
Chapter 544 Turning Point

Chapter 544 Turning Point
Yang Rui's former unit and fellow countryman was called Wang Xin, who was young and was a deputy commander. There were [-] people under him, but these [-] people were not Yang Rui's old unit, most of them were the puppet Qi army from Luoyang.

Although Wang Xin was a little unhappy that Yang Ruiduo brought one more person, he did not refuse in the end, and incorporated Yang Rui and Tang Qian into his army and became his direct subordinates.

At four o'clock, when patrolling and changing defenses, Wang Xin led his men back to the camp to rest. He arranged a separate tent for Yang Rui and Tang Qian.

Taking a moment, Wang Xin took Yang Rui aside, and said in a low voice: "I know that brother wants to deal with the grain and grass, but let me tell you, the grain and grass warehouse is heavily guarded, you can't get in at all, and once you are found, you will be shot. Advise brother not to take this risk?"

Yang Rui laughed and said, "What if I burn down the tent in the barracks?"

Wang Xin shook his head, "Unless there are hundreds of people burning together, it's okay. One or two people are useless. Guan Shigu's camps are all grids. You can only burn [-] large tents in one grid at most. Immediately." You will be shot and killed by the patrol army, brother, listen to me, don't be reckless."

"But burning food and grass is my task, I have to do it, and I am willing to be killed."

Wang Xin sighed, "My brother has only been hiding in the Song camp for a year, why did he start working for the Song army?"

"I'm not working for the Song army, I'm working for Chen Qing, dear brother, Chen Qing is the general of the Song Dynasty who can really drive out the Tartars. I pin all my hopes on him."

Wang Xin was silent, took out his badge and handed it to Yang Rui, "Except for patrolling soldiers, only deputy commanders and above can walk in the camp at night. When you meet patrolling soldiers, show them your badge, and they won't It's embarrassing, the password in the second half of the night tonight is that the decisive battle is coming, I wish you good luck!"

"Isn't that betraying you?"

Wang Xin held up his badge and said with a smile, "It doesn't have my name on it, nor does it have a specific battalion number. It's just a few words of deputy commander. You can't betray me. You can just make up a barracks number at that time."

Yang Rui took the waist badge and went back to the big tent. Seeing Tang Qian studying the map of the military camp, he handed him the military badge, "Wang Xin gave it to us. With it, we can walk in the military camp at night. The password is that the decisive battle is coming." .”

Tang Qian looked at the badge, and suddenly asked, "What time is it?"

"It's almost five o'clock!"

"I'm already familiar with the road. Go out from here and go northwest. After walking for a mile, you will reach the material warehouse camp. When the time comes, will you cover me?"

Yang Rui shook his head, "My martial arts and archery skills are higher than yours. If I can escape, you may not be able to. It must be you who will cover me. We agreed."

Tang Qian nodded silently, and Yang Rui carried a gourd full of kerosene weighing ten catties, and a bag of twenty short torches, "Let's go!"

Tang Qian also took up his bow and arrow and sword, and the two left the big tent and rushed to the northwest.

Wang Xin stood at the door of the big tent and watched the two of them run away, sighed softly, and said to himself: "The hatred of the country, the hatred of my parents and my wife, is there really a chance?"

The barracks camp of the puppet Qi army is located in the middle of the camp. It is composed of hundreds of tents. There are [-] shi of grain and [-] shi of forage piled inside. In addition, there are a large number of siege weapons and even [-] nest carts The components have not yet been assembled, but the wide moat in Chengji County makes the nest car temporarily useless unless the puppet Qi army fills in a section of the moat.

But the situation has developed to the present, and the puppet Qi army has no confidence to use the nest carts. The opponent has heavy-duty trebuchets for precise strikes. I am afraid that the nest carts will be completely destroyed if they don't even get close to the moat.

There is a barracks in Cangying, and a deep ditch about Zhang Xu wide, which is really difficult to pass. .

Tang Qian and Yang Rui appeared in front of the gate of the camp in the north direction. They circled around and found that the guards were heavily guarded. There were many secret sentries hidden inside and patrolling soldiers. As long as they climbed over the camp fence, they would be found.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that there was a loophole in front of the most heavily guarded camp gate. There were dozens of soldiers standing in front of the camp gate, but there were no secret sentries on both sides. place.

The two exchanged winks tacitly, and Yang Rui sprinted and jumped into the deep ditch. Now he needs Tang Qian's support and cooperation.

At this time, Tang Qian swaggered towards the gate of the camp. Twenty or so defenders saw him and shouted, "Stop, the password!"

"The decisive battle is coming!"

There was no problem with the password, and the defender asked again: "Who are you?"

"I am the deputy commander of the Seventh Battalion of the Third Army. This is my badge!"

Tang Qian threw the badge over, and the lead soldier picked it up and looked at it. It was the badge of the deputy commander. He calmed down and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I want to borrow a grain bucket to weigh grain."

"The grain bucket should be borrowed from the logistics manager. We don't have one here, and this is an important warehouse. Don't get close. If you don't want to die, just leave."

After speaking, the soldier threw the badge back to him.

Everyone's attention was attracted by Tang Qian, but they didn't see it. Just a dozen steps away from them in the darkness, a black figure gently climbed up the camp fence, jumped into the camp, and disappeared. .

Seeing that Yang Rui had already entered the barnyard, Tang Qian picked up his badge and said with a smile, "I see, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

He backed away slowly, turned around and left, and returned to the northwest corner. They had previously agreed that Yang Rui would break through from here, and Tang Qian needed to cover him.

Tang Qian took off his bow and arrow, and hid in the darkness. Even if the patrol passed by him, he might not be able to see him.
Under the cover of Tang Qian, Yang Rui sneaked into the camp very quickly. There were strict patrols and secret sentries outside the camp, but inside the camp there were no patrolling soldiers, let alone secret sentries. This was also to prevent accidents. After all, there is also a large amount of copper coins hoarded in the barracks, which are soldiers' military salaries.

Yang Rui sprinted between the big tents, looking for his target, and his target was the hay tent.

The barn tent is different from the sleeping tent of the soldiers. The barn tent is very large. Basically, a big tent covers an area of ​​two or three acres. At this time, Yang Rui saw hay on the ground. It is a large forage tent, and the haystacks are piled up like a mountain.

Yang Rui was not in a hurry to light the fire. He searched around and found a fodder tent that was closest to the grain warehouse. After all, his goal was not fodder, but grain.

He took off the gourd on his back, sprinkled the kerosene full of the gourd on the forage, then lit a torch with a torch, threw the torch on the kerosene, and the flame spread instantly.

He left the big tent quickly, and ran through more than a dozen grass tents, throwing a burning torch into each big tent.

At this time, the flames in the first warehouse tent were raging, and the flames rose into the air, and the fire also ignited the tent.

'when!when!when! '

An alarm bell rang in the distance, resounding throughout the barracks, and the soldiers were alarmed and ran out of the big tent.

Just as Guan Shigu got up, he heard the siren and rushed out of the big tent, and saw the thick smoke billowing in the warehouse area at a glance. He was shocked, and hurriedly ordered: "Send the order, the whole army dismantles the big tent!"

If the fire was too fierce, the entire barracks would be affected, and the soldiers were in a mess, tearing down the tents one after another.

The fire in the warehouse is getting bigger and bigger. Countless soldiers are carrying the peripheral materials, mainly armor, bows and arrows, copper coins, copper coins and other materials. The siege weapons are too heavy, and the rescue is of little significance.

Yang Rui carried a bundle of spears and rushed out among the rescue team. He suddenly saw Tang Qian who was rushing in to put out the fire. Yang Rui grabbed him, handed over the spears, and bent over to pick them up. With a box of arrows, the two ran towards the camp together.

All the large tents were dismantled, one hundred thousand people were in a mess, and there were two more people for no reason, who would know?
Standing on the top of the city, Chen Qing looked at the raging fire of the camp in the distance. He was really happy. The scout army successfully burned down the enemy's warehouse. Without food, the enemy would retreat tomorrow. More importantly, without food , It will be a heavy blow to the morale of the enemy army.

Now the top priority is to close the door and beat the dog. I don't know if Liu Qiong can take back Weishui Military City?
"Do you all think Weishui Military City can be taken down?" Yang Zaixing asked with some concern.

Chen Qing smiled slightly, "That is the military city we built, why can't we take it down? Besides, Liu Qiong gave Liu Qiong three hundred small trebuchets and one thousand Huohuan soldiers, so there is no reason why he can't take it down."

"I still hope that I can lead [-] cavalry to take the first step."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "This suggestion is okay, but you led [-] cavalry to go first not for the Weishui Army City, but to cooperate with me to attack the puppet Qi Army, understand?"


Yang Zaixing was really excited, he immediately went down to the city and ordered [-] cavalry, opened the west gate and rushed out, taking a detour to the east!

(End of this chapter)

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