
Chapter 428 Gambling

Chapter 428 Gambling

In a moment, [-] cavalry rushed out from the city, all of them brightly armored and full of murderous intent, including Liu Cui and Niu Gao who were also hiding among them, while Yang Zaixing and Gao Ding, two masters, guarded both sides of the city with bows and arrows. Qing was killed on the spot, so there was nothing to say. If he didn't kill him the first time, there would never be a second chance.

Cao Baozong couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, and Chen Qing went out in person. He hurriedly said to the soldiers: "Go and tell General Li, capture Chen Qing alive, he will be promoted to three ranks, and he will be rewarded ten thousand yuan!"

The soldiers galloped forward to inform Li Chenghuang. Li Chenghuang looked suspiciously at the general of the Song Army in front of him. He always thought that Chen Qing was at least thirty or forty years old, but he didn't expect to be so young, a few years younger than Yang Zaixing just now. .

"You are Chen Qing?" Li Chenghuang asked in disbelief.

"Of course!"

Chen Qing waved Fang Tian's painted halberd lightly, and a powerful murderous aura struck Li Chenghuang.

Li Chenghuang knew that he had encountered a strong opponent today, he gritted his teeth, urged his horse to charge, and pierced Chen Qing's chest with a spear like lightning.

Chen Qing was not in a hurry, Fang Tianhua halberd swung the tip of the spear away, and the tip of the halberd pierced the opponent's throat. It seemed a very simple move, but the tip of the halberd reached Li Chenghuang's throat in an instant as if it was not bound by space. Li Chenghuang was so startled that he lay back and avoided the fatal blow.

But he forgot that the opponent was Fang Tian's painted halberd, with a sharp halberd blade on each side. Chen Qing fought with both arms, and with a twist of his wrist, he turned a stab into a gouge. This tactic has been used very skillfully in actual combat.

A cold light flashed, 'Crack! Li Chenghuang's neck was cut off by a slash, his head fell to the ground, and the horse was frightened, dragging a headless corpse and running towards the opponent's formation.

There was no sound on the battlefield, everyone gasped, and after meeting each other, Li Chenghuang was beheaded, just now he had fought fiercely with Yang Zaixing for fifty rounds!

In fact, this doesn't mean anything. In a contest between masters, the most dangerous is the first move. Life and death are often in the blink of an eye. Yang Zaixing was the first to meet and was almost swept off the horse by the opponent. If he hadn't just practiced hiding in the belly of the horse, he would have lost. undoubtedly.

In the same way, if Li Chenghuang survives this move, it is not impossible to fight Chen Qing for twenty or thirty rounds, but he did not survive the first move.

Cao Baozong's face was very ugly, he felt like he was riding a tiger. You must know that Zhuo Baihao was one of the emperor's five bodyguards, and he was just borrowing him for use. If he died, how would he explain to the emperor?
He really couldn't make up his mind, so he asked Li Taiyue, the military adviser beside him, in a low voice, "Why don't you let Ah Bao go!"

Mrs. Li said indifferently: "If A Bao is allowed to go, Chen Qing will not go to battle."

Cao Baozong hesitated, "But...if Zhuo Baihao is killed, how can I explain to the emperor?"

Mrs. Li sneered, "Zhuo Baihao is not the prince, so what's wrong with me?"

Cao Baozong suddenly realized that Zhuo Baihao was just a bodyguard, and his personal bodyguard existed only for death. If he could kill Chen Qing, it would be worth it. If he couldn't kill the emperor, he would never blame himself.

He turned his head to look at Zhuo Baihao, Zhuo Baihao bowed slightly, and strode out with a long-handled copper hammer.

"Third round, I'll meet you!"

Zhuo Baihao came out, causing a slight commotion in the Song army. Many Song soldiers had never seen such a tall and strong man. He was like a black bear. I am afraid that the armor on his body was also specially made, and it was not so big at all. number of armor.

Chen Qing squinted his eyes. This person is more than two meters tall, has a broad build, and probably weighs more than two hundred and fifty catties. He has a very flat face, full of flesh, and a broad nose, but his eyes are thin and long. There was a hint of coldness and cunning.

Judging from his appearance, this person is probably not as simple as he looks on the outside, but more scheming and sinister.

At this time, Niu Gao stepped forward and said to Chen Qing: "Let the humble officer come!"

Chen Qing shook his head, "This person is no small matter, you will suffer a lot, I'll do it!"

"Then you must be careful of his left hand, his sleeves are different on both sides, there must be something strange!"

Chen Qing also noticed that the sleeve of this person's right hand was tight, while the sleeve of his left hand was loose. There must be something wrapped around his wrist, which made Chen Qing feel vigilant.

"I know, you step back first!"

Niu Gao turned his horse's head and went back, Chen Qing lightly waved Fang Tianhua's halberd, "Who are you?"

"It's just a nobody, I don't dare to dirty Jing Guogong's ears with a humble name."

Knowing his title unexpectedly, it seems that this person has a lot of background, Chen Qing was even more vigilant.

"Forget it! Go ahead!"

Zhuo Baihao suddenly roared, rushed over, leaped high, and slammed Chen Qing hard with a head-on hammer, everyone's hearts tightened, if they were hit by this hammer, they would be smashed into meatloaf.

On one side of Chen Qing's war horse, the halberd in his hand pierced the opponent's throat like lightning.

'Boom! With a loud muffled sound, the heavy hammer slammed on the ground. Zhuo Baihao grabbed the handle of the hammer like a pole with both hands. A stab.

Everyone exclaimed, no one thought that the Xixia general who should look as clumsy as a bear would be so flexible, including the Xixia soldiers also exclaimed.

Chen Qing suddenly understood that this person was not a general of the Xixia Army, otherwise the Xixia soldiers would not be so amazed, and this person still knew his title, most likely he was a member of the Xixia Palace.

Chen Qing didn't hold back any more, he galloped on his horse and slashed away with the long halberd in his hand, before the halberd reached, Zhuo Baihao felt a stabbing pain in his neck, he was shocked, this was something he had never encountered before, before Chen Qing beheaded Li Chenghuang with a halberd, but he didn't take it seriously, Li Chenghuang was nothing in his eyes.

But now that he knew that he had met a master, he was afraid that his life would be lost here.

He didn't dare to block it forcefully, he let out a loud roar, took two steps back, and escaped from the lock of Chen Qing's halberd. Chen Qing secretly praised this person for his cleverness. Block, the right hand is gone.

Chen Qing urged him to go forward, and again he slashed diagonally with his halberd, this time he slashed from the right side, and the target was still the opponent's neck.

This was the third round, Zhuo Baihao roared, and swung the hammer with one hand at Chen Qing's Fang Tian painting halberd.


Niu Gao yelled in a low voice, the opponent's secret weapon was about to be shot.

Zhuo Baihao usually looks for opportunities in the fifth or sixth round, but now he can't take care of it anymore. He also realizes that he is in a deep crisis. If he doesn't make a move, he might die under Fang Tian's painting .

With a swipe, a black meteor hammer flew out of his sleeve and hit Chen Qing's forehead with incomparable speed.

This is Zhuo Baihao's most insidious weapon, it is impossible to guard against, and it hits a hundred shots, never misses, as long as he is hit, his skull will be broken and he will die. There are at least dozens of people who died under his meteor hammer.

If Cao Baozong still hoped that Li Chenghuang would capture Chen Qing alive, then he did not expect Zhuo Baihao to capture Chen Qing alive at all. Zhuo Baihao never had anyone alive.

Cao Baozong breathed a sigh of relief, and it would be good to beat Chen Qing to death.

Song Jun exclaimed, Yang Zaixing and Gao Ding didn't have time to shoot arrows, the hammer was too sudden.

Chen Qing attacked from the right side of the opponent, just to let him free his left hand and give him a chance to sneak attack.

The moment the opponent shot the meteor hammer, Chen Qing also turned into a one-handed halberd. With his left hand, he quickly pulled out an arrow from the quiver behind him, and struck the meteor hammer chain, the meteor hammer 'wow! 'A sound wrapped around the shaft of the arrow.

In the first round, Chen Qing saw the chain on his wrist instantly, so he had a countermeasure.

At this moment, both sides are holding weapons with one hand, and the high strength of martial arts is displayed at this moment.

Zhuo Baihao was distracted, and hit nothing with the hammer, and missed Fang Tian's painted halberd. When he turned his head, he found that the halberd blade was in his eyes. His eyes widened suddenly, too fast, too late, he Instinctively shrunk his neck, 'Crack! 'The extremely sharp halberd blade hit his forehead, cutting off his heavenly spirit cover neatly.

Zhuo Baihao let out a scream, and fell to the ground with his head up, brains and blood spurting out.

There was no sound on the battlefield, Chen Qing said coldly: "General Cao, I am looking forward to your Seven Star Sword."

(End of this chapter)

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