
Chapter 539

Chapter 539
The [-] puppet Qi army stretched for more than [-] miles, and they marched to the Weishui River Valley. They walked on the south bank, while the north bank was full of strange rocks and lush forests. There were no official roads, only pedestrian paths.

On the south bank, there is a flat gap several miles wide, and the official road passes through it, but now the Weishui Military City has been built here, cutting off the mouth of the Weihe valley.

I thought there would be a fierce battle, but to Li Cheng's surprise, the Weishui military city turned out to be an empty city, and the Song army all retreated.

Yao Bing was a little worried and said: "General, the Song army abandoned the Weishui military city, I am afraid they want to regain it and cut off our retreat."

Li Cheng smiled slightly: "If it were me, I would also retreat the defenders. Facing an army of [-], this military city cannot be defended, and the soldiers inside will just die in vain. It’s wonderful to have it, but it’s not easy to do it!”

Li Cheng immediately ordered: "Where is General Wang Long!"

A commander stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Humble position is here!"

Li Cheng pointed at Weishui Army City with his horsewhip and said, "I will give you three thousand men to guard Weishui City!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Li Cheng instructed him again: "Check thoroughly inside and outside the city, there must be no secret passages left by the Song army, so as to prevent the Song army from attacking and seizing the city!"

"Humble job must be carefully searched!"

Li Cheng nodded, waved his horsewhip, and ordered: "The army continues to march westward!"

Three thousand cavalry were the vanguard, exploring the way ahead, and one hundred thousand troops and countless supplies and heavy vehicles marched towards Chengji County in a mighty manner.

At this time, Chengji County was fully prepared. Not only the people within [-] miles around moved into the city, but also all the warehouse materials outside the city were transported into the city. Materials piled up like a mountain, and pig iron, copper ingots, silver nuggets, armor, bows, arrows, kerosene, gunpowder, etc. all reached the limit of the warehouse.

In addition, Chen Qing also transferred soldiers from various places, transferred inexperienced recruits to various places for garrison, and transferred veterans with rich combat experience back to Chengji County.

The total force in Chengji County has reached [-]. There are more than [-] heavy-duty trebuchets, more than a hundred medium-sized trebuchets, and five thousand-step guns, which are super-catapults with a throw distance of more than [-] steps. machine.

Not only is the military force strong, the war preparations are abundant, but there are also two unprecedented inner and outer city walls, and the defense of the entire city is impenetrable.

Standing on the south wall of the outer city, Chen Qing looked at the overwhelming puppet Qi army several miles away. He said coldly to the generals: "This is the source of troops sent to us by the puppet Qi army. After this battle, we will completely Rising, no one can control our destiny anymore, this is the arrangement of God, I hope you will fight together with me!"

Hundreds of generals bowed together and said: "I am willing to serve the generals!"

Chen Qing said again: "Send the order out, Liu Qiong can wait for the opportunity to act!"

The [-] Puppet Qi Army began to camp in the south. The terrain of Chengji County is different from other counties. It is located between Jishui and Weishui, and Jishui flows into Weihe River two miles east of the city.

It is actually located in a triangular area. The Jishui in the east is open, and the puppet Qi army cannot attack from the east, and the Weishui River is two miles away to the north, so it is impossible to set up a battlefield.

The west is open, but compared to the west, the puppet Qi army is more willing to attack from the same open south, and is willing to camp in the south.

While the puppet Qi army was building a big camp five miles away, two thousand engineering soldiers quickly built a huge wooden platform in the wilderness about two miles away from Chengji County, which was actually an observation tower. .

Li Cheng had just found out that his intelligence had gone wrong, and the Art of War said, 'Know yourself and the enemy, and you can win a hundred battles! 'As a famous general of the Qi State, Li Cheng also attaches great importance to intelligence collection.

He installed an intelligence point in Chengji County as early as last year. On the eve of his dispatch of troops, he also received a message from the intelligence point. There are only more than [-] troops in Chengji County. Moved to Huangzhou, and [-] troops escorted to Huangzhou.

The information was reasonable and reasonable, which convinced Li Cheng, but when he arrived in Chengji County, he unexpectedly found that the city had grown bigger. He had always known that the circumference of Chengji County was twenty-five miles, but now it has become more than thirty miles, even Almost forty miles.

This change was not mentioned in the information, but Li Cheng knew the importance of the expansion of the city, so he simply ordered to build a watchtower, and he wanted to check the truth himself.

In just half a day, a huge eight-foot-high wooden platform was built. Li Cheng led a dozen generals onto the wooden platform and looked into the city from a distance.

The scene inside the city surprised Li Cheng immediately, and another city wall was built outside Chengji County, and the two city walls were connected by a chain bridge in the sky.

That is to say, the city wall he breached in front of him was only the outer city wall, and there was an equally tall and strong inner city wall inside.

Why didn't the intelligence point tell me such important information?

Also, didn't Yang Rui say that he was selected into the Jinglue Mansion Guard?It stands to reason that it should be easy for him to assassinate Chen Qing, but why hasn't there been any change in the city?

All kinds of signs showed that his various deployments in Chengji County had encountered major setbacks, and Li Cheng began to suspect that what he had obtained before was all false information, and that his intelligence station might have been controlled by Chen Qing.

"General Li, I'm afraid this battle will be difficult!"

The person who spoke was the deputy general Guan Shigu. He was originally the deputy envoy of Xihe Road Jinglue, but he was surrounded by Jin soldiers in Pingliang Mansion. More than ten thousand soldiers have become Chen Qing's subordinates, forming the backbone of Chen Qing's army.

Guan Shigu became a general of Qi again, and was highly valued by Liu Yu. He was appointed as the economic envoy of the Henan government and stationed in Luoyang. This time it was his army that was transferred to Guanzhong. Xihe Road.

Guan Shigu was a well-known general of the Western Army with rich experience, and he could see the defensive deployment of Chengji County at a glance.

Li Cheng glanced at him, and said calmly: "General Guan has rich experience, you might as well comment on Chengji County's defense."

Guan Shigu was also not polite, and said frankly: "This is no longer a simple defense, but both offensive and defensive. When we attack the inner city, we are likely to fall into it and be blocked in the sandwich city."

Li Cheng nodded. What Guan Shigu said was indeed reasonable, and he asked again: "How many troops does General Guan think the other party should have?"

Guan Shigu was surprised and said: "General Li attacked Chengji County on a large scale, don't you even know how many enemy troops there are?"

Li Cheng blushed, and quickly explained: "I have deployed spies in Chengji County. As far as I know, the number of Song troops should be in the early [-]s."

"Does the general think that [-] people can defend such a large inner and outer city?"

Guan Shigu said sarcastically, "The general's intelligence spies may be too busy doing business, forgetting about their duties, and making up a random number to make up for it."

Li Cheng was not angry. He sighed and said, "I suspect that they were taken over by the Song Army, and then they were instigated by the Song Army and sent me false information. Otherwise, I would have no idea about the Song Army's construction of the inner and outer city walls."

Guan Shigu also put away the sarcasm on his face, he pondered for a moment and said: "Chen Qing is very good at defense, he will build an inner and outer city wall, and he will be equipped with a corresponding number of troops, and there will be no top-heavy situation. I guess he The army in the city should be around [-], that's why I said that this battle is not easy to fight, even if we partially break through the city and the army enters, I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out."

"General Guan is right. It's just that we've reached this point and we can't retreat. We can only make up our minds to fight this battle. Besides, the opponent's city defense is not without weaknesses."

"Oh? Where is the weakness that the general sees?"

"The moat, their moat is Jishui. When our fleet to transport supplies arrives today, our fleet will sail directly into the moat and use strong bows, hard crossbows and fire oil balls to cover the attacking soldiers!"

"But warships can also be attacked by enemy kerosene."

Li Cheng said lightly: "I know that losses are inevitable, but even if there are losses, they can still cover the soldiers' siege. Maybe this is its fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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