
Chapter 509

Chapter 509
Coming out of the barracks, Chen Qing accompanied Wu Jie to the farmland by the Weihe River. Wu Jie looked at the endless wheat fields in the distance, and sighed softly, "Chen Dutong, do you know why I want to visit the farmland?"

Chen Qing shook his head, Wu Jie said with a sneer: "Actually, you should know that there is a kind of person in the officialdom who is incompetent himself, but he can't see the good of others, and he is incompetent in killing the enemy, but he is an expert at stumbling his colleagues and using black knives." .

That's right, I said it was Liu Guangshi, this person will definitely target you, and he will manipulate your food and military salary, so I hope you must ensure self-sufficiency in food, and then you have the opportunity to appeal to the court. "

Chen Qing smiled lightly, "Will it be useful to appeal to the court?"

"You have a supervising army, and the supervising army can directly appeal to the officials, and the effect will be better."

Chen Qing smiled and said: "If he wants to punish me, he will have a thousand and ten thousand ways. The best way to deal with it is to have no contact with him, not to ask him, and to ignore him."

"Then underestimate him, forget it, I understand your methods, and it's a bit worrying to say these things."

Wu Jie pondered for a while and asked, "There is something I've always wanted to ask you. It's something I keep in my heart. You don't have to answer me, but I must ask."

"General Wu, please speak!"

"There are rumors in Hanzhong that you have embraced the army to stand on your own. Is it true?"

Chen Qing laughed, "This is a bit serious. I violated the rules at most, such as mining copper and iron ore, casting money to subsidize the military salary, or how can I solve the problem of military salary with the extra army? Besides, there are supervising troops here. , if I stand on my own with soldiers, will he tolerate me?"

"Yes! You have a supervising army here, and the most you can do is to bribe him to help you conceal the violation, but when it comes to supporting the soldiers to stand on their own feet, no matter how much money you give him, he will not dare to accept it, but if one day, the imperial court sends you As a civil servant, can you accept being your boss?"

Chen Qing frowned, "I've already sent a supervisory army, will I send another civil servant?"

Wu Jie shook his head, "The supervising army is only a temporary arrangement, and the civil servants are the court system, and they will be sent sooner or later."

Chen Qing pondered for a while and said, "I'm different from you. I'm afraid I can't accept it. Even if the court forcefully inserts him, he won't have any power."

Wu Jie was stunned, "Isn't this against the court?"

Wu Jie said it very implicitly, using the word "opposition", if it is more serious, it means self-reliance, and if it is more serious, it means rebellion.

Chen Qing looked at Weihe and smiled, "I understand the good intentions of General Wu who came to Chengji County on a special trip. You are actually doing it for my own good. You are afraid that I will be young and immature and go astray against the court, but I You can tell General Wu that I never thought of betraying the Song Dynasty, let alone the ambition of using troops to stand on my own. I just hate the civil service system, and I don’t want to become a vassal of the civil service. , was forced to leave Sichuan and Shaanxi."

"Unpaid ambition?"

Wu Jie murmured twice, and finally looked up to the sky and sighed, "Yes! I only want to take back Shaanxi, expel the Tartars, and recover the Central Plains. Now I haven't realized any of them. It's really nothing!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

Chen Qing said calmly: "If you want to be a loyal minister, you will definitely not be able to accomplish great things. If you want to do great things, you will definitely not be able to be a loyal minister. It is destined to be impossible to have both. So I will be a minister of the Great Song Dynasty, but not necessarily a loyal minister."

Wu Jie left that afternoon, left Hanzhong directly, and went to Lin'an to report on his duties. He recommended his brother Wu Ling to be in charge of the [-] Hanzhong Army on his behalf. .

And at this moment, Chen Qing received a copy of the Emperor's Letter from Wang Mian, the supervising army, in the form of a pigeon letter.

"The emperor asked us to send troops to Ganzhou and Liangzhou?"

Zhang Xiao and Jiang Yanxian looked at each other, and Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said: "How could the emperor think of such a ridiculous decision? Once we station troops in the Hexi Corridor, it will involve a lot of our resources and energy, and it will delay our Eastern Expedition. Combat, face the enemy."

Chen Qing smiled bitterly and said: "I'm afraid it was triggered by a letter from my family. I told Lu Xianggong about the current situation in Hexi, and I mentioned that the troops in Hexi have been exhausted. If I lead the army to capture Ganzhou and Liangzhou Easy as pie."

Jiang Yan pondered for a moment and said: "If there is no army in Ganzhou and Liangzhou, it is indeed an opportunity, but I don't know how many Han people there are? If there are a lot of Han people, then there is a foundation, and even if the civil war in Xixia is over, I'm afraid The national strength will also be greatly damaged, and they will be more worried about being invaded by the Jin Kingdom, and they will not dare to fight us easily."

The commander Zheng Ping who was sitting beside him said with a smile: "I know a merchant from Hexi who is in the liquor business. You can ask him. His liquor store is not far from the government office."

"But the shopkeeper An of the Ganzhou wine shop?"

"It's him!"

Chen Qing nodded happily, "You go and find him immediately, and I'll ask him about his situation!"

Zheng Ping got up and went, Zhang Xiao said again: "If we send troops to the Hexi Corridor, will Wanyan and Lisa think this is an opportunity to attack us?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "This kind of thing should not happen. Firstly, it is not difficult to capture Liangzhou and Ganzhou. The difficult thing is how to hold them, and it doesn't take much time; After being transferred away, Wanyan Heli Sakou might want to play Hanzhong's idea more, judging from the fact that they have started to rebuild Jiandao Pass, they are still taking a defensive position towards us, focusing on defense."

Zhang Xiao was a little embarrassed and said, "The envoy of Jinglue sees farther than I do. Wanyan Helisa should pay more attention to Hanzhong instead of Xihe Road at this time."

Just as he was speaking, Zheng Ping hurried over with a businessman, and the businessman bowed and said: "Little people, Ansheng, please refer to Master Jinglueshi!"

Chen Qing also knew the shopkeeper An, who was also the owner of An Dong, a descendant of the Sogdian people in Ganzhou, who specialized in Zhangye wines. He just came from Ganzhou to open a shop not long ago. He is very popular and has already met many people.

"Master Anton, please sit down!"

"Thank you for your envoy!" An Sheng sat down beside him.

Chen Qingxiao asked: "I heard that Xixia has taken away the troops from Ganzhou and Liangzhou. Is this true?"

An Sheng nodded quickly, "It's true. Originally Ganzhou and Liangzhou each had [-] troops. I heard that a civil war broke out in Xixia, and these [-] troops were transferred to fight. Now there are almost no soldiers in Liangzhou and Ganzhou. It was like this a few days ago, my batch of wine had just been delivered, and when they set off, they were still worried about horse bandits."

"And horse bandits?"

"Hey! Isn't the horse bandit disguised as the Xixia cavalry? They robbed merchants and have been raging in the Hexi Corridor for decades. In fact, they wanted to drive away the Uyghur herdsmen in the Hexi Corridor. The Uyghur herdsmen organized and have been fighting with the horse bandits. struggle."

"How many Han people are there in Ganzhou and Liangzhou?" Jiang Yanxian asked.

"There have always been descendants of the former Guiyi Army. They mainly live in Zhangye County in Ganzhou and Guzang County in Liangzhou. They farm around the city for a living. It is estimated that there are several thousand families and a population of [-] to [-]. .”

"Then what about outside the city?"

"Originally, the Uyghurs, Qiang people and Tubo people were the main ones, because Ganzhou and Liangzhou were originally the territories of the Ganzhou Uyghurs. After the Xixia people defeated the Uyghurs, the Ganzhou Uyghurs were driven to the south of Qilian Mountains and renamed the Yellow-headed Uyghurs. Dangxiang herdsmen migrated here and seized the pastures of the Uighurs and Qiangs. The Tubo people were all driven away, and they hated each other deeply. However, because the Han people were farming and did not involve pastures, and paid taxes honestly, they have been able to continue for a hundred years. .”

Chen Qing pondered for a long time and said: "The Xixia army has been transferred back, will the Yellow-headed Uighur also take the opportunity to make a comeback?"

"It's entirely possible. The south of the Qilian Mountains is a plateau, a place of bitter cold, and life is difficult. Where there are such fertile pastures as the Hexi Corridor, they dream of killing them."

Chen Qing nodded and asked Zheng Ping to send this An Dongzhu back.

At this time, all three of them realized that the biggest obstacle for them to seize Liangzhou and Ganzhou was not Xixia, but the yellow-headed Uighur, the former Ganzhou Uighur.

"Employee, is there such a possibility that we control the central county and give them the pasture? The two sides live in harmony?" Jiang Yanxian asked.

Chen Qing paced back and forth with his hands behind his hands, bowed his head in thought, and finally walked to the map, staring blankly at the map of the Hexi Corridor on the wall.

After a while he slowly said: "The yellow-headed Uighur must take back the old capital of Zhangye, and simply give them Zhangye City, even if they don't want it, we will force Zhangye City to them.

We only guard Liangzhou City. In this way, even after the civil war in Xixia is over, the enemy they want to face is the yellow-headed Uighur, not us. , and more importantly, the Yellow-headed Uighur can be used to weaken Xixia again. "

Zhang Xiao and Jiang Yanxian gave thumbs up at the same time, "The strategy makes you smart!"

(End of this chapter)

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