thing for you to leave Sichuan and Shaanxi. Zhu Shengfei will not let you go. Although he does not have the right to recall, he has the right to transfer troops. Don't underestimate the right to transfer troops. He can easily take it away." Take your army, leave you unemployed, or let you go to southern Xinjiang to train troops, he has the support of the Queen Mother, sometimes he does a little too much, and the officials can't do anything to him."

"I know, I will rush back to Fort Ganquan as soon as possible and lead the army south."

"That's the reason. You'd better leave in two days. I will push back the withdrawal time limit by two months in the negotiation treaty, which is enough for you to withdraw troops calmly."

Zhang Jun still had formal negotiations in the afternoon, and he got up to leave. Chen Qing hurriedly said, "I also have a private matter to ask Mr. Zhang."

"It was the assassination last night! Don't worry, the officials promise you and give you an explanation as soon as possible. I guess I will clean up Liu Huan and Wang Bo and give you a bad breath."

Chen Qing shook his head hastily, "It's not about this matter, it's about the lifelong event of Humble Job. I want to ask Mr. Zhang to be a matchmaker for Humble Job."

Zhang Jun hesitated and said, "Are you really determined to marry Lu Yihao's granddaughter? I advise you to be more cautious."

Chen Qing was startled, "What happened?"

Zhang Jun lowered his voice and said: "Top-secret internal information, the officials have decided to dismiss Lu Yihao's position, and he bears the unshirkable responsibility for the defeat of Yangzhou. He tried his best to promote the dispatch of troops to Yangzhou. The emperor was a little hesitant. He was the one who did it for the emperor. As a guarantee, and the two confidantes he appointed were found to have serious problems by the censor, he was dismissed this time, and it will be very difficult to stand up in the future, you better think about it carefully."

Chen Qing shook his head, "I want to marry Miss Lu has nothing to do with Lu Yihao, even if Lu Yihao is dismissed as a citizen, it will not affect my decision."

Zhang Jun laughed, "Okay! I promise to be a matchmaker for you, and I will go to Lu Mansion tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Lu Xiu was locked up in a small building, and only her personal maid, Chun Tao, accompanied her. In order to prevent her from escaping, Lu Yihao even hired five strong and healthy women to guard the gate downstairs. Except for Lu Yihao, none of the five women They don't listen to people's words.

Last night, Lu Xiu cried twice and stayed up almost all night. She knew her grandfather's strength too well, as long as he decided, no one could object.

But Lu Xiu will not admit defeat, for the sake of her own happiness, she will never accept her fate.

Lu Xiu has calmed down and regained her senses. She is also thinking about how to get rid of the marriage arranged by her grandfather?
At this time, footsteps sounded on the stairs, and the maid Chuntao called out, "Miss Mei is here!"

Lu Xiu was taken aback, and hurried out of the bedroom, only to see Li Mei standing at the stairs, smiling, holding a food box.

"Amei, you... why are you here?"

"Can't I come? I'll bring you food and talk to you by the way. "


Lu Xiu pointed down, and whispered: "Why did those five wretches allow you to come up?"

Li Mei smiled slightly and said, "Your grandfather just forbids you to go downstairs, not forbids others to go upstairs. Besides, I have Grandpa's sign, and they dare not stop them."

The grandfather Li Mei mentioned was her future father-in-law, Lu Xiu's father, Lu Jin.

Lu Xiu felt sore for a while, and finally she realized that only her father really cared about her. For so many years, her father had been covered by her grandfather's halo, and she hardly cared about him.

"What did my dad say?"

"He told you not to be too desperate. Things are changing. Don't talk about failure until the last moment."

Lu Xiu smiled wryly, "Father wants me to accept my fate. As long as the engagement and dowry between the two families are exchanged, it will be difficult to recover. I don't think it can be delayed until the end."

"Then what are you going to do?" Li Mei asked.

Lu Xiu bit her lip and said resolutely: "I decided to go, and go to Sichuan and Shaanxi with Sanlang."

"Ah! You want to elope."

Lu Xiu gave her a white look, "What elopement, it's so ugly to say, I just want to go to Bashu for fun, and go with my friends, can't I?"

"Is there a difference between the two?"

"Of course there is a difference. Elopement is a private decision for life. When I finally come back, I will bring the child back. I just went to Bashu for fun. If Saburo wants to marry me, he has to ask a matchmaker to talk about marriage. It is a normal marriage."

"But... even if you guard yourself like a jade, others don't know, Xiu Niang, people's words are awesome!"

"I can't control that much anymore, this is the only way to get rid of the Shen family."

Lu Xiu took out a folded letter and handed it to Li Mei, "Do you know where he lives? You give this letter to him for me."

"You guy, okay! I'll ask your second brother to deliver this letter to you."

Li Mei hid the letter close to her body, and went downstairs with an empty food box.
(End of this chapter)

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