
Chapter 528

Chapter 528
[I don’t know what’s going on with this chapter in the afternoon, it was not uploaded successfully, I just found out, I’m sorry! 】

In Yuchang Valley, the pass is being built in full swing. Huyanyun is very particular about the site selection. Since he built the pass in the valley, he must first ensure that the enemy cannot attack from above. He had already sent people to detour up the mountain to ensure that the enemy could not attack from the top of the mountain, so he determined the address of Guancheng.

Thousands of carts continuously transport bricks for the city from Chengji County. These are not bricks for the common people to build houses, but are specially fired for building the city. Each brick weighs dozens of kilograms.

These big city bricks were originally fired to build Cangcheng, but now Guancheng is more important, and they are all transported to build Guancheng.

Two thousand engineering soldiers were busy building the wall, and in just half a month, the height of the city wall exceeded one zhang five feet.

Hu Yanyun himself estimated that if the delivery of the city bricks could be guaranteed, it would definitely be completed within a month. What he was worried about now was the city gate. He had agreed to deliver it five days ago, but it still has not arrived until now, which really made him a little worried Well, he issued a military order, and if he can't build Guancheng within a month, even if Dutong doesn't kill him in the end, he will be dismissed from office.

"I'm coming!"

Just when Hu Yanyun was about to see through, a large convoy appeared in front of him, and the soldiers all yelled.

Hu Yanyun was overjoyed, and quickly got on his horse to meet him.

Sure enough, two large gates were transported on two specially-made carts, which looked thick and heavy, and were covered with iron sheets. Other carts carried accessories such as door frames, door bolts, suspension bridges, and iron chains, and a complete set of gates came out. up.

Huyanyun heaved a long sigh of relief. In this way, he will definitely be able to complete the construction of Guancheng within a month.

At the same time when Yuchanggu was constructing the Guancheng, Beixianrenguan encountered a severe test.

Wanfu Commander Wanyan Aguru led two thousand Jurchen soldiers and five thousand puppet Qi troops to attack Beixianrenguan. This was the first official attack on Beixianrenguan. They all watch the battle from afar.

On the mountain road, a thousand puppet Qi soldiers held spears, and there was a thick battering ram in the crowd. They lined up slowly. In the first and second rows of the team, eighty soldiers were divided into two rows. Walking side by side, they each held a large shield, forming two shield walls.

The team approached Guancheng step by step. .

On the city wall, [-] soldiers of the Song Army were waiting in formation. Most of them were soldiers operating bed crossbows. One hundred bed crossbows were densely arranged on the city wall. Each bed crossbow required four soldiers to operate. Fortunately, the city wall was relatively wide. There is room to operate,
The chief general Zhang Xuefei stared at the enemy army one hundred and fifty paces away. He turned his head and waved his hands. In the closed city, three medium-sized trebuchets were ready, and they could throw [-]-jin heavy objects two hundred paces away.

At this time, the red flag was raised, and everyone shouted, "Launch!"

Three trebuchets threw three gunpowder barrels violently, and the gunpowder barrels sizzled and burned in the air, flying towards the heads of the soldiers of the puppet Qi army.

"Poisonous nails, get down!"

Someone yelled, and the soldiers of the puppet Qi army fell down in fright. Three gunpowder barrels exploded, and the poisonous nails inside were scattered everywhere. However, most of the soldiers of the puppet Qi army lay on the ground, and there were not many casualties.

This is the method that Li Cheng discovered in the gunpowder explosion experiment. As long as the soldiers can get down in time, at least [-]% of the poisonous nail damage can be reduced. For this reason, all the puppet Qi troops have conducted targeted training.

Wan Yanchang, who was observing from a distance, was greatly surprised, he turned his head and asked, "Can you avoid the poisonous nails by lying down?"

Li Cheng nodded, "This is what the soldiers accidentally discovered during the gunpowder dodging training. Maybe it's because the poisonous nails shoot upwards when they explode, so they won't get hurt if they lie on the ground. The humble job is also specially equipped with reminders. As soon as the enemy gunpowder barrel is fired, a reminder will be shouted immediately."

Wan Yanchang said happily: "This is a good way. General Lisa, the Jurchen army also needs to conduct training."

Wanyan and Lisa had already seen most of the soldiers of the Qi army get up from the ground, and they were not affected by the explosion. He was convinced, and he nodded, "I know about it, I will arrange training as soon as possible!"

There were not many casualties in the explosion of the gunpowder barrel, and the soldiers of the puppet Qi army suddenly boosted their morale, shouting and speeding up to Guancheng.

Li Cheng's face changed drastically, and he cursed, "A bunch of bastards!"

Wanyan Lisa didn't react, Wanyanchang also sighed, "The formation is messed up!"

At this time, there was a sound of clappers on the top of the city, hundreds of bed crossbows were fired at the same time, and five hundred jackdaw iron arrows shot at the enemy soldiers like a storm. There was a scream, and large areas fell down.

A thousand puppet Qi soldiers were shot and killed more than [-] people, causing heavy casualties.

But the main general Wanyan Aguru turned a blind eye and shouted: "Beat the drum to urge the battle!"

He wanted to take advantage of the time when the other party was pulling the string and shooting the arrow, and let the army rush forward. As long as the soldiers approached the city, the bed crossbow had to be withdrawn, otherwise there would be no place for soldiers to stand on the top of the city.

This is also Wanyan Aguru's experience. He has long seen that the bed crossbow occupies too much land. As long as one army can rush up, the bed crossbow has to be withdrawn, creating opportunities for the troops behind.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The earth-shattering sound of war drums was beating, which was the sound of the drums urging the war, but for the soldiers, this was not called urging the war, but forcing the war. If they did not charge, they would be beheaded on the spot by the Jurchen law enforcement soldiers behind.

More than [-] puppet Qi soldiers had to bite the bullet and rushed up.

When they were fifty steps away from the city wall, the soldiers suddenly felt that their feet were not right. There was actually a layer of wheat straw under their feet. Some people found that there was actually a dark liquid under the wheat straw.

"No, it's kerosene!"

Suddenly someone shouted, but it was too late, hundreds of soldiers on the top of the city shot gunpowder arrows together, and they fell to the ground one after another, and the fire on the ground was ignited.

Within eighty steps, it suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames, with thick smoke billowing and flames burning. The soldiers screamed wildly in fright, pushing and shoving each other, and fled back desperately.

At this time, the second gurney crossbow was fired, and a thousand soldiers in the city fired crossbow arrows outward at the same time. The dense Jackdaw arrows swept across the enemy army, and a thousand crossbow arrows roared down from above their heads.

More than half of the more than [-] soldiers were hit by arrows, and many soldiers survived the arrows. They struggled and howled in the raging fire, and they were all buried in the sea of ​​flames.

More than [-] soldiers, only a hundred or so escaped in the end, but the strict military law awaited them. As soon as they escaped, Wanyan Aguru waved his hand cruelly, and hundreds of Jurchen cavalry rushed up and swung their axes. Many soldiers screamed and were all hacked to death with axes.

Li Cheng was so angry that his face was flushed, and he said angrily: "Soldiers of the Qi army are not beasts, why treat them like this?"

Wan Yanchang said indifferently: "Military law is like a mountain, you can only advance and never retreat, and those who retreat will be killed without mercy!"

Li Cheng snorted, "Then please let the Jurchen soldiers come up next time, I want to see if the military law is as good as a mountain?"

Wan Yanchang glanced at him coldly, "Is Li Dutong going to instruct me to set up troops?"

Li Cheng had no choice but to hold back the anger in his heart, bowed his head and said, "Don't dare to be humble!"

"If you don't want to watch the battle, you can step back, I will not force you!"

Seeing that another two thousand Qi soldiers were threatened by the Jurchen cavalry to fight, Li Cheng felt a pain in his heart and said in a low voice, "Please resign from your humble position!"

"Go get it!"

Li Cheng turned and left with a heart full of sadness, he really couldn't bear to see two thousand soldiers go down to die again.

He is an experienced general, how could he fail to see that the Song army was too well prepared, making full use of all the advantages of defending the city, with powder kegs, trebuchets, enough fire oil, and overlooking the attack Or, it can be said that the advantages are exhausted.

And they didn't have any siege preparations at all, not even a siege ladder, how could they be able to attack Xiaguan City with a battering ram made of temporarily cut down trees?
Even if the entire army dies in battle, they will not be able to move the city at all.

He believed that Wan Yanchang also saw this, but he still ordered the Qi army to attack. This was clearly using the Qi army's life to find loopholes in the defense. It can be seen that in the eyes of the Jurchens, the Han soldiers are not as good as pigs and dogs.

Li Cheng was sad and resentful, but he had no choice but to leave in tears.

The meat-grinding battle at Beixianren Pass was still going on cruelly, round after round of soldiers fell under the fire and crossbow attack, even if the returning soldiers knelt down and begged bitterly, they could not escape the ruthlessness of the Jurchen cavalry's sharp axes hack.

(End of this chapter)

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