
Chapter 429

Chapter 429
Cao Baozong was in a really depressed mood. The one-on-one match that had been a surefire one-on-one was broken by the opponent's coach. Not to mention the loss of two generals, it also greatly affected morale. Especially the scene where the soldiers returned to the camp frustrated, made Cao Baozong extremely annoyed.He was thinking of single-handedly fighting, but in the end he didn't eat the mutton, which caused him a show of embarrassment.

Li Taiyue, the military adviser, persuaded: "Winning or losing is a common matter in the military. The generals don't have to worry about it. Although two generals died, at least it saved us from another disastrous defeat. We should feel lucky."

"What fiasco?"

"If today the general is not a one-on-one fight, but a decisive battle between the two armies, what is the chance of winning the general?"

Cao Baozong thought for a while, and said frankly: "I think there are more bad luck than good luck."

"The general is right. The two armies have similar training, similar equipment, and similar numbers. Then the final victory will be decided by the commander. With Chen Qing's bravery, he can bring the entire army together and be unstoppable. When his army fights, we are sure to lose!"

Cao Baozong nodded silently. He also felt the same way. When the two armies fought, Chen Qing led an army that was invincible. Even the Jurchens might not be able to withstand it.

He sighed, "The strategist is right. Today's one-on-one fight is indeed a kind of luck. There is no confrontation between the two armies."

He pondered for a moment and said, "Then should I withdraw my troops?"

Li Taiyue said without hesitation: "I have two suggestions. First, withdraw the troops to Dingxi County as soon as possible, lest the other party cut off our logistics. This is something that I have repeatedly mentioned before; secondly, send someone to Jingzhao to contact the Qi State. It is suggested that the two sides join forces to attack Chen Qing, so that Chen Qing will be attacked by the enemy, he will definitely withdraw his troops and return to Qinzhou, at least we can take Gongzhou, these two suggestions were mentioned by the humble officer before, I hope the general will consider it."

Cao Baozong sighed, "The real purpose of me leading the army to the south is to single out the Song army. I have been planning this matter long before I sent troops. This is actually the emperor's idea. I just implemented it for him. As for the military division's suggestion In fact, I have already sent someone to join forces with Qi."

"Is there any news from Qi State?"

"Not yet, I'm still waiting for a response."

Li Taiyue pondered for a moment and said: "Then wait a little longer, but the general wants to send more troops to protect the supply line, and the other party will definitely send troops to harass. The humble officer is very worried about the second batch of supplies, because there are siege weapons in there!"

"I know, I will send another [-] troops to meet the food delivery team!"

Cao Baozong picked up the sword on the table, reluctantly said: "I really don't want to give him this sword!"

"If the general doesn't want to give it to you, just get another sword."

Cao Baozong smiled wryly and said, "Even if I don't give it to Chen Qing, it doesn't matter. I'm afraid that in the eyes of the emperor, I'm a person who doesn't believe what I promise. I have to give this sword. I'll take it back after I kill Chen Qing." .”

Chen Qing finally got the sword sent by someone sent by Cao Baozong. In the big tent, he pulled out the sword, and saw a cold light flashing from the sword body, connecting the seven concave surfaces into one, really like the Big Dipper in the night sky, and This cold light gathers but does not disperse, and it is held in the air. Two seal characters are engraved on the lower part of the sword, 'Seven Stars', and the whole sword body is shining with magnificent light.

Chen Qing waved his sword, "Crack! 'He actually cut a bronze candlestick on the table into two pieces, and looked at the blade, there was no damage at all, it really cut iron like mud.

This sword is neither long nor short, so Chen Qing really couldn't put it down. He simply danced a set of sword skills, and the sword was sheathed. At this moment, Chen Qing made a decision that he would not return the Seven Star Sword to the court, Be his saber, if anyone wants to impeach, let them go!

There is a Tongxi Fort near Tongxi County in the middle of Gongzhou. It is about [-] miles away from the county seat. It is a solid military fort built on the mountainside. At most, there were [-] troops stationed there. The main reason for the existence of this military fort is There is a water pool not far from the military fort, which is formed by the streams on the mountain and continues to flow down the mountain.

At this time, Liu Qiong led five hundred cavalry to live in this military fort. They carried dry food for half a month. If the food was not enough, they had to go to Jichuan County in Qinzhou to get food.

This is the third time that Liu Qiong has been sent as a peripheral army. He led a team of [-] cavalry to harass the enemy's logistics and food roads. Speaking of which, his experience is indeed very rich. With a good record, he gradually gained his own unique experience, that is patience, waiting, fast, and ruthless.

Don't startle the enemy easily, wait patiently for the opportunity, once the opportunity arises, attack without hesitation, and show no mercy, sometimes accidentally hurting the civilians, that's not hesitating.

Liu Qiong regards Tongxi County as a very important node. The team usually spends the night in Tongxi County to rest. The dilapidated county town can at least defend against wild beasts at night, so he patiently waits near Tongxi County.

That evening, two scout cavalrymen rushed to Tongxi Fort, and the leading cavalryman was brought before Liu Qiong. The cavalryman knelt on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "General Qi, the baggage team has indeed entered Tongxi County!"

Liu Qiong's subordinates found a convoy of supplies yesterday, mainly transporting grain and siege ladders. The grain was several thousand stones, and there were [-] siege ladders. There were a total of [-] carts and more than [-] soldiers guarding them. Joan deduced from the opponent's speed that the team should have arrived in Tongxi County in the afternoon and would definitely spend the night in Tongxi County.

As expected, the other party stayed overnight in Tongxi County, and this was their chance.

"Can Tangdutou be in the county seat?"

"In the county!"

Tang Qian is Liu Qiong's capable general, leading ten brothers to lurk in the county seat.

Liu Qiong got up immediately and said: "Order the whole army, prepare to go!"

It is dusk now, and when we arrive in Tongxi County, the sky should be completely dark.

Tongxi County is a very complicated county with a population of less than [-] people, all of whom are old and weak who refuse to move out, lingering in the county, but there are many empty houses in the county, and it is also very complicated, like a maze.

The southeast corner of the city where the people are basically concentrated, because there is the only well that can produce water, otherwise they have to go more than ten miles to fetch water, how can these old and weak bear it.

There is no business in the city, only two small shops, one is a grocery store and the other is a coffin shop.

Tang Qian, the head of the capital, led ten men to hide in a yard next to the coffin shop.

Both Song Dynasty people and Xixia people are more taboo about coffins, and they will definitely stay away from this coffin shop.

The night gradually deepened, and the Xixia people who had been busy for more than an hour finally calmed down.

The Xixia people's convoys were all parked in the west, and they didn't bother those old and weak people. It's not that they are kind-hearted, but they are familiar with these old and weak people. There is really nothing to squeeze, and many people are still sick. If you are infected with a disease, the gain outweighs the loss.

Tang Qian and his men were mobilized, and they climbed up the city with ropes. All the passages to the city had collapsed, and they could only go up to the city by rope or ladders, and the city was no exception.

The top of the city is very dilapidated and decayed, and many places have collapsed. If you don't pay attention, you will fall into the inside of the city wall and be buried by sand. At that time, it will be difficult to revive it.

The ten scouts climbed carefully on the top of the city. Each of them was tied with a long rope around their waists to prevent them from falling into the wall and could not be rescued. They climbed for half an hour before they reached the west city wall.

Looking down, they saw the carts in the courtyard. There were two hundred carts distributed in more than twenty courtyards. The soldiers were supposed to have had enough to eat and drink, and they were sleeping in the house. The coachmen were also from Xixia. On the cart, all the items were removed by the soldiers and piled up next to the cart.

Tang Qian was concerned about the siege ladders. He quickly found the siege ladders, and they were all erected in the courtyard. They were tall and strong, exceeding a large section of the house. Thirty siege ladders were concentrated in two courtyards. .

This kind of siege ladder is very heavy, and each weighs several thousand catties. It takes dozens of people to carry a ladder, and a bullock cart can only transport one ladder at most.

Tang Qian's eyes rolled, and he had a brilliant plan.

(End of this chapter)

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