
Chapter 397 Sneak Attack

Chapter 397 Sneak Attack
As night falls, the stars are faint, the moon appears and disappears in the thin clouds, and the earth is also bright and dark.

Around Haishi, Liu Qiong and Tang Qian's scouting teams joined up.

"How is the situation of the enemy army?" Liu Qiong asked anxiously.

"Reporting to the commander, the enemy's luggage team spent the night in a mountain depression, just a dozen miles in front, and two humble subordinates are watching above the mountain depression!"

"What about the col, and what about the army and supplies?"

Tang Qian hurriedly said: "The col is very deep and wide, at least seven or eight miles deep, and one or two miles wide, like a peaked hat, which becomes narrower as you go inward. Hundreds of large tents, followed by two thousand Jurchen cavalry, lit more than a dozen bonfires, and dozens of soldiers stood guard at the mouth of the mountain."

Liu Qiong nodded, this is the most common deployment method, and it is also to ensure the safety of the baggage.

Seeing that Tang Qian hesitated to speak, he smiled and said, "What else do you want to say?"

"Beizhi thinks that we can go down from the top of the col and set fire directly inside!"

"If you go down from the top of the mountain, you won't be discovered by the other party? There should be guard posts around the luggage!"

Tang Qian hurriedly said: "The commander doesn't know something. There is a small forked valley on the side. When you go out, it is the resting place for the coachmen. If the humble officer sees a coachman running into the forked valley, it is convenient. We can pretend to be the coachman and sneak in."

"I'm worried that the brother who sneaked in will come out?"

"Come out from the same path while taking advantage of the chaos, and we will pull him up directly."

Liu Qiong pondered for a while and said, "Then I'll go down!"

Tang Qian was taken aback, "How to let the commander go down to take risks, of course it is a humble job."

Liu Qiong waved his hand, "Stop arguing with me. With my martial arts, it's no problem to kill more than a dozen Jurchens. You just need to throw down the kerosene bag in time."

"It seems that there is kerosene in the luggage."

"No! It's more convenient to use your own."

With a wave of Liu Qiong's hand, everyone got off their horses and walked around the path to the place where the Jurchen soldiers were staying.

The cols where the Jurchen troops camped were very common on the Loess Plateau, and one would appear almost every other distance. This was also a place where the common people liked to live, especially the cols near the river, which were the settlements of villages.

But there are no people living in the mountain cols on the official road. There is only one reason, the lack of water, and the nearest river is more than [-] miles away at the foot of the mountain.

In fact, the official road is located on the side of a very long mountain, but the mountain is too big for everyone to feel.

At the top of a mountain depression, Liu Qiong looked down the valley. The bottom of the valley was not deep, about seven or eight feet away. In the distance of the valley, the flames were raging. More than a dozen bonfires were lit. lol
All kinds of luggage are piled up in the innermost part of the valley, all of which have been unloaded, and each part is huge and piled up like a mountain.

Hundreds of ox carts were parked about a hundred steps away from the luggage, and a large group of cart drivers gathered together, but there was no campfire, so they could only drink water and eat dry food in silence.

At this time, Liu Qiong unexpectedly discovered that there were no Jurchen sentries guarding the luggage, and she should still be eating meat and drinking by the campfire.

Moreover, the nest carts are very large, piled up to several feet high, and I should not be noticed by wearing a black suit. The coachman is still far away, so it is impossible to have such good eyesight.

"Get me the rope!"

Liu Qiong made a decisive decision, and he went down from here.

The reason why Chen Qing sent Liu Qiong to lead the troops to the outskirts was because he was clear-headed, decisive in doing things, and clearly distinguished priorities.

If Liu Cui or Yang Zaixing led the troops, they would consider not only burning the luggage, but also annihilating [-] enemy troops. In all likelihood, they would act again in the middle of the night.

But Liu Qiong doesn't think so. Now that he has the opportunity, he must seize the opportunity decisively, and an accident may happen if it is delayed until midnight.

What he has to do is to attack the supplies, not the enemy army, which is more important, he knows clearly in his heart.

The moon hid in a large thin cloud, the earth became dark, and at least it would not come out for a cup of tea. Liu Qiong grabbed the rope and jumped down, while a dozen soldiers were pulling the rope on top.

The darkness covered Liu Qiong's figure. He only carried a knife and a dagger, and a bag of kerosene weighing twenty catties on his back.

Liu Qiong's speed was extremely fast, and he fell four feet in three jumps. The huge figure of the nest cart blocked him, and he fell to the ground soon.

Liu Qiong first touched the countless large barrels piled together. He pulled out his dagger and pierced the wooden barrel. Fine powder was scattered inside, which was gunpowder. There were more than a hundred barrels. Ideas they steal.

He found another large wooden barrel, stabbed it in, and a jet of black liquid spewed out, this time it was kerosene.

He took the kerosene from his back, sprayed it on the luggage, threw away the sheepskin bag, and stabbed dozens of knives in a row. Dozens of barrels of kerosene began to leak, and soon the ground was covered with kerosene .

Liu Qiong ran to the rope and pulled it hard three times, and the soldiers above immediately pulled him up.

"Prepare the torch!" Liu Qiong ordered after climbing up.

A dozen soldiers lit torches and threw them into the canyon together.


The fire oil leaked on the ground was ignited, and the flames spread rapidly, and the whole area was burned.


Liu Qiong turned around and ran wildly with his men. He didn't know what the consequences would be if a hundred barrels of gunpowder were ignited. They could only escape as far as they could now.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, the coachmen in the distance saw it first, and the cows pulling the carts also began to panic. The coachmen hurriedly drove the carts out. Fighting the fire was not important, these carts were their wealth and life.

The Jurchen soldiers also noticed the fire, and they ran over in shock. At this moment, they heard an earth-shattering explosion. The whole earth trembled, and the huge nest car parts were blown to pieces.
Black rain began to fall in the sky. It was because kerosene was blown up into the sky and fell down again. Then the valley was on fire again. Hundreds of tents were ignited, and thick smoke was billowing. The whole valley was filled with black smoke. It was impossible to put out the fire any more.

In desperation, two thousand Jurchen cavalry galloped out of the valley, and soon disappeared into the darkness.

Liu Qiong watched the Jurchen cavalry go away from a distance. The opponent's team was still undisturbed under the crisis, and they kept order when they were running in the dark. The Jurchen cavalry is powerful, and it really deserves its reputation. It is possible to ambush, but the opponent has two thousand people, four times as many as himself.

just forget it!Liu Qiong has self-knowledge. If the other party finds out that Song Jun was set on fire, it would be strange if he didn't fight with him.

As for fleeing with hundreds of ox carts, Liu Qiong did not disturb them. He did not lead his army into the valley until dawn. The bonfire had been extinguished, and the ground was in a mess. Personal items that real people have no time to take away.

The soldiers of the Song Army picked up a lot of money bags and other belongings, which was an unexpected surprise.

The fire was almost extinguished, and there was no trace of kerosene and kerosene, only the wreckage of the nest car scattered all over the ground, almost all burned into black charcoal, and some sporadic flames.

After confirming the results of the battle, Liu Qiong gave an order, and five hundred cavalry quickly left the valley and rushed towards Anyuan Village
This ambush shattered Wanyan Wushu's plan to use the nest cart to attack Ganquan Fort, and he didn't have much kerosene, so he temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​attacking.

But the west is not bright and the east is bright. After several days of excavation, the soldiers finally discovered the underground river. Fan Gong was overjoyed and immediately ordered to cut off the underground river.

When Wanyan Wushu heard the news that the underground river had been cut off, he had a ray of hope in his heart. Once the well water in the city was cut off, the Song army would not be able to last long even if there was water in it.

He reached an agreement with Wan Yanchang, immediately changed the attack strategy, changed the attack to a siege, and patiently waited for the city to fall into chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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