
Chapter 400 Brainstorming

Chapter 400 Brainstorming

Chen Qing shouted: "Don't panic, use mud to put out the fire!"

Every ten steps beside the female wall at the top of the city, there is a large wooden box filled with soil, and there is also a shovel. They are like fire-fighting devices, and they are always placed on the top of the city.

Soldiers worked together to cover the kerosene with soil, and then shoveled the kerosene-soaked mud down to the city with shovels. Thousands of soldiers acted together, and the first round of fire was quickly extinguished.

"Dutong, the enemy army is coming again!" The soldier shouted.

In the darkness, thousands of people rushed towards the city wall. Chen Qing shouted: "Use shields to resist, use wooden boxes to catch!"

At this moment, two thousand professional fire-fighting soldiers rushed to the city. They were worthy of being professional soldiers. They immediately spread out the wet quilts, two quilts, and set up a quilt fire-fighting formation on the city.

This is because the soldiers came up with various local methods. In addition to the soil that is effective for kerosene, the wet bedding is also effective. In fact, they all play a role in isolating oxygen.

The soldiers gave them the open space one after another, and the soldiers raised their shields and stood in front of the battlements, becoming the first line of defense.

This time there were [-] cavalrymen rushing up. They also carried fire oil balls and rushed against the rain of arrows on the top of the city. Arrows are hard to hit them.

Near the city wall, one after another fireballs rose into the air and were thrown towards the top of the city. Although there were [-] fireballs this time, the Song army was fully prepared. They raised their shields and hit the fireballs thrown from below. Falling down the city, nearly half of the fireballs were killed in the first round of defense.

Some of the other fireballs fell on the top of the city, and some flew over the top of the city and flew into the city. The wet bedding on the top of the city caught the fireball lightly, and then took two quick steps, and threw the fireball into the open space in the city.
This kind of burning has little effect, and there is no need to cover it with special soil. It will go out after burning out the fire oil.

The hundreds of fireballs that landed on the top of the city were also quickly dealt with without causing any riots. The Song Army's ability to fight against fire oil has become stronger and more proficient. Even ordinary soldiers know how to deal with fire oil , Burying with sand is the most effective.

The golden weapon craftsman made a total of ten thousand hand-throwing fireballs, but five thousand failed. Wanyan Wushu watched the situation on the top of the city, but he didn't see any signs of fire. In the end, he could only sigh deeply, "Send the order withdraw troops!"

Wanyan Wushu is very clear that the opponent is well prepared, even the fire oil has failed, they have no other special siege weapons, and in the end there will be no gain except heavy casualties.

The [-] soldiers secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and followed the commander back to the barracks.

At noon of the next day, Wanyan Helisa led [-] troops and escorted five large nest carts to the camp. They were transported from Jingzhao, first by water, then by land, and finally from Deshun Prefecture.

Wanyan Wushu learned the lesson from last time, this time the transport was very secretive, concealed during the day and transported at night, it took a full [-] days to arrive at Ganquan Fort.

Wanyan Wushu sent Wanyan Helisa to lead [-] cavalry to meet them a hundred miles away, and escorted them to the camp of Ganquanbao.

These five nest carts are heavy weapons for siege. Each weighs tens of thousands of catties. It consumes a lot of wood to make it. It is difficult to find a way to crack it. Back then, the Song army paid a heavy price to resist the arrow. The enemy nest car attack.

Back then, the nest cart was only a medium-sized nest cart, but now the nest cart is a heavy nest cart, which has doubled in size and more than doubled in weight, and the wood used is also thicker. Ganquanbao custom-made, all heights are just right.

Each nest car is transported on a specially-made giant flatbed car. Dozens of oxen are needed to pull a large car, and it walks very slowly.

Chen Qing also rushed to the top of the city upon hearing the news. Dozens of generals watched a huge nest cart being dragged into the Jinbing camp. The expressions of all the generals became very dignified. Although there were only five of them, they brought The sense of oppression makes everyone feel heavy.

After returning to the barracks, Chen Qing immediately summoned all commanders and generals to discuss matters in the big tent of the Chinese army.

"Presumably everyone has seen it just now. Jin Bing got five heavy-duty nest vehicles. They are very large and difficult to deal with. Let's brainstorm and think of a way together. How to deal with these five nest vehicles?"

Chen Qing glanced at everyone, Zheng Ping raised his hand and stood up and said, "Let me say a few words first!"

He cleared his throat and said: "Our previous experience is that it is meaningless to use fire to deal with the nest carts. The reason is very simple. It takes a long time for the fire to destroy the nest carts. When the fire of the nest carts is extinguished, the city should also be destroyed. In the end The best way is to use powder kegs."

Yang Yuanqing pondered for a while and said: "Actually, kerosene can also be used, the key is to burn it inside, not burning nest cars, but burning people!"

Chen Qing glanced at Zhang Xiao, the counselor, and saw that he was thoughtful, so he asked with a smile, "What does Zhang Canjun mean?"

Zhang Xiaowei smiled and said: "I think Commander Yang's last sentence is quite right. It's not burning nest vehicles, but burning people. What we're dealing with is not nest vehicles, but golden soldiers. So we shouldn't use them as siege weapons." , but treat it as a part of our city wall, we go straight up and block the enemy army in the nest car, what is the difference between that and defending the city wall?"

Applause erupted in the big tent, and the words of counselor Zhang Xiao gave everyone a sense of enlightenment. If they regarded the nest cart as a horse-faced wall, they would turn against customers.

At this time, Chen Qing saw that Jiang Yan was smiling and said nothing, so he asked with a smile: "Jiang Zhixian must have a good opinion, why not tell everyone."

"I'm just a little dumb!"

"It doesn't matter if you have a good opinion or a humble opinion, let us speak out before we can judge!"

Jiang Yanxian pondered for a while and said: "The essence of the nest cart is also a siege ladder, but it is surrounded by surroundings, a little bigger, and a little more stable. After careful observation, the opponent's nest cart is at least three feet five or six feet high, and the overpass is on the same level as our city wall." Qi, at least three feet, but its inclination is very steep, the heel of the person in front is against the head of the person behind, so it can't accommodate many soldiers at a time.

I saw that it was very large, so I judged that there must be a platform in the middle, which turned the nest car into two flights of stairs. If our fire mines blow up the platform and break the stairs, the soldiers below cannot climb up. It's useless, isn't this where its dead spot lies? "

Applause sounded again in the big tent, Chen Qing said with a smile: "This is not a foolish opinion, this is a good idea, let us find the life gate of the nest car, that is the stairs inside, blowing up the stairs inside and we cut off the siege The three rungs in front of the ladder have the same effect."

Everyone laughed, Chen Qing raised his hand to signal silence, and everyone fell silent.

Chen Qing laughed again: "Before we burned down ten heavy trebuchets of the enemy, and then we went to clean the battlefield, and they were all burned to white ground. Logically, there should be nothing to gain, so the other side didn't care.

But we still had an unexpected harvest, that is, ten very long iron chains, iron chains used for trebuchet winches, each one was ten feet long, and they were not burned at all. We put them in the warehouse and prepared to use them. Repair the city gate suspension bridge. "

The big tent was very quiet, and everyone was listening to the coach's explanation with rapt attention.

"What if we put a big iron hook at the end of each iron chain to hook the enemy's nest cart, and hundreds of people pull it together?"

The third applause in the big tent was like thunder, the opponent could cut the rope, but the opponent could not cut through the iron hook and chain.

Everyone's enthusiasm was mobilized, three cobblers were better than one Zhuge Liang, and everyone talked to each other, and a complete response plan was gradually formed.

(End of this chapter)

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