
Chapter 526: Court Discussion

Chapter 526: Court Discussion
Weishui City is a military city. It was built after Chengji County was rebuilt. It can be said that it is the throat gate of Chengji County.

This is also related to the special geography. The Longshan Mountains stretching for thousands of miles divide Longxi and Guanzhong into two geographical units. There are more than a dozen large and small passes such as Longshan Pass and Liupan Pass to the north of Longshan Mountain.

In the south, there is only the Weishui River Valley, and you can enter Qinzhou along the south bank of the Weishui River. This Weishui Road has a four-way fork in Longzhou, heading west to Chengji County, while going southwest to Beixianren Pass, and heading east to From Fengxiang Mansion, go southeast to the West Valley to Dashan Pass.

It can be said that this Sichakou is an extremely important strategic location, and the Xihe Army built the Weishui Army City here.

Of course, it is impossible for this Weishui military city to block all the official roads. It is mainly to guard against the official roads to Chengji County, basically blocking the official roads to Chengji County, and the road to Beixianrenguan But he was not prepared enough. After all, Hanzhong has always been the territory of the Song army.

There is little urgency to defend the passage to Beixianren Pass.

Therefore, even if the Jin soldiers want to go to the Weihe River Valley to attack Chengji County, they must first pull out the stumbling block of the Weishui Army City.

But now that Hanzhong has fallen, Chen Qing must reconsider the defense deployment of the army.

At this time, Chen Qing had already seen the intention of Jin Bing. They wanted to occupy Hanzhong. In this way, Beixianrenguan became extremely important. To prevent the Jin soldiers from attacking Chengji County from the direction of Dashanguan and Beixianrenguan at the same time.

This morning, Chen Qing led his army to Beixianren Pass, and guard Zhang Xuefei rushed out of the city to meet him.

"See Chen Dutong for your lowly position!" Zhang Xuefei stepped forward and knelt down on one knee to salute.

Chen Qing had met him many times and was a young general who had been following Liu Zan all the time. He did not expect that one day he would actually take on the leading role.

"General Zhang please stand up!"

"Thank you Dutong!"

Chen Qing asked again: "Did Jin soldiers attack Beixianrenguan recently?"

"Two thousand puppet Qi troops came yesterday. After hundreds of people were annihilated, they retreated..."

"Look at it!"

Chen Qing led the people to follow Zhang Xuefei to the inner city. The inner city has been heightened and widened by Zhang Xuefei, and now it is two feet five feet high. What's more, there is a slope below, which is very similar to Jianmen Pass, so you have to look up. The difficulty of attacking is not ordinary.

"Is there any difficulty now?" Chen Qing asked.

Zhang Xuefei thought for a while and said, "Now there are two main difficulties. The inner city gate is too thin, and it will shatter when hit with a battering ram. I want to replace it with an iron gate."

Chen Qing nodded, "This is easy, I will arrange it, what else?"

"Then the armor of the golden soldiers is very strong. If you attack with a shield, ordinary crossbows will not be able to penetrate. I hope to support a few bed crossbows!"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "These are small problems, not only the bed crossbow, but also the fire oil, the medium-sized trebuchet, the fire oil ball, and the gunpowder barrel. One hundred soldiers from the Firearms Battalion and ten craftsmen, so that no matter how many Jin soldiers come to attack, they will return with hatred."

Zhang Xuefei was overjoyed, "With these defensive weapons, the Northern Immortal will be worry-free!"

Chen Qing asked again with a smile: "What is General Zhang's military position now?"

"Humble posts are not reused by Liu Guangshi, they are only deputy commanders!"

Chen Qing nodded, "The deputy commander can't command two thousand soldiers. From now on, I will promote you to be the general commander and the defense officer of Xianrenguan."

Zhang Xuefei was moved in his heart, knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "The humble official is willing to serve everyone with his life!"

Chen Qing appeased Zhang Xuefei and all the guards, promoted several Dutou as deputy commanders, and ordered to allocate [-] guan in money and [-] sheep to reward and reward the three armies.

Immediately left Beixianrenguan, along the valley to the east.

Going east from Beixianren Pass, Weishui City is [-] miles away. Here is a very wide valley, the widest part of which is more than [-] miles away. At a fish intestine, a mountain protrudes here, forming a canyon about two miles long, and the narrowest point is only [-] steps wide.

"right here!"

Chen Qing pointed to the narrowest place and said: "Build a pass here, even if the enemy troops come from the west valley of Dasan pass, they will not be able to cross this pass!"

Everyone agreed, and Chen Qing smiled at Hu Yanyun, the chief logistics officer and Cang Cao Shenjun: "What do you think, General Huyan?"

Hu Yanyun knew it well, and asked himself all the time, just to let himself be in charge of the fortifications, he quickly bowed and said: "Building the city here is a supplement to the Weishui military city, and it can also prevent the enemy from detours to complete the fortification." Ji County, Beizhi is willing to take charge of building this pass."

Chen Qing nodded and said, "You led the construction of Chengji County New City, and you were also responsible for the construction of Weishui Military City. Everyone is very satisfied, but I want to make a request in terms of time, and build this Yuchang Pass within a month. , can you do it?"

It was really difficult within a month. It took three months to build the Weishui Military City, and Chen Qing obviously had a problem.

Hu Yanyun thought for a while and said: "If the construction of Cangcheng is postponed for three months, I can use Cangcheng's city bricks to build the pass, and it can be completed within one month!"


Chen Qing readily agreed, "The construction of Cangcheng will be postponed for three months, and the pass will be built first!"

Liu Guangshi's entire army was destroyed, and the news of Hanzhong's fall spread to Lin'an.

In the side hall of Ziwei Hall, Emperor Zhao Gou held an emergency military and political meeting.

Zhao Gou glanced at the crowd, and said slowly: "Everyone knows the situation in Hanzhong, and it is heartbreaking. The appointment of Liu Guangshi as the Xuanfu envoy is an improper employment, but now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Now we have to consider how to restore it." In terms of the situation, at least Bashu must be guarded, let’s talk about it! I hope that all lovers can speak freely, and those who speak are innocent!"

"Weichen, let's say a few words first!" Zhang Jun stood up and said.

Zhang Jun had the most right to speak among all the ministers, so Zhao Gou cheered up and said quickly, "Mr. Zhang, please speak!"

Zhang Jun was full of anger. He tried his best to restrain the anger in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Although Hanzhong has been lost many times over the years, the army has not lost, and Hanzhong will be recaptured soon, but this time nearly [-] troops have been annihilated. , All the elite of the Western Army were wiped out, Liu Guangshi has committed a lot of crimes, I know in my heart, I am afraid that Hanzhong will not be recovered this time, and it is a blessing in misfortune to be able to keep Bashu!"

There was silence in the side hall. After a long while, Zhao Gou said bitterly, "I really don't want to mention how to take back Hanzhong. Let's discuss how to defend Bashu first? Does Mr. Zhang have any good suggestions?"

"Your Majesty, you must rely on experience to defend Bashu. You cannot use incompetent generals. First, you must replace Liu Guangshi. I suggest that you reactivate the Wu ranks. Only he can defend Bashu."

Zhao Gou nodded, and then asked Zhu Shengfei, "What about Mr. Zhu's opinion?"

Zhu Shengfei was still thinking about how to explain to the queen mother, when Zhao Gou asked him suddenly, he didn't realize it for a while, and he hesitated for a while: "This humble minister also agrees to reactivate the Wu rank, but do you think carefully about dismissing Liu Guangshi? After all, he is also an experienced general."

The privy secretary Xu Xiantu immediately got annoyed and said, "What experience does he have? He has never won a battle with the Jin soldiers. I think he only has rich experience in escaping. If he stays in Bashu, he will only lose Bashu in the end. Is Zhu Xianggong thinking about the interests of the Great Song Dynasty, or the interests of the Kingdom of Jin?"

Zhu Shengfei also said angrily: "It's more than ten thousand miles from Lin'an to Jianmenguan. When Wu Jie rushed over, the day lily was cold, and now we can only rely on Liu Guangshi to guard Bashu. This is a fact. Could it be that facing the facts is also betraying the country?"

Xu Xiantu replied unceremoniously: "Could it be that there is really no general in Shu, so we can only rely on Liu Guangshi?"

"Okay, you two stop arguing!"

Zhao Gou interrupted the dispute between the two unhappily, and turned to Lu Yihao, "Lv Xianggong should talk about it!"

Lu Yihao said slowly: "I only have two opinions. First, it is more suitable for the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi to be a civil servant. Liu Guangshi suggested that the minister should be transferred back to the southeast; second, Wu Jie is in the middle of the court. Why didn't His Majesty ask him for his opinion?"

One sentence immediately reminded the emperor Zhao Gou, and he immediately said loudly: "Immediately announce the Wu steps to the palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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