
Chapter 545

Chapter 545
General Wang Long guarded Weishui City under Li Chengzhi's order. He also suspected that there was something tricky in the city, but he almost turned the city upside down. He inspected every inch of land and every brick of the city, and found nothing suspicious, so he let it go. Xin, maybe Li Dutong is right, the other party is afraid of a [-] army and has to give up the military city.

But Wang Long never imagined that Song Jun did save a hand, but this hand was not only inside the city, but also outside the city.

The organs in the city are located on the south wall of the city. The south wall is slightly inclined, and the south is high and the north is low. There is a groove under the north wall of the city head.

Of course, the puppet Qi army didn't understand the Song army's siege methods, so they naturally didn't understand the subtle inclination of the ground at the top of the city. A raging fire could be ignited at the top of the city, but the flames didn't last long, and the kerosene flowed into the trenches Inside.

The Song army had their own means of attacking the city, and they showed it vividly when they attacked Pingliang City. Unless the puppet Qi army mastered the method of timely extinguishing the fire, they would not be able to withstand the fierce fire of the Song army attacking the city.

The foreshadowing outside the city was outside the south city, and the Song army left an eighty-step line outside the south city, placing more than a dozen large stones for marking.

This eighty-step line is very important. It allows the Song army to use a small trebuchet to throw the fire oil tank right on the top of the city.

Just before the grain warehouse of the enemy's camp was set on fire, Liu Qiong also led the army into action.

This time Chen Qing actually deployed two armies outside Chengji County. One was a scout battalion of [-] soldiers, led by General Tang Qian. gunpowder.

The other army is the [-] army led by Liu Qiong. They have only one task, to retake the Weishui Army City and cut off the retreat of the [-] Puppet Qi Army.

For this reason, Chen Qing gave Liu Qiong a lot of resources, including [-] small trebuchets, [-] altars of fierce fire oil, [-] Huohuan troops, and [-] siege ladders.

At the fourth watch, three hundred small trebuchets were quickly lifted to the eighty-step line, and the soldiers reinforced the trebuchets on the ground. On the outside of the city, it is also more accurate.

Each trebuchet was operated by five soldiers, about one person tall, and the throwing pole was one foot long. When the black trebuchet appeared eighty steps away, the defenders on the top of the city faintly saw a clue. .

"There is an enemy!"

The soldiers on the top of the city shouted one after another, and a soldier rushed to the top of the west city and rang the alarm bell, 'Dang!when!when! '

The chief general Wang Long was awakened suddenly, he ran out of the room before he could put on his shoes, and asked loudly in the courtyard: "What's the matter?"

"I don't know the specifics, it seems to be the alarm bells coming from the head of Xicheng!"

As soon as the soldiers had finished speaking, a soldier rushed to report, "Report to Commander, a large number of Song troops have been found outside Nancheng!"

Wang Long's eyes widened, and he immediately ordered: "Order the whole army to go to Nancheng!"

There were [-] puppet Qi troops in the military city, and [-] soldiers defended the city at night. Under the command of the general Wang Long, they rushed out of the military camp and ran towards the southern city wall.
But before they reached the south city wall, countless bright red fireballs suddenly appeared in the sky, flying towards the head of the south city, and the top of the south city instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames. Running away, many soldiers were burned into burning men. After running for dozens of steps, they fell down and were engulfed by the flames.

The soldiers under the city stopped one after another, looking at the raging fire above Nancheng in fear.

Wang Long came galloping on horseback and shouted, "The first battalion is going to the east city, and the second battalion is going to the west city!"

Two thousand soldiers immediately divided into two groups and rushed towards the east city and the west city.

After two rounds of kerosene pots were thrown, there was no more soldiers on the head of Nancheng, and a thousand fire raccoon soldiers were dispatched. They rushed to the south city wall with twenty siege ladders on their shoulders.

Soon, a series of siege ladders went up to the head of the southern city, and a thousand Huohuan soldiers swarmed up
At the same time, a thousand soldiers carrying wet quilts also climbed to the top of the city. Behind them, there were another two thousand soldiers. All the soldiers were elite and powerful in combat.

Soldiers of the Huohuan Army rushed to the top of the city. The flames on the top of the city were mainly concentrated on the inner side. There were almost no flames on the outer wall, but black smoke was billowing, making it difficult to identify the direction.

However, the soldiers of the Huohuan Army had undergone strict training, and they were different from ordinary people. They ran to the east and west at high speed, rushed out of the flame zone, and began to quickly deploy fortifications. Three hundred soldiers held large shields and spears.

The other two hundred soldiers stood behind the line holding the god arm crossbow.

At this time, the flames and thick smoke on the top of the city began to disappear one by one, and a large number of soldiers of the Song Army appeared on the top of Nancheng.

Wang Long could see clearly, his face turned pale with fright, he waved his knife and shouted: "Song army has attacked the top of the city, kill it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a mace arrow shot out like lightning, Wang Long couldn't dodge it in time, this arrow hit his throat, he let out a muffled cry, backed up two steps, fell from the top of the city down to the city, and died instantly.

Liu Qiong put away her bow and arrow, waved her big gun and shouted: "Brothers, kill me!"


The soldiers of the Song army who rushed to the top of the city rushed to kill the enemy.
There is no suspense in this battle. The soldiers of the Song Army are all elite, and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong. In addition, they have an advantage in numbers, and their morale is high. There are countless.

Before dawn, the Song army occupied Weishui City, and more than [-] enemy troops surrendered. Some of the enemy troops fled through the east gate.

Five thousand Song troops reorganized the military city, moved materials such as kerosene into the city, and deployed trebuchets to the top of the city, waiting for the arrival of the main enemy army.

Li Cheng finally ordered the withdrawal of the troops. He had to make this decision. Although they salvaged most of the armor and copper coins, the vital food and forage were all burned by the fire, and the entire warehouse camp was finally burned to nothing.

One hundred thousand troops needed food, tens of thousands of war horses needed fodder, but the little grain in their hands could only sustain the army for two days. Although Li Cheng ordered the news to be blocked, all kinds of news about the shortage of food had already spread like wildfire and spread all over the world. The whole army, the whole army is panicked, and morale is low.

In the chaos, the one hundred thousand troops hastily withdrew from their camp to the east.


From the top of Chengji County, the sound of horns was heard continuously. At this time, the army had withdrawn to [-] miles away. Li Cheng turned his head to wait and see with a solemn expression. Yao Bing, the aide, sighed and said, "The Song army should send troops!"

At this time, a spy came galloping on horseback from behind, stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Report to Dutong, the gate of the south city of Chengji County is wide open, and countless soldiers have rushed out of the city!"

"how many people?"

"When I saw it, there were almost [-] people, but there is still a mighty army coming out behind me. I don't know how many people there are."

"Hurry up and investigate, I want to know the exact number!"

"Follow the order!"

The spy turned around and galloped away.

Yao Bing pondered for a moment and asked, "Is Dutong still going to have a decisive battle with the Song Army?"

Li Cheng sighed and said: "The morale is relatively low now, and I can't make up my mind. Let's see the strength of the opponent!"

At this time, Guan Shigu rode up to him and asked, "Has the other party dispatched troops yet?"

Li Cheng nodded, "The opponent has sent troops, but the number of troops is not yet known. I have asked the spies to find out as soon as possible. Do you think General Guan wants to fight the opponent?"

Guan Shigu said: "We must be ready for a decisive battle. It is more than a hundred miles from here to Weishui Military City. We have to spend the night on the road at night. I am afraid that the opponent will attack at night."

Li Cheng looked at the sky, it was already afternoon, and he finally made up his mind, "Instead of being attacked halfway, it's better to set up a big battle now and fight the opponent!"

Chen Qingliu Huyantong led [-] troops to defend the city, and he personally led [-] troops to chase after the enemy's main force.

To prepare for this battle, Chen Qing stationed [-] troops in Chengji County, including [-] cavalry and [-] infantry.

Before Liu Qiong led [-] infantry to Weishui City, and left another [-] infantry to defend the city, but last night, Yang Zaixing led [-] cavalry to go one step ahead.

At present, Chen Qing's [-] army is composed of [-] cavalry and [-] infantry, and he is bound to win this battle.

After chasing for twenty miles, the scouts in front reported, "The puppet Qi army has formed a formation at ten miles, ready to fight us to the death!"

Of course, Chen Qing would not hand over the initiative to the other party. He smiled slightly and said, "Pass on my order, the whole army stay put and rest!"

If Li Cheng wanted to set up a decisive battle, he asked him to do so, and wait until dark for the decisive battle.

Chen Qing's real killer move to defeat the opponent was night battle.

(End of this chapter)

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