
Chapter 395 Weaknesses

Chapter 395 Weaknesses
Wanyan Wushu looked at the fire in the middle of the city triumphantly. Although the Song army burned down his trebuchet, shattering his hope of using the trebuchet to attack the city, he still saved his hand. He picked [-] tall men For the strong Bohai Jurchen soldiers, let each of them carry a bag of kerosene.

This kind of bag is the sheepskin bag they used to hold milk wine. It can hold [-] catties of kerosene at a time. When using it, squeeze the leather bag directly to spray the kerosene out. The shot can reach three feet away. Standing in the middle of the siege ladder, Then you can spray fire oil to the city.

At the critical moment, three hundred soldiers successfully sprayed fire oil, catching Song Jun by surprise.

This is also the advantage of the two-person siege ladder. When one person is spraying fire oil, the person next to him can climb up without being affected.

Wanyan Wushu immediately commanded Wanyan Helisa next to him: "General Helisa can lead ten thousand Jurchen soldiers to attack the city and capture Ganquan Fort!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Although Wanyan Heli Saling had some grievances towards Wanyan Wushu, he hated Chen Qing who had robbed his wife and concubine. He must peel Chen Qing's skin with his own hands.


'Boom!Boom!Boom! '

Amidst the earth-shattering sound of war drums, Wanyan Helisa led [-] Jurchen cavalry towards the city!

On the top of the city, Yang Zaixing and Niu Gao led [-] men each to fight fiercely with more than [-] Jurchen soldiers who rushed to the top of the city. Both sides suffered heavy casualties and many dead bodies.

There was raging fire everywhere on the top of the city. The soldiers tried their best to bury the flames with yellow sand and wet cotton quilts, but kerosene continued to spray up from below the city.

"Throw the fire oil barrel!" This is the voice of the chief general Chen Qing.

The situation was very critical, and the chief general Chen Qing also went out to fight in person. He led [-] of the most elite Song troops to kill along the edge of the city.

The soldiers pried off the lid of the kerosene barrel, poured down the barrels of kerosene, and threw down dozens of torches. Flames erupted in the city, and the Jurchen soldiers and the puppet Qi army were in chaos.

But in the chaos, there were still more than [-] strong Jurchen soldiers climbing to the top of the city under the command of Han Chang, and they continued to join the team to seize the city.

Now both sides are fighting for time, the Song army is desperately throwing fire oil down, let the fire spread to the whole city, and the Jin soldiers must seize the top of the city before the fire engulfs them, both sides have equal chances, it depends on who can grab the last Chance of victory.

Chen Qing was also aware of this serious problem, so he committed suicide himself. He is the coach, and his gaze is deeper than everyone else. He saw the key to the problem.

This is like blocking the Yangtze River from breaking its embankment. The opening of the embankment must be blocked, which is the enemy's access to the city.

There are too many soldiers on both sides of the city, too dense, and it is impossible to kill them from the middle, so they have to walk from the side.

Chen Qing cut a very narrow passage from the side like a Pao Ding Jie Niu, wielding Fang Tian's painted halberd to kill more than a dozen Jurchen soldiers, and finally broke through a hole, he turned around and shouted, "Cover me!" !"

As soon as he jumped onto the battlements, dozens of soldiers under him immediately rushed forward, desperately blocking the enemy army on the top of the city with a large shield for him. Chen Qing ran several steps, brandishing Fang Tian's painted halberd, and two Jurchen commanders controlled At the entrance of the city, Jurchen soldiers rushed from between the two of them to the top of the city.

Fang Tian painted the halberd as fast as lightning, and a commander suddenly realized that something was wrong, but it was too late, and said, "Puff! ’ A human head flew out, its body tilted, and it fell down to the city.

The commander standing across from him found Chen Qing and recognized his weapon. He was trembling with excitement. Taking Chen Qing's head can make him a king!
At this time, he forgot all the dangers and missions, and his mind was only filled with piles of money, the crown on his head, and a hundred beautiful beauties. In his eyes, Chen Qing seemed to be a bald eagle A feathered pheasant can be caught by him and his head can be wrung off.

The commander-in-chief roared, stepped forward two steps forward and swung a mace at Chen Qing, but he blocked the passage to the city.

Chen Qing saw the excitement and madness in the commander's eyes, of course he understood what the other party was thinking, but unfortunately he would not sacrifice his adult beauty.

Fang Tian painted a halberd with a flash of thorns, and the mace was still in the air, but the tip of the halberd had pierced the commander's throat. The moment the commander died, money, crowns, beauties, all good things disappeared, and only Going down the endless dark abyss, he screamed silently, fell down the siege ladder, and his huge body knocked over five or six soldiers in a row.

Chen Qing waved Fang Tian's painted halberd, smashed several cold arrows aimed at him, and jumped off the city wall. His men swarmed up, blocked the enemy's upper city passage, and poured down more than a dozen barrels of kerosene. The siege ladder suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames. Dozens of Jurchen soldiers on the ladder were covered in flames, jumping down the ladder crying and howling.

The morale of the Song army on the top of the city was greatly boosted, and the more they fought, the more courageous they became. The hundreds of Jurchen soldiers on the top of the city became less and less, and finally all died in battle on the top of the city.

Yang Zaixing stepped forward to salute with his fists clasped, and said with shame on his face: "The humble and incompetent position puts Dutong in danger!"

This section is exactly his defense zone. Originally the defense was very tight, but he didn't expect the opponent to use fire oil to open up the situation and make a passage. Simply unimaginable.

Chen Qing patted his arm, and said in a deep voice: "To sum up experience and learn lessons, each of us came here like this."

"Humble post remembers the teachings of the Metropolitan Government!"

Chen Qing nodded, and returned to the command tower with [-] soldiers. At this time, the fire on the top of the city was extinguished, but the city was turned into a sea of ​​fire. The Song army dropped more than [-] barrels of kerosene, fully With more than [-] catties, the Jurchen soldiers suffered heavy casualties and were forced to retreat hundreds of steps away.

The bell for withdrawing troops far away has already sounded, and the golden soldiers who fell short of success began to retreat to the camp. Everyone looked depressed. They really almost captured Ganquan Fort today.

The aftermath of the city was also being dealt with. The wounded soldiers were carried to the east wall for treatment and bandaging. The soldiers of the Song Army who died in battle were also put into cloth bags and carried down the city. Body bags were neatly placed on the open space below the city. The rows look stunning.

The food delivery cart rolled up and delivered the hot soup and big steamed buns to the soldiers.

Chen Qing sighed softly. At least [-] or [-] people from the Song Army were killed in this battle. Although the number of enemy soldiers killed in battle was much higher than that of the Song Army, he and everyone in the city were not happy.

Today, more than a thousand enemy troops rushed to the top of the city. Ganquan Fort was already on the verge of being breached. It was only because the soldiers fought desperately and died with the enemy regardless of the cost that Ganquan Fort was saved from the edge of fall. Will they have such luck next time?

"Dutong! I think we should send out a surprise army to attack Yanzhou and take back all the fire oil!"

It was Zheng Ping who spoke, and his suggestion resonated with the generals around him. Indeed, if they didn't have kerosene today, they would have to flee for their lives with their wives and children.

"I'll talk about Qibing later, but I want to know how much fire oil was consumed today?" Chen Qing asked.

Yang Yuanqing quickly said: "We have brought [-] barrels of kerosene from the warehouse, and now there are [-] barrels left."

That is to say, there are still [-] barrels in the warehouse, which sounds like a lot, but it is actually consumed very quickly. They burned more than [-] barrels in half an hour.

Chen Qing nodded and said: "Although I said before, try not to use kerosene unless it is in an emergency, but today I would like to add that when you need to use kerosene, you must use it without hesitation. For example, today, Everyone has to learn this lesson, including myself!"

I did learn a lesson today. If I hadn't ordered the use of kerosene, I'm afraid everyone would still be hesitating.

Chen Qing's lesson is that he must hand over the decision-making power before the battle to the generals, so that they dare to order and can't rely on himself.

At this time, Wanyan Wushu also painfully reflected in the big tent, why he failed in the end when he clearly had a chance to seize the city today.

"I'm still too conservative. I only let [-] people carry kerosene. If I let [-] people carry kerosene, then the entire city can be set on fire, and tens of thousands of troops can attack the city."

Fan Gong sighed and said, "Chen Qing actually thought of this point. He destroyed our trebuchet first to prevent the city from being burned by fire. It's just that he didn't expect that Marshal Du would let people carry kerosene. I'm afraid the next time He was prepared."

"That's why I regret that I wasted an excellent opportunity and killed more than [-] people. In two fierce battles, [-] people were killed. I disappointed the soldiers so much."

After finishing speaking, Wanyan Wushu let out a long sigh.

At this time, Fan Gong said again: "I am afraid that the humble staff has found the weakness of Ganquan Castle."

"What weakness?" Wanyan Wushu asked anxiously.

Fan Gong raised a finger, "Just one word, water!"

(End of this chapter)

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