
Chapter 513 Liangzhou

Chapter 513 Liangzhou
All the generals were aggressive Uighur warriors, they were eager to try and compete with Chen Qing when they heard the words, they all agreed and were willing to take up the question.

Chen Qing smiled slightly, picked up a spear casually, ran two steps, and threw it hard into the distance, only to see the spear flew eighty steps, and it was precisely inserted on the flagpole of the Song Army.

Everyone exclaimed, and even Cao Changchun's eyes widened. He knew that he would not be able to do it if he needed not only superhuman strength, but also extremely high riding and archery skills.

"Everyone, this is my question. If it is the same as mine, I will admit defeat."

Although this spear was a bit shocking, but how could everyone be convinced, they picked up their spears and threw them on the grass. After throwing more than a dozen spears in a row, the farthest general only threw more than [-] steps, let alone stabbed A flagpole with a medium-bowl mouth.

Convinced, everyone raised their big bowls and drank it all in one gulp. Chen Qing also raised a bowl of wine, and accompanied them to sip to the top.

Cao Changchun clapped his hands, got up and praised: "Your brother is indeed worthy of being the number one general of the Western Army. It really opened my eyes. These rough people have lost. According to our rules, it is not only as simple as drinking, but also showing off the prize." of."

He shouted to more than a dozen generals: "Take out the best things in yourself, and then give them all back!"

Everyone was ashamed, and they each took something out of their pockets and put it in front of Chen Qing.

Chen Qing said apologetically, "I'm so sorry, I'll give each of you a saber later. It's made by the best craftsmen in our army, and it's extremely sharp."

Everyone was overjoyed, and left with fists in their hands.

At this moment, Cao Changchun beckoned the most beautiful among the dancers, and said to Chen Qing with a smile, "This is my concubine, and I will give it to my younger brother as a lottery."

Chen Qing was startled, and quickly waved his hands, "Other things can be accepted, but women are not allowed, brother, please forgive me!"

"It's true, you Han patriarchal ethics are too strong, then let her serve you all night, and let brothers taste her beauty."

Chen Qing still shook his head, smiled wryly and said, "Brother, don't embarrass me..."

Cao Changchun laughed, "You don't want it yourself, it's not that I don't show my brother's friendship!"

"Brother's kindness, I'm in the mood!"

Cao Changchun patted him on the shoulder, "Let's continue drinking!"

Chen Qing got drunk and was carried back to the big tent by his own soldiers.

In the middle of the night, he felt that there was a delicate and soft body beside him, hugging his neck, but he couldn't open his eyes, he just thought he was having a dream.

When he woke up the next day, Chen Qing knew something bad had happened. Last night was not a dream, but real. Although the woman had disappeared, Chen Qing knew that she had really existed, and all traces were still there.

Chen Qing put on his clothes, walked out of the big tent, angrily scolded the two soldiers: "Why did you let that woman into the tent last night?"

The two guards on duty looked at each other, and one of them said aggrievedly, "Tu Tong brought her back and led her into the account. We refused to agree, and Du Tong got angry."

Chen Qing's eyes widened suddenly, is his wine so bad?I don't know what I did when I was drunk.


The two soldiers nodded.

"Who else knows besides you?"

"There will be no more for the time being. Everyone has too much to drink, so we two are on duty."

"Each of you will be rewarded with ten taels of silver. You are not allowed to tell anyone about the women's affairs last night, especially Madam, for this secret money, do you understand?"


"Go and rest! Get someone else."

After the two soldiers left, Chen Qing collapsed on the blanket, recalling the erotic dream last night, which really made him a little fascinated.

"Hey! After tasting the taste of a woman, it is indeed difficult to keep the barrier of desire."

Although Chen Qing still wanted to see what this woman looked like, he had no chance, and Cao Changchun never mentioned the matter again. The two immediately had an open and honest negotiation, and quickly reached an agreement.

The two sides agreed to join hands to deal with the counterattack of the Xixia army. Chen Qing gave up the grasslands of Ganzhou and Liangzhou. He only wanted Liangzhou City and the surrounding [-] hectares of farmland. To Chen Qing.

In addition, as a common channel for both parties, Dadouba Valley is owned by both parties.

Cao Changchun promised that he would sell horses, cattle and sheep to Chen Qing at the lowest price.

At the same time, the two parties agreed that the one million catties of copper ingots and [-] catties of refined iron in Ganzhou City belonged to the Song army, but as compensation, Chen Qing would support [-] catties of ordinary pig iron to the Yellow-headed Uighur.

Chen Qing ordered to send [-] jin of refined iron to Liangzhou first, while the copper ingots were transported away in batches.

Three days later, Cao Changchun's main army arrived, and Chen Qing gave up Zhangye City and set off for Liangzhou.

Cao Changchun kept sending Chen Qing twenty miles away, Chen Qing clasped his fists and said, "Brother, send you thousands of miles away, we must say goodbye at last, stop!"

Cao Changchun pondered for a while and said, "I know that the emperor of the Song Dynasty was not easy to get along with. If one day, my brothers have a hard time, please remember to tell me that the gate of our Uighurs in Ganzhou will always be open for brothers."

Chen Qing was moved and nodded, "If I have nowhere to go, I will definitely come to my brother!"

"Brother take care!"

"Take care of yourself!"

Chen Qing clasped his fists and saluted, turned his horse's head and ran towards the army in the distance.

After walking more than ten miles, Chen Qing turned his head and saw a few black spots in the distance.

Liangzhou has been occupied by Xixia for a hundred years. Liangzhou City was originally called Guzang County, which was named after the Guzang Mountain in the south. Now it is not called this name, but Liangzhou City.

At this time, the Song Army has occupied Liangzhou City, and the city is in good order. Teams of Song Army are patrolling the streets. Like Ganzhou, Liangzhou City is full of Xixia shadows. The shops and residents, at least [-]% of the population are Xixia people. .

When Chen Qing led his army to Liangzhou City, Niugao's army had occupied Liangzhou City for ten days.

Outside the north city gate, Niu Gao and Gao Ding greeted Chen Qing at the gate.

"How is the situation in Liangzhou City?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"Some things need to be decided by the commander himself!"

Chen Qing nodded, "Let's talk about it when we enter the city!"

He said to Gao Ding again: "General Gao please arrange for the troops to rest in the barracks."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Gao Ding went to arrange the troops, and Chen Qing walked into Liangzhou City under the guard of a hundred cavalry.

Liangzhou City is completely different from Zhangye City. Zhangye City is full of exotic customs, while Liangzhou City still clearly has the architectural style of the Central Plains, but it is also mixed with many Xixia and local Hu people's buildings.

"How many counties are there in Liangzhou?" Chen Qing asked.

"At present, there is only Liangzhou City, and the previous counties have been abandoned."

"What about the population?"

Chen Qing asked again with a smile: "How many people are there in the city?"

"About [-] people, [-] households, of which Han Chinese and Xixia people each accounted for [-]%, and the rest were Hu people, Qiang people, Sogdians, Uyghurs, etc. Among them, Xixia people occupied the top, and Han people belonged to the underprivileged. They are oppressed and exploited, and the other Hu tribes are also oppressed. It is difficult for the lowly officials to deal with the Xixia people, and I hope Dutong can set a rule."

Chen Qing nodded, "Actually, I've been thinking about this issue all the way. I think we should grasp a principle, that is, to combine leniency with strictness and solve it step by step."

"The humble position also considers this way. The humble position considers issuing a notice first, allowing the Xixia people to return to Xixia on their own. If they do not want to leave, they must accept the strict management of the Song army. First, turn in all weapons. If they do not obey the army's management, they will be forced to repatriate."

Chen Qing smiled slightly: "Actually, there is another way. All the young and strong men of the party members will be sent back, and the old and weak women and children can stay."

"I'm afraid they think we are going to kill people and cause chaos in the city."

"The first step is to confiscate all weapons, and then implement the second step. If you don't want to send them back, then let them harvest wheat. In short, you can't stay in the city. If you don't want to be separated from your family, then please They left Liangzhou City."

"Understood, I will start collecting weapons from house to house today."

(End of this chapter)

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