
Chapter 450 Coercion

Chapter 450 Coercion
Wang Hao stepped forward quickly, bowed and saluted, "See Dutong!"

"But is there any news from Yang Qi?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"Exactly! Dou Qing, the head of Western Xia's intelligence, put pressure on Yang Qi to force debts, threatening the lives of Yang Qi's family and forcing Yang Qi to give him information."

"and then?"

"Then it was the same as the humble job arrangement. Yang Qi couldn't be forced, so he agreed to give the other party a Grade A information. The time is at noon today, and the delivery will be at the Plum Blossom Hall of Xuechuan Restaurant."

Chen Qing looked at the sky and said with a smile, "The time is almost up!"

"That's why the humble staff hurried over and asked the capital for instructions, which information is better to use."

Wang Hao put the three pieces of intelligence on the table, Chen Qing looked at it, and rejected the first piece of intelligence, "One hundred thousand catties of crude silver is of great significance to us, and we cannot leak it to Xixia, otherwise Xixia will definitely concentrate its forces to attack Ren Dejing, we cannot bear the consequences."

"Humble job understands!"

Chen Qing looked at the second intelligence and the third intelligence again. The third intelligence was a little weaker. It was about the military strength of Deshun Prefecture. Xixia should not be interested in this intelligence, but the second intelligence said that the Song army recruited [-] troops from Bashu , This is Class A intelligence. Many people know that the Song Army recruited soldiers from Bashu, but not many people know the exact number of recruits.

Xixia people should be very interested in this information, Chen Qing handed the second information to Wang Hao, "Use this!"

Wang Hao nodded, "The humble job is over!"

In the Plum Blossom Hall on the second floor of Xuechuan Restaurant, Dou Qing read the information for a long time, and said hesitantly: "But I was told that there are only a few thousand troops from Bashu!"

"In the filing documents I saw, there were [-] people who came in two batches. I don't know whether they came or not."

Dou Qing suddenly realized that they came in two batches, no wonder they only found a few thousand people, he secretly cried out, the information they gave Lanzhou was wrong, he had to add another information.

Information such as military strength, equipment, food, etc. has always been the most important information in Xixia. Dou Qing was very satisfied with Yang Qi's Grade A information and corrected his mistakes in time.

"Okay, I will give the information to my friend, he should be satisfied, thank brother Yang for his sincerity, we have settled the money matter."

Yang Qi looked at him vigilantly, "I said it before, just this time, right!"

This is just the beginning, how could it be just once!Dou Qing smiled slyly, and said haha: "I'm afraid Brother Yang's family needs money again, so he will come to me again. I won't trouble Brother Yang, but I can't talk dead."

Yang Qi shook his head desperately, "Just this time, I won't do it again."

Dou Qing smiled meaningfully, put away the note and got up and said: "The wine and food on the table are all prepared for you, you can use it slowly, I went to find a friend, and he is still waiting for my news!"

He turned around and left, Yang Qi stared blankly at the food and drink, he didn't even have any appetite.

Dou Qing wanted Yang Qi for the first time, as long as he caught Yang Qi's handle, he could continue to threaten Yang Qi.

That night, Dou Qing came to Yang Qi's house again.

Yang Qi was completely stunned, and stammered for a while: "Didn't I say, just this time?"

Dou Qing pretended to be helpless and said: "My friend values ​​you very much, and I hope you will continue to provide him with Grade A information. Once you provide it, I will pay you thirty pennies."

After finishing speaking, Dou Qing put an ingot of ten taels of silver on the table, and said with a smile: "This is ten taels of silver, which can be exchanged for fifty guan coins, and the extra [-] guan is the compensation for the ten volumes of the Diamond Sutra."

Yang Qi stared blankly at the ten taels of silver. He suddenly shook his head like a rattle and said, "I can't do it anymore. I will be dismissed. This job is very important."

"I'm afraid I can't help you!"

Dou Qing sneered, and put the note on the table, "This is written in your own handwriting, if it appears on the desk case of your Jiedushi, it will not only lose your job, but you think your life can still be saved." Can you keep it?"

"You bastard, give it back to me!"

Yang Qi cursed angrily, got up and wanted to grab the note, Dou Qing took two steps back with the note, and handed it to his subordinates.

He looked at Yang Qi coldly, "Death or money, you choose yourself! Think it over, see you at the same place at noon tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he didn't take any money, but turned around and left with his men.

Walking out the door, his subordinate quickly glanced back, and whispered to Dou Qing: "He's collapsed!"

Dou Qing smiled triumphantly, he had already crushed this Yang Qi to death, and he was not afraid that he would not cooperate.

At noon the next day, Yang Qi with a haggard face came to Xuechuan Restaurant again. His eyes were red and he obviously hadn't slept all night. He asked in a hoarse voice: "I remember you told me before that you bought a lot of people, but real?"

"Of course it is true!"

Dou Qing's eyes were full of slyness and ridicule, and his thin face pretended to be sincere, "You know my friend"

"I don't have any friends, it's you!" Yang Qi interrupted him angrily.

Dou Qing raised his eyebrows, and said with a fake smile: "What's the difference to you?"

Yang Qi stared at him viciously, "Go ahead!"

"I mean I need a lot of information, many of which you can't provide, including the army, warehouses, taxes, and people's conditions. There are many people who can provide me with information, no less than ten people, but your price is the highest. Others No one pays more than ten guan, but you want [-] guan, so you must provide me with Grade A information."

Yang Qi sighed, "I have already been killed by you, but I have three conditions, otherwise I will not cooperate with you even if I die."

"You said, as long as the conditions are reasonable, I can try my best to agree."

"First, no matter what I do, it has nothing to do with my family. If something happens to my family, I know you must have done it, and I will expose you immediately!"

Dou Qing said calmly: "As long as you don't betray us, I certainly won't hurt your family. I don't want to cause trouble for myself."

Yang Qi stared at the other party's gaze, trying to see a trace of sincerity in the other party's eyes, but he was disappointed in his heart, the other party's eyes were only cold, without any sincerity.

Yang Qi bit his lip and continued: "Second, I don't want money, I just want money, six taels of silver for an intelligence, I can guarantee that it is a Grade A intelligence, but even if you are not satisfied, you still have to pay me."

"It's no problem, as long as you guarantee that it is a Grade A intelligence, I will pay you exactly what it is."

"Third, our cooperation period is tentatively scheduled for one year. I don't want to do this kind of thing for a long time."

Dou Qing curled her lips and said: "I have to make things clear to you. How long we cooperate is not up to you. It must be decided by us. There is no choice for this."

"Then take a step back. If I am transferred from the Jiedu Mansion and become an official in a local government, the cooperation must end."

"This can be promised!"

"Well, with your ten taels of silver, I can tell you a Grade A intelligence today about the deployment of troops in Deshun Prefecture."

Dou Qing shook his head, "We are not interested in Deshun Prefecture, let's talk about the west of Qinzhou."

Yang Qi thought for a while and said: "Either it is Gongzhou, I copied a document before, and the Jiedu envoy asked to build a large-scale rough silver smelting workshop in Longxi County. I know that there is a batch of rough silver in the warehouse of Longxi County. It is said that there is a lot of it. But the exact number is unknown."

Dou Qing's eyes lit up. This is important information. The messenger asked him to inquire about the storage location of [-] jin of rough silver, but he couldn't find it anywhere. It is stored in Longxi County, Gongzhou.

After all, Dou Qing has been an intelligence agent for many years, and he was not at ease with Yang Qi. He immediately sent people to Longxi County to find out if Longxi County had plans to build a large-scale crude silver smelting workshop.

This is to confirm the authenticity of Yang Qi's information.

Ten days later, the people he sent brought back the definite news that Longxi County was indeed planning to build a large-scale smelting workshop in the southwest of the county seat. Refined workshop.

In addition, among more than a dozen official warehouses, one warehouse was particularly heavily guarded. There were [-] soldiers guarding it alone.

Completely confirming the authenticity of the information, Dou Qing was overjoyed, and immediately sent a letter to Lanzhou, saying that the [-] catties of rough silver that the Song Army had seized was in the Longxi County warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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