
Chapter 530

Chapter 530
As night fell, the city gates were closed, and two thousand soldiers were mobilized. In addition to Wang Qiyang's main store and two branch stores, there was actually an inn, the Three Caves of the Rabbit. I don't know, only the small bosses at the level of Zhang Shun know.

The puppet Qi army spent a lot of money on intelligence collection on Xihe Road. In addition to Chengji County, there are also intelligence points in Huangzhou and Lanzhou.

But Wang Hao was still a little worried. Could there be another point of information that only the top leader would know?

Now they have to catch the top leader as quickly as possible to solve the mystery.

The intelligence leader of the puppet Qi army on Xihe Road is called Ren Kuang, who is the treasurer Ren of Wang Qiyang's main store. From Zhang Shun's confession, we know that the wife and children of the treasurer Ren are all in Chengji County. Wang Hao brought the hope of turning the other party against him.

All information sent to Jingzhao Mansion must have Ren Kuang's handprint, so Ren Kuang is extremely important in the following deception tactics.

Ren Kuang was about forty years old. He was originally a civil servant in Jingzhao Mansion. Because he was from Chengji County, Li Cheng took a fancy to him and sent him to Chengji County to lurk. , did not get any top-secret information, but his business is very good, and Wang Qiyang Restaurant is booming.

But Song Jun would not let him go just because his business was doing well. At this time, Ren Kuang didn't know that he had been surrounded by Song Jun.

He is tidying up his room, ready to leave the restaurant and go home.

Ren Kuang deftly put a thick stack of information into the dark box in the kitchen, locked the cabinet, and then blew out the oil lamp and left the room.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Ren Kuang came out of the room, he was stunned. There were dozens of soldiers standing in the courtyard, pointing their crossbows at him.

The eight staff of the restaurant were also escorted out, Zhang Shun was among them, he pretended to be ignorant, in fact, if he hadn't secretly hidden all the weapons in the box, how could the seven highly skilled spies have been captured without a fight .

Wang Hao walked into the shopkeeper's room, and several soldiers pushed the shopkeeper Ren Kuang in. Wang Hao said with a smile, "Unexpectedly, the dignified shopkeeper Ren is actually a spy of the puppet Qi army!"

Ren Kuang snorted, "Everyone is their master, what's the fuss about?"

"That's right, everyone is their own master, and I won't make it difficult for you. You just need to tell me that besides the Sanjia Wang Qiyang Store and the Four Seas Inn, I would also like to know if there is a fifth information point in Chengji County?"

Ren Kuang sneered, "Do you think I will tell you?"

"I said before, I don't want to embarrass you, those who know current affairs are brilliant!"

As soon as Wang Hao finished speaking, a young boy shouted from outside, "Daddy!"

Ren Kuang's face suddenly changed, "Why did you arrest my son?"

Wang Hao said coldly: "You and I are enemies now, what can't be done between the enemy and the enemy?"

After all, Ren Kuang was only a civilian official. When the other party grabbed his vitals, he sat down weakly. After a while, he said in a hoarse voice: "There is an Eagle Letter Station outside the city!"

"We've got it under control and captured two of your men..."

"Since you know the Eagle Station outside the city and the Four Seas Inn, there won't be a fifth one in Chengji County, and Huangzhou and Lanzhou each have one."

As soon as Wang Hao waved his hand, the soldiers brought Ren Kuang, his wife and children in, and the seven-year-old son Ren Chun'er threw himself into his father's arms.

Wang Hao said lightly: "I let you stay with your wife and children, please come with us!"

"Husband, will they kill us?" Ren Kuang's wife was trembling with fright.

"No, feel free to follow them."

Ren Kuang has already realized that the other party is so polite to him, there must be a reason for the incident, and there must be something for him.

When Ren Kuang was taken away, the other three intelligence points were also closed. All fifty-five spies Zhang Shun confessed were arrested. Soon, Wang Hao searched the register in the shopkeeper's room and checked them one by one. He was relieved that the fifty-five spies could all match the number, and no one slipped through the net.

But how to counter Ren Kuang next has become his top priority.

The official residence of Li Jiong, the judge of Chengdu, is located in the south of the city. It covers an area of ​​[-] acres.

This afternoon, a middle-aged man came to the Li Mansion in a hurry, and two soldiers stopped him, "The official residence is an important place, no trespassing!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "I'm the shopkeeper of Xinhe Pharmacy. Someone asked me to deliver a letter from Li Tongpan's family. Please inform me!"

"Li Tongping is not in the mansion, so I can't report it for you!"

"Then when will he come back?"

The soldier shook his head, "We don't know!"

At this moment, someone shouted in the distance, "The judge will return to the government, and the idler will give in!"

I saw a group of people walking towards this side quickly, someone in front opened the way, and the followers behind were holding avoiding signs. It was Li Jiong who had returned.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy was overjoyed and hurried up to greet him.
Li Jiong was Lu Wei's father-in-law, Li Mei's father, and belonged to Lu Yihao's party in his court faction.

Li Jiong's father, Li Xinglu, and Lv Yihao were both from the same hometown and Jinshi in the same discipline. The relationship between the two was very good, and the two families were considered family friends.

At this time, a follower stepped forward and said, "Master, someone sent you a letter from home."

"Letter from home?"

Li Jiong was slightly taken aback, and then ordered: "Bring the messenger here!"

After a while, the attendant brought up the shopkeeper of the pharmacy, and the shopkeeper saluted, "The villain is the shopkeeper of Xinhe Pharmacy, surnamed Yang, here is a letter from the master!"

After speaking, he presented a box, Li Jiong took the box and opened it, he was stunned, it turned out to be a pigeon letter box with two small words 'Qinzhou' on the letter box.

It was actually sent from Qinzhou, and his heart moved, he smiled and said: "Shopkeeper Yang, please follow me into the mansion to talk!"

In the study outside, Li Jiong read the pigeon letter carefully. The letter was written by his son-in-law Lu Wei. He was very worried about Lin'an's grandfather and hoped that he could inform Lin'an of the situation in time.

Li Jiong immediately understood that this must be Chen Qing's request, and he just borrowed Lu Wei to make the request.

In fact, this is the best way. The correspondence between myself and my daughter and son-in-law is a normal family letter, and no one can use it as an argument.

Chen Qing must have considered this point before letting Lu Wei come forward.

Thinking of this, Li Jiong sighed softly. The Jin soldiers captured Hanzhong and made Xihe Road an isolated island. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse?
At this time, the butler said at the door: "Master, shopkeeper Yang is here."

"Please come in!"

Not long after, the shopkeeper Yang of Xinhe Pharmacy was brought in, and saluted with fists cupped, "Xiaomin sees your lord!"

"Shopkeeper Yang, don't be too polite!"

Li Jiyang raised the pigeon letter in his hand and asked with a smile: "I want to know, why is this pigeon letter in your hands?"

"It was sent by the owner of the villain from Chengji County, Qinzhou. Because of the long distance, a pigeon letter link has been established between Chengdu Pharmacy and Chengji County. The owner told me in another letter that in the future, the pigeon letter contact Hand it over to the judge."

Li Jiong understood. It is estimated that this pigeon letter line is the only way for Chen Qing to contact the outside world, so he found himself.

He thought for a while and said, "I will arrange a confidant to work as a buddy in your pharmacy, who is responsible for receiving pigeon letters. To the outside world, you have nothing to do with pigeon letters and me, understand?"

"The villain understands that only I know about this pigeon letter. Neither the clerks in the store nor the doctor know about it. The villain must keep it strictly confidential."

"Thank you this time, and I will compensate you in the future."

"Where! Where! It's a villain's honor to be able to work for Tongsan."

Li Jiong immediately arranged for a confidant servant to go back with shopkeeper Yang, who was responsible for sending and receiving pigeon letters.

He also wrote the first pigeon letter and handed it to his confidant, asking him to send it to Qinzhou. The imperial court has appointed Zhao Ding, the former prime minister, as the Xuanfu envoy of Sichuan and Shanxi to travel through Bashu.

(End of this chapter)

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