
Chapter 518 Interception

Chapter 518 Interception
Wang Mi ordered someone to pry open a large box, which was full of white silver ingots. Wang Mi picked one up, looked at it, put it back in satisfaction, and waved, "Open three more boxes at will!"

The entourages pried open three more boxes in a row, yes, they were all white money.

The treasurer of the money shop smiled and said: "Don't worry, the supervisor, Baoji Cabinet has the number one signboard in the world, how can we do things like smashing our own signboard?"

Wang Mian said coldly in a thin voice: "If anything happens, our family will smash the signboard of your Lin'an head office with our own hands!"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!"

Wang Mi waved his hand, "Put up the boxes, load the camels, and get ready to go!"

Everyone started working together, and after a while, all the silver boxes were loaded onto the camels, and everyone led the camels and set off slowly.

Watching the team walk away, a clerk asked in a low voice: "They are all gone, is our money shop still called Baoji money shop?"

The shopkeeper glared at him, "Why don't you call it? Baoji Qianpu is so famous, it's not called Bai."

Chen Qing saw Wang Mian off at the city gate, and the two exchanged greetings to say goodbye, but Wang Mian was secretly proud, not only got a lot of money, but also truthfully reported the situation to the emperor, although the queen mother was not very satisfied, but she only reported four Chen Qing couldn't stay for a few days because of the crime.

Chen Qing watched Wang Mi's team go all the way south, he glanced at Wang Hao, Wang Hao nodded to him, indicating that he had been informed.

In Hanzhong, Liu Guangshi squinted at his subordinates' report. The supervising army Wang Mian had entered Beixianren Pass and was heading towards Jinniu Road. He was more concerned about Wang Mian's belongings. According to the news from Chengji County, many people at the scene Seeing silver, it is inferred that there are about [-] taels.

'Five hundred thousand taels of silver!Chen Qing really spent all his money, no wonder he has nothing to do. '

Liu Guangshi smacked his lips, his heart fluttered, [-] silver is equivalent to [-] coins, and he would never be able to make so much money in his lifetime.

Among the many famous generals, Liu Guangshi is famous for fleeing before the battle and greedy for money. As early as ten years ago, he was severely warned by the court for eating the army's empty salary. One hundred thousand coins, but in the end the army was defeated. In order to save his life, he had to throw a large box full of money into the Yangtze River. It still hurts him to think about it now.

Now he suddenly found that he could get five hundred thousand taels of silver, how could he not be moved.

Staff member Yang Chui'an understood Liu Guangshi's thoughts very well, and he whispered: "If we got the news earlier, we could do it before entering Beixianrenguan, but now that they have entered Hanzhong, we can't do it in Hanzhong, we have to wait for them to go far away. "

Liu Guangshi has murderous intentions in his heart, wealth and wealth are in danger, as long as he gets the money, he doesn't care about supervising the army.

He lightly blew the dust off his fingers and said: "They must go to Chengdu to take a boat, and then take the waterway. With Wang Mian's virtue, they must blackmail the government along the way. I think the Three Gorges waterway is more suitable. What do you think?" Woolen cloth?"

"Humble job and the lord want to go together!"

Liu Guangshi immediately ordered: "Let Wu Chang come to see me!"

Wu Chang is the commander of Liu Guangshi's personal army. He is highly skilled in martial arts and capable. He has followed Liu Guangshi for many years and is loyal. .

After a while, a tall general walked in, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "See my lord!"

Liu Guangshi whispered: "I've given you an important task, so listen carefully!"

The reason why Wang Mi wanted to borrow a hundred camels was to carry the money he had extorted from various government offices along the way. In the end, he extorted a sum of money from the Chengdu government and got nearly ten thousand guan. Going south, the camels were handed over to the Chengdu government, and they were asked to return them to Chen Qing.

Wang Miao and his followers sat in the first big ship, while the guards took the second big ship. As for the wealth that Wang Miao got, they were placed on the third floor of the big ship he was on. exist.

After entering the Yangtze River, the ship turns eastward, goes down the river, and goes eastward in a mighty way.
On this day, two large ships entered the Three Gorges area. At night, the boatman docked the large ship on an island in the middle of the river for the night.

Wang Mi frowned and said, "Why don't you fly at night?"

After a while, someone came back and forth, "Supervisor, the captain of the ship said that there are hidden reefs in the Three Gorges channel, which is more dangerous at night, so we must stay overnight?"

"real or fake?"

Wang Mian muttered, and stopped asking. They came by land, and they really didn't know the situation of the Three Gorges waterway.

As the night deepened, the cabin lights on the ship were turned off.

The captain of the boat got off the boat quietly, came to the edge of the woods and blew a whistle.

Countless black shadows rushed out from the forest, and the leader was none other than Wang Mi's personal soldier leader Wu Chang, who had been waiting here for a long time.

The reason Wu Chang was able to become Liu Guangshi's personal commander was not only because of his loyalty, but also because of his ability, boldness, carefulness, and thorough consideration. He chartered two large boats of three thousand shi in advance, and replaced the boatmen. He decided that the other party would definitely choose the cheapest big ship.

Sure enough, Wang Mian was fooled, the two big ships were actually cheaper than the official ships, and the stingy Wang Mian immediately ordered the two ships.

"General, I have drugged their tea and meals, and they will sleep deeply at night."

Wu Chang nodded, turned his head and said coldly to his subordinates: "Either don't do it, or do it harder, if no one is left behind, all the corpses will be dragged into the cabin and burned!"

"Follow the order!"

With a wave of Wu Chang's hand, hundreds of people rushed towards the two large ships with shining swords in their hands.

Poor supervisor Wang Mian's dream of wealth was only half achieved before it came to an abrupt end

Half a month later, Liu Guangshi strode into a big tent with a bright smile on his face, and saw that the big tent was full of large boxes.

Wu Chang hurriedly stepped forward to salute Liu Guangshi, Liu Guangshi patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Thanks for your hard work!"

"These big boxes are what the lord wants!"

"Is it cleaned up?"

"It's absolutely cleaned up. The two large ships were completely burned, and the body sank to the bottom of the river together with the wreckage of the large ship. The eunuch chopped off his head with his own hands."

"very good!"

Liu Guangshi immediately ordered: "Pry open a box!"

Several soldiers used a crowbar to pry open a box. Liu Guangshi stepped forward, seeing a lot of silver in front of him. He picked up a piece, weighed it, and it weighed a hundred taels.

At this time, Yang Chui'an, a staff member, picked up a piece from below and looked at it carefully, "That's not right!"

Liu Guangshi was startled, "Why not?"

Yang Chuian handed the money to Liu Guangshi, "My lord, there is something wrong with this money!"

Liu Guangshi knew something was wrong when he took the silver. It became lighter and the size was the same as the silver just now, but it was definitely not a hundred taels.

Liu Guangshi took a closer look, and immediately discovered the problem. He tore off a layer of silver skin and found a square piece of pig iron inside.

Liu Guangshi was stunned, and he suddenly shouted like crazy, "Pry open all the boxes for me, all the boxes!"

The soldiers pried open all the boxes, and they were all the same. Only the first layer was silver, and the bottom layer was all pig iron covered with silver.

Liu Guangshi's face was ashen, he grabbed Wu Chang's skirt and shouted: "How dare you give me a bag!"

Wu Chang's face was ashen, and he stammered in fright: "Ten low-ranking leopards have the guts to dare to make such an idea!"

Yang Chui'an sighed, and said in a low voice: "My lord was not fooled, it should be Wang Mi who was fooled!"

Only then did Liu Guangshi come to his senses, and he gritted his teeth with hatred and said, "Chen Qing, you are cruel enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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