
Chapter 398 Good News

Chapter 398 Good News
Time flies to the middle and late April, and it has been a month since the Jin soldiers besieged Ganquan Fort.

The people in the city have long been used to this kind of siege.

This afternoon, Lu Xiu had a busy day and made more than a hundred hemostatic creams. She was really tired, her husband didn't come back, and she didn't bother to make dinner. She sat in the courtyard and talked to everyone without saying a word.

At this time, she suddenly felt nausea in her chest and abdomen, and hurried to the corner to retch, Yu Lian and Yu Ying hurried up to support her, and lightly beat her back.

"Ma'am, is it okay?"

Lu Xiu waved her hand, "It's nothing, I may be a little tired."

She walked back and sat down again, took a sip of hot water, covered her chest and slowly calmed down.

Yang Liuer blinked, and suddenly asked: "How long has this retching been going on?"

"It's been a few days, and there is probably no major problem. It's just a burst of chest tightness and nausea, but I can't vomit anything."

"Ma'am, hurry up and ask the doctor for a pulse check!"

Lu Xiu shook her head, "No big problem, what are you doing for pulse diagnosis?"

Yang Liu'er covered her mouth and smiled, "Maybe you have another little Dutong in your belly!"

Lu Xiu's eyes widened, "You mean, I'm pregnant?"

"It feels very similar. I retched like you before."

Lu Xiu hurriedly asked Li Qingzhao, "Master, is that so?"

Li Qingzhao quickly waved his hands, "Don't ask me about this kind of thing, I don't understand either!"

After a pause, Li Qingzhao said again: "Let's hurry up and ask Dr. Li to have a look!"

"I'll invite you!" Yu Ying was so anxious that she ran away like a gust of wind.

Lu Xiu was so angry that she gritted her teeth, "Damn girl, you said wind is rain, I haven't figured it out yet!"

Dr. Li Jiliang's clinic and pharmacy were very close to them, less than a mile away. Hearing that Mrs. Jiedushi might be pregnant, he hurried over with a medicine box.

Li Jiliang checked Lu Xiu's pulse and said with a half-smile, "Congratulations madam, it should be a happy pulse?"

Surprised and delighted, Lu Xiu hurriedly asked, "So is it a boy or a girl?"

Li Jiliang smiled wryly and said: "I don't know about this, but the folk rumors say that if you like to eat meat, you are more likely to give birth to a small Yamen, and if you like vegetarian, you are more likely to give birth to a young lady. "

Lu Xiu hesitated and said, "But... I like them all!"

"This is just a folk saying, it's not accurate!"

Yu Ying clapped her hands and laughed, "Maybe they are twins, one male and one female!"

Lu Xiu gave her a white look, "Do you think it's so easy to be twins just like you?"

"Then should we pay attention to something?" Li Qingzhao asked anxiously.

Li Jiliang smiled and said: "The main thing is to rest more and not be too tired. I will prescribe an anti-abortion prescription right away. I have the medicine there. I will have the medicine boy deliver it later. As for the precautions, Mrs. Zheng should know. Say goodbye first!"

Li Jiliang got up and walked away, Lu Xiu grabbed Yang Liuer and asked anxiously, "What should I pay attention to?"

Yang Liu'er smiled ambiguously, "He's too embarrassed to say so, so let me tell you!"

She whispered in Lu Xiu's ear: "Avoid intercourse during pregnancy!"

Lu Xiuqiao's face turned red, and after a while, Ai Ai said: "What about other aspects?"

"Doctor Li also said that you should not be tired. If you are too tired to have a miscarriage, you should stop using the hemostatic ointment. I think he will give you some instructions when he delivers the medicine to you."

At this time, Yu Lian reminded from the side: "Madam, do you want to inform the general?"

Lu Xiu thought for a while, but it was still necessary to inform her husband so that he could also get a surprise.

"Okay! You go tell the general!"

"Hey!" Yu Lian agreed, and ran out quickly.

Lu Xiu felt a little tired, so she smiled and said, "I won't accompany you, I'll go back to the room and lie down first, I'm a little tired."

"We should go back too."

Everyone also got up to say goodbye.

At this time, Chen Qing was inspecting several wells. The Jin soldiers cut off the water source of an underground river, which of course had no effect on Ganquan Fort. Jin Bing broke one of them, and the other two underground rivers naturally rose.

The water stored by the people in the city has been exhausted. For the past two days, the soldiers have been fetching water day and night to replenish the water source for the people.
The water volume of well water does not mean that it will remain the same if you don’t use it, because it is flowing. If you don’t use it, it will flow away. In autumn and winter, the water volume will be greatly reduced, but in spring, the water volume will start to increase again.

Yang Yuanqing suggested to Chen Qing: "In the past two days, Wanyan Wushu has felt that something is wrong, and I am afraid that there will be another large-scale attack on the city. We must be prepared, especially to prevent the enemy from sneaking at night."

It has to be said that Yang Yuanqing, as Chen Qing's deputy general, still has his role. He is not only good at handling all kinds of trivial matters, freeing Chen Qing from heavy military affairs and concentrating on major issues, but also Yang Yuanqing is very cautious. Remind Chen Qing at critical moments.

What can best reflect Yang Yuanqing's shrewdness is that Qin Hui sent Wan Qixie to Baling County to fetch gunpowder barrels. It was with the emperor's edict. If you give it, the matchlock technology will be passed on to Jin Bing. The crime of bullying the king.

Yang Yuanqing gave four barrels of gunpowder barrels without matchsticks, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone, causing Qin Hui and Jin Bing to suffer. If Zheng Ping was in charge of Baling, I am afraid that he would immediately refuse and intensify the conflict.

But today Yang Yuanqing reminded Chen Qing that it was entirely because of the one-month truce that the soldiers in the city were a little lax. Once they were attacked by the golden soldiers, something big might happen.

Chen Qing nodded, "You reminded me in time, and we will strengthen our war vigilance tonight!"

At this time, a soldier ran to Chen Qing and said, "Dutong, hurry home! Miss Lian came to report, please go back immediately."

Chen Qing was startled immediately, and told Yang Yuanqing a few words, got on his horse, and galloped towards his home.

Chen Qing walked into the house like a gust of wind, just in time to see Yu Ying walking towards the room carefully carrying a bowl of medicine.

Chen Qing smelled a strong smell of medicine, he was even more worried, and asked anxiously: "Ah Ying, is Madam sick?"

Yu Ying's hands trembled, and she screamed from the heat, "Don't talk to me, the medicine has spilled!"

Chen Qing quickly took the medicine bowl and walked quickly into the house. It must be that his wife was sick.

He walked into the back room and was stunned for a moment, only to see his wife was lazily lying on the bed, gently stroking her belly with her hands, with a happy smile on her face, she didn't look sick at all.

"Miss, are you not sick?"

"Who said I was sick?" Lu Xiu gave her husband a coquettish look.

"You are not sick, what does this bowl of medicine mean?"

Lu Xiu squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "This is the anti-fetal medicine that Dr. Li prescribed for me."


Chen Qing was taken aback for a moment, then overjoyed, the medicinal soup in his hand almost spilled out.

He quickly put down the medicine bowl, threw himself in front of his wife, knelt by the bed and asked, "How long has it been?"

"Let's just start! I feel pregnant in the past two days, and today Dr. Li confirmed my happy pulse."

"Oh! It's just."

Chen Qing couldn't close his mouth with a smile, he was so excited that he was going to be a father, and the sudden sense of happiness almost knocked him down.

Lu Xiu lightly poked her husband's forehead with her finger, and a smile appeared on her face, "Look at what you are smiling, you were never so happy when you married me."

"All happy! All happy!"

Chen Qing laughed and asked, "Did Dr. Li say anything to pay attention to?"

"He just said that I should pay attention to rest, don't get tired, eat more, and don't be afraid of gaining weight. Then Yang Liu'er told me that I can't have sex when I'm pregnant, otherwise I will have a miscarriage. Husband, for the little guy, I'm afraid I have to I have wronged you."

Chen Qing actually knew a little bit that intercourse was not allowed in the first three months of pregnancy, but the Song Dynasty may have been more particular about it, and intercourse was not allowed during the entire pregnancy.

He held his wife's hand and said with a smile: "It's okay with me. You have to rest well and not get tired. It's okay to take a walk properly. I'll tell the county government to stop the business of your pharmacy, and the army is not short of hemostatic ointment. Ying Yulian also stopped, so that they can take care of you."

Lu Xiu nodded, "Husband, feel free to defend the city! Now I think safety is the most important thing. My life doesn't matter, but I want to keep my child."

"I know, I won't be careless."

At this moment, Chen Qing's vigilance has never been higher, and he is going back to the barracks to deploy.

(End of this chapter)

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