
Chapter 532 First Attack

Chapter 532 First Attack

Ten thousand puppet Qi troops rushed to the city head carrying fifty large siege ladders. The commanding general was Han Chang. The city wall rushed away.

The heavy-duty catapults in the city were launched, and thirty gunpowder barrels were accurately thrown at the puppet Qi army. Each gunpowder barrel exploded among the running crowd. The soldiers were so frightened that they hurriedly got down, but many soldiers couldn't get down in time. Hit by the flying poisonous nails, there was a scream.

Han Chang knew that Song Jun's poisonous nails would not do much harm temporarily, but it would affect the morale of the army, so he immediately ordered: "Beat the drum!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The earth-shattering war drum sounded.

Five hundred Jurchen swordsmen also rushed forward on horseback, intimidating the puppet Qi army to attack. Many soldiers who were shot by the poisonous nails had no choice but to endure the fear in their hearts and run forward as if resigned to their fate.

The soldiers of the Puppet Qi Army rushed to the bottom of the city and built wooden planks on the moat. At this moment, thousands of arrows were fired in the city, and the dense arrows of soldiers like migratory locusts crossed the top of the city and shot at the soldiers below the city like raindrops.

The puppet Qi army raised their shields one after another, but many soldiers were still shot by arrows and fell into the moat.

The soldiers rushed through the moat and put heavy siege ladders on the top of the city. The soldiers of the puppet Qi army jumped up and climbed to the top of the city.

What greeted them was rolling logs and stones, which fell from the top of their heads like hailstones. The soldiers on the siege ladder were smashed and bloody, and they all screamed and rolled down the city.

A Jurchen cavalryman ran up to Han Chang and asked, "Captain Wan asked, can the whole army press down?"

Han Chang calmly looked at the top of the wall and said, "Tell Mr. Wan that if the Song army has gunpowder, it must have kerosene. Wait a little longer!"

The Jurchen cavalry turned their horses and galloped to report. The reason why Han Chang did not suggest that the whole army should press on was not only that the Song army might have kerosene, but he found a more serious clue, that is, the number of Song troops in the city. There are at least seven or eight thousand people, but just now nearly ten thousand arrows were shot from the city.

It shows that the Song army is far more than the number of people on the top of the city, and its strength is at least between [-] and [-], and may even be [-].

They only have [-] people, and the opponent has a strong and tall city wall, and there are nearly [-] troops. How can they attack the city?
It's just that Han Chang understood the pride of the Jurchens very well. He withdrew his troops as soon as they attacked the city. Wanyan Ahuli would never do it. He had to wait for a certain opportunity before ordering the troops to withdraw.

Niu Gao could see clearly from the top of the city that most of the enemy troops had passed the moat, and the time was right to attack with fire, so he immediately ordered: "Defense with fire and oil!"

The kerosene had been prepared a long time ago. With the command of the lord, thousands of barrels of kerosene were poured down on the top of the city. The black kerosene flowed all over the siege ladders. Hundreds of torches were thrown down, and the siege ladders suddenly became a cloud. sea ​​of ​​flames.

The soldiers on the siege ladder immediately became a mess. Many soldiers had experience and knew that there would be a hellish fire soon. Countless soldiers jumped into the moat desperately. .

At this time, the flames also spread under the city, and quickly joined together. The soldiers of the puppet Qi army panicked. The soldiers of the Qi army ignored their feet and ignored the arrows above their heads. They were shot down by the sharp arrows. This round of arrows caused heavy casualties.

'when!Dang! Dang! Dang!' Han Chang ordered to withdraw his troops.

Thousands of puppet Qi soldiers ran desperately, only hating their parents for giving them two missing feet.

This tentative attack only lasted less than half an hour and ended with the disastrous defeat of the puppet Qi army. However, because the soldiers of the puppet Qi army had some experience and ran faster, the number of casualties was much lower than before. Of the [-] people, half of them were shot to death by front and rear arrows, which had nothing to do with the burning of fire oil.

When Han Chang came to the front of the Jurchen army, he saw Wanyan Ahu's face was gloomy, and there was a trace of anger in his eyes.

Han Chang quickly stepped forward and explained: "The commander should have seen it too. The opponent has at least [-] troops, and ours is only [-]. It is impossible to capture Pingliang City, or the entire army may be wiped out."

"Is this the result of the probing attack?"


Wanyan Ahhu thought for a while, and it was indeed the case, the opponent's strength was far greater than the thousands of troops on the top of the city, otherwise they would not be able to shoot a large formation of thousands of arrows.

His face suddenly softened a lot, and he asked again: "Then what should we do next?"

"Confront Pingliang City first, and then ask the Supervising Army for instructions!"

Wanyan Ahuli nodded, "Okay! Ask the Superintendent for instructions."

Wanyan Ahuli immediately wrote a letter and sent it to Jingzhao City.

The [-] troops retreated to the camp and stopped the attack on Pingliang City.

Jingzhao City is also actively preparing for battle, mainly building large-scale siege weapons.

But what made Wan Yanchang depressed was that it had been almost a month since the imperial court refused to approve his strategy of attacking Xihe Road, and there was still no exciting news.

In the morning, Wanyan Helisa rushed to the Supervisory Mansion, and when he saw Wanyanchang, he asked anxiously: "General Du, I heard that Pingliang is not going to be attacked?"

Wan Yanchang said slowly: "It's not that the attack is unfavorable, but that our judgment was wrong. Chen Qing actually stationed [-] troops in Pingliang City. There are also large trebuchets, firearms, and kerosene. It is impossible for an army of [-] to take Pingliang. city, so that the losses were heavy on the first day.”

"How heavy is the loss?" Wanyan Helisa asked nervously.

"About [-] Qi troops were lost."

Wanyan and Lisa breathed a sigh of relief, there were only [-] people, and it was still the Qi army, so it was not a big problem.

"Captain Superintendent, what is the attitude of the wolf lord? Why is there no news?"

Wanyan and Lisa were a little dissatisfied, "Does the imperial court want to attack Bashu?"

Wan Yanchang said for a while: "I got some news from private channels, I'm afraid the situation is not good for us."

Wanyan Helisa knew about Wanyanchang's private channel, and Wanyan Zongpan wrote to him to tell him.

"What does the news say?"

"Speaking of Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Zonghan, both the supervising army opposed the increase of troops in Shaanxi. They believed that even if they took Hanzhong, they would not be able to attack Bashu. They believed that the road to Shu was too difficult and would only consume a large number of Jurchen soldiers. They are opposed to adding troops to Shaanxi Road."

Wanyan and Li Sa suddenly said angrily: "Who is wasting the Jurchen soldiers? Isn't he Wanyan Wushu? In the past few years, more than [-] Jurchen soldiers have died at his hands. He still has the face to say that Shaanxi is too exhausted. many."

Wan Yanchang said angrily: "Everyone understands the truth, but the problem is that their forces in the court have the upper hand. To put it bluntly, they just don't want us to command more Jurchen soldiers."

Wanyan and Lisa were speechless for a while, today's passive situation was actually caused by the failure to compete for the crown prince last year.

Last fall, the wolf lord Wanyan Cheng suffered a stroke and was bedridden. Various forces rushed to Shangjing, and the Jin army retreated to the north. A fierce battle for the heir was held within the Kingdom of Jin.

The Jin Emperor Wanyan Sheng wanted to pass on the throne to his eldest son Wanyan Zongpan, and he got the support of Wanyanchang and Wanyan Helisa faction, but the Taizu faction headed by Wanyan Zonghan insisted on following the ancestral system. , Li Taizu Wanyan Aguda's eldest grandson Wanyan Heshi was extremely powerful, that is, the crown prince. The two sides fought fiercely, and finally most of the royal family supported Wanyan Zonghan.

The emperor Wanyan Sheng had no choice but to appoint Wanyan Heshi, who was only fourteen years old, as the heir apparent, and appointed him as Wan Ban Bo Ji Lie.

Wanyanchang's faction lost in the struggle for the crown prince, so now Wanyanchang wants to use the attack on Bashu and Chen Qing as an excuse to ask the emperor Wanyancheng to allocate [-] Jurchen troops to Wanyan Helisa, and there are more than [-] Jurchen troops In their hands, they can at least compete with Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Zonghan.

Once the wolf lord dies and the young Wanyan Hecai ascends the throne, he still cannot control the government. Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Wushu must be the regents. At that time, he does not have hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands, so he can only let them clean up up.

Wanyan Zonghan and Wanyan Wushu were also very clear about his purpose for the army, so they resolutely opposed sending more Jurchen troops to Shaanxi Road.

When the two were discussing, a soldier came to report: "Report to the capital supervisor army, the envoy from Shangjing has arrived!"

(End of this chapter)

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