
Chapter 527

Chapter 527
Not long after, Wu Jie was taken to the side hall. Although Wu Jie's current official position is high, he has a lot of empty posts and no actual posts. However, Zhang Jun also promised to let him train an army as soon as possible to participate in the defense along the river.

"Wei Chen sees His Majesty!"

"Does Wu Aiqing know about the situation in Hanzhong?"

"Weichen just found out, which made me sad, but also confused me."

"Oh? Why is Wu Aiqing confused?"

"Your Majesty, I understand the situation in Hanzhong very well. Whether it is the fall of Dasan Pass or Raofeng Pass, the army should withdraw to a dangerous place. There are many such dangerous places in Hanzhong. As long as any one of the dangerous places is guarded, there will be no danger." As for the annihilation of the entire army, I can't figure out why the entire army was annihilated?"

"The specific reasons will be discussed in the detailed report later. Now I want to ask Aiqing, if I send Wu Aiqing to guard Bashu, can Aiqing guard for me?"

Wu Jie hurriedly bowed and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, I am willing to take care of His Majesty's worries, but I am worried that the journey is too far and time will not wait for anyone. Why not recommend a general, I believe that he can guard Bashu!"

"Who does Wu Aiqing recommend?"

"Wei Chen recommends Wu Ling to control. Although he is Wei Chen's brother, his defense experience and ability are better than Wei Chen's. As long as he is there, the golden soldiers will not be able to pass the sword gate."

Zhao Gou frowned, "Isn't Wu Lin guarding Dasan Pass?"

Wu Jie shook his head, "As far as Weichen knows, he and the few ruling generals left behind by Weichen were dismissed by Liu Guangshi last year. If they were in Hanzhong, how could the Jin soldiers be able to attack Hanzhong?"

Zhang Jun couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty understands now! Why can't Liu Guangshi keep Hanzhong, jealous of the virtuous and capable, nepotism, only considering his own interests, never considering the interests of the Song Dynasty, how could such a person risk his life to fight the Jin soldiers?
In the disastrous defeat in Yangzhou, the entire army of [-] was wiped out, and in the disastrous defeat in Hanzhong, the entire army of [-] was wiped out. Does Your Majesty still want to keep this kind of person in Bashu, waiting for him to kill Bashu as well? "

Zhao Gou nodded, "I understand the anger in Zhang Xianggong's heart, but the matter is of great importance, and I have to think about it again."

At this time, Wu Jie said again: "Actually, your Majesty need not worry. Although Hanzhong is lost, it may not be impossible to take it back!"

Zhao Gou's eyes lit up, "Is there still a chance?"

Wu Jie smiled slightly and said, "Chen Qing is on Xihe Road! I believe in his ability, and he will never stand by and watch Hanzhong fall. He will definitely try his best to regain Hanzhong."

There was complete silence in the courtroom. In fact, many people thought of Chen Qing, but no one dared to mention him. After all, Chen Qing was very suspicious of the death of the supervisor Wang Mi, and the court had not yet decided how to deal with him.

A trace of embarrassment also appeared on Zhao Gou's face, and he said for a while: "The matter of taking back Hanzhong will not be discussed for the time being. The key is to keep the sword gate. I agree to use Wu Ling!"

In the afternoon, the Queen Mother Wei finally heard from the harem, agreeing to transfer Liu Guangshi away from Bashu.

Director Zhao Gou breathed a sigh of relief, and issued an order that night to remove Liu Guangshi from his position as Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shaanxi, and asked him to return to Lin'an immediately to report on his duties. He led an army of [-] to guard the dangerous and important roads in the north of Bashu.

At the Jianmen Pass, Wu Ling stared sternly into the distance. This time, the emperor's handbook was sent to Chengdu by means of flying pigeons, and Wu Ling took office before the Jin soldiers attacked.

He took over Li Qiong's [-] troops, which were the elite western troops withdrawn from Dasan Pass. As long as they were there, Wu Ling was confident that Jianmen would not be lost.

Wu Ling has been in office for two days, but he has not seen any movement from Jinbing. He is really puzzled. This is completely different from the style of Jinbing in the past few times. Why?
For this reason, Wu Ling sent a team of scouts to the north to investigate.

At this time, the sound of horseshoes was heard in the distance, and Wu Ling was refreshed, and he quickly looked to the north. After a while, five cavalrymen rushed to them, and they were the scouts he sent to the north to investigate.

The scouts got off their horses and led the horses up to Jianmen Pass. Soon, the leader of the scouts was brought to Wu Ling. .

"Reporting to Dutong, we found that Jin soldiers were building Guancheng at Eagle Rock, forty miles to the north."


Wu Ling was stunned for a moment, "What kind of Guancheng are they building?"

"It's the same as Jianmen Pass, but it's just for defending the south, which is the exact opposite of Jianmen Pass."

"Ah!" Wu Ling immediately understood that the Jin soldiers not only wanted to capture Bashu, but also prevented the Song army from counterattacking Hanzhong, so a defensive pass had to be built first.

Eagle Rock is also notoriously steep. If Jin Bing builds a pass there, it will be a big trouble.

"How far has it been built?"

"It's almost completed, and the front is heavily guarded. We can't get close. We climbed to the cliff to see it."

Wu Ling understood the opponent's intention. The opponent wanted to occupy Hanzhong for a long time, and then use Hanzhong as a springboard to attack Bashu.

Commander Wang Jundao: "I believe that the reason why the opponent does not attack Bashu for the time being is not because Jianmen Pass is difficult to attack, but because they have a poisonous thorn in their back."

"You mean Chen Qing?"

Wang Jun nodded, "They don't have a lot of troops. If the army invades Bashu, Chen Qing attacks Guanzhong, or attacks Han and interrupts their retreat, won't they face a dilemma, so I estimate that if they don't wipe out Chen Qing's army will not attack Bashu."

Wu Yu thought it was true, the Jin soldiers had suffered a great loss in Chen Qing's hands, if they didn't deal with Chen Qing, how could they leave Chen Qing with an empty rear area?
Thinking of this, Wu Ling also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If this is the case, he will have time to recruit and train soldiers.

Wang Jun's guess was correct. The reason why the Jin soldiers did not attack Jianmen Pass was because of the news that Pingliang City had fallen.

The fall of Pingliang City made Wan Yanchang suddenly realize that Chen Qing's ambition was not only to support the army, but also to capture the entire Shaanxi Road. The capture of Pingliang City was obviously aimed at Jingzhao Mansion.

Aware of this, Wan Yanchang stopped his plan to attack Bashu, immediately wrote a letter, sent people to Shangjing overnight, and handed it to the wolf lord Wanyan Sheng.

In Hechi County, Wan Yanchang walked into this almost deserted county town. The southern part of the county town was burned, and most of the buildings in the county town were still intact. However, the streets were full of mess, and smashed furniture could be seen everywhere. The good thing the army did was to turn the county upside down in order to search for property.

On the city wall, Wan Yanchang looked at the county seat, and said to Li Cheng next to him, "I plan to change this place into a logistics area for attacking Beixianrenguan. You arrange the army to tidy up the county seat and demolish all the houses, leaving only the city wall. You have three days."

Li Cheng hurriedly bowed and saluted, "The humble job will arrange it now!"

Li Cheng left in a hurry, Wanyan Heli said with a gloomy face, "The Dujian army really doesn't intend to attack Bashu?"

He was very dissatisfied with Wanyan Chang's cancellation of his plan to attack Bashu. You must know that this was his chance to surpass Wanyan Wushu. How many years he waited for it, but Wanyanchang canceled it with a single sentence. How convinced was he? ?
Wan Yanchang gave him a cold look, "If you can take back Pingliang City, I will approve your attack on Bashu, otherwise it will be impossible!"

Wanyan and Lisa said angrily: "If you take Pingliang City, you will take Pingliang City, so why attack Beixianren Pass?"

Wan Yanchang explained to him patiently: "I guess the wolf lord will ask us to annihilate Chen Qing's army first before considering attacking Bashu. Instead of waiting for the wolf lord's order to come before we act, it is better to start preparing now and capture Beixianren pass first.

When the wolf lord's order comes, we can directly send troops to attack Chengji County. Even if the wolf lord doesn't ask us to attack Chen Qing, we can also erect fences to prevent Chen Qing from going south from Beixianren Pass to attack Hanzhong. "

"What about Pingliang City? To fight or not to fight?"

Wan Yanchang could hear the anger in his tone, and said calmly: "Wait for news from Lord Wolf!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Wanyan and his dismissal, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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