
Chapter 537

Chapter 537
Wang Hao clasped his fists again and said, "Ask the Dutong for instructions, what should I do with the humble job?"

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, thought for a moment and said: "We still use the old method, first find the evidence from the peripheral pictures, and then take it down in one fell swoop!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Wang Hao saluted and left. Chen Qing took a few steps behind his back. He turned around and asked Zhu Sui who was standing at the door, "Xixia and Puppet Qi both train assassins according to the same rules. Do you think we should also set up corresponding assassin organizations and fight tit for tat?"

Zhu Sui said calmly: "Reporting to Dutong, I believe that assassins are actually a double-edged sword. They can hurt the enemy, but they can also hurt themselves. Assassins themselves are a kind of behavior with no lower limit. Assassinate the enemy by any means, because there is no lower limit. Without moral constraints, once the assassin is bought by the other party, the assassin will turn around and assassinate himself, it is actually a hidden danger, and the humble official believes that it should be abandoned."

Chen Qing nodded, "You're right. Those who play with fire will eventually set themselves on fire. Don't bring up the matter of assassins in the future."

The official house that Lu Wei rented was located near the East City Gate. It was a two-acre small house. Generally speaking, the houses were all high-walled courtyards, with at least two entrances, complete functions, and even stables.

This official house is very quiet, no one lived in it before, and now it is rented by Lu Wei, but there is no sign of people living there.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked out of the alley. He looked at both sides of the street, and just happened to see a passenger ox cart coming in the distance. The middle-aged man waved quickly, and the ox cart stopped slowly in front of him. The coachman smiled and asked, "Where is the guest officer going?"

"Go to Chigu Town outside the city!"

"Thirty Wen!"

"It's too expensive, how about a little cheaper, twenty coins?"

The coachman glanced at him, "Get in the car!"

The middle-aged man got into the bullock cart, and the bullock cart turned around and headed towards Nancheng
A quarter of an hour later, the middle-aged man was escorted into the inner guard interrogation room with a black cloth bag covering his head, and what awaited him was a brutal interrogation.

In the afternoon, Wang Hao handed an interrogation report to Chen Qing's desk.

"Reporting to Dutong, this Li Qingqing's real name is Li Chunniang, a famous thief in Bianliang. She and her husband murdered a lot of people in Bianliang. Hundreds of people died at the hands of their husband and wife. Her husband died the year before last, so she joined Feng Lai Yi Lou, nicknamed the Red Pink Skull, specialized in murdering Liu Yu by using her beauty. Her mission this time was to assassinate the wife and kidnap the young master. The three maids and two servants she brought with her were all following her. Many years of subordinates, the middle-aged man we captured is her accountant and manager, and he knows her background clearly."

Even targeting his wife and children, Chen Qing's eyes flashed a murderous intent. He restrained his anger and asked coldly, "Did he mention Yang Rui?"

"It was mentioned, but it was a bit unexpected."


"He said he only knew that Li Cheng had sent an assassin to assassinate Du Tong very early on, but they had nothing to do with this assassin, that is to say, Yang Rui was not with them."

Chen Qing nodded, no wonder Yang Rui left the defense map of Jingzhao City, so he was sent by Li Cheng, he felt a little strange in the morning, Yang Rui was recruited into the scout battalion last year, because of his strong martial arts and outstanding archery skills. Favored by Zhao Xiaoyi, he was recommended as the guard of the Jinglue Mansion only this year, and this Li Qingqing came to Chengji County only three months ago, and the time was completely out of sync.

Yang Rui may have given up on assassinating himself for some reason. He shot arrows into the study just to remind himself to be careful of the loopholes in defense, and leaving a map of Jingzhao should be compensation for archery.

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said to Wang Hao, "Get rid of this assassin!"

Five hundred inner guard soldiers surrounded the two-acre small house. Lu Wei hurriedly rode over and shouted anxiously: "What are you doing? This is a house I rented, you can't do this!"

When he turned his head and saw Chen Qing, he hurriedly stepped forward and cupped his fists and said, "Arbitrators, there are indeed disadvantages in the private life of the lowly job, but this woman is innocent, and the lowly job will take care of everything. I beg you to spare his life."

Chen Qing glanced at him, and said coldly: "You fool, do you really think she is a twenty-year-old Jingzhao courtesan?"

"The humble official doesn't understand what the envoy is talking about?"

Chen Qing handed him a booklet, "Read it for yourself! Is a thirty-four-year-old woman worthy of your obsession?"

Lu Wei took the brochure and read it quickly. He was like a thunderbolt, and stood there dumbfounded, unable to utter a word. .

At this time, a soldier shouted: "Fire!"

Seeing thick smoke billowing in the house and flames rushing up, three athletic women in black jumped onto the roof, holding long swords in their hands, trying to break out to the south, Chen Qing ordered: "Shoot the arrow!"

Arrows were like a rain of arrows, and they shot at the three women in black. The three women in black only smashed a few arrows with their arrows. In an instant, they all turned into hedgehogs, howled a few times, and fell from the wall.

The inner guard soldiers rushed into the house, and after a while, the fire weakened and gradually went out.

At this time, Wang Hao came to report: "Qi report to Dutong, two corpses were found in the room, both died of taking poison, one of them was Li Qingqing, and the three people shot and killed just now were her three maids, brothers Found a lot of information that was too late to destroy and the plan to assassinate Dutong."

Chen Qing nodded, "Sort them out!"

Chen Qing glanced at Lu Wei who was stupefied, patted him on the shoulder, then turned and left.

The Weishui Army City is guarded on the official road on the south bank of the Weishui River. Any cart and luggage going to Chengji County, the Weishui Army City is the only way to go, and the carts can only pass through the city.

But if you don't have a cart or a horse, and you just walk, you can also climb up the mountain in the south and bypass the military city directly.

At noon, a burly man was sitting on a big rock, gnawing dry biscuits, looking at Weishui Military City two miles away with complicated eyes.

This person is Yang Rui, the guard of the Jinglue Mansion who has been missing for many days. He is thirty years old this year. His real identity is a commander of the Puppet Qi Army.

The reason why Li Cheng chose him to assassinate Chen Qing was not only because of his high martial arts skills and superb archery skills, but more importantly, he was from Qinzhou and could speak an authentic Qinzhou accent.

Yang Rui did succeed in sneaking into the Jinglue Mansion, but at the last moment, he gave up for the same reason as he was selected, because he was from Qinzhou.

He never wanted his hometown to be occupied by foreigners and trampled by the iron hooves of the golden soldiers. He had been lurking in Chen Qing's army for nearly a year, and he personally felt the strict military discipline of this army, and also felt the army's firm will to resist the gold.

More importantly, he felt Chen Qing's kindness to the elders in his hometown, and he also felt the love of Chen Qing from the elders in his hometown. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the society was clear, even during the Song Renzong period.

Yang Rui's heart was strongly touched. At the last moment, he not only gave up on the assassination of Chen Qing, but also hinted at Li Qingqing's situation to Chen Qing, and finally left Chen Qing with a defense map of Jingzhao City that he had obtained when he was a command envoy. Qing, drifted away by himself.

Yang Rui sighed, he didn't know what to do?
Li Cheng would not spare him when he returned to Jingzhao, and it would definitely be unrealistic to return to Jinglue Mansion.

But in any case, we can only take one step at a time.

Yang Rui got up and patted the crumbs on his body. Suddenly, he felt something and pulled out his saber.

Dozens of soldiers of the Song army appeared from behind the big rocks on all sides, aiming at him with crossbows in their hands.

Yang Rui narrowed his eyes. There was a silver flying eagle on the helmets of these soldiers, which was the logo of the scout battalion. He himself had such a helmet.

At this time, a general walked out, it was Yang Rui's superior in the scout battalion, who was in command of Tang Qian.

"Yang Rui, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

It was Tang Qian who came, Yang Rui sighed in his heart, knowing that he could not escape this time, he dropped his saber, raised his hands and knelt on the ground.

Tang Qian stepped forward to pick up the saber and handed it to the soldier next to him. He helped Yang Rui up and said with a smile, "Do you think I'm here to arrest you?"

"Is not it?"

Yang Rui glanced at the soldiers around him, all pointing at him with crossbows!
Tang Qian smiled slightly, "It's because I'm afraid you won't listen to me, run away in a hurry, and miss the opportunity."

He waved his hand, and the soldiers put down their crossbows.

Tang Qian then said: "I am taking you back to the scout camp under the order of the capital commander. From now on, you are still the head of the seventh department of the scout camp. Come with me!"

Yang Rui stared blankly at Tang Qian, his nose became inexplicably sore.

[I would like to say sorry to everyone. After sending his father away, Lao Gao suffered a serious illness and has not recovered yet. He has a severe cough and the medicine is not effective. It has been more than [-] days. Of course, it has nothing to do with the epidemic. Nucleic acid test Five negatives, it should be a cough caused by bronchitis or pharyngitis. When Lao Gao is in better health, he will recover by three o'clock. I hope everyone will forgive me! 】

(End of this chapter)

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