
Chapter 389 Trial Attack

Chapter 389 Trial Attack
Song Jun fired two kerosene balls with a thousand-step gun before the Jin soldiers attacked. This kind of kerosene ball is very different from the previous kerosene balls. It is a solid fireball ball made of circles of kerosene cloth. It is made of winding strips and has excellent elasticity.

Although the thousand-step cannon can only shoot one mile away, with its excellent elasticity and strong inertia, it can finally bounce three or four miles away, which happens to be the position of the Jinbing camp.

Of course, if Jin Bing's battalion fence is erected, the fire oil ball will be blocked by the camp fence, so Song Jun fired these two flaming fire oil balls before the camp fence was erected. Chen Qing just wanted to Test the material of the Jinbing tent, whether it is a wool tent or a sheepskin tent.

This is related to his strategy of using fire attack.

The fireball landed on the ground, bounced high again, and shot towards the Jinbing camp. The soldiers raised their shields and shouted, "Stop them!"

The two fireballs came fiercely, flew over Jin Bing's head, and shot into the hundreds of large tents that had just been built, but they were finally blocked by Jin Bing.

Chen Qing could see clearly from the top of the wall that a blazing fireball fell on a big tent, but it didn't burn through the big tent.

Jinbing’s sheepskin is either used to make clothes and shoes to keep warm, or directly used as a stall to spread in the tent, or directly used to make a sheepskin raft. It is rarely used to make a large tent. Most tents are made of wool tents, only the marshal’s tent and The garrison troops directly under the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin used large sheepskin tents.

This time is obviously special, maybe because his fire plan is too strong, Jin Bing is prepared.

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Fire Liu Qiong with gunpowder arrows!"

Like the last time he dealt with the Xixia Army, Liu Qiong still led [-] cavalry to harass the enemy on the periphery. They had supplies hidden in Yelanggou, which could last for a month or two.

But Chen Qing needs to tell him now that the Jin soldiers are different from the Xixia army, they use sheepskin tents, and it is too dangerous to risk a sneak attack with fire.

Song Jun fired a gunpowder arrow from the head of Beicheng to the bottom of the cliff, on which Chen Qing's order was bound.

Two scout cavalry were waiting at the foot of the mountain. They picked up the letter of arrows and urged their horses to run away.
At this time, the drums of the civil war in the Jinbing camp were loud, and the tall barracks had been erected, blocking the sight of the Song army at the top of the city.

But soon, groups of Jurchen soldiers and Puppet Qi soldiers rushed out of the camp and quickly assembled outside the city, with Wanyan Mouyan and Li Chengxun as the main lieutenants.

Ten thousand people is not too many, just a kind of temptation, if you can attack the top of the city in one go, then the attack on Oasis Fort this time will be easy.

Wanyan Wushu does not have such extravagant expectations, and almost everyone does not have such extravagant expectations, so the Jurchen soldiers will not attack the city, but the Jurchen soldiers will be responsible for the cover, and the Qi army will be responsible for the attack. Can feel bad luck.

The Jurchen soldiers were all cavalry, Wanyan Mouyan shouted, "Attack!"


The low-pitched staghorn horn blew, and five thousand Jurchen cavalry rushed out, led by Wanyan Mouyan, to Ganquan Fort three miles away.

Wanyan Mouyan actually prepared some programs in private, for example, he wanted to single out Chen Qing, and he also prepared a large canvas of humiliating Chen Qing, to repay Feng Xiang's hatred for being humiliated.

It's just that the atmosphere of the battle was too depressing, Marshal Du and the Supervisory Army were watching the battle behind him, and he didn't report in advance. Wanyan Mouyan finally gave up the plan to single out and humiliate Chen Qing, and waited for the opportunity to implement it later.

On the top of the city, Chen Qing ordered coldly: "Get ready!"

Two thousand soldiers of the God Arm Crossbow were half lying on the ground, kicking the body of the crossbow with their feet, pulling the bowstring with both hands, and then loaded the crossbow arrows, knelt down on one knee and half squatted, aiming the God Arm Crossbow at the sky.

The Song army in front of the battlements raised their shields, holding short spears, and looked coldly at the Jin soldiers rushing towards the city.

The five thousand golden soldiers formed a long torrent. They ran to the southeast corner, and then turned back from the southeast corner. They were about [-] steps away from the city wall, running parallel to the city wall, and kept shooting arrows at the top of the city. Covering the attacking Qi soldiers with arrows while running, this will not form a fixed target. In addition, the Jurchens are skilled in riding, and the casualties will be much less.

Arrows roared towards the top of the city, and the soldiers of the Song army squatted down one after another to make room for the crossbow troops behind them. A large number of arrows passed over the top of the city and fell into the city.

Liu Cui shouted: "The enemy is at [-] paces, shoot!"

The crossbowmen have undergone rigorous training, and they all know what angle they need to shoot at a distance of [-] steps to ensure the accuracy of the falling arrow.

The angle of the crossbow of the Song army's god arm was slightly raised, and when they fired together, only the sound of a crossbow machine sounded, and two thousand crossbow bolts were shot out suddenly, flying away, forming a thin cloud of arrows in the air, and shooting towards the hundred and twenty arrows at high speed. Golden soldiers ten steps away.

Seeing the ferocious rain of arrows, the Jurchen soldiers hid beside their horses one after another, but still hundreds of horses were hit by the powerful arrows and fell to the ground neighing.

At this time, the battle drums of the charge sounded, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Five thousand Qi troops rushed towards the city wall with one hundred siege ladders on their backs. Chen Qing ordered in a loud voice, "Ten thousand archers are ready!"

In the face of the enemy's tentative attack, Chen Qing did not intend to use sharp weapons such as trebuchets and gunpowder barrels. He had to save resources. He only had [-] powder barrels and [-] barrels of kerosene.

The camel team that went to Yanzhou to buy kerosene has not returned yet. Chen Qing has sent someone to inform them to take shelter outside. Coming back at this time will only make the gold soldiers cheaper. As for the gunpowder, he has not yet found the saltpeter mine, and he has not yet replenished the source. This is also something he is very anxious about.

There are saltpeter mines in Bashu, but the output is not high enough to be used by Wu's troops.

With limited gunpowder in hand, Chen Qing certainly wouldn't waste it on tentative attacks. He could use a bow and crossbow to solve the problem, not to mention the arrows could be recycled, and he could also use the arrows fired by the enemy into the city.

[-] archers have lined up inside the city. They use defensive bows. The arrows shot from outside the city are still dozens of steps away. Unless the opponent uses a large trebuchet, these [-] archers will become a nightmare for attacking soldiers. .

Niu Gao shouted: "The bow and arrow are ready!"

Ten thousand soldiers pulled out long and thick arrows one after another. This kind of arrow has strong gravity and extremely sharp penetrating power. It is almost impossible for shields and leather armor to block it. Only a high-quality double-layer cowhide round shield can block it, but It was the equipment of the Jurchens, and Liu Yu's tens of thousands of Yuncongjun guarding Bianliang. The ordinary Qi army could not enjoy such tough shields.

Ten thousand archers raised their bows to defend the city. At this moment, with a wave of the red flag above the city, the general gave the order to shoot.

Ten thousand archers drew their bows and released their arrows at the same time, and ten thousand soldiers' arrows soared into the sky, forming a powerful dark cloud, skipping over the top of the city, and shooting head-on at the five thousand soldiers of the Qi army who had already rushed close to the city wall.

These ten thousand soldiers and arrows came too suddenly.

Ten thousand arrows shot into the crowd like a storm, and the powerful and heavy arrows pierced the shields and bodies. Five thousand soldiers screamed and wailed, and countless people were shot by the arrows, causing heavy casualties.

Wanyan Wushu had no expression on his face, and said coldly: "Beat the drum to urge the battle!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The earth-shattering war reminder drum is sounded, and the war reminder drum is also called the life reminder drum. Once the war reminder drum is sounded, one can only advance and cannot retreat. Whoever dares to retreat will be killed!
Li Chengxun, the governor of the capital, had no choice but to shout: "Siege the city!"

Fortunately, they were already close to the city wall, Ten Thousand Arrows could only shoot one round, and they would not be able to hit them in the second round.

More than [-] soldiers rushed to the bottom of the city in one go, and hung a huge siege ladder on the top of the city.

Chen Qing looked at the rungs of the siege ladder.
(End of this chapter)

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