
Chapter 517

Chapter 517
A few days later, Emperor Zhao Gou received Liu Guangshi's letter from Feige. Zhao Gou slammed his fist on the table and couldn't help cursing: "It's a shame that I still trust him so much. He dared to mine and make money without authorization." , What is the court's law in his eyes?"

Both Zhang Jun and Qin Hui were stunned, and Zhang Jun asked cautiously, "Your Majesty, is this Chen Qing?"

"look by youself!"

Zhao Gou handed Liu Guangshi's pigeon letter to Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun took it over and read it, sighing, "Your Majesty, this question is really justifiable!"

"why would you say so?"

"Weichen served as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi, and knew that Bashu's financial resources could only support [-] troops at most. We also read the military expenditure report of the Sichuan and Shaanxi Xuanfu Division this year, and the army under the jurisdiction of the Sichuan and Shaanxi Xuanfu Division was There are [-] troops, [-] in the Hanzhong army, and [-] in the Bashu army, so the military salary for Xihe Road is only [-] at most. In Chen Qing’s report on fighting the Xixia army last year, he said that he had [-] troops, that is, Said, there is still a gap of [-] troops, how will he solve it?"

"Isn't the tax on Xihe Road not enough?"

Zhang Jun shook his head, "Your Majesty, the population of Xihe Road is too small, and it is relatively barren. How can it afford the military salary of [-] people in a year's tax revenue at most? Your Majesty, if there is something wrong with Chen Qing , that is, he did not report the matter of mining and casting money to the imperial court, and I feel that he may be worried that the imperial court will not approve it!"

Zhao Gou's anger calmed down a little, and he looked at Qin Hui again, "What does Mr. Qin think?"

If it was in the past, Qin Hui would have seized this opportunity to dismiss or transfer Chen Qing away, but now Qin Hui can't figure out Jin Guo's attitude, so he can only slow down his tone a little, bowing and saying: "Your Majesty, Zhang Xianggong is right. It makes sense, Chen Qing is still relatively young, and he is also a general, so it is understandable that he is not familiar with the court's laws.

But through this incident, Weichen deeply realized that there should be a civil servant in charge of Xihe Road, so that he can keep pace with the court at all times. If the military salary is insufficient and the military rations are not enough, the civil servant has an unshirkable responsibility to come forward and demand The imperial court made up for it, so that General Chen would not commit illegal acts of mining iron ore and casting copper coins privately. "

It was rare that Qin Hui had no selfish intentions, and Zhang Jun couldn't help but agree with his words when he said these words with reason and integrity, "I agree with this suggestion, Your Majesty, the eunuch supervising the army itself is not in line with His Majesty's original intention. Let the civil servants rule!"

Zhao Gou pondered for a moment and then asked: "Then what is the relationship between civil servants and Chen Qing? Are they only in charge of politics and not involved in military affairs?"

Qin Hui said with a smile: "Chen Qing should be given the power to deploy troops to fight and deploy defenses, but I feel that, for example, logistics support, food and materials distribution, should be coordinated by civilian officials. Observer, these two different positions, each perform their own responsibilities, there is no relationship between superiors and subordinates, this can also appease Chen Qing, the court just wants to put Xihe Road on the right track."

Zhao Gou asked Zhang Jun in turn, "Does Mr. Qin agree with Mr. Qin's suggestion?"

"Wei Chen agrees!"

"That's good! That's the decision. I will recall the supervisor first, and then the court will select a capable minister to go to Xihe Road as an observation envoy."

Supervising Army Wang Mi was recommended by the Empress Dowager, and to transfer him back, the Empress Dowager must agree to it.

After going to court, Zhao Gou came to pay his respects to his mother as usual.

"The Ai family heard that Chen Qing committed serious violations?" Queen Mother Wei asked coldly.

Zhao Gou knew that Zhu Shengfei must have told his mother, so he hurriedly said: "Before, the imperial court also allowed various places to mint their own coins, such as the iron coins of Shaanxi Road and Sichuan Road, which were minted by themselves, and they were allowed to issue Jiaozi. Chen Qing probably thought that He can mint money by himself, but he doesn't know that he must get the approval of the court."

Empress Dowager Wei sneered and said, "This kind of common sense is known to even a woman in the palace, the Ai family. Doesn't his dignified businessman know?"

"What Erchen means is that he doesn't know the seriousness of this matter."

"Then how does the emperor plan to deal with him?"

"My son wants to recall the supervising army first. I don't know if the queen mother agrees?"

"Aijia agrees!"

Empress Dowager Wei readily agreed, she had long been dissatisfied with Wang Mian's understated report, and replacing him was exactly what Empress Dowager Wei wanted.

"And then? How will the emperor be punished next?"

"I'm considering announcing him to return to Beijing to report on his duties tomorrow spring, severely criticizing him, and then appointing an observer in charge of government affairs to return to Xihe Road with him."

"Is there no punishment now?" Queen Mother Wei said coldly.

Zhao Gou was secretly a little annoyed. The queen mother took too much control, which would ruin his plan. .

He hastily said: "Of course there will be punishment. Originally, I promised to designate him as Longyou Xuanfu envoy, but because of this matter, the Xuanfeng will be temporarily suspended, and we will consider it as appropriate after he comes to An'an."

"Officials, you are too tolerant of your subordinates like this. It is not the way to control your subordinates, and it will cause future troubles."

Zhao Gou gritted his teeth and said: "My son's heart is like a mirror, we will talk about everything when he returns to Lin'an!"

Empress Dowager Wei looked at the emperor for a while, then nodded, "I'm sorry to ask you about this matter, you can go down!"

"Mother, take a good rest, and my son will leave!"

Zhao Gou got up and slowly backed away.

This morning, Wang Mian, the military supervisor, found Chen Qing.

"Our family received the news from the official family, asking our family to return to Beijing to report on our work, and we may not come back until the beginning of spring tomorrow."

Chen Qingxiao asked: "Didn't you say that you would go back to report on your work after a two-year term of office, but now it's less than a year, why are you going back?"

"Our family doesn't know what's going on, maybe the government has some special arrangements."

Wang Mi couldn't say clearly, but he knew it well, nine out of ten the queen mother was dissatisfied with him and called him back.

The eunuch supervising the army itself is illegal, and I'm afraid he won't come back this time. He has to find a way to take his money back with him.

"Our family would like to borrow a hundred camels to carry our luggage. Can you make it easier for us?"

Chen Qing bribed Wang Mi three times in the past half a year, and the two times were [-] taels of silver. After adding the sheepskin, Wang Mi should have [-] taels of silver in his hand, and sixty camels would be enough to carry it. It is estimated that he has other items, Chen Qing readily agreed.

"Yes! I will lend you a hundred camels."

Wang Mian thanked him again and again and left, but Chen Qing's expression became serious. Wang Mian sent back three reports to Lin'an. Except for the first report, which was relatively light-hearted, the second and third reports did not show mercy to him. , In a row, he exposed four of his major violations, including excessive recruitment of soldiers, reuse of puppet Qi officials, private mining of copper mines to make money, and private opening of silver mines.

It's just that his report was replaced by his own subordinates in Hanzhong, and it became a report on the situation in a calm and calm situation. Became a reused staff officer.

Once Wang Mi went back to confront the emperor, things would be troublesome. At this moment, a murderous intent flashed in Chen Qing's eyes.

"Bring Wang Hao to see me?"

Not long after, Wang Hao, who was promoted to the commander of the internal guards, rushed over and knelt down on one knee to salute, "See Dutong for humble posts!"

"Is the sinking fish plan deployed?"

"Reporting to Dutong, all arrangements have been made, and fifty brothers from Yueyang nationality are already waiting for orders at Dongting Lake!"

The so-called Shenyu Project is a plan to use inner guards to pretend to be Yangtze River water thieves and kill Wang Mi on the Yangtze River. Chen Qing had already started planning and deploying it.

Chen Qing said lightly: "Wang Mi will leave for Lin'an tomorrow, and the fish sinking plan can be implemented."

"I obey the order!" Wang Hao saluted and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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