
Chapter 394 Accident

Chapter 394 Accident
There was cheers from the top of Ganquanbao, and the soldiers returned to the south of the city one after another, and the various equipment that had been temporarily transferred before were transported back to their place again.

Looking at the sea of ​​flames in the distance, Chen Qing nodded with satisfaction and said, "Pass on my order, and reward the craftsman camp with three thousand coins!"

The way Chen Qing thought of was to seize the opportunity and launch a fire attack while the enemy's heavy trebuchets still needed to be installed and debugged. Zheng Ping proposed to use thunder kites to divert the enemy's attention, so as not to give the Jin soldiers the opportunity to drag the trebuchet away. Then the ten trebuchets were completely burned with kerosene.

The biggest difficulty here is accuracy. How to ensure that the fire clay and fire oil hit the trebuchet just right. For the sake of precision, the craftsmen in the craftsman camp worked all night and used their experience and ingenuity to set the fire clay bag to [-]. Five catties, and fine-tuned the thousand-step gun, and finally ensured that the fire clay bag and the fire oil barrel were accurately hit by the trebuchet formation.

Looking at the ten catapults engulfed by the fire, Wanyan Wushu was heartbroken, but he was helpless, the arrow had already been wound, and he could no longer withdraw his troops, so he immediately ordered: "The Jurchen army covers, the Qi army attacks, give me Beat the drum!"

'Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom! '

Amidst the raging fire, a huge war drum sounded, and [-] troops began to fight. Han Chang was the commander of the Jurchens, Li became the commander of the Qi army, and Wanyan Wushu personally commanded the siege.

The Jurchen army did not use cavalry, but [-] infantry. They held large shields and spears, and had horned crossbows and arrows on their backs. Of course, these [-] Jurchen infantry were not authentic Jurchens, but Jurchens in a broad sense. Including various ethnic groups conquered by the Wanyan tribe in the early years, including Bohai people, Xi people and other Donghu people.

This is also an internal adjustment made by the Kingdom of Jin to minimize the war casualties of the Jurchens and use other Donghu people to work hard. Of course, it will also give them certain benefits. Therefore, among the [-] Jurchens sent this time, the authentic Huining Jurchens There are only [-] people, and the other [-] are Donghu people. Of course, they are also called Jurchens, and they all have the same appearance and armor. Only they can be clearly distinguished, and it is difficult for the Han people to distinguish.

These [-] Jurchen infantrymen were from Bohai. They were generally tall and good at infantry combat, including siege.

They are divided into five phalanxes, holding their shields high and marching forward. They will set up a crossbow array to attack the defenders at the top of the city and the [-] Song army archers in the city, and cover the attack of the [-] Qi army.

The team crossed the flaming trebuchet array and continued to advance. They would advance to the line of one hundred and fifty paces and then launch a crossbow battle.

The defense of Ganquan Fort has always focused on the triple strike strategy of combining distance, middle and near, using bed crossbows for long distances, crossbow arrows and god arm crossbows for medium distances, and defensive bows or small trebuchets for short distances.

Chen Qing saw that the enemy had already entered the [-]-step line, so he immediately ordered: "Shoot from the bed crossbow!"

The range of the bed crossbow is one mile, why wait until [-] steps to shoot, the key is that the opponent has a shield, the distance is far, the jackdaw arrow cannot penetrate the enemy's shield.

The red flag was waved down, five hundred bed crossbows were fired at the same time, dense jackdaw arrows shot out in the air, and [-] jackdaw arrows pounced on the Jurchen infantry marching in line like locusts.


The sharp horns of the infantry blew, and the soldiers of the third and fourth phalanxes in the five phalanxes raised their shields one after another, squatting halfway, resisting the jackdaw arrows whistling in the air.

The Iron Arrow of the Jackdaw is worthy of being the best of all arrows. Even a solid double-layer cowhide shield can't resist its powerful penetrating power. The shield was shot through, and the arrow of the Jackdaw immediately shot into the soldier's head and body, causing screams and wailing sounds. Through the wilderness.

More than [-] people were shot to death and wounded by the jackdaw arrows. The blood pooled into a river and soaked in the soil that had already turned bright red. This is the result of previous wars. The soil in front of Ganquan Castle has almost turned reddish brown.

The infantry speeded up and began to run, and then the second gurney crossbow was fired, and the Jurchen infantry again suffered more than [-] casualties.

Nearly [-] infantry rushed to the [-]th pace, used their shields as cover, and began to shoot arrows at the top of the city. A cloud of arrows flew up to the top of the city. Ten thousand archers defending the city.

During the trial battle, Wanyan Wushu discovered that the arrows of [-] soldiers were within a hundred steps outside the city, so he roughly determined the positions of the [-] archers, so the [-] infantry should be able to hit the opponent, but they would not Injured by the opponent's soldiers and arrows.

Wanyan Wushu's strategy was indeed successful, and the [-] archers in the city had to retreat quickly, unable to maintain the formation of [-] archers.

At this time, a cavalry came galloping up, raised his command arrow and shouted: "There is an order from the governor, [-] archers return to the camp to rest, and change guards to guard the city in four hours!"

Teams of soldiers began to retreat and ran towards the barracks. They rushed back to rest, and returned to fight after recovering their strength.

At the same time, the [-] god-armed crossbowmen on the top of the city began to show their power, half-lying on the ground, winding their strings, and then firing outwards, the target was of course the Jurchen crossbowmen one hundred and fifty away.

Arrows from both sides came and died, and the casualties continued to increase. At this time, the fierce drums of war sounded.

Ten thousand puppet Qi troops rushed towards Ganquan Castle with two hundred siege ladders shouting. Wanyan Wushu gave a heavy reward. Qianguan.

The heavy reward greatly inspired the puppet Qi army. Their morale was high, and they ran desperately. They quickly rushed past the burning catapult and the Jurchen crossbow array. Countless soldiers in the city fell down while running, the denser the team, the greater the casualties.

However, the casualties of thousands of people could not change the progress of the attack. A wide siege ladder was hung on the top of the city, and soldiers began to swarm up, desperately climbing up.

Wanyan Wushu issued an order, "The Jurchen crossbow formation stopped firing and turned to attack!"

With the battle flag waving and drums beating loudly, Han Chang shouted: "Put down the crossbow and attack!"

Eight thousand Jurchen infantry put down their crossbows and arrows, held shields and spears, and joined the attacking team.
This time in the official attack, both sides took out powerful weapons, and the siege ladder of Jin Bing was widened, allowing two people to climb side by side at the same time, which was convenient for covering each other.

This is indeed a great improvement. Two people fighting is much better than one alone. This is not that one plus one equals two, but that one plus one is greater than two.

But the height of the devil is one foot, and the height of the road is one foot. The Song army not only has a huge stone, but now there is a kind of "Mengpo soup".

Mengpo soup is a nickname of soldiers of the Song army, which is actually fire clay. The soldiers of the Song army are like feeding fish in a fish pond, pouring a scoop of burning fire clay with a big copper spoon. , Burning fire oil fell on the body, it was much more terrifying than boiling oil.

The enemy soldiers resisted with their shields, but they were still burned and screamed, stomped and slapped, and the severely burned rolled down the siege ladder.

One after another, fire and thunder exploded under the city, poisonous nails splashed everywhere, the golden soldiers were hard to defend against, and there was a grinning grin of death in almost every corner.

But there are still enemy troops climbing up and fighting fiercely with the Song army beside the crenel. Everyone is eager to be the first to climb to the top of the wall. One person is assassinated, and another person emerges. The two sides fight fiercely and stick together.

This time, the horse-faced city wall was not spared, and a siege ladder was also erected. Soldiers of the Puppet Qi Army began to climb up, and they were also hit head-on by the Song Army.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the middle of the city wall, and there was a lot of fire on the top of the city. Many Song soldiers were ignited by the fire, and the Song soldiers were screaming. In the chaos, Jurchen soldiers began to rush to the top of the city.

Although Chen Qing didn't know what happened, the most urgent task at this moment was support.

He turned his head and shouted to Niu Gao who was waiting on the head of Xicheng: "General Niu will bring five hundred troops to support!"

"Follow the order!"

Niu Gao agreed loudly, and waved his hand, "Follow me!"

He rushed over with five hundred soldiers.

At this time, Yang Yuanqing stumbled over, his eyebrows and temples were scorched, and shouted to Chen Qing: "Du Tong, the enemy is attacking the city with fire oil!"

This situation really surprised Chen Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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