
Chapter 390 Proposals

Chapter 390 Proposals
The first few steps of Jin Bing's siege ladder are made of pig iron as thick as a bowl, which cannot be cut off. It seems that Jin Bing has learned his lesson.

The puppet Qi army had already begun to attack the city, and the two sides stopped shooting. The two thousand crossbowmen retreated to the city, and only six thousand soldiers fought fiercely with the enemy at the top of the city.

This is the experience accumulated from many times of defending the city. The number of defenders on the top of the city cannot be as many as possible. Too many people will cause congestion, hinder support, and the defense efficiency will decrease. The rescue of wounded soldiers will not be timely, but the number is too small It doesn't work, the support will not be timely, and the enemy will attack the city.

The number of people is not too many, and the best way to defend is to maintain sufficient manpower and maintain rapid maneuvering. However, this requires a wealth of experience to deploy reasonably, and Chen Qing's army does not lack experience.

There are four large horse-faced walls in the south, and the fire is burning under the horse walls, making it impossible for the siege soldiers to attack the city from the horse walls.

There are sixty soldiers on each horse wall, in groups of three, two of them are auxiliary soldiers, who are responsible for winding, and the other is the archer, one of the best archers in a hundred, who use the magic arm crossbow on the horse wall Shoot the siege enemies on both sides, pick out the tall ones, or shoot the enemy generals.

They are called hunters, and they are one of Chen Qingjun's traditional methods of defending the city. Facts have proved that they are extremely effective, and can at least reduce the enemy's offensive strength by [-]%. Fire oil was used around the face to prevent the enemy from attacking the horse face wall.

The boulders on the top of the city were thrown down like hailstones. The puppet Qi soldiers on the siege ladder couldn't withstand the blow of the boulder. Their arms were broken and their heads were broken. The soldiers screamed and rolled down the siege ladder. They all yelled anxiously, "Don't come down, go up for me! Go up!"

Before the words fell, a cold arrow went 'Puff! ' The ground shot through Dutou's neck, and Dutou let out a muffled cry and fell down.

Almost all the leaders of the puppet Qi army standing near the siege ladder and shouting were shot and killed by hunters on the horse walls on both sides.


Commander Cheng Huan ran over and asked Chen Qing loudly: "Use kerosene! Burn these bastards to death."

Chen Qing's gaze was as calm as a mountain, he shook his head, "This is an opportunity for military training, fire oil and fire mines are not allowed!"

"Humble job understands!"

Cheng Huan ran back to the combat position. He roared, pierced the chest of an enemy soldier with a spear, and shouted: "Kill the enemy!"

The boulders, morale, and absolute superiority of troops made the Song army defending the city more and more fierce. On the contrary, the morale of the puppet Qi army was low, and most of them suffered casualties. They could no longer support it.

Wan Yanchang, who was watching the battle on the top of the mountain, couldn't help but suggested to Wanyan Wushu: "Instead of being defeated, it is better to take the initiative to withdraw the troops!"

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "Order to retreat!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The withdrawal bell rang, and the remaining [-] Puppet Qi soldiers withdrew like a tide.

Wanyan Wushu didn't care about the life and death of the puppet Qi army, he smiled and asked Wanyan Helisa next to him, "What did General Helisa see in this probing attack?"

Wanyan Lisa said slowly: "The ten thousand crossbowmen in the city are too threatening, we must destroy them first."

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "Actually, not only the [-] crossbows in the city, but also the archers on the horse-faced wall are quite sharp. Chen Qing lit the fire under the horse-faced wall, just because he didn't want us to attack the horse-faced wall. It can be seen that he The emphasis on the horse-faced wall.”

Wan Yanchang also added with a smile: "There shouldn't be too much kerosene and gunpowder in the city."

Wanyan Wushu pondered slightly: "Perhaps the opponent just wanted to train soldiers, so he didn't use kerosene and gunpowder!"

"I'm not judging that they don't have much stock because he didn't use it, but because Lin'an has no fire oil, neither Jingxiang nor Bashu, and Chen Qing basically didn't replenish it, and the same is true for gunpowder, so I can conclude that there is no fire oil in his warehouse. Not much in stock."

Wanyan Wushu knew that Wanyanchang's intelligence was more powerful. Since he said so, there must be a basis for it. If there is insufficient fire oil and gunpowder in the city, that would be a good thing.

Wanyan Wushu suddenly remembered a big event, and immediately turned around to ask Li Chengdao: "Has your army controlled the fire oil in Yanzhou?"

It was not long ago that Wanyan Wushu knew that kerosene was only produced in Yanzhou, so he began to pay attention to it.

Li Cheng clasped his fists and said, "Report to Marshal Du, no one took care of it before, but we have ordered the local government to strictly control it!"

"The local government?"

Wanyan Wushu knows these so-called local officials too well, they are all mercenary, as long as they have money to take, no matter how strict their control is, they will be full of loopholes.

He frowned, and said very dissatisfied: "kerosene is not used to make lamp oil and medicine, it is an extremely important military material, how can it be handed over to the local government, it must be controlled by the military, and your economic and strategic government must take over immediately. Don't allow a single drop of state fire oil to fall into the hands of the Song army, otherwise I will do it according to military law!"

Although Li Cheng fought Yue Fei in the Song Dynasty, he didn't have a deep understanding of kerosene like Jin Bing, so he didn't take it too seriously. When he saw Wanyan Wushu was angry, he quickly bowed and said, "I'll fly a pigeon to send a message right away. Order the Jinglue Mansion to quickly send troops to take over Yanzhou Huoyou."

This attitude is pretty much the same, Wanyan Wushu's face softened slightly, compared to the scarcity of kerosene, gunpowder is produced in more places, and saltpeter is produced in many places, but Wanyanwushu cares more about gunpowder technology. Before Wanyanchang It is proposed that Qin Hui of the Song Dynasty obtained the gunpowder keg technology in Chen Qingjun, so how is the progress?
Wanyan Wushu asked Wanyanchang again: "How is the progress of the gunpowder barrel?"

Wan Yanchang shook his head and sighed: "Chen Qing's army got the gunpowder barrel, but there is no ignition device, so it should be cheated by Chen Qing.

But I heard that Lin'an's Military Weapons Supervision has already begun to imitate a large number of them. It is very likely that they have obtained the technology. I have ordered Lin'an's subordinates to get blueprints and gunpowder barrels from the Military Weapons Supervision at all costs. It should not be a big problem, just It may be too late to attack Ganquan Fort this time. "

"Okay! If you don't have gunpowder, use kerosene. Let's take a rest for a day and start the battle tomorrow morning!"

As soon as Chen Qing returned to the barracks, a soldier came to report, "Report to Dutong, the other commander sent a letter!"

Chen Qing took the letter and read it again, and said to Yang Yuanqing: "It's a letter from Wanyan Wushu. He hopes that we will return the bodies of the fallen soldiers to them and let them handle it!"

Yang Yuanqing thought for a while and asked, "Did he send someone to clean up the corpse, or did we send someone over there?"

"It was not stated in the letter!"

Yang Yuanqing said casually: "Let's do this! I suggest setting up a non-combat zone one mile away. The earthen platform in the southeast is just right, where you can return the corpses, exchange prisoners, letters, or negotiate. What do you think? "

Chen Qing nodded, "I think it's feasible!"

He immediately wrote a reply letter and ordered someone to send it to the Jinbing camp.

At the end of the fierce battle, the Song army began to send people down to the city to collect weapons and arrows, as well as siege ladders and reusable boulders were also brought back to the city. Area.

Chen Qing proposed a non-combat zone suggestion. Wanyan Wushu agreed. The Jurchens valued the corpses of fallen soldiers. Of course, they do not refer to the corpses of Han Chinese soldiers, but the corpses of Jurchens soldiers who died in battle. They need to be burned by a shaman burial.

Even though Wanyan Wushu also knew that Chen Qing's small plan was to take advantage of the opportunity to collect spoils, but this non-combat zone proposal was good for burying the Jurchen soldiers who died in battle, and Wanyan Wushu did not object.

The non-combat zone designated by the two sides is located in the southeast direction, about one mile away from the city. It happens to be a large natural platform, covering an area of ​​about ten acres.

More than [-] corpses were sent to the platform, and the other party also dispatched dozens of ox carts to transport the corpses back.

Both sides are very careful in handling the corpses. Once a plague occurs, the armies of both sides will suffer heavy losses, unless they want to deliberately create a plague to destroy each other.

The generals of both sides were in their respective camps watching the corpses on the distant platform to return. At this moment, Wanyan Mouyan mustered up the courage to step forward and said to Wanyan Wushu: "Marshal Du, I want to single out Chen Qing tomorrow!"

Wanyan Wushu was startled, and he immediately remembered what Fan Gong had told him, Chen Qing wanted to single out Wanyan Mouyan in Fengxiang, and he almost succeeded.

It would be best if Wanyan Mouyan could kill Chen Qing, but it wouldn't be a pity if he was killed by Chen Qing.

Wanyan Wushu said with a faint smile: "I'm afraid you are not Chen Qing's opponent, you will lose your life!"

"How can I not avenge the murder of my father? Even if I die in battle, I will not hesitate to do so. I implore Marshal Du to agree!"

Wanyan Wushu glanced at Wanyanchang again, "How does the Supervisory Army feel?"

Wan Yanchang said with a blank face: "This is not something the supervising army should ask about."

"Okay! A certain company is approved, I will write another letter to Chen Qing and ask him to play heads-up tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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