
Chapter 396

Chapter 396
Wanyan Wushu frowned, "Oasis Castle was built because of water, how could it be short of water? As far as I know, there are four wells in the city, aren't there?"

Fan Gong smiled and said: "Although there are four wells in the city, the water source comes from outside the city. As long as we find the water source and cut it off, Ganquan Castle will soon collapse due to the lack of water, and we will win without a fight."

Although what Fan Gong said was very tempting, Wanyan Wushu didn't believe it so easily, his brows furrowed even deeper, "Where is the source of this water? Is it the river to the east?"

"That's not true. It should be an underground river. I deduce that it should be under the cliff. We can dig a few more wells under the cliff. I believe we can find this underground river?"

"It's that simple?"

Fan Gong smiled and said: "This matter itself is very simple. The key is to find the water source. If Marshal Du is not in a hurry to attack the city, you can give it a try. Anyway, you won't lose any troops!"

Wanyan Wushu was also waiting for the kerosene and siege vehicles to arrive, so he might as well use this time to find water sources. Thinking of this, he said to Fan Gong: "I will find water sources for your three thousand troops, but Try to stay as far away from the cliff as possible, the bed crossbows of the Song army are very sharp."


The fire outside the city had already been extinguished, and the Song army began to clean up the battlefield. Thousands of charred corpses were wrapped in mats and sent to non-combat areas. go.

In fact, there were not many valuable things after the fire. The armor was burned, and the wax shaft of the spear was also burnt, leaving only metal objects such as the blade and spear tip. Fortunately, a large number of arrows Away from the fire zone, they are all completely preserved.

Chen Qing also returned home temporarily to reunite with his wife. At four o'clock, he got up and returned to the barracks.

Just after returning to the big tent, Liu Cui, the general on duty at night, ran over and said, "Dutong, some soldiers discovered what the enemy army was digging under the cliff?"

Chen Qing was slightly taken aback, "Are you still digging now?"

Liu Cui nodded, Chen Qing immediately put on his clothes and said, "Go and see!"

The crowd soon arrived at Beichengtou. There were not many soldiers in Beichengtou, about [-] people, mainly patrolling and guarding.

Since the Xixia people climbed up from the cliff, the Song Army built three horse-faced walls on the cliff. Standing on the horse-faced wall, you can look out and see the situation below the cliff. It is impossible to sneak attack unless the soldiers of the Song Army relax their surveillance , but Song Jun has learned a lesson, and basically monitors the movement under the cliff all the time.

Chen Qing came to the horse-faced wall in the middle, and the leader of the patrol pointed to a fire point in the northeast direction: "That's the fire point, they built dozens of large tents, and more than a thousand people were digging for something day and night. ?”

Chen Qing watched the fire in the distance, and Yang Yuanqing also rushed over. He said very worriedly: "The soldiers reported to the humble officer in the afternoon, and the humble officer also saw it. They should be digging a well, and they must be trying to cut off our water source." !"

Chen Qing smiled and said: "It's not surprising, the biggest weakness of our Ganquan Fort is water, and the other party should have discovered it. Cutting off our water source will definitely be their choice."

"But what if the water supply is really cut off?"

Both Yang Yuanqing and Liu Cui showed anxious expressions, and Chen Qing smiled slightly, "Is our water source so easy to cut off? You don't have to worry!"

There are three underground rivers near Ganquan Fort, one of which passes through the bottom of Ganquan Fort and has indeed become the water source of Ganquan Fort's wells, but this underground river flows from northwest to southeast, and should be located under the hills, so how can it be broken.

"Dutong, do you want to shoot with the bed crossbow?"

"Can you shoot?"

"Basically it can be shot."

"Then shoot them a few arrows, but don't waste it, let them feel our anxiety."

After finishing speaking, Chen Qing laughed, turned and went back to the camp.

At dawn, the generals rushed to Chen Qing's tent one after another. They all heard about Jin Bing digging the water source, and everyone's face was full of anxiety.

Chen Qing glanced at the generals, then said to the soldiers: "Keep outside and don't let anyone in!"

Then he took out a roll of blueprints from the cabinet, spread them on the table, and said solemnly to everyone: "This is the top secret of Fort Ganquan, you can read it, but you are not allowed to disclose it to anyone, even your family members. If not, then it’s best not to read it.”

Everyone bowed and said, "Never leak!"

Chen Qing nodded, "I'll give you a brief explanation, and you'll understand!"

Everyone gathered around, only to see that the drawing seemed to be Ganquan Fort.

Chen Qing pointed to the drawing and said: "This is the floor plan of Ganquan Castle. I drew a few iconic buildings. You can see it at a glance. The middle is Cangcheng. These seven circles are water wells. Look at these seven wells. If you look at the arrangement, you will understand how the underground river in Ganquanbao goes."

"Ah! The underground river comes from the west." Yang Yuanqing exclaimed.

Everyone could see that their underground river water came from the northwest and passed through the thick hilly soil layer, so they couldn't dig it at all, but Jin Bing was digging in the northeast direction, because it was close to the small river, so it was completely out of reach. Contrary to each other, everyone let go of their hearts.

"You can rest assured now!"

Chen Qing smiled and said to everyone: "Today, I will give you a day off to visit your family. Tomorrow, you will start to train and prepare for the battle. Keep an eye on the Jinbing camp. Their nest cars have not yet entered the field!"

The south of Ganquanbao is basically the Longxi Loess Plateau, with undulating mountains and numerous gullies, and the wide official road is located between the gullies and mountains.

About [-] miles away from Ganquan Fort is Jichuan County. At this time, on the official road of Jichuan County, hundreds of transport vehicles are slowly moving forward, and [-] elite Jurchen cavalry are escorting the transport convoy.

The convoy transported twelve large nest cars, of course they were dismantled and delivered in parts. In addition, there were also important military supplies such as kerosene and gunpowder.

It is precisely because these luggage are too important that they are escorted by the Jurchen cavalry and dare not hand them over to the puppet Qi army.

The team walked very slowly, and every ox cart was creaking and struggling.

The Jurchen cavalry were really impatient, but they had no choice but to follow slowly on both sides of the convoy.

On a mountain two miles away from the official road, there is a pine forest. Just at the edge of the pine forest, a ten-man cavalry team is staring at the baggage convoy on the official road.

This cavalry squad is naturally Liu Qiong's team. He led [-] cavalry to move around the periphery. The main task was to attack the enemy's logistics supply line. When the Xixia army attacked Ganquan Fort, their task was the same.

It's just that at that time, the Xixia people came from the north, but now the Jin soldiers are coming from the south and north.

The leader of the ten Song Army cavalry was Tang Qian, a scout chief who was temporarily assigned to Liu Qiong from the scout battalion.

After observing for a while, Tang Qian said to the two subordinates: "Go and report to the commander and tell him the importance of this supply team."

"Follow the order!"

The two scouts turned their horses and walked down the mountain from the other side of the pine forest.

Liu Qiong and his [-] subordinates were hiding in Anyuan Village at the junction of Gangu County and Jichuan County. Anyuan Village was a famous fort in Qinzhou, but it had been abandoned because the Kingdom of Jin gradually turned into a classic In Sichuan and Shaanxi, the large-scale massacres have basically disappeared, and people naturally do not want to abandon their homes and go to the mountains to live.

All the fortresses in Qinzhou will gradually fall into disrepair and eventually die out.

But the terrain of Anyuanzhai was still very dangerous. Even if the Jin soldiers found them and sent thousands of people to attack, they might not be able to take them down. Liu Qiong and five hundred troops hid here with a month's supply of food.

For this peripheral attack, Liu Qiong was under a lot of pressure, mainly because Jin Bing carried a large amount of food and grass at the beginning, and there would not be too many follow-up supplies, so there would not be too many logistics teams, which meant that he did not have much choice. Once the supply team appears, he will attack even if the risk is high. If he misses it once, he may have no chance.

At this time, the two scout cavalry returned to Anyuan Village, and Liu Qiong rushed out to greet them.

The two cavalrymen knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See Commander!"

"Did you find the enemy's baggage?"

"Exactly, a convoy of more than [-] carts has just passed through Jichuan County. The convoy is transporting nest carts and other supplies. It looks very important, and [-] Jurchen cavalry personally guard it."

It turned out to be Jurchen cavalry guards, which means that the supplies are very important, especially the nest cart, of course Liu Qiong knows its importance.

He immediately ordered: "Pack up the horses and prepare to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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