
Chapter 538

Chapter 538
Wan Yanchang finally returned from Taiyuan. He led [-] Jurchen troops to Guanzhong and left [-] troops to station in Hedong.

Wanyanchang has never been so contented as he is today. He has now been appointed Marshal of Zuodu, with [-] Jurchen soldiers in his hands, and he can already compete with Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Zonghan.

Moreover, Tang Kuo Chagan brought a more important piece of information. The wolf lord can only support him for half a year at most. At this critical moment, the [-] Jurchen troops are so precious to Wan Yanchang, and they are related to his future and status. No soldier wants to lose.

At this moment, Wan Yanchang changed his mind again, he didn't want to attack Chengji County anymore, or in other words, he didn't want to send Jurchen troops to attack Chengji County.

But Wan Yanchang still wanted to eliminate Chen Qing, after all these years, Chen Qing had been his confidant's serious trouble.

Although the Jurchen army did not attack Chen Qing, he could let the Qi army attack Chengji County, but he had to spend a little time convincing Li Cheng.

In the new Marshal's Mansion, Wan Yanchang smiled and asked Li Cheng to sit down.

Li Cheng shook his head, "Marshal Du's request, I'm sorry I can't accept it. I only have [-] troops in my hands. I have to stay in Jingzhao, defend Pingliang Mansion, and station in Hanzhong. In the end, I only have [-] troops at most. The Jurchen army refuses to participate in the war." , How could these [-] troops take down Chengji County? Marshal Du is also a sensible person, and he should know that what the humble post says is true."

Wan Yanchang waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, just listen to me. I have written to Liu Yu before, asking him to send more troops to Guanzhong, and he also agreed. Forty thousand Luoyang garrison troops are rushing to Guanzhong. It is estimated that in the next two days Just enter Tongguan, so you will have [-] troops in your hands, and then the garrison defense of Hanzhong, Guanzhong, and Jingyuan Road will be handed over to the Jurchen army, and you will not worry about it. You will lead an army of [-] to attack Chengji County. I believe Your ability and your chances of winning should be great."

Li Cheng bowed his head and remained silent. He really didn't like the feeling of working for Jin Bing. Even if he had an army of [-] in his hands, he didn't want to send troops.

Wan Yanchang knew that persuasion alone was not enough, but promises and heavy profits were needed, so he said in a low voice, "I might as well tell you the truth, Jin Kingdom is very disappointed with Liu Yu, and now it is considering dividing the three kingdoms, one is now The state of Qi, the other is the state of Qin, and the other is the state of Chu in Jianghuai.

If you can destroy Chen Qing, then I will entrust Xihe Road and Hexi Corridor to you and protect you as King Qin. "

A bright light flashed in Li Cheng's eyes, he looked at Wan Yanchang and said slowly: "This is a big deal, Marshal Du, please don't make jokes casually..."

Wan Yanchang laughed, "When I told Liu Yu to make him king of Qi, he didn't believe it, but what about the truth? Li Dutong, although we Jurchens have never been taught by Confucius and Mencius, we are as good as we promise , today you share my worries, and tomorrow I will repay you."

Li Cheng nodded, "Let Beizhi think about it for a while."

"I'll give you three days, and you can reply to me anytime within three days."

Li Cheng returned to the big tent and ordered someone to find Yao Bing, his staff member. Yao Bing is Li Cheng's fellow villager. He was born as a Jinshi in the second year of Xuanhe. Susukita cannot afford official expenses.

So much so that although he passed the Jinshi examination, he never got a real vacancy official. He was given the title of a secretary province and received a few dollars a month for living expenses. Staff.

Although Yao Bing is dark and thin, he has a bright mind. He advises Li Cheng at important moments and wins Li Cheng's trust.

Yao Bing listened to Li Cheng's narration, and smiled slightly: "Has the general thought about what the consequences will be if the general doesn't do it?"

Li Cheng thought for a while and said, "The consequence is that I will be transferred back to Bianliang, and Liu Yu will send someone over to assist Jin Bing."

"But the question is, Wan Yanchang has already promised to make the general king of Qin, how can Liu Yu accommodate the general?"

Li Cheng was startled, and only then did he realize that Wan Yanchang had dug a big hole for himself. In fact, he had no way out. If he refused, Wan Yanchang would not tolerate him, and neither would Liu Yu.

"Sir, do you think he will really make me King of Qin?" Li Cheng asked again.

Yao Bing nodded, "I think it should be true. It's not about whether the Jurchens will keep their promises, but that the Jurchens are not interested in Xihe Road, but they need a trustworthy person to manage for them. If the general It is indeed the best choice to kill Chen Qing for them, and at the same time defend them from the Xixia people's invasion to the south, but the key is, can the general defeat Chen Qing?"

Yao Bing has a clear mind and can always see the crux of the problem.

Li Cheng thought for a while and said, "If I have an army of one hundred thousand, I have half the chance of winning."

"With an army of one hundred thousand, is there only half the chance of victory?"

Li Cheng was silent for a moment and said: "Chen Qing's army is indeed very strong. If the strength of the army is similar, I am not his opponent. If the strength of the army is twice that of his, I have half the chance of winning. The final victory or defeat depends on the specific situation of the two armies." Game."

Yao Bing thought for a while and said: "Chen Qing snatched [-] barrels of kerosene from Yanzhou, which shows that he is fully prepared for the battle, and the general must not underestimate the enemy."

When mentioning the Yanzhou kerosene incident, Li Cheng's face darkened. This incident was simply a shame to him. The Song army actually leaped thousands of miles and seized [-] barrels of kerosene from the Yanzhou kerosene depot in one fell swoop. The timing was right. , It is impossible to say that no one has tipped them off.

Li Cheng said coldly: "Everyone is fully prepared for the battle. I even made a hidden move beside Chen Qing. I'm still waiting for a surprise!"

"You mean, the general has decided?"

Li Cheng nodded, "Wealth is in danger, since I have no way out, why not do it?"

Li Cheng finally decided to accept Wan Yanchang's offer, and led [-] Qi troops to attack Xihe Road. Once the Song army was successfully wiped out, he would be crowned King of Qin, and the west of Longshan would be his territory.

Three days later, Guan Shigu, the governor of Shanzhou, led [-] Qi troops to Jingzhao. Wan Yanchang organized the [-] Qi troops into the Qinfeng Army, appointed Li as the commander of the capital of Qinfeng Army, and Guan Shigu as the deputy capital commander. An army of [-] attacked Xihe Road. Wan Yanchang also mobilized [-] civilians for logistics transportation, and forced [-] carts to transport food and supplies. [-] Qi troops marched towards Chengji County in a mighty manner, wanting to pull out the queen of Jinbing in one fell swoop. This poisonous thorn on the back.

The time was the beginning of April in the fifth year of Shaoxing. At the same time, three flying eagles in Jingzhao City notified Chengji County of the news of the puppet Qi army's dispatch.

In the staff hall of the Chengji County Economic and Strategy Mansion, more than a dozen important generals He He and Zhang Xiao and other senior advisers participated in this military and political discussion.

Chen Qing looked at everyone solemnly, pointed at the sand table with a wooden pole and said slowly: "The latest news I just got is that there are only [-] puppet Qi troops in this Western Expedition, and no Jurchen troops participated. To Fengxiang, there are tens of thousands of carts in the luggage alone. This will be a significant battle. If we win, then we will have the strength to march on Shaanxi Road. If we lose, we will be lost. So this battle , will determine the fate of all of us.”

Zheng Ping asked: "Excuse me, Dutong, if the Jin soldiers do not participate in the battle, is it a strategy to divide the troops, such as the Jin soldiers attacking us from Hanzhong?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "In my opinion, Wan Yanchang is a pity for soldiers. The [-] Jurchen army is his foundation and the basis for him to fight for power within the Kingdom of Jin. He doesn't want any war losses, but things are not absolute. Once When the puppet Qi army captures Chengji County, the Jurchen cavalry will surely rush to fight for the fruits of the war."

"The first battle of the Puppet Qi Army was the Weishui Army City!"

Yang Zaixing suggested: "Are we going to add troops to Weishui Military City?"

Chen Qing said indifferently: "Actually, I want to withdraw the troops from the Weishui Army City. After the enemy troops enter Qinzhou, we will recapture the Weishui Army City, cut off the puppet Qi army's retreat, close the door and beat the dogs!"

Zhang Xiao frowned and said: "Dutong's idea is good, but in this way, the pressure on Chengji County will be too great. If Weishui City can weaken part of the enemy army, it will also be a kind of decompression for Chengji County. What do you think?"

Chen Qing was still unmoved, and he continued to explain his reasons, "If the enemy army is [-] to [-], no problem, Weishui City can withstand it with [-] troops, but now the enemy army is [-] troops, Weishui City does not have this The ability to withstand an army of [-], once it can't resist, all [-] soldiers in the city will be killed, this is definitely not what I want to see.

If five thousand soldiers are placed in Chengji County, or after the enemy army is weakened, and then recapture Weishui City, cutting off the enemy's retreat, this will be a fatal blow to the enemy. "

At this time, Liu Qiong, who had just returned to Chengji County, clasped his fists and said, "I will report to Dutong, and I am willing to be the lord of Weishui City to implement Dutong's plan!"

(End of this chapter)

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