
Chapter 510 Advice

Chapter 510 Advice
Chen Qing hardly hesitated, and on the third day after deciding to take Liangzhou, he set off with [-] cavalry.

Chen Qingbing divided into two groups and ordered Niu Gao to lead [-] cavalry and [-] camels to take the Lanzhou line, cross the Yellow River, and head for Liangzhou.

And Chen Qing personally led [-] cavalry and [-] camels to Xi'an Prefecture, and went to Liangzhou through Dadouba Valley.

At the same time, Chen Qing also wrote a letter and sent people to the Yellow-headed Uyghur. In fact, Chen Qing didn't have to worry about the news about the Yellow-headed Uyghur. They still had a small number of people in Ganzhou, so they would definitely get the news.

The army marched all the way west. It was midsummer at this time, the weather was very hot, and the physical strength was exhausted. The army had to travel day and night. Ten days later, the army arrived in Huangzhou.

Chen Qing ordered the army to rest in Huangzhou for two days before continuing to set off.

In the big tent, Chen Qing was fanning the cattail fan, while sitting at the table looking at the map, at this moment, a soldier outside the door said: "Report to Dutong, Xu Zhizhou's father please see me!"

Chen Qing immediately realized that it must be Xu Hongtu, the grandson of Zanpu Dongzhi, the second generation of the Qingtang Dynasty. He is half Han and half Tubo. He is a legendary figure by the lakeside of Qinghai.

"Hurry up please!"

Chen Qing greeted him out of the big tent in person. After a short while, the dark-skinned and muscular Xu Hongtu walked over quickly and bowed to salute, "Please refer to the envoy!"

He was already sixty years old, so he didn't need to bow down to Chen Qingxing.

"Mr. Xu, we meet again."

"Yes! I also really want to go to Chengji County to meet Jinglue envoy, and visit my grandson by the way."

Xu Hongtu's grandson originally wanted to study in Chengdu, but later changed his mind and went to study in Chengji County. He was regarded as a hostage of the Xu family in Chengji County.

Xu Hongtu pointed to a big man behind him again, "This is my nephew Xu Yuan, the envoy of the Economic Strategy is going to pull the valley. I think a guide is needed, he is very familiar with pulling the valley.

Chen Qing was overjoyed, he arrived just in time, he was just thinking about the guide, so Xu Hongtu sent his nephew here. .

Chen Qing asked the soldiers to take Xu Yuan down to rest, and then invited Xu Hongtu into the big tent, and the two sat down as guests and hosts, and ordered the soldiers to serve herbal tea.

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I thought Huangzhou would be cooler, but I didn't expect it to be as hot!"

Xu Hongtu smiled slightly, "Of course it's hot in summer, but the hot time will be shorter, but when you pass Xining Prefecture and approach Dadouba Valley, you will feel that the temperature drops suddenly. Dadouba Valley will even encounter Blizzard."

"Blizzard in midsummer?" Chen Qing felt a little unbelievable.

"When Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty was in midsummer, he encountered a blizzard and killed many people, including Yang Lihua, the eldest princess of the Sui Dynasty, who also died of cold illness."

Chen Qing nodded, "I understand, we must prepare for the cold!"

"I'm here to remind the envoy, don't forget to bring a thick sheepskin coat."

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Xu Hongtu said again: "Dadou Bagu is an extremely important strategic passage, currently controlled by the Xixia army, but now that the Xixia army has withdrawn, I suggest that the economic envoy occupy it, so that the yellow-headed Uighurs can be cut off and return to the Hexi Corridor. possibility."

Chen Qing tentatively asked, "Is the old man familiar with the yellow-headed Uighur?"

Xu Hongtu nodded, "Their current chief is Cao Changchun. I have a very good relationship with his father. His father died of illness last year, and I went to mourn him."

"What is their relationship with Xihai Tubo?" Chen Qing asked again.

Xu Hongtu said with a chuckle: "Geluoba colluded with Xixia and accepted the armor of Xixia people, and the yellow-headed Uighur was the former Ganzhou Uighur, and they were feuds with Xixia. Ganzhou Uighur was destroyed by Xixia a hundred years ago, and he did not know he was killed. How many people were killed, and the remaining forces fled to the other side of the Qilian Mountains, recuperating for a hundred years before slowly recovering. Will their relationship with Xihai Tubo be good?

To be honest, the rest of the Tubo tribe in Xihai has been wiped out by the Jishi tribe and the Yellow-headed Uyghur. The population belongs to the Jishi tribe, the land belongs to the Yellow-headed Uighur, and the property is divided equally between the two families. "

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "To be honest, Mr. Xu, I don't want to completely capture Liangzhou and Ganzhou this time, I just want to occupy a Liangzhou city, and give the rest to the yellow-headed Uighur. Is it acceptable?"

"Of course they want it, but I don't think it's too polite to use it. You don't need to give it to them for nothing if you take the land from the Xixia people, you can exchange it with them."

"In exchange for what?"

"You can exchange war horses and sheepskins for this random envoy, but I suggest exchanging land for land, and the envoy can exchange Dunhuang with them."

"Isn't Dunhuang in the hands of the Xixia people?"

"The troops in Ganzhou and Liangzhou have been withdrawn. How much Xixia troops can be left in Shazhou? The Yellow-headed Uighur can take it back. There are many Han people in Dunhuang, all descendants of the Guiyi Army. In the Song Dynasty, the Envoy of the Economic Strategy took Liangzhou and Shazhou, and he pinched the end of the Hexi Corridor. I don’t believe that the Envoy of the Economic Strategy has no idea about the Hexi Corridor?”

Xu Hongtu's suggestion completely touched Chen Qing's heart. He pondered for a while and said, "I want to talk to Cao Changchun. I wonder if senior Xu can help me?"

Xu Hongtu nodded, "If Jinglue can cooperate with the Yellow-headed Uyghur, they will definitely become a great help for the Song army to fight against Xixia in the future. In fact, it is a good thing. I am willing to serve Jinglue!"

Chen Qing was overjoyed, with Xu Hongtu helping him connect, the problem he was most worried about was easily solved.

Dadouba Valley is an extremely important strategic channel on the Hexi Corridor, from Hehuang directly across the Qilian Mountains to Ganzhou, without having to go around thousands of miles.

There were originally a thousand Xixia troops stationed in Dadouba Valley, and a military city was specially built in a dangerous place, but this military city is now empty, there is water in the military city, and the food can sustain a thousand people for three months.

Chen Qing left [-] troops to guard the military city, and the army continued to march deep into the Dadouba Valley.

Just like Xu Hongtu's suggestion, brothers must settle their accounts clearly. Even if they want to form an alliance with the Yellow-headed Uighurs again, they cannot easily give up the land. It is possible, but there must be conditions and a price. Being too generous will only make others look down on them. You, too, will doubt your sincerity.

Therefore, he must guard the entrance of Dadouba Valley, and he will release the Uighur army after the negotiation is settled.

Dadouba Valley is not very long, only sixty or seventy miles, but the waves are high. Although it is midsummer, at night, the temperature will drop sharply and become very cold, and the climate in the canyon is changeable, sometimes it looks like the sun is shining brightly , but in an instant, the dark clouds will close, and the storm will be violent. It is also for this reason that Emperor Sui Yang's west tour was hit by a snowstorm here, causing heavy casualties.

There are not only narrow valley roads and dangerous areas in Dadouba Valley, but also wide areas of tens of miles are diversified, which is an ideal place for hiding dragons and crouching tigers.

Xu Yuan, who led the way for Chen Qing's army, pointed out the surrounding environment all the way. He was taciturn at first, but when he entered the Dadou Valley, he seemed to be back home, a completely changed person, talking and laughing.

"The terrain in Dadouba Valley is very complicated, there are many side roads, and there are many hiding places. If he is wanted by the government and hides in Dadouba Valley, the government really can't find him."

Liu Qiong next to him whispered: "Of course I can't find it. It's in the belly of a tiger and wolf. Where can I find it?"

Everyone laughed, and Xu Yuan explained with some embarrassment: "I was just making an analogy. In fact, it is impossible for the perpetrator to hide in Dadoubagu and be isolated from the world. It is better to go far away."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a nomadic boy covered in blood running out of the woods, waving his hands and shouting.

(End of this chapter)

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