
Chapter 535

Chapter 535
Lu Xiu's face turned pale with fright, she covered her mouth, her eyes were full of horror.

Chen Qing reacted faster, he squatted his wife down, the sword was out of its sheath, and jumped out of the window.

At this moment, three female guards rushed over from the roof and shouted sharply, "Who are they?"

"It's me!" Chen Qing said calmly.

The three female guards were so frightened that they hurriedly saluted, "I don't know the lowly position!"

Chen Qing waved his hand and asked, "Have you been monitoring the roof just now?"

"Yes! Our duty is to hide in the dark and monitor the movement on the roof."

Chen Qing moved his gaze to the flower wall, which was only a few feet lower than the roof. If he climbed up the wall, the female guards in the dark would be able to see it, but there were holes in the flower wall, which should be arrows shot through the holes.

It seems that the other party knows that there are three surveillance guards hidden on the roof of the back house, and he knows the defense of his mansion very well.

Chen Qing's heart moved, what did he faintly guess?
"It's nothing, you continue to monitor in the dark, it's best to take care of the wall as well."

"Follow the order!" The three female guards continued to return to the dark place.

Chen Qing returned to the study and saw that his wife was about to take down the arrow on the wall, so he hurriedly said, "Don't move, let me do it!"

He took a piece of cloth, wrapped it around the shaft of the arrow, pulled out the arrow, looked carefully, and made sure that the arrowhead was not poisonous, and then took the letter down.

Chen Qing opened the letter and read it for a while, frowning. The content of the letter was beyond his expectation.

"Husband, what did you say in the letter?" Lu Xiu asked worriedly.

"This is a letter complaining about your grievances, saying that your brother took advantage of other people's property."

Lu Xiu was stunned, "My second brother?"

Chen Qing nodded, "The letter said it was Lu Wei, the prefect of Chengji County..."

Lu Xiu was furious, "Why did my grandfather tell him again and again? He dared to ruin my grandfather's reputation. I'll find him tomorrow!"

Chen Qing quickly grabbed his wife and said, "Don't go to your brother recklessly, these are two different things, don't startle the snake."

Compared with Lu Wei's accusation, Chen Qing paid more attention to the archer, and even shot the arrow into his inner study in front of himself and his wife. Even if he could escape the arrow, the safety of his wife could not be guaranteed up.

This arrow also made Chen Qing realize that there were still loopholes in the defense of his mansion.

Early the next morning, Chen Qing ordered someone to find Wang Hao in the official room.

Not long after, Wang Hao rushed over, clasped his fists and saluted, "See Dutong!"

"I want to know, how many people are there in the Inner Guard Battalion now?"

"Reporting to Dutong, there are a total of about [-] people, distributed in major counties."

"Where's Chengji County?"

"There are about [-] people in Chengji County."

Chen Qing took out the arrow and the letter and put them on the table, and said calmly: "Last night, someone shot this arrow into my study, and there was a letter on it. My wife was there at the time, and it frightened her."

Wang Hao turned pale with shock, and quickly knelt down on one knee, "Dereliction of duty!"

"I'm not here to hold you accountable, I want you to solve the case and find the archer."

Chen Qing handed him the letter, "Please read this letter first."

Wang Hao read the contents of the letter, and frowned, "The prefect of Lü County has a good reputation! How can you say he took it by chance?"

"It's more important to detect the archer now."

After a pause, Chen Qing said again: "The archer is very familiar with the various defensive measures in my mansion. I suspect that he is one of the ten male guards. How do you check?"

Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "It's actually quite simple. First look into Lu Wei's matter, and then look at the ten guards who are related to this matter, and then you can find the archer."

"This direction is good, as soon as possible! Give me an answer within three days."

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Wang Hao saluted and left.

Chen Qing was fiddling with the arrows on the table, but he was thinking about Lu Wei's matter in his heart. He also felt a little strange. Lu Wei has always been well-reviewed, so how could he take advantage of it?
At this time, an attendant reported at the door, "Jing Lue envoy, Madam invites you to return home."

Chen Qing didn't know what happened, so he hurried back to the mansion, walked into the mansion gate, just met his wife Lu Xiu, Chen Qing asked: "What happened?"

Lu Xiu turned her head and said, "Guard Li, tell me!"

The leader of the guards was called Li Huan, who was very skilled in martial arts. He came forward and reported, "I want to report to Dutong that Yang Rui disappeared early this morning."

Chen Qing had a little impression of this Yang Rui. He was very ordinary in appearance and usually taciturn, but his arrow skills were superb. He was originally a scout in the army and was recommended by Zhao Xiaoyi to be the guard of the Jinglue Mansion.

"Take me to his room!"

Chen Qing asked his wife to go back to the inner house first, while he went to the west courtyard. The west courtyard is the dormitory for the male guards. The guards are treated well, and everyone has their own room.
Chen Qing walked into Yang Rui's room, the room was very tidy, with very little furniture, a bed, a cupboard, a table and a box.

"All his belongings were gone, and some of the money he had accumulated was also taken away by him."

Chen Qing looked around and asked, "Is there no letter or note left?"

"No! This Yang Rui is illiterate and can't write."

At this time, Chen Qing's gaze fell on the wall, and there was actually a map of Jingzhao City hanging on the wall. You must know that the map is not something you can buy in a bookstore, and it has always been a military secret.

Since this Yang Rui uses a map, he is not illiterate!
And he also used the Jingzhao map. Could it be that he was implying to himself that he came from Jingzhao and was a member of the puppet Qi army?
Chen Qing looked at the map again, and was suddenly taken aback. This map was clearly the city defense distribution map of Jingzhao City, which was a major military secret.

"Dutong, look over there!" A guard pointed at the roof and shouted.

Chen Qing also saw it. A part of a crossbow was exposed on the girder. Several guards climbed up the girder and took down a crossbow and a pot of crossbow arrows from the girder. Chen Qing recognized it at a glance. The pot of crossbow arrows was shot last night. that crossbow.

"Go and tell the inner guard Wang Hao to come over!"

At first, Chen Qing thought it was just an incident of people suing the government, but the means used were a little extreme, but after finding military secrets such as Jingzhao City Defense Map in Yang Rui's room, Chen Qing felt that this matter was a bit strange Now, it's not that simple.

Yang Rui has already run away, the truth is more confusing, Chen Qing is more concerned about what happened to Lu Wei?Now that Yang Rui mentioned Lu Wei, it would never be groundless.

At this time, Zhu Sui said at the door: "Jinglue envoy, Lv Zhixian is here."

"Let him in!"

Not long after, Lu Wei came in, bowed and saluted, "See Jinglueshi!"

"Sit down!"

Chen Qing asked Lu Wei to sit down, and the tea boy came in and served tea.

"What are you busy with recently?" Chen Qing asked with a smile.

"There are a lot of trivial chores. Every day, I encounter all kinds of unexpected things. I have a lot of clues. I am so tired that I climb into bed like a dog every day. When I close my eyes, I dream of going to court. No wonder my grandfather said that when you are a prime minister, you have to start from scratch. It is only now that I understand this sentence, starting with the county magistrate.”

Chen Qing nodded, "The magistrate is indeed very cumbersome, but he also trains people. If he can handle the most trivial matters at the lowest level, he will basically be very relaxed when he arrives at the court."

After a pause, Chen Qing asked again: "Are you short of money now?"

"Lack of money?"

Lu Wei said with a look of surprise: "I now have a monthly salary of twelve guan, plus various subsidies of thirteen guan, I live in an official house, and the maids and servants I hire can't spend a lot of money. money?"

"But someone has sued me, saying that they have taken away other people's property by force. Are they making a false accusation against you?"

Lu Wei jumped up immediately, "Impossible, nothing, it's just nonsense, when will I occupy other money?"

"Calm down and talk!"

Lu Wei finally calmed down, and said bitterly: "What kind of wealth is there in this poor place in Chengji County that is worth my greed? The land is worthless, and a shop is only a few hundred yuan. Do I have to ruin my reputation for a little money? ?”

Chen Qing looked at him for a while, "Forget it, think about it when you go back! Is there any misunderstanding? It's best to explain clearly."

Lu Wei left with a stomach full of dissatisfaction, and Chen Qing was also confused. Who is this Yang Rui?What did he mean by pasting a secret map of Jingzhao on the wall?What is his relationship with Lu Wei?
Chen Qing really couldn't figure out where the connection between them was?

(End of this chapter)

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