
Chapter 515 Cut off

Chapter 515 Cut off
Chen Qing appointed Niu Gao as the military envoy of Liangzhou, and led [-] troops to garrison Liangzhou City. Chen Qing led the remaining [-] troops and returned to Qinzhou with [-] catties of refined iron.

There is basically no difficulty in capturing Ganzhou and Liangzhou this time. The difficulty is how to hold them?
However, for Xixia, they will not consider Xihe Road before recapturing Liangzhou and Ganzhou.

Back in Chengji County, Chen Qingxian called on Wang Mian, the supervisor of the army.

The seizure of the Hexi Corridor this time was an order from the emperor's feverish mind, so naturally Wang Mian had to reply to the emperor.

"Why didn't the Jinglue envoy take down Zhangye City?" Wang Mi asked a little puzzled.

Chen Qing smiled slightly and said: "Zhangye City is the old capital of the Yellow-headed Uyghurs. They are determined to win. Fighting against the Yellow-headed Uyghurs for a Zhangye City is not conducive to our joint efforts against Xixia in the future, and it is also not conducive to our management of the Hexi Corridor. On the contrary, Giving up Zhangye City to them gave us a powerful ally, and also allowed us to get a continuous supply of war horses. Besides, there are not many Han people in Zhangye City. If we need it, we will build a new Zhangye City in the future. .”

Wang Mi nodded, "The envoy makes sense. Winning an ally is indeed more important than fighting for a city. Our family will report the truth to the officials."

Chen Qing took out two more memorials and put them on the table, "One is a detailed report on my dispatch to Hexi this time, and the other is an informal letter written by the chief of the Yellow-headed Uyghur to the officials. Send it."

Wang Mi was also very happy in his heart. The task assigned by the official was completed in one month, and he had part of the credit for it.

Wang Mi quickly nodded and agreed, "Don't worry! Our family will send people to Lin'an as soon as possible."

When Chen Qing returned to his official room, Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Xiao rushed over after hearing the news.

Chen Qing took a sip of tea and asked with a smile, "Is there any important news to tell me?"

Jiang Yanxian said with a serious expression: "Liu Guangshi has been appointed as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi!"

"I know that, then what?"

"Then he began to purge the old troops of the Wu ranks. Wu Ling was sent to Bashu to train recruits. Liu Guangshi's confidants Wang De and Li Qiong took over the command of the capital and took over Wu Ling's army respectively. Tian Sheng, Yang Zheng, and Liu Zan were all reorganized. Assuming a false post, he was directly deprived of military power."

Chen Qing sneered, "He is really strong!"

Jiang Yanxian said: "The humble official suspects that the emperor sent him to take office, and he has the intention of completely cleaning the Western Army. Now the entire Western Army, except for the Economic and Strategic Envoy, the previous control and capital control are going well. Transferred away, the Western Army in Hanzhong will be completely transformed..."

Chen Qing nodded. It was really like this. He weakened the Western Army step by step without showing his face. Now that I think about it, there are really steps and plans. Then the next step must be my turn.

At this time, Zhang Xiao said, "The humble post has repeatedly thought about it. The emperor's promise to appoint you as the Xuanfu envoy of Longyou is a kind of delusion. It makes the envoy have an illusion that he can sit firmly in Longyou, and it is just to stabilize you. The next step is likely to call you to Beijing to report on your duties, once the economic envoy enters Beijing, Liu Guangshi will take over Xihe Road, this is the main purpose of the emperor sending him to Sichuan and Shaanxi."

Chen Qing said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang's guess is a bit too bold!"

"Look! I also hope that my guess is wrong!"

"Any other important things?"

"And it's about immigration!"

Jiang Yanxian said to Chen Qing: "More than [-] people who were about to migrate to the Hehuang Valley were stopped at Jianmenguan, and they were not allowed to go north, and were persuaded to return to their respective places. It is said that it was an order from the Xuanfu Department of Sichuan and Shaanxi. In addition, we The Grain Procurement Agency in Zitong County was seized by the army, [-] guan was confiscated on the grounds of tax evasion, and five people were arrested.”


Chen Qing slammed his fist on the table and paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, with anger overflowing his face, Liu Guangshi was really deceiving!
He walked to the window, looked at the city wall in the distance, slowly restrained the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "It seems that Liu Guangshi really came with a mission. He is not targeting Xihe Road, but targeting me. That's fine, I'll have a fight with him to see if he leaves or I leave!"

Chen Qing went back to his mansion depressed and came to his wife's room, but saw his son Ganquan crawling towards him on the ground. In a blink of an eye, the little guy was eight months old, very strong and cute, just learned to crawl, and the room was full of people. Crawl and play.

The room was covered with thick carpets, and the furniture was wrapped in soft cloth, so he wouldn't be afraid of bumping into it.

Looking at his son's cute little face, the boredom in Chen Qing's heart was swept away immediately, and he picked up his son. He came back last night and hadn't seen him for more than a month, yet his son still knew him.

Chen Qing kissed his son's small face, and said with a smile, "What do you want to say to Daddy?"

Little guy pointing at his little ass 'woo!Woo! After saying a few words, he pointed to the mother next to him with an aggrieved face.

Lu Xiu was both angry and funny, "You actually complained to your father that you spanked your little ass today, aren't you convinced?"

She stepped forward and hugged her son. The little guy lay on his mother's shoulders, not daring to make a sound.

Chen Qing couldn't help laughing, "Why did you get beaten today?"

"It's not naughty, Yu Ying refused to urinate when he gave him a piss, thinking that he didn't, but he urinated as soon as he was hugged, and smiled very proudly."

"It's really naughty, okay! I'll go to the study first, and play with him at night."

Chen Qing touched his son's little head and went to the study.

He sat down in the inner study, still thinking about what Zhang Xiao had said to him.

On the surface, Liu Guangshi was recommended by the Empress Dowager, but in fact he was sent by the emperor. His real goal was to take over Xihe Road. Is that true?

It stands to reason that a general should be sent to replace Wu Jie, and then Lu Fasheng remains unchanged. Generally, it is Wu Ling who replaces Wu Jie, and the consistency of the defensive strategy before and after is maintained. This is the normal practice.

But now Liu Guangshi is used to replace Lu Fasheng, which shows that the emperor is dissatisfied with Lu Fasheng. Now that there is no war, what dissatisfaction will the emperor have?
It is very likely that Lu Fasheng failed to deal with him and made the emperor dissatisfied, so he decided to let Liu Guangshi deal with him.

The more Chen Qing thought about it, the greater the possibility. He promised to seal Longyou Xuan Fushi just to confuse himself, and even to confuse Lu Yihao.

The Son of Heaven most likely had already thought about it, once he took Xihe Road, he would replace himself.

This is in line with the emperor's style. All courtiers are tools and pawns. They are placed in a certain place because they have a specific purpose. Once this function is completed, the mission of the courtiers is over.

My role should be to recover Xihe Road. Once Xihe Road is recovered, my mission will be over.

Chen Qing temporarily let go of many chaotic thoughts. After all, these are speculations without any real evidence. Instead, Liu Guangshi's various actions against him annoyed Chen Qing, but he couldn't do anything for a while.

This Liu Guangshi was indeed vicious, directly cutting off his access to resources from Bashu, stabbing his own vitals with one move, much more powerful than Lu Fasheng and Zhu Shengfei.

Indeed, only generals understand generals, he knows what he really needs.

Losing the opportunity to buy resources, how can my one hundred thousand catties of silver play a wealth effect?

(End of this chapter)

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