
Chapter 548

Chapter 548
'boom! 'There was the sound of objects breaking in the room.

The maidservants standing at the door were so frightened that they didn't dare to take a breath.
"You bastard, thanks to my high opinion of you, now you look like a stupid pig!"

In the room, Wan Yanchang was furious, pointing at Li Cheng who was kneeling on the ground and yelling, "If you want money, I will give you money, if you want things, I will give you things, and the troops are insufficient, so I will send you from the Central Plains, but how do you repay me? How can you still have the face to come back to see me when the [-] army is completely wiped out?"

Li Cheng bowed his head and said nothing, he couldn't escape directly to Bianliang, he had to pass this level.

"The incompetence of the lowly position is insufficient, and Marshal Du is disappointed."

"The one hundred thousand army is gone, is it over if you say that you are not capable enough?"

Wan Yanchang was trembling with anger, pointing at Li Chengdao: "Forget it! Forget it! You are not a Jurchen general, and I have no right to dispose of you. You can go back to Bianliang today, and I will write to Liu Yu to let him Come deal with it, get out, get out!"

Li Cheng was so frightened that he ran away with his head in his arms.

At this time, Wanyan and Lisa persuaded: "Marshal Du, why is he so angry? They are not Jurchen soldiers, Han people! Even if [-] people die, don't worry about it. Marshal Du still needs to take care of his health."

Wanyan Drinking Lisa persuaded him, and at the same time signaled the maid beside him to serve tea quickly, and then cleaned up the broken teacups all over the floor.

Several maidservants served the tea and cleared away the fragments of the teacup.

Wan Yanchang calmed down a bit, took a sip of tea, and said in a very depressed heart: "I don't feel sorry for the one hundred thousand army, I'm worried about Chen Qing, he will definitely increase his strength after getting so many prisoners of war, if the wolf lord After death, we all have to go back, I am really worried about whether Shaanxi Road can be defended?"

Wanyan and Lisa thought for a while and said: "It's really not possible, I won't go back. With me sitting on Shaanxi Road, I don't believe that Chen Qing can take advantage of me?"

Wanyan Chang was just about to explode, but he held back. Wanyan and Lisa have this kind of temperament, saying that he will not change ten thousand times, he looks down on the Han people from the bottom of his heart, and he really can't hand over fifty thousand troops to him. The capital to compete for status in the imperial court.

Thinking of this, Wan Yanchang said slowly: "Let's do this! I'll put more pressure on Liu Yu and ask him to send another [-] troops to Shaanxi Road to help you defend Shaanxi."

Ever since Wanyan Wushu took charge of the Central Plains, he began to have a sense of territory, and regarded the status of the Central Plains as his territory. Under the persuasion of the counselor Fan Gong, he changed his previous plundering and brutality, and decided to release water to raise fish and demand that the puppet Qi The state lowered taxes, encouraged farming and mulberry, and encouraged commerce. He succeeded Wan Yanchang and became the overlord of the puppet state of Qi.

But the problem is, his [-] troops have to be supported by the Puppet Qi State, and the Puppet Qi State itself has [-] troops to support. Now killing chickens and collecting eggs is not enough to raise military expenses and food. How can it be possible to lighten the tax and reduce business taxes?

Therefore, although Wanyan Wushu intends to release water to raise fish, it is actually unrealistic and completely impossible.

This morning, counselor Fan Gong hurried to Wanyan Wushu's official room, clasped his fists and said to Wanyan Wushu, "The humble official just got a piece of news that Wanyanchang asked Liu Yu to send another [-] troops to Guanzhong."

Wanyan Wushu had already heard the news that the puppet Qi army was defeated in Chengji County. The [-] army was completely wiped out, which really made him feel a little gloated. He was defeated several times when he attacked Monk Yuan, and the Jurchen army lost more than [-]. Yan Chang succeeded in attacking Hanzhong, and the entire Jin Kingdom's senior officials generally believed that his Wanyanwushu was not as good as Wanyanchang, which brought huge pressure to Wanyanwushu.

Now the whole army of [-] troops has been wiped out in Qinzhou. Although Wanyan Chang is not directly in command, Wanyan Chang is the coach, and he has to bear the responsibility for the failure. This makes Wanyan Wushu heave a sigh of relief.

"Another [-] troops will be dispatched. Does he think it's copper coins? He just spent [-] guan, and now he's asking for another [-] guan."

Wanyan Wushu sneered a few times, and then asked, "What's Liu Yu's attitude?"

"Liu Yu didn't want to transfer troops, but he was afraid of Wan Yanchang, so he sent someone to tell the humble official the news."

"Hmph! He's afraid of Wan Yanchang, isn't he afraid of me?"

Wanyan Wushu snorted dissatisfiedly, and said to Fan Gong: "Go and tell Liu Yu that if he wants to transfer troops, he will transfer his fifty thousand Yun from the army to Guanzhong. The troops in other places are not allowed to send a single soldier. He moves."

Fifty thousand Yun Congjun is Liu Yu's bodyguard. How could Liu Yu be transferred to Wan Yanchang? The implication of Wanyan Wushu is that Liu Yu is not allowed to transfer troops.

"Humble job understands!"

Pausing for a while, Fan Gong asked again: "Is that a little less, such as [-] troops, or a sum of money and food, so that Wan Yanchang can recruit troops in Shaanxi?"


Wanyan Wushu rebuffed straight away, "This is an attitude that cannot be negotiated. Either he is loyal to the Communist Party of China or to Wanyan Chang. I hate this kind of person who has both ends."

Wanyan Wushu has a very strong sense of territory. Wanyanchang's territory is Shaanxi and Hedong. If he has the ability to raise money and recruit troops by himself, it is simply wishful thinking to ask the army from the Central Plains to support him.

In the Daqing Palace, Liu Yu listened to Prime Minister Zhang Xiaochun's report, and after a while he smiled wryly and said, "I remember that Wanyan Wushu and Wanyanchang are both in the same group? Why are they in the same situation now?"

Zhang Xiaochun clasped his fists together and said, "Wanyanchang is the main peace faction, while Wanyan Wushu is the main combat faction. The two people have conflicting opinions, but I heard that during the struggle for the crown prince of the Lijin Kingdom, Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Wushu were the main battle faction. Yan Zonghan is a line, and Wanyanchang supports Wanyan Zongpan. It is said that they fought very fiercely. Wanyanchang repeatedly criticized Wanyan Wushu for the defeat in Sichuan and Shaanxi. In his rage, Wanyan Wushu drew his sword and almost killed Wanyan Chang, when it comes to fighting for the crown prince, they completely turned their backs."

Liu Yu said angrily: "They turn their backs as soon as they turn their backs, but what's the point of putting me in the middle?"

Zhang Xiaochun sighed and said: "Wanyan Wushu means to ask His Majesty to stand in line. Do you support him or Wanyan Chang?"

Liu Yu paced back and forth in the imperial study with his hands behind his back, he was really upset, he couldn't afford to offend the two of them, so how should he choose?

Zhang Xiaochun hesitated for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, this day will actually come sooner or later, it is impossible to continue to be ambiguous, and we have just lost one hundred thousand troops, and we have to take fifty thousand troops to go there, we can't afford it ourselves!"

Liu Yu glanced at Li Chengdao who was standing aside: "Li Dutong, don't be silent anymore, you can also talk about it!"

Li Cheng said for a long time: "I think Zhang Xianggong is right and should not send troops to Guanzhong anymore."

"What's the reason?"

Li Cheng said angrily: "Wanyanchang and Wanyan Holisa both regarded our army as pigs and dogs. In order to test the strength of the Song army guarding the pass in Hanzhong, they drove our soldiers to die. Most of our soldiers were burned to death. The remaining soldiers fled back, but they were all hacked to death by the Jurchen French soldiers with sharp axes, but none of their Jurchen soldiers went up, and another [-] people were sent to die."

Liu Yu finally nodded, "Okay! I will listen to your persuasion and reject Wanyan Chang, saying that it was Wanyan Wushu who vetoed our plan to send troops."

There is a large official residence covering an area of ​​ten acres on the East Street next to Daxiangguo Temple in Bianliang. This is the residence of Guan Shigu, the governor of Henan Province. Shrouded in a miserable wind and rain.

Twenty days ago, the court of the State of Qi had passed the news of Guan Shigu's death in Qinzhou to his family. Guan Shigu's family was crying, but there was no key body, and even the ashes could not be returned. in great grief.

According to the custom, in the case of Guan Shigu with no bones left, eminent monks must be invited to practice for seven to forty-nine days before the dead can be saved, and finally a tomb of clothes and crowns is built for burial.

But the Guan family never imagined that in just twenty days, officials from the Kaifeng government came to inform them to move.

The official of Kaifeng Mansion, surnamed Liang, was a pushing official. He laughed dryly, pretending to be innocent, and said, "In this court system, official houses cannot be inherited. If there is no place to live, you can rent a house! With a pension of [-] yuan, the problem of renting a house should not be a big problem."

Guan Shigu's eldest son, Guan Xiaolin, reprimanded angrily: "My father died for the country, and even there is no bones left. You keep saying that we are mourning, but when you turn around, you want to drive us out of the house. This is the end of working for you? You have no conscience. Was it eaten by a dog?"

Liang Tuiguan's face sank, and he said coldly: "Young Master Guan, be careful what you say, slandering the imperial court is a felony!"

"I would like to see how the court will explain to the soldiers of the three armies?"

Another official next to him who was in charge of singing bad faces quickly pulled Guan Xiaolin aside, and said helplessly, "Don't be angry in the yamen, there are people who are interested in this house and put pressure on the higher-ups, there is nothing we can do about it."

(End of this chapter)

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