
Chapter 451 Sending Letters

Chapter 451 Sending Letters
In the blink of an eye, it was mid-December. There was also a heavy snowfall in Lin'an, and the West Lake was also frozen. The entire Lin'an Mansion became a snow-covered world.

At noon that day, two cavalry sergeants entered Lin'an City in a hurry. They were the soldiers sent by Chen Qing to deliver the letter in Lin'an. Chen Qing's letter was more important and it was inconvenient to pass through the official post, so he decided to let the soldiers travel thousands of miles. a trip.

It took two cavalrymen and four horses to travel for more than a month to reach Lin'an. This is relatively fast. If it is an ordinary merchant, it will take at least two months to walk.

The streets are full of snow-sweeping soldiers and ordinary people. If the snow is not swept away in time, the wheels will run over and it will turn into mud.

Groups of children happily ran on the street, made snowmen, and had snowball fights. The city was filled with joy before the New Year. The previous disastrous defeat of the Song Army in Huaibei had been diluted by the atmosphere of the New Year.

Two sergeants led their horses to the gate of Lu's mansion. The second steward of Lu's mansion was instructing several servants to clear the snow at the gate. A sergeant stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Excuse me, is this the mansion of Lu Xianggong?"

The butler glanced at them and nodded, "This is Lu Xiangguo's mansion, what's the matter with you two?"

The sergeant took out his military badge and handed it over, "We are coming from Qinzhou, and we are sending a letter to Lu Xianggong under the order of my family's governor!"

It turned out that my aunt sent someone to deliver a letter, and the housekeeper hurriedly said: "You two please follow me into the mansion, and the horses will be handed over to the servant."

The two sergeants took off their leather bags, handed over the four horses to the servant, and followed the steward into the gate.

The butler took them to a room in the outer house to warm up and rest, and arranged for the maid to prepare meals and hot tea. He took Chen Qing's token and walked quickly to the inner house.

Coincidentally, today happened to be a holiday, and the heavy snow had just stopped. It was rare for Lu Yihao to rest at home.

Lu Yihao was wearing a soft cotton robe and was sitting comfortably in front of the brazier drinking tea and reading a book. Two little maids stood behind him and gently patted his shoulders.

At this time, the second housekeeper reported at the door, "Master, Uncle Sun sent someone from Qinzhou to deliver a letter."

Lu Yihao cheered up, and quickly asked, "Where is the letter?"

"They said they must deliver the letter to you."

The butler came in and handed over the token, "This is their identification!"

Lu Yihao quickly waved his hand and said, "Please come in quickly!"

In the past two days, Lu Yihao is planning to send someone to Qinzhou, firstly to see his granddaughter, and secondly to learn about the situation in Qinzhou. Ten thousand strong men and thousands of people.

Qin Hui and Zhu Shengfei immediately made a fuss about this matter, and the officials also asked themselves, Lu Yihao really doesn't know what's going on?

But Chengdu Tong judged that Li Jiong was his in-laws, and with him, the memorial written by the Chengdu government must have concealed a lot. Lu Yihao vaguely guessed that Chen Qing should be recruiting soldiers in Bashu, not as simple as recruiting strong men.

He believed that Chen Qing was a sensible person, and he would not go to Bashu to recruit soldiers unless he had to, so as to attract the attention of the court.

At this time, the two messenger soldiers were led into the study room, and they bowed and saluted, "See Lu Xianggong!"

"You don't need to be too polite, where are the letters you sent?"

A soldier took out a leather bag from his bosom, and took out two documents from it, one was a letter to Lu Yihao, and the other was Chen Qing's memorial to the Privy Council, and presented them to Lu Yihao together.

Lu Yihao hastily read the letter, and he probably knew the meaning. Chen Qing was recruiting a militia from the Northwest in Bashu. They belonged to soldiers, but not to the regular army. There is a serious shortage of troops, and it is necessary to recruit [-] troops before the beginning of spring. The population of Han people in Xihe Road is too small, and the source of soldiers is exhausted. They can only look for sources of soldiers from the northwest immigrants in Bashu.

Lu Yihao nodded. He knew the situation of Chen Qing's military strength. At the beginning, [-] people rushed to the Northwest. After several battles, there must have been a lot of casualties. Then they recruited [-] troops, at least nearly [-]. This requires at least [-] people to have a source of about [-] soldiers.

The population in the northwest is too small, which has reached its limit. No wonder Chen Qing went to Bashu to recruit soldiers.

Lu Yihao looked at the memorial written by Chen Qing to the imperial court, which was interesting. Chen Qing didn't mention recruiting soldiers at all, but only said that he was recruiting strong men for reclaiming wasteland and placing them in the Taohe Valley.

"This kid is very good at making excuses!"

Lu Yihao put away the memorial and asked again: "How is Mrs. Dutong doing? What happened to her?"

The soldier bowed and said: "Madam is in good condition. She walks slowly around the mansion twice a day. She looks very good. I heard that she is going to give birth in a few days. We set off a month ago, and the recent situation is not good. understood."

"I understand. You go down and rest for two days. I will write a letter later and you can take it back to Qinzhou."

The steward took two soldiers down to rest.

Lu Yihao paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back. In fact, Chen Qing's problem was not serious. He was a Jiedu envoy with an army of [-] troops. It would be normal to have [-] more logistics soldiers. It would be no problem at all for the states to recruit militias.

The army is not the problem. Chen Qing's problem is the appointment of magistrates. He has been back to the northwest for a year, but he has not sent a record of the appointment of magistrates to the official department. This is a bit unreasonable. Lu Yihao is really worried about the officials. A supervising army will be sent over. At that time, many of Chen Qing's powers will be restricted.

After all, he is his grandson-in-law!If you don't help him yourself, who will help him?

Lu Yihao pondered for a long time. He still had to ask Zhang Jun for help on this matter. If Zhang Jun supported him, Xu Xiantu, the privy secretary, would give him a favor. Then the proposal to send a supervisory army would fail in the Zhizheng Hall first, and then he would try to persuade the emperor. Even if Qin Hui is the right minister, there is nothing he can do.

Thinking of this, Lu Yihao immediately ordered: "Prepare the carriage, I'm going to Mr. Zhang's residence!"

Early the next morning, Chen Qing's memorial was transferred by the Privy Council to the emperor's imperial case. Chen Qing was the Jiedu envoy, so he could submit the memorial to the emperor directly, or he could submit it to the emperor after discussion in the Zhizheng hall. After all, Chen Qing also In charge of Xihe Road government affairs, since he is in charge of government affairs, he cannot escape the interference of Zhizhengtang.

However, with Lu Yihao's operation, the Privy Council directly transferred the memorial to the emperor.

As Lu Yihao expected, in the morning, the official Zhao Gou summoned him to the Ziwei side hall to have an audience.

Lu Yihao hurried to the Ziwei side hall and found that several ministers had arrived. He bowed to the emperor Zhao Gou and sat down on his seat next to him. Soon, the main officials from the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households all arrived. It's a small court discussion!

Zhao Gou picked up Chen Qing's memorial and asked Lu Yihao, "Did Lu Xianggong transfer Chen Qing's memorial to the Privy Council?"

According to the normal process, the local government of each prefecture should have a Jinzhaoyuan in Lin'an, which is equivalent to the Beijing Office. The memorials of all localities are first sent to the Jinzhaoyuan in this state, and then sent to the relevant departments by the Jinzhaoyuan. It was the Tang system, and the Song Dynasty also inherited it.

However, Xihe Road did not set up a concert hall in the capital, so Chen Qing's memorial had to be handed over to Lu Yihao, the minister, and there was no problem with public or private.

Lu Yihao said calmly; "Xihe Road didn't enter the theater in Lin'an, and yesterday happened to be the imperial court's ten-day holiday, so the soldiers who delivered the letter had to send it to Weichen's mansion first."

Zhao Gou accused Lu Yihao of meaning that he just wanted to put Xihe Road on the right track as soon as possible.

"Then we have to solve the first problem. Xihe Road must set up Jinzhaoyuan. Do you think it should be established separately, or merged into the Jinzouyuan in Lin'an of the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Department?"

Zhu Shengfei got up and said: "Your Majesty, I think it is more appropriate to merge into the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shaanxi. After all, Xihe Road was originally under the jurisdiction of the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shaanxi."

This is Chen Qing's eye drops!Find a boss for Chen Qing, and the appointment of officials in the future must be decided by the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Department.

Zhang Jun sneered and said: "Mr. Zhu is talking nonsense! When I am very busy, can the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shaanxi manage the affairs of Xihe Road? When I was the envoy of Xuanfu of Sichuan and Shaanxi, I couldn't manage Xihe Road. Could it be that in Zhu When you were a husband, the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu Division expanded its power?"

Qin Hui got up and cupped his hands to Zhao Gou: "Your Majesty, Zhu Xianggong's suggestion is not unreasonable. The reason why the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shanxi cannot control Xihe Road is not because it has no authority, but because Xihe Road is not in the hands of the Song Army. Once Xihe The road was captured by the Song army, so it naturally came under the jurisdiction of the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shaanxi. If I remember correctly, the Sixth Shaanxi Road includes Xihe Road."

(End of this chapter)

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