
Chapter 531 First Attack

Chapter 531 First Attack

The outer city of Chengji County is being built in full swing, with [-] troops and [-] craftsmen investing in the construction of the city. The width between the inner and outer city is about [-] steps. The original moat has become the inner city river, and the outer city wall is taller and stronger Generosity made Chengji County into a powerful city in the world.

All the barracks and training grounds in the city were moved to the outer city, and a large amount of land was vacated to build an inner city warehouse, and the warehouses outside the city were moved to the inner city.

Chen Qing also ordered to clean up the vacant houses in the city. Nearly [-] houses were obtained, all of which were requisitioned for official use and were prepared to be used to resettle refugees.

On the construction site of the outer city, Chen Qing and more than a dozen officials were inspecting the progress. The chief official responsible for the construction of the outer city this time was still Hu Yanyun. He had just returned from Yuchang Valley. As a result, he had just returned to Chengji County when he received a heavy responsibility to build the outer city wall.

Chen Qing saw that the city bricks and logs were neatly stacked, the roads were clean and flat, and all kinds of tools were placed neatly. Small carts for transporting mortar lined up, and huge wooden towers hoisted the city bricks and mortar onto the city wall. , everyone performs their own responsibilities and is orderly.

"Well done!"

Chen Qing sincerely praised: "This kind of construction management can make a high-quality city wall. In this regard, General Huyan, there are not many people in the Song Dynasty who can compare."

Hu Yanyun hurriedly said: "Thank you for the praise from Dutong. I have always been doing logistics and storage. I am used to being neat and orderly. I don't see mess and mess. I specially sent soldiers to supervise. When I saw craftsmen littering, they were severely fined and deducted wages on the spot. It’s about personal interests, so no one dares to litter them.”

Chen Qing nodded and said, "Can the project be completed by the end of the month?"

Today is the eighth day of March, and there are still more than [-] days before the end of the month. Hu Yanyun thought about it and nodded, "It should be possible. The main city wall will definitely be completed, and there may be some finishing things left, such as roads and outer moats. and many more."

At this time, Jiang Yanxian said from the side: "Emissary Jinglue, I feel that I need to consider how to quickly retreat the soldiers from the outer city to the inner city."

Chen Qing said with a smile, "What does Mr. Jiang think?"

"I think about it, is it possible to build two walls between the inner and outer cities, one wall on the east and one on the west, for example, one foot wide, and then facilitate the soldiers to quickly retreat to the inner city."

Lu Wei next to him said: "But will this also make it easier for the enemy to attack the inner city along the wall?"

"As long as there is defense, it should be impossible. Using strong attack hard crossbows, kerosene and firearms can stop the enemy's attack, and even blow up the city wall at a critical moment."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "There is no need to build a city wall, but it is enough to build three aerial cable suspension bridges."

“The cable suspension bridge is nice!”

Jiang Yanxuan praised: "Building the city wall is too complicated, and the chain bridge is simpler."

At this time, a soldier rushed over and said something to Chen Qing in a low voice. Chen Qing's face changed slightly, and he said to everyone: "Go back to Jinglue Mansion first, there is an urgent military situation!"

Chen Qing brought everyone back to the Jinglue Mansion. At this time, everyone knew what happened?The Jin soldiers will attack Pingliang City on a large scale.

In the staff hall, Chen Qing pointed to the sand table and said, "The [-] Jin soldiers and [-] puppet Qi troops have arrived in Pingliang Mansion. It should be said that this is what we expected. It is a precursor to the attack on Xihe Road, but the force is relatively small. ,This shows what?"

Zhang Xiao said from the side: "It is very likely that there are differences within the Jin Kingdom, which prevents the Jin Kingdom from investing more resources to deal with us!"

"I also agree with the divergence theory!"

Jiang Yanxian said from the side: "First of all, it is the contradiction between Wanyan Wushu and Wanyanchang. It is impossible for Wanyan Wushu to watch Wanyan Helisa seize Bashu. With the support of the road, the Jinbing is also deployed on the third front now, and it cannot be limited to the western front, and the Jinbing has also suffered heavy losses in recent years, and the population has dropped sharply, so it will no longer be like a few years ago, where it will easily deploy hundreds of thousands of troops."

Chen Qing nodded, "Both of you are right. In fact, there is another possibility that is the enemy's strategy. Pingliang City is not Chengji County, and I myself did not sit there. There is no need for Pingliang City, and too many resources invested in Pingliang City will definitely affect their attack on Chengji County."

Yang Zaixing said, "What Du Tong means is that Wan Yanchang underestimated the enemy?"

"It's not completely underestimating the enemy. I think Wan Yanchang can only bring out so many troops at most."

Chen Qing glanced at the crowd, and then slowly said: "I believe that Jin Bing is also preparing for battle. From the perspective of the general, Wan Yanchang also has a question of which is more important in his mind. It is impossible for him to regard Pingliang City as Chengji County. To attack, [-] troops is actually quite a lot for him, just like we only used [-] troops to attack Pingliang City, it actually makes sense."

"Dutong, do we want to support Pingliang?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "Pingliang City is guarded by Niu Gao. I'm not worried. The key is Chengji County. The construction of the outer city wall must be accelerated. In addition, the people within [-] miles of Chengji County will all enter the city!"

Murderous intent permeated Pingliang City, the [-] Jin Qi allied forces had arrived, and set up a large camp three miles east of the city.

Chen Qing's guess was completely correct. Wan Yanchang only sent [-] troops to attack Pingliang City because the main force of the Jin army was going to attack Chengji County and they could not spend too much resources on Pingliang City.

The main general who attacked Pingliang City was Wanyan Ahuli, the second son of Wanyan Xiye, who was about [-] years old and a member of the royal family of Jin Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Jin did not have spies in Pingliang City, and they did not know the situation of the Song army in Pingliang City, so that Wan Yanchang made a misjudgment. He thought that Pingliang City had the same strength as Lanzhou City and Huangzhou City, with [-] troops.

This is actually the standard of the Xihe Army. Five thousand people are stationed in important cities, and only a thousand people are stationed in ordinary prefectures, but Wan Yanchang has forgotten one thing. And strategic value is currently second only to Chengji County.

If Wanyanchang knew that the army in Pingliang City had reached [-], he would not have easily sent [-] to attack the city. Just like Yang Zaixing's judgment, Wanyanchang was underestimating the enemy.

Wanyan Ahuli had participated in Wanyan Wushu's attack on Ganquan Fort before, and he had a deep understanding of the kerosene and poisonous nail firearms of the Song Army. This time he attacked Pingliang Mansion, he was also a little confused, and he didn't know how to start?

He sent someone to invite the deputy general Han Chang to discuss. Although Han Chang has more seniority and experience than Wanyan Ahuli, but he belongs to the Jurchen royal family and his father is Liao Wang Wanyan Xieye. He can't match this status anyway. I can only be a lieutenant general honestly.

Han Chang thought for a while and said, "I suggest you to test the attack first, and use [-] Qi troops to attack. If the attack goes well, then we can increase the offensive at any time, turn the test attack into a formal attack, and capture Pingliang City in one fell swoop."

"What if the opponent is sharp?"

Han Chang sighed and said, "If the opponent is very sharp and the [-] troops suffer heavy casualties, according to my humble experience, even our [-] troops will not be able to attack the city, but the losses will be even greater."

Wanyan Ahuli also felt the same, so he nodded, "Okay! Let's use [-] troops to test the attack first."

In the morning of the next day, [-] troops lined up in the open space outside the east city. The [-] troops presented the word "Pin". The banners and banners of the Wan Dajun were unfurling, full of murderous aura.

This time the golden soldiers carried hundreds of large siege ladders, which were also specially made siege weapons by the craftsmen of Jingzhao City. city ​​point.

On the top of the city, [-] Song soldiers were holding spears, but this was only a part of the army. There were [-] new troops below the city, forming a large bow and arrow formation, and [-] heavy trebuchets were ready.

In addition, there are [-] reserve troops who have assembled under the city, ready to go to the city to support at any time.

Deputy General Wang Duo whispered to Niu Gao: "General, have you noticed, their siege ladder is a bit special!"

Niu Gao nodded, "In fact, three siege ladders are combined into one siege ladder, so that soldiers can dodge left and right, or cover each other. ladder."

"It is indeed a siege weapon. I am afraid that only fire oil can deal with it."

"That's a good point, but the fuel is thrown last."

As soon as Niu Gao finished speaking, a low-pitched horn sounded from a distance, "Woo—" resounded across the field.

The siege battle finally kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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