
Chapter 533

Chapter 533
Wan Yanchang and Wanyan Helisa rushed out to greet them, only to see a group of cavalry outside, guarding a skinny old man in his fifties, Wan Yanchang recognized at a glance that it was Tang Kuochagan, the uncle of the state, the empress Tang Kuo's younger brother and Wan Yanchang's ally.

A glimmer of hope suddenly lit up in Wan Yanchang's heart. The wolf lord sent Tang Kuocha to do it, which might bring him good news.

He laughed and greeted him, the two embraced tightly, Wanyan and Lisa stepped forward to salute, and everyone surrounded Tang Kuochagan into the prison mansion like stars holding the moon.

In the back hall, Wanyan Chang dismissed all the servants, leaving only him, Wanyan Helisa and the special envoy Tang Kuo Chagan in the back hall.

Tang Kuocha took a sip of tea and said slowly, "Master Wolf's health is not good, you should know!"

Wan Yanchang's heart sank, and he asked anxiously, "How serious is it?"

"The imperial doctor said there is still half a year at most."

"Ah!" Wanyan Chang and Wanyan Helisa were both stunned.

Wanyan Heli became anxious, "Since that's the case, why doesn't Lord Wolf refuse to send more troops to Shaanxi Road? What exactly is he thinking?"

"Drink Lisa!"

Wan Yanchang's face sank, "Don't be so rude!"

Tang Kuo Chagan sighed slightly and said, "I understand the impatience of drinking Lisa. Although Zong Pan is extremely fierce for Khurub and holds the power of the government in name, the real power is in the hands of Zong Gan and Zong Han. It is Zuo Bo Jilie, and the other is You Bo Jilie. They not only hold the power, but also control the military power. Without the consent of the two of them, no one can mobilize the [-] troops in Beijing. It is the foundation of the Kingdom of Jin, no one can touch it, the imperial decree of the wolf lord cannot leave the palace, and Zongpan has been emptied again, now you understand the situation in Shangjing!"

Wanyan Helisa was about to speak, but seeing Wanyan Chang's stern eyes, he had to shut his mouth consciously.

Wan Yanchang said calmly: "Chagan traveled all the way for this trip, he didn't just come to tell me these things!"

"Of course not. After all, Zong Pan is Hulu Bo Jilie. He still has some capital in his hands, but he can't leave Shangjing. Zong Pan's intention is to change the capital supervisor army to be the Marshal of Zuodu, in charge of Hedong Road and Shaanxi Road."

Wan Yanchang immediately understood that this should be the wolf lord's arrangement to let him command the [-] Jurchen troops on Hedong Road and Shaanxi Road. At present, Wanyan Zonghan firmly controls the [-] Jurchen troops in Hebei and Yanjing, and Wanyan Wu Shu controls the [-] Jurchen troops in Henan and Jianghuai, and they all have their own territories, so they have confidence.

Although the wolf lord was unable to increase troops to Shaanxi Road, he allocated Hedong Road and Shaanxi Road to himself, so that he had [-] Jurchen troops, which can be regarded as indirect support for himself.

Of course Wan Yanchang is willing to change to be the Marshal of Zuodu. He is a supervising army in name only. Neither Wanyan Zonghan nor Wanyan Wushu will buy him, and he can only manage Shaanxi Road.

Wan Yanchang immediately nodded and agreed, "Of course I am willing to be the Marshal of Zuodu, but when will I do it?"

Tang Kuochagan smiled slightly, and took out a golden wolf head order and five tiger charms from the bag he was carrying and put them on the table, "I still have the imperial order, and I just need you and me to go to Taiyuan!"

Wan Yanchang was overjoyed, "Shall we go now?"

"We'll set off when you arrange Shaanxi Road!"

Wan Yanchang pondered for a moment, and immediately said to Wan Yan: "Order the Jurchen army in Wanyan Ahuli to withdraw to Fengxiang, and the [-] Qi army to withdraw to Jingchuan County, under the command of Han Chang. As for the attack on Chengji The county's arrangements will be discussed after I come back from Hedong Road, you still have to continue to prepare for the battle here."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Both sides are preparing for the battle intensively. By the end of March, the outer city wall of Chengji County has been successfully completed, and the army has moved to the outer city to station. Also began to migrate to the city. .

Standing on the cable bridge to the north, Chen Qing looked at the large open and flat land, and said to Jiang Yanxian next to him, "It's a pity that such a large area of ​​land is empty, can we use all of it?"

Jiang Yanxian smiled slightly and said, "Employee, don't worry that the land is useless. Once war breaks out, a large number of refugees will flee to Chengji County. These open spaces can be used to set up tents and accommodate refugees."

Chen Qingruo realized something, thought for a while and said, "When you mentioned pitching tents, I wondered if we need to build another separation wall to separate the war buffer zone from the useful land behind."

Zhang Xiao also said: "It is indeed necessary to repair the wall. Go back and tell Hu Yanyun about it and ask him to build another wall about a hundred steps away from the outer city wall."

Walking through the iron chain bridge, Chen Qing came to the outer city wall. The outer city wall is very wide and thick, up to three feet thick, and can accommodate six large carts at the same time. Two hundred paces away.

At the head of the outer city, thousands of soldiers are already patrolling and standing guard. The moat is very wide, up to five feet wide. If the ships come to attack the city, will the things we worry about happen?"

Zhang Xiao is the designer of the outer city, and he quickly explained: "When I reported to the capital last time, I didn't mention the moat. The distance is as far as ten feet, and warships cannot build a ten-foot-long wooden bridge to go to the city. If it comes to war, we will set up barriers directly in the river, so that the enemy cannot approach the water gate."

Chen Qing nodded happily, "If this is the case, the possibility of using the moat to attack the city is indeed relatively low."

Just after finishing speaking, Chen Qing raised his head and saw an eagle flying slowly from the east, and finally landed on the eagle tower in the city. Chen Qing said with a smile: "It seems that important information has arrived!"

Not long after, a soldier ran across the chain bridge, ran directly in front of Chen Qing, knelt down on one knee and saluted, "Report to Dutong for emergency information on Jingzhao City!"

After finishing speaking, the soldier presented a red letterbox, and Chen Qing took the letterbox. Red means the most urgent. He shook out a scroll, unfolded it slowly, and said to Jiang Yanxian and Zhang Xiao, "The special envoy from Shangjing has arrived. , Wan Yanchang was changed to Marshal Zuodu, and then Wan Yanchang followed the special envoy to Taiyuan."

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "It seems that Marshal Zuodu is quite powerful, not only in charge of Shanxi Road, but also in charge of Hedong Road. Calculated, he should have [-] Jurchen troops in his hands. Once he leads an army of [-] to attack Chengji County, It's a real mess."

Chen Qing said lightly: "The [-] troops are Wan Yanchang's capital, he will not easily use them to attack the city, even if they attack the city, it will be the puppet Qi army, just like they attacked Pingliang City, once Wan Yanchang returns from Taiyuan City , is the time for the enemy's westward expedition, and we have to step up our combat preparations."

Chen Qing turned around and asked Zhao Xiaoyi, "Is there any news about Liu Qiong?"

Zhao Xiaoyi quickly bowed and said: "Not yet, he is going to the inner circle of Xiaoguan, which is deserted and inhabited, and cannot deliver news, even if there is news, it should be sent back by Pingliang City."

Chen Qing nodded, he was really worried about Liu Qiong's expedition!

On the Loess Plateau to the north of Shaanxi Road, an army is winding eastward through a huge ravine. The army is composed of [-] cavalry and [-] camels. The camels carry water and food. The expeditionary force led by Liu Qiong aimed at Yanzhou and attacked the fire oil warehouse in Yanzhou.

Chen Qing got a piece of information that there were currently only [-] puppet Qi troops in Yanzhou, and there was a large amount of kerosene in the warehouse that had not been transported. Chen Qing immediately made a decision and sent Liu Qiong to lead [-] cavalry to Yanzhou.

Of course, Chen Qing didn't make this decision by scratching his head, but the current situation in Xixia made him see this opportunity.

In the hundreds of years of confrontation between Song and Xia, the Song Dynasty and Xixia were bounded by Hengshan Mountain, which is today's Baigan Mountains. However, after the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, the forces of the Xixia Army rushed out of Hengshan and occupied all the land within a hundred miles south of Hengshan. up.

Including the northern part of Zhenrong Prefecture, the northern part of Huanzhou, the northern part of Huanqing Prefecture, the northern part of Qingyang Prefecture, and the northern part of Yanzhou, a large number of fortresses built by the Song Army became the garrison of the Xixia Army.

But because of the outbreak of civil war in Xixia, all the troops south of Hengshan were withdrawn, and the Jin soldiers and puppet Qi troops were busy attacking Hanzhong, and did not pay attention to these deserted loess plateaus, so there were no soldiers stationed in the entire northern part of Shaanxi Road.

Chen Qing seized this opportunity and sent Liu Qiong to lead two thousand troops to expedition to Yan'an Mansion to snatch the strategic resource fire oil.

The army marched at night and day, and traveled westward along the uninhabited Loess Plateau. The wild Hengshan Mountains can be seen in the north. Not only did they not meet the army, but they did not even encounter ordinary people. Fleeing south, unwilling to become a slave of the Xixia people.

So I encountered many villages along the way, but there were no people there, and they had been abandoned.

After Liu Qiong led the army to walk for ten days, that night, they entered the boundary of Yanzhou. The guide led them to the southeast, and sixty miles to the southeast was Fushi County, which is rich in fire oil.

(End of this chapter)

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