
Chapter 536 Beauty

Chapter 536 Beauty
In the afternoon, a guest came to Chen Qing's mansion. It was Lu Wei's wife Li Mei. Lu Xiu wanted to send someone to invite her, but she didn't expect her to come by herself.

As soon as they met, Li Mei began to cry. Lu Xiu was startled, and quickly persuaded her, "Why are you crying? Tell me well. If you have any difficulties, I will definitely help."

"After I gave birth, I felt that he was a little cold to me. Sometimes he didn't even come home at night."

"You mean my second brother?"

Li Mei choked and said, "At first I thought he was too busy being the county magistrate, so I didn't care about everything, and advised him to take good care of his body, but it turned out."

"Does he have a woman outside?" Lu Xiu reacted extremely sharply.

Li Mei nodded, "He has admitted it himself. If he is a woman from a good family, I will recognize a sister and marry him as a concubine. But the other party is a woman from a brothel. He is fascinated by this woman and redeems her for her." After she got married, she even bought a small house to raise her."

"How long has it been?"

"It's been at least two months, and I've been enduring it, but in the past two months, he never came into my room at all, slept in the study all day, or didn't go home, Axiu, I really can't bear it."

After speaking, Li Mei covered her face and burst into tears.

Lu Xiu persuaded Li Mei for a long time, repeatedly promising that she would persuade her elder brother well, and then Li Mei left sadly.

When Lu Xiu returned to the back house, she sighed in her heart. At the beginning, the second brother and Li Mei had a deep relationship, but after a few years, the elder brother began to change his mind.

In fact, Lu Xiu also knew where the problem was?Speaking of which, Li Mei is also responsible. For more than a year before and after Li Mei gave birth, the second brother was not allowed to touch her body. The second brother was neglected, so he would naturally seek comfort outside. Now that something happened, Li Mei started to worry.

Lu Xiu couldn't help but think of herself, she seemed to be a little bit cold towards her husband, even though her husband didn't have the second elder brother now, but he had to plan ahead and keep his heart at home.

"Ma'am, red date and lotus seed porridge is ready, and rock sugar is added, you can try it." Yu Ying put a freshly made porridge in front of Lu Xiu.

Lu Xiu looked at Yu Ying's pretty face, her heart moved, and she asked with a smile: "A Ying, you are fifteen years old now!"

"I just turned fifteen in January this year..."

Eighteen changes in the women's university, Yu Ying and Yu Lian have become more and more beautiful in the past two years. If we say that when we first met them, they were still two young fruits, but now that the fruits have grown up, they have revealed a little. Red meaning.

Lu Xiu especially likes Yu Ying, who is gentle, sensible, and considerate, and is her little helper, while Yu Lian has a bit of a wild personality, is more vicious, and more playful, but overall she is not bad.

Lu Xiu also knew that her husband raised the two of them in the mansion with the intention of taking them as concubines. In that case, why didn't they take concubines earlier?
"Sakura, come here!"

Yu Ying stepped forward obediently, and Lu Xiu pinched her up and down. She was well-raised and her body was plump than ordinary girls.

Yu Ying said shyly, "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

Lu Xiu smiled and said, "I was wondering if I can arrange a yard for you."

Yu Ying's pretty face flushed immediately, and after a while she twitched and said, "Master, you said you have to wait until you're sixteen!"

"Hey! He is afraid that your bodies are too thin, but seeing that you are well-raised, others are seventeen years old and can't compare to you. I will talk to my husband later."

"Everything is up to the lady."

"Go! But don't be too happy, your husband may not agree."

Yu Ying was overjoyed and returned to her room, only to see her younger sister Yu Lian sitting at the table writing, this is the homework assigned to them by Li Qingzhao, and it will be handed in tomorrow, Yu Lian didn't write a single word, now she is in a hurry, now Catch up with homework!

"Alian, let me tell you something!"

"do not bother me!"

Yu Lian screamed, and said with a mournful face, "I still have to write twenty articles! Don't even think about going to sleep tonight."

"Hey! I told you not to be playful, but now you are in a hurry, let me write half of it for you!"

"Your writing is different from mine. If I could help, I would have asked you to help."

"not necessarily!"

Yu Lian's pretty eyes lit up, and she hurriedly stepped forward to put her arms around Yu Ying, "Tell me, is there any good way?"

"Yesterday, my wife asked me to deliver medicine to my aunt. Chunmei said that my aunt has been writing new words for the past two days, and she doesn't think about eating and drinking. I guess this time it's Sister Qiaoyun who corrects her homework again."

Yu Lian immediately jumped up happily, "That's great!"

Li Qingzhao was very strict with the two of them. If he dared to cheat, he would unceremoniously smack their palms with a ruler, but Zhao Qiaoyun was different. He was very talkative and even helped them cheat.

Yu Lian couldn't control that much anymore, she stuffed the copybook into Yu Ying's hand, and said with a smile: "You write fast, just help me write all of them! I still have to endorse, ten poems, one word for me Didn't even look at it!"

"You! Get married if you know a few words! You are not material for studying at all."

"Cut! I'm going to marry the young master. He'd better marry me tonight, so I don't have to read this book."

"Maybe! Madam told me just now that we don't have to wait until we are sixteen."

Yu Lian immediately put the matter of endorsement on the back burner. She blinked her big eyes and said with surprise, "Really? Madame agreed?"

"The madam agreed, but the young master may not be able to do it. You also know that he is very strict and keeps his promise."

Yu Lian bit her lip lightly, as long as the madam agrees, she will figure out a way for the young master.

At night, Chen Qing and his wife had some affection, he slowly lay down, Lu Xiu snuggled into her husband's arms, and whispered: "Husband, don't worry about it tonight, go to bed early!"

"You seem to be worried?"

Chen Qing glanced at his wife and smiled, "I can feel that you are not as devoted as usual."

Lu Xiu kissed her husband on the cheek and said, "I'm fine, it's just that Amei is in trouble, and I'm worried about her."

"Is it related to your second brother?"

"Of course it's related. It's a good thing my second brother did."

Lu Xiu recounted the matter of Li Mei looking for her today, and finally said with some sadness: "I never thought that the second brother would be fascinated by a brothel woman, and even his son and wife were forgotten. "

Chen Qing said for a while: "I have never heard of this matter, and where did he get the money to redeem himself? Where did he get the money to buy the house?"

Chen Qing knew in his heart that unless it was an old prostitute who was old and decrepit, any young and beautiful prostitute would not pay less than a hundred pennies to redeem her body.

There is also a house, even if the house in Chengji County is cheap, it was fired up by barbarians in the Western Regions last year. The smallest one-acre house can't be bought without three or four hundred pennies.

In addition, it is necessary to decorate the house and hire servants and maids. It costs at least [-] guan, and Lu Wei needs [-] months' income without food or drink. How is that possible?

Is there really something wrong with Lu Wei?
In the morning of the next day, Wang Hao came to see Chen Qing in a hurry. Wang Hao's progress was a bit beyond Chen Qing's expectation.

"Find it out so quickly?"

Wang Hao clasped his fists and said, "Reporting to Dutong, the matter is relatively simple, and it is easier to find out. Luzhi County did not steal or seize other people's property."

Chen Qing frowned and said, "Did you know that he raised a woman outside?"

"This is what the humble officer is investigating. That woman is called Li Qingqing, who lives in the Baifeng Building. She claims to be a performer but not herself. She is free and does not need to spend money to redeem her. The house that Luzhi County supports her is a two-acre house, but This house is an official residence, and Lu Zhixian rented it for a long-term with two guan a month. The furniture and decorations in it are all there, so there is no need to buy anything. Nothing to do."

Chen Qing was confused, he took a few steps with his hands behind his back and asked, "Then why did Yang Rui say that Lu Zhixian took the money by stealing others' money?"

Wang Hao hesitated for a moment and said, "Maybe he just said that on purpose because he wanted the capital to investigate Lu Zhi County."

Chen Qing suddenly came to his senses, "You mean there is something wrong with this Li Qingqing?"

Wang Hao nodded, "I specially went to check on this Li Qingqing. The old bustard in Baifenglou said that this Li Qingqing suddenly appeared three months ago. She claimed to be a famous prostitute in Jingzhao, but the old bustard said that their business is very good to famous prostitutes everywhere." I'm familiar with it, but I've never heard of a famous prostitute named Li Qingqing in Jingzhao, and Li Qingqing gives Baifenglou twenty taels of silver every month, which is against the rules. .”

"and then?"

"Then this Li Qingqing has never received a guest, and suddenly became famous. Everyone wants to find her, but she has to take the school poetry and essay exams. Many officials with Jinshi background are not qualified, but Lu Zhixian is taken by her, and she is humble. According to the old bustard, the person Li Qingqing admires the most is Dutong, and he has spoken publicly many times, and Dutong is the only hero in the world."

Chen Qing touched his nose, "Why have I never heard of it?"

"Because Dutong happened to go to the Hexi Corridor at that time and was not in Chengji County. When Dutong came back, she was already with Luzhi County."

"So you suspect that Li Qingqing is a spy of the puppet Qi army?"

"I'm afraid it's not just a spy, I'm even more worried about an assassin."

Wang Hao explained slowly: "Dutong may not know that Liu Yu has recruited many strange people and strangers in the past two years, and renamed the original Fanlou as Youfenglaiyilou to support them. This Yang Rui and Li Qingqing have It may be the person who has Fenglaiyilou.

But why Yang Rui did that, I really don't understand why, unless someone catches him, but now Yang Rui is like nothing, without any news or clues. "

(End of this chapter)

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