
Chapter 534

Chapter 534
Ever since the businessman Han Dongtang was killed, Chen Qing has been thinking about rebuilding a kerosene supply chain, but this opportunity has never appeared. Qing realized that this might be an opportunity.

The magistrate of Fushi County is called Li Miaowen, a native of Yanchuan County, Yanzhou. He was Zhang Xuan's father's most proud student. Father's handwritten letter, and at the same time got three hundred taels of gold.

Li Miaowen is willing to be an eyeliner of Xihe Road in Yanzhou because of favor and profit.

These two days, Li Miaowen was a little anxious. He sent a report to Chengji County half a month ago, because he found that there were [-] barrels of storage in the Yanzhou Huoyou warehouse, and there were only [-] people in the Yanzhou garrison. This is a rare opportunity. .

But half a month has passed, and there is still no news from Chengji County. Li Miaowen just got the news that a transport fleet has set off from Jingzhao three days ago, and it is estimated that it will arrive in Fushi County in two days. If no one comes from Chengji County, all the kerosene will be transported away.

In the afternoon, Li Miaowen was sitting in the official room in a daze, when a follower walked in quickly and said, "Master, someone from your hometown is here to deliver a letter."

Li Miaowen's heart skipped a beat, this was what he and Zhang Xiao agreed to say, it wasn't from his hometown to deliver the letter, it was someone from Chengji County.

"Where is the person?" he asked anxiously.

"Wait outside the county office!"

Li Miaowen thought for a while and said: "You take the messenger to my house, I'll be right back!"

Li Miaowen cleared the table, got up and went back home.

In the study, Li Miaowen met the messenger, who was the scout sent by Liu Qiong, and he brought a message.

The soldier saluted, "My general is in Liujia Town, thirty miles to the north. My general wants to know if there is still kerosene in the oil depot, and whether the garrison has increased?"

Li Miaowen quickly said: "It's still the same as before. There are [-] barrels of kerosene in the kerosene depot. The garrison is next to the kerosene depot. There are only [-] people. The general is called Wang Sang. He is usually in the city at night."

After a pause, Li Miaowen added: "Three days ago, a transport fleet set off from Jingzhao to Yanzhou to extract fire oil. It is estimated that it will arrive in two days. You should act tonight."

After speaking, Li Miaowen found a confidant servant and asked him to follow the scouts to Liujia Town as a guide for Song Jun, and at the same time gave the scouts a map. .

The scout put down a wooden box, said goodbye and left.

Li Miaowen opened the wooden box, and there were thirty top-quality rubies inside, all of which were worth a hundred guan. Li Miaowen was dazzled by seeing this box of gems, at least more than three thousand guan.

Liu Qiong led his men to rest in a nearby forest thirty miles away, which was relatively close to Liujia Town.

In the evening, the scouts sent out came back with a servant guide.

Liu Qiong looked at the map and asked in surprise, "Is the fire oil warehouse outside the city?"

Jia Ding bowed and said: "Reporting to the general, the fire oil warehouse is located by the Yanshui River, mainly for the convenience of transportation, and a camp of one thousand troops is also stationed next to the warehouse. Their general is called Wang Sang, and they have a concubine in the city Going back to town every night for the night."

"How is the army doing?"

Jia Ding shook his head, "Our people call this army four soft and one hard. When they see women, their legs are soft, their hands are soft when they see money, their mouths are soft when they go to restaurants, their pockets are soft when they go to gambling halls, and they are tough when they see people."

Liu Qiong nodded. He could fully understand that Yanzhou belonged to the rear, far away from the battlefield. It would be strange to deploy an elite army here.

He looked at the map carefully, and a bold battle plan quickly formed in his mind.

On the south bank of the Yanshui River, there is a warehouse group consisting of ten warehouses, surrounded by high walls. This is the fire oil warehouse, which was built in Luocheng last year.

The reason why the warehouse is not built in the city is that Yanzhou is far away from the Song army, and there is basically no external threat. Secondly, there is a garrison next to it, and it is not afraid of ordinary people coming to steal. The third important reason is that The transportation is convenient, and it can be shipped directly away, and there is no need to find a civilian husband to carry it out of the city.

The military camp is just to the east of the warehouse group, only a hundred paces apart, surrounded by barracks, and there is an open space to the north of the military camp. At night, the outside is full of business tents, prostitute tents for skin and meat business, and various food stalls. The liquor sellers and butchers, the sub-accounts opened by the gambling halls, etc., were extremely lively.

It was also because the general Wang Sang had to go back to the city every night. Once he left, no one was in charge of the barracks, and the soldiers took the opportunity to indulge in women, eating, drinking and gambling.

At two o'clock, the barracks finally became quiet, and the exhausted soldiers also went back to the camp to sleep. At this time, two thousand Song Army cavalry had passed the Yanshui Bridge, only two miles away from the barracks.

The cavalry kept approaching and stopped about [-] steps away from the barracks. Liu Qiong waved his hand, and dozens of scouts rushed up.

The gate of the camp was closed, and the soldiers on guard went to find places to sleep, but there was not a single soldier on guard in front of the camp gate.

The Song army scouts cut off the wooden bolt of the camp gate with a knife and opened the camp gate.

Liu Qiong could see clearly from [-] paces away, he galloped his horse and shouted: "Kill in, no one will be left behind!"

Suddenly, two thousand cavalry swept towards the barracks like a flood breaking a bank.

The cavalry rushed into the barracks, and he threw them into the big tent. The barracks was ablaze, and many soldiers fled from the big tent in horror, but they were killed mercilessly by the cavalry, and there was a lot of crying and shouting in the barracks.

Some soldiers escaped from the barracks by chance and ran towards the county town several miles away.
In less than half an hour, the cavalry of the Song Army rushed out of the barracks, and the barracks had turned into a sea of ​​flames.

That night, Song Jun used [-] camels to carry away all [-] barrels of kerosene on their backs. These kerosene were all medium barrels, each weighing [-] catties, and each camel could carry ten barrels or even more.

At dawn at last, a large number of officials and general Wang Sang rushed to the river, the barracks were burned to the ground, and the surrounding business tents were also burned.

The general Wang Sang's face was extremely ugly, he couldn't explain to the commander Li, why was he not in the barracks at night?

Hiding among a group of officials, Li Miaowen watched in horror at the corpses burned to black charcoal, and the warehouse was looted, and all the [-] barrels of kerosene he had stored for half a year were taken away.

At this moment, a fleet of eighty thousand-stone ships slowly approached. They were here to extract fire oil and transport it to Jingzhao.

All the officials looked at each other in blank dismay, what should they do?

In the past two days, eight female guards and ten male guards have moved into Chen Qing's mansion. The male guards are mainly in charge of the outer house and the middle hall, while the female guards are in charge of the rear house.

Increasing security is also a part of preparing for war. Chen Qing has made too many enemies outside, especially Xixia, who likes to use assassination methods. The Xixia royal family also set up a special assassination group, Heijintang. When Xixia attacked Ganquan Castle, Heijintang's The samurai sneaked into Ganquan Fort.

When Xixia was unable to defeat the Xihe army in a normal war, assassinating the leader of the opponent must be the choice of the Xixia royal family. This is their tradition and a very effective means.

In addition to Xixia, the puppet Qi army would also do this kind of thing. They have many precedents, not only assassinating the leader of the enemy army, but also assassinating political enemies.

Although Chen Qing's personal soldiers are very elite, he really needs some personal guards with high martial arts skills.

Chen Qing already had a personal guard. Except when Chen Qing returned to the inner house, such a guard followed him like a shadow at other times. This guard was a young Taoist priest, his figure was as fast as a ghost, and his special skill was throwing knives.

At dusk that day, when Chen Qing went back to the mansion and entered the inner house, the personal guards disappeared, and he didn't care about the female guards who took over in the inner house.

Chen Qing went back to his study room, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, the door creaked open, and his wife Lu Xiu came in with a cup of tea.

"Is my husband hungry? Why don't you go have dinner first!"

Chen Qing smiled and waved his hands, "Let's rest for a while, I'm not too hungry now."

"Husband, everyone in the city is saying that there will be no war, is it true?" Lu Xiu asked.

Chen Qing took a sip of tea and smiled, "Who did you hear that from?"

"I heard what Master said, and she heard what other people in the teahouse were talking about. Everyone is very concerned about this issue."

Chen Qing nodded, "It can only be said that the war may not break out. Wan Yanchang wants to preserve his own strength and will not use the Jurchen army to die. It depends on the puppet Qi army. If Bianliang Xiang pays attention to increasing troops, then this There will be war."

As soon as Chen Qing finished speaking, an arrow shot 'whoosh! ' shot through the window, and the arrow was accurately nailed to the wall with a letter stuck in it.

(End of this chapter)

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