
Chapter 514

Chapter 514
Beginning in the afternoon, the Song Army began to go door-to-door to ask for all kinds of weapons and armor to be handed over. The reason was to prevent the Xixia army from being hidden in the city.

The Xixia people not only had to take the initiative to surrender, but also went into the house to search. Most Xixia people swallowed their anger and cooperated with the Song army to enter the house to search, but there were still a few Xixia people who refused to allow the Song army to enter the house. Scuffles occurred, and the Song army quickly arrested people. They arrested thousands of Xixia people.

Chen Qing immediately made a decision that these thousands of Xixia people, together with their families, would be forcibly repatriated to Xixia.

Chen Qing knew well that there would be no Xixia soldiers in the city now, but once the Xixia army came, they would definitely cooperate with the army. They were all high-risk individuals and had to be repatriated.

At the same time when the Song army began to expel the Xixia people in Liangzhou in a planned way, Liu Guangshi, the new Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu envoy, also took office. He did not come to office alone, he brought fifteen thousand troops.

These [-] people are not the army of the imperial court, but the army recruited by Liu Guangshi himself. It is the Liu family army. Basically, every general has his own army. , allowing the recruitment of a part of the army as a supplement in addition to the quota stipulated by the imperial court.

Of course, the military salaries and food for these self-recruited troops are also borne by the imperial court. Their special feature is that the main general will be mobilized, and the army will follow along. This is the key.

Chen Qing's army followed him to Yueyang, and Yue Fei's Yue family army also followed him to Jingxiang. Among them, Zhang Jun's private army was the largest, with more than [-] people, followed by Han Shizhong, with about [-] people, and the next It is Yue Fei, who has [-] people, and Wu Jie has [-] people, but he left the army to his brother Wu Ling.

Liu Guangshi's privately-raised army used to exceed [-] people, but he was defeated in Yangzhou the year before last, and almost his entire army was wiped out. He started recruiting troops again, so his privately-raised army was the smallest.

This is the source of each "family army". In the early Southern Song Dynasty, there were not only the Yue family army, but also the Zhang family army, Han family army, Liu family army, and Wu family army. Now Chen Qing's army has also begun to be called Chen family army.

However, these military leaders were all deprived of military power by the emperor Zhao Gou in the later period, but Yue Fei's fate was the most tragic.

Because of the disastrous defeat of the previous year, Liu Guangshi has been relatively low-key in the past two years, but low-key does not mean that he does not do anything. He is very good at drilling camps. He found that Queen Mother Wei's party is gradually growing, but there is still a lack of military power. He decisively submitted to Queen Mother Wei. After receiving the certificate of honor, he became a member of the queen mother's party. He really tasted the sweetness, and the big hat of the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi fell on his head.

The reason why Liu Guangshi was able to serve as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi as a general was not because he was capable, but because he was one of the few generals who made the emperor Zhao Gou feel at ease. .

Zhang Jun, Han Shizhong, Liu Guangshi, Yang Yizhong, Yue Fei, Liu Kai, just a few people, only Liu Kai in the Western Army Department can be trusted, and the others can't make it to this list, so Liu Ziyu, Wang Yan, and Wu Jie were all rejected. transferred away.

In the office of the Xuanfu Division, officials are taking turns reporting the situation to Liu Guangshi. Li Miao and Liu Guangshi are from the same hometown and have old friends. After Liu Guang took office this time, he was immediately promoted to judge.

Liu Guangshi smiled and said to Li Miao: "I am different from Lu Fasheng. He is a civil servant. He should not be interested in directly controlling the army. I guess his interest is in managing people, but I am different. I am a general. My interest is in directly controlling the army." All the troops, you have to tell me, where is the breakthrough to control all the troops in Sichuan and Shaanxi?"

Before Liu Guangshi came to take office, he specifically consulted Zhu Shengfei. Zhu Shengfei told him that the key to becoming a real Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi is to control the military power. Five thousand troops and thirteen confidant generals, of course, are going to take over the entire army.

Of course Li Miao understood what Liu Guangshi meant. He thought for a while and said, "Currently, the Sichuan-Shaanxi Xuanfu Division has a total of [-] troops, divided into [-] Sichuan Army and [-] Shaanxi Army. The [-] Sichuan Army is under the direct control of Xuanfu Division. , There is no problem with this, but the troublesome point is that the [-] Shaanxi Army is actually the Hanzhong Army, they are Wu-level troops, and the Xuanfu Division can only indirectly control them."

Liu Guangshi narrowed his eyes and said, "Didn't Wu Jie leave?"

"His generals are still there! They are all in charge of Wu Ling, Tian Sheng, Yang Zheng, and Liu Zan. These four are Wu Jie's confidantes, and currently control [-] troops in Hanzhong."

Liu Guangshi nodded, the key here is Wu Ling!
"Where is Wu Ling now?"

"He has been stationed in the West City."

Liu Guangshi immediately ordered: "Issue a military order to go to Xicheng quickly, and order Wu Ling to come to see me."

Followed the order to go.

Liu Guangshi walked to the map, looked at Xihe Road on the map and asked: "Xihe Road should also be under the jurisdiction of the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shaanxi!"

"Reporting to the Xuanfu envoy, it used to be, but since the year before last, the imperial court has divided it, and Lu Fasheng has been doing everything possible to plot Xihe Road, trying to bring Xihe Road back under the jurisdiction of the Xuanfu Division of Sichuan and Shaanxi. Unfortunately, Chen Qing is too strong, Lu Fasheng has no chance."


Liu Guangshi snorted, "I'm afraid it's just not following the rules."

The discord between Liu Guangshi and Chen Qing originated from Gaoding. Gaoding was Liu Guangshi's general. Because he was dissatisfied with Liu Guangshi's command, he left the army and went to Jingzhou to join Chen Qing.

Liu Guangshi wrote several times asking for Gaoding to be repatriated, but Chen Qing flatly refused, so that Liu Guangshi lost face in front of the generals, so he held a grudge against Chen Qing. When Chen Qing got married in Lin'an, Liu Guangshi was The only general who did not send congratulatory gifts and congratulatory letters.

Now that he has joined the queen mother's party, Chen Qing has become an enemy both public and private. One of the tasks assigned to him by the queen mother Wei is to find evidence of Chen Qing's attempt to rebel, and find a way to catch him and send him to Lin'an as a reward , Xihe Road Jiedushi by him concurrently.

Although the reward is very attractive, Liu Guangshi also knows that this task is not easy to complete, and he is a bit unreasonable and willful of a woman. If he really does this, the Queen Mother will be happy, but he can't explain it to the officials.

It's better to find the evidence of Chen Qing's rebellion first.

"How did Lu Fasheng do it?"

"He sent a few people to lurk in Chengji County, looking for clues about Chen Qing, but Chen Qing found out and sent Li back, so he didn't make things difficult for them."

"It means that Lu Fasheng got nothing!"

"It can be said that, but just before he left, he found a clue."

"What's the clue?" Liu Guangshi asked.

"That is the military salary. From last year to now, the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shanxi only paid the military salary of [-] people under Chen Qing, but Chen Qing has at least [-] people. How did he solve the military salary of the other [-] people?" ?”

"What if he collects the taxes himself?"

Li Miao shook his head with a smile, "If the Xuanfu envoy knew about Xihe Road, he wouldn't think so. Xihe Road has a small population and has never been rich. I'm afraid it can't even afford the military salary of [-] people, let alone Say [-] people."

Liu Guangshi frowned, "This is a bit strange."

"That's why Lu Fasheng believed that Chen Qing must have mined mines to make money privately, and that Wang Mian, the supervisor of the army, was bought by him."

Liu Guangshi narrowed his eyes. Without the permission of the imperial court, Jiedu envoys mined mines to make money without permission. This is a felony!
(End of this chapter)

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