
Chapter 399 Night Attack

Chapter 399 Night Attack
There was a change in Jinbing, Wanyan Wushu received the order of the head of the golden wolf from Wanyan Xiyin, the prime minister of the Shangshu, the wolf master unfortunately fell ill, and his condition was serious, so he urged him and Wanyanchang to go back quickly, Wanyanchang left last night After returning home, Wanyan Wushu was in a dilemma.

In the evening, Fan Gong received Wanyan Wushu's call and walked quickly to Wang's tent.

Fan Gong is a little bit embarrassed these days, all kinds of doubts and accusations are coming to him from all directions, he is a Han Chinese, once he makes a mistake, he will bear much more criticism than others.

Seeing Fan Gong's dejected expression, Wanyan Wushu comforted him: "We don't know the situation in the city, maybe a big pond was dug in the city, so there is no shortage of water, even if we cut off the water source, it will be useless , sir, don’t take it to heart.”

Fan Gong sighed and said: "It's a humble job that underestimates the enemy. I want it, and of course Chen Qing also wants it. He won't let his weakness be caught easily. There should be some hidden rivers. I dug the wrong one, indeed. It's a humble job."

"Let's not talk about responsibilities now, but what should we do next? Now there is news for Mr. Qi that five nest vehicles have been dispatched from Guanzhong. I will arrange for them to come from the east. It is estimated that they will be delivered to Daying tomorrow."

"Marshal Du still wants to use these five nest cars to fight Ganquan Castle again?"

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "I'm really not reconciled, last time I was almost on the verge of attacking the city, but it fell short in the end, if at that time"

Speaking of this, Wanyan Wushu heaved a long sigh, with an expression of unwillingness fully revealed on his face.

Fan Gong looked at Wanyan Wushu calmly and said, "I'll tell you something from the bottom of my heart, most wars are won or lost by a hair's breadth, even if the marshal brought more fuel last time, there must be other situations, such as It will definitely be discovered by Chen Qing. He didn't see the [-] people, but he must be able to see the [-] people. There will be no such thing as a successful raid. The victory or defeat itself is a manifestation of strength. bosom."

Wanyan Wushu smiled wryly, "You're right, Chen Qing's army is indeed very strong, I admit it, but I'm not weak either, if I have the right tactics, the victory by a hair's breadth will favor me, if I sneak attack tonight Where is Ganquan Castle?"

"Sneak attack?" Fan Gong froze for a moment.

Wanyan Wushu nodded, "I have been observing the Song army for the past ten days, and their defense is obviously a bit slack no matter day or night. There are few soldiers patrolling the top of the city, because I have never attacked the two sides, they habitually think that I will only attack the south city."

"so what?"

"That's why I want to sneak attack the West City tonight. If that doesn't work, I'll use the nest cart to attack!"

Fan Gong sighed and didn't say anything else?
"Sir, if you have objections, just speak up. I don't just want to hear good things."

Fan Gong shook his head, "I feel that Marshal Du is just taking a gamble, so why bother?"

Wanyan Wushu walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and finally stopped at the door of the big tent, looking at the city in the distance, his eyes were complicated, and his voice became deep.

"Sir, you are right. I am indeed taking a gamble. I have fought against Chen Qing many times over the years, but I have never won. Now that Lord Wolf has fallen ill, Taran has already gone back. I must go back as soon as possible, but I still want to Try again before withdrawing, and you won't regret it!"

"Since that's the case, Marshal Du will do as he pleases!"

At one watch, [-] soldiers in black armor took advantage of the terrain and gradually approached the west city wall. The west side of Oasis Castle was surrounded by ravines and earth slopes.

The Xixia army also wanted to tunnel into the city from outside the west city, and this time Wanyan Wushu also took a fancy to the terrain in the west.

But many things are already doomed. Also this afternoon, Yang Yuanqing reminded Chen Qing in time that the Jin soldiers could not attack for a long time and might adopt a sneak attack strategy. However, today Chen Qing got the good news that his wife was pregnant, which inspired him even more. The courage to protect one's own offspring.

When Chen Qing returned to the camp, he made a special deployment. The number of patrol troops increased from [-] to [-] at night, and a sneak attack defensive tactic was added.

The sneak attack defensive tactic is a special tactic specially formulated after the Xixia warriors entered the city through the north wall. A series of defensive measures adopted.

Including ambushes, spying, concentration of troops on standby, etc., there are two soldiers hiding on the observation tower of the west city, specially watching the movement outside the city. Because they are hiding, no one is found on the observation tower outside the city.

At this time, a soldier of the Song Army on the observation tower spotted [-] figures approaching outside the city. The two discussed for a while, one continued to monitor, and the other got off the observation tower and waved a torch beside the female wall.

The general on duty Yang Zaixing saw the torch, and he immediately led [-] soldiers on standby to rush to the top of the city. At the same time, the entire barracks was mobilized, and [-] soldiers went to the city one after another, hiding behind the battlements, preparing for night battle.

Yang Zaixing led two thousand soldiers to the west city. He waved his hands back, and all the soldiers rushed to lean on the battlements. Yang Zaixing slowly looked out of the city.

The five hundred golden soldiers outside the city had already approached the west city wall. There was no gate in the west city, only a city wall that was three miles long.

At the head are two hundred soldiers of the Qi army, followed by three hundred soldiers of the Bohai Jurchen. The soldiers of the Qi army are selected from the tens of thousands of Qi army.

The three hundred Bohai Jurchen soldiers in the back are extremely brave and skilled soldiers, all of them are tall, strong and extremely brave.

The five hundred people were led by Liang Yong, the commander of the Qi army. Although his name is Han, his military title is the commander of the commander, which means that he is not a puppet Qi army, but a Jurchen army. Liang Yong is actually a Khitan Han. Donghu language and Chinese, all under his command.

Their task is to control the southwest corner of the city wall, from where the Jin soldiers will go to the city.

At this time, just two miles away, Wanyan Wushu personally led an army of ten thousand and waited in the darkness.

There is no moonlight tonight, but the starlight is not bad, and the city wall can be seen from a distance, but their existence cannot be seen clearly on the city wall.

Five hundred soldiers had already rushed to the bottom of the city. One soldier threw the rope in his hand towards the top of the city. The fine steel claws hooked the top of the city. Grab him with one hand and drag him in. It looks like he jumped into the city from below.

Not long after, a soft ladder was thrown from above, and a few extremely strong Bohai Jurchens pushed away the soldiers of the Qi army, and they climbed up the city first,
Unexpectedly, just as they went up to the top of the city, they heard the sound of fierce fighting, followed by a few short screams, a human head fell from above, and the five hundred soldiers turned pale with fright. withdraw!"

There were ambushes on the top of the city, two thousand people raised their crossbows and shot down together, five hundred soldiers couldn't escape, they were hit by arrows one after another, screams resounded all over the place, two rounds of arrows killed most of them, only the hundreds of people on the periphery ran fast , escaped unharmed.

When Wanyan Wushu in the distance saw the flames in the west city, he knew he had failed, and he immediately ordered: "Siege the city!"

The sneak attack was changed to a night attack. Two thousand Jurchen cavalry galloped with torches in their hands.

But the cavalry gradually approached the city wall. They ignited the fireballs in their hands one by one, and threw them towards the city head with all their strength.

Gold soldier craftsmen have not been idle this month. Inspired by fire oil balls, they made a large number of hand-thrown fire oil balls, each weighing five or six catties, and tall and strong cavalry can throw them with one arm while running. Throw it on the top of the city, causing a fire on the top of the city.

More than a thousand fireballs flew towards the top of the city, Chen Qing shouted: "Use your shield to block it!"

The soldiers raised their shields one after another to block, and many balls of fire oil were blocked from going down the city, but many fireballs still landed on the top of the city, igniting clusters of fire.

(End of this chapter)

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