
Chapter 519 Letter

Chapter 519 Letter
In the blink of an eye, it was the beginning of December, and heavy snow covered the land of Xihe Road again, and both sides of the Weihe River turned into a vast expanse of whiteness.

This morning, two knights entered the city and came to Chen Qing's residence.

"Who are you two looking for?" Tian Butler, who was sweeping snow at the door, asked.

"We came from Lin'an and sent a letter to the Jinglue envoy and Mrs. Lu under the order of Lu Xianggong."

"Come in, both of you!"

Steward Tian asked Ding to take away the war horse, and let the two of them sit in the room to warm up. They took out two letters, one for his wife and one for the envoy.

"Eat something, I'll give it to Madam."

Steward Tian hurried to the back house with the letter. In the yard of the back house, Lu Xiu held the child in her arms and watched Yu Ying and Yu Lian making snowmen in the yard with a smile.

"Ah Ying, you found a branch that is thick and thin. It's too ugly to make an arm. You have to change a branch."

"I didn't look for this, it was A-Lian who looked for it."

Yu Ying muttered, and went to look for the branches again.

At this time, the housekeeper walked in and handed two letters to Lu Xiu, "This is from Lin'an, it has just been delivered!"

Surprised and delighted, Lu Xiu hurriedly took the letters, she recognized at a glance that they were grandfather's notes, one was for herself and the other was for her husband.

"Where's the messenger?"

"Let's have dinner by the fire in the outer house!"

"After they finish their meal, take them to the outer hall. I want to ask about the situation."

"I see!"

Lu Xiu handed her son to the wet nurse, took the letter and went back to the house.
The two messengers were sitting on chairs and waiting. At this moment, footsteps were heard outside, and Mrs. Lu Xiu walked in surrounded by a group of maidservants. .

The two quickly stood up and saluted, "See you, big lady!"

Lu Xiu recognized the two messengers as her grandfather's guards, she nodded with a smile, "So it's you, it's been such a long journey, it's been a hard journey!"

"It's our job to deliver letters to Mr. Xiang."

Lu Xiu nodded and told the housekeeper, "Aunt Tian, ​​give them fifty taels of silver each!"

"Thank you Madam for the reward!"

Lu Xiu asked again with concern: "How is my grandfather's health?"

"The old man is in good health, but he has some old problems. It is more difficult in winter."

Lu Xiu knew her grandfather's old problems, asthma and old cold legs, and she was especially afraid of the cold.

"You guys stay for two days, and when you go back, bring me two old wolf skins for my grandfather."

"Willing to work for the eldest lady!"

"Is there anything else going on at home?" Lu Xiu asked again.

"There should be nothing else. Before leaving, the old man said that the letter to Uncle Sun is very important, and he should read it as soon as possible. There will be no other messages."

"I see, you guys go to rest."

The two saluted and left. Lu Xiu thought about it, and asked Tian Steward to arrange a servant to notify her husband that there was an express letter from Lin'an.

Chen Qing has been having a hard time these two days, and the investigation team of the court's criminal department has just left.

The disappearance of the supervisor Wang Mi shocked the imperial court. More than a hundred people who lived without seeing anyone or died disappeared strangely.

Of course, it is impossible for more than a hundred people to disappear inexplicably. They must have been killed and silenced, and someone rushed ahead of him.

In the official room, Jiang Yanxian smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about it, the officials of the Ministry of Punishment also said that when Wang Mi left by boat in Chengdu, the officials of the Chengdu government went to see him off. They just came to us to understand the situation."

Chen Qing sneered and said: "Actually, this is a very obvious thing. There will be no one else except Liu Guangshi. If I were him, I would definitely change the boatman, and then start in the Three Gorges Road. It is more complicated there, and it is out of Liu Guangshi's control." Limitation of Liability."

Zhang Xiao said from the side: "I guess the people in the Ministry of Punishment knew about it, but they didn't have any evidence. It's normal for them to suspect the envoy. For example, Wang Mi had some evidence in his hands, and the envoy silenced him."

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "Between Liu Guangshi and I, my suspicion is even greater. After all, Liu Guangshi has no direct relationship with Wang Mi. He is a majestic Xuanfu envoy. It is estimated that the emperor and the ministers will not believe it, if I am not wrong, the emperor has actually confirmed that I did it, so he called me back to report on my work in March next year, after this time, I probably will never come back."

Zhang Xiao shook his head, "Jing Lue made a mistake. The emperor summoned you back and has nothing to do with Wang Mi. As I said before, the appointment of you as the Xuanfu envoy of Longyou was just to confuse you. In fact, when you defeated Xixia and Ren De Respect, when you capture Hehuang, your task will be solved, and the emperor will call you back, and the appointment of Liu Guangshi as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi is also to let him take over Xihe Road."

Chen Qing nodded, "Sima is right. In fact, I have thought about it carefully. As long as I am on Xihe Road, it is impossible for the imperial court to control Xihe Road like it controls Sichuan and Shaanxi. This is something that neither the emperor nor the imperial court can tolerate. Therefore, I must be transferred away from Xihe Road, so that the imperial court can take control smoothly. But the problem is, once the imperial court determines that I killed Wang Mi, I will not report my duties when I return to Lin'an, but go directly to prison to extract a confession. How can I surrender myself? snare?"

Jiang Yanxian's eyes became worried, "Actually, I want to remind the envoy that you do not represent yourself, but represent the interests of a group, including the generals who have followed you for many years, the officials you appointed, and Zhang Xiao and I. , once you have an accident, the whole group will be implicated, I hope that the manager will carefully consider it."

Chen Qing sighed, "You're right!"

At this time, a soldier saluted at the door, and Chen Qing asked, "What's the matter?"

"Report to Dutong, Madam sent someone to send news that Lin'an has a fast letter delivered to my home."

Chen Qing immediately understood that it must be Lu Yihao's letter, so he said to the two of them: "I'll stop here for today, if there is any situation, I will discuss it with you two!"

Lu Xiu walked into her husband's study with a cup of tea, and saw her husband standing in front of the window thinking, the letter from his grandfather had been opened and placed on the table.

Lu Xiu put the teacup on the table, "Husband, what happened?"

Chen Qing turned around and walked back to the table to sit down, smiled and said: "It's nothing serious, grandpa told me not to return to Lin'an tomorrow spring?"

"But the official called you back to report on your work, so you don't go back, okay?" Lu Xiu asked worriedly.

"Calling me back is actually not a job report, it's just tricking me back."

Lu Xiu's face changed greatly, "What happened?"

"It's really not a big deal, it's just that the officials don't want me to stay on Xihe Road, and they're afraid they won't be able to transfer me, so they used the job report as an excuse to trick me back."

"But if the protest order is not followed, isn't that a rebellion?"

"Of course not. How could my grandfather teach me to rebel? He just asked me to find an excuse not to go back. This kind of excuse is easy to find, such as the outbreak of war, and the government has nothing to do."

Seeing his wife's worried face, Chen Qing took her hand, let her sit on his lap, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the general is outside, and the emperor's fate is not acceptable. It has been like this since ancient times. Let's see how everyone compromises in the end?"

Lu Xiu sighed and said, "How can you beat the imperial court by yourself?"

"I am not alone. So many generals, officials, and soldiers entrust their lives to me. If something happens to me, what will they do? Do you understand what I mean? I am no longer alone, but a group. It’s called the Xihe Road Group.”

"I understand, just like my grandfather, he often said that he is not alone. If he falls, many people will be liquidated."

"That's the reason. If I fall, I will definitely implicate your grandfather. If I ignore the court, the emperor really dare not touch your grandfather. He is afraid of provoking me to rebel. That's why my grandfather told me not to go back."

"I understand, my grandfather also said in the letter to me, let me remind you to protect your son, don't be taken as a threat!"

One sentence reminded Chen Qing that once Zhao Gou had no choice but to attack his son, he had to strengthen his family's security.

(End of this chapter)

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