
Chapter 549 The Truth

Chapter 549 The Truth
Guan Xiaolin said angrily: "Is it Zhao Guozhang? I know it must be him, a dog."

The location of Guan Shigu's official residence is very good. Zhao Guifei's father Zhao Guozhang also wanted this house, but Liu Yu wanted to win over Guan Shigu, so he gave this house to Guan Shigu. A few days ago, Zhao Guozhang He also asked the onmyoji to come and look at the house, but was scolded by the Guan family.

At this time, someone in the middle hall shouted: "Don't pull me, let me kill that dog official!"

He was Guan Xiaowu, the third son of Guan Shigu, who was only [-] years old, but he was very skilled in martial arts. The person who hugged him tightly was Guan Xiaowu, the second son. Xiaowen.

"Third, calm down, don't mess around!"

The three brothers of the Guan family, two civil and one military, are all excellent. Although Guan Shigu has two places in the family, he does not allow his son to become an official.

The face of the official surnamed Liang changed drastically, and he said, "I'll give you three days, if you don't move after three days, someone will come to help you move!"

After speaking, he turned and ran away.

Guan Xiaolin is really helpless, this is people taking tea to cool down. Although Qi State respects generals more than Song Dynasty, it is also colder than Song Dynasty. When it is useful, it is more important than the prime minister.

He said to the two brothers: "Don't tell mother about this beforehand. I'll think of a way and ask for favors to see if I can delay it for another month, and then move after the burial."

"Brother, who are you looking for?"

"Let's go to Li Dutong! After all, my father is his lieutenant general. Didn't he say he had trouble finding him when he worshiped him? Now we are in trouble."

"Brother, I'm afraid it's useless to find him! He is a defeated general, and the emperor must hate him so much."

"Go and try it first! If it doesn't work, then think of another way."

Guan Xiaolin hurriedly walked to the gate of the mansion. As soon as he reached the gate, he heard the housekeeper yelling, "Hurry up! We have invited eminent monks, we don't need Taoist priests."

Seeing that he was a Taoist priest, Guan Xiaolin didn't bother to ask questions, so he got on his horse and just urged the horse to leave when he heard someone calling him from behind, "Wuliang Tianzun, Mr. Guan, please stay!"

Guan Xiaolin was stunned, and saw the Taoist priest walking forward with a smile, "The poor Taoist is actually here to find the young master to do business, not to do something."

Guan Xiaolin was a little displeased, and said coldly: "A monk, what business do you do?"

The Taoist took out something, clasped it in the palm of his hand, flashed it in front of Guan Xiaolin's eyes, and said with a smile: "If you don't want to do this business, Mr. Guan, just forget it."

Guan Xiaolin's eyes suddenly widened, and his expression changed drastically.

Guan Xiaolin could see clearly that what the Taoist priest was holding was his father's personal jade pei.

The Taoist turned around and left, Guan Xiaolin hurriedly got off his horse and chased after him, "Taoist priest, please stay!"

The Taoist still smiled and said, "So, are you willing to do this business?"

"I am willing! I am willing! But first tell me, Taoist priest, where did you get the jade pei?"

The Taoist chuckled, "This is a street, not a place to talk about business."

"Daoist, please in the mansion!"

Guan Xiaolin respectfully invited the Taoist into the mansion, went all the way to the inner hall, and sent people to find the two brothers. The matter was very important, and it might be related to the whereabouts of his father's bones. How could he not care?

The Taoist priest put the jade pei on the table, and said calmly: "You guys check to see if it's true, and then we'll talk about it."

The three brothers picked up the jade pei and looked at it carefully. It was absolutely true that it was their father's jade pei.

Guan Xiaolin asked with a trembling voice: "Taoist priest, please tell us, where did you get the jade pei?"

The Taoist glanced outside, Guan Xiaowen quickly said: "Don't worry, Taoist, the gate of the courtyard is closed, no one will come in!"

"Are you sure Liu Yu didn't arrange someone to watch you?"

Guan Xiaolin nodded, "Someone is watching us. It is someone from Fenglai Yilou who is the second housekeeper in our mansion. We have known for a long time, but after the death of my father, he is not here every day, not today."

The Taoist priest took out another letter from his bosom, and said solemnly: "This is a letter written by your father, you should read it for yourself!"

The three brothers were all stunned.

The three brothers cried and laughed. They thought their father was killed in battle, but they didn't expect that their father was still alive in Chengji County, Qinzhou.

The Taoist said calmly: "Your father was worried that the puppet Qi court would embarrass you, so he deliberately spread the news of his death. I hope you will strictly keep the secret and never leak the news, otherwise you will not be able to leave."

Guan Xiaolin saluted deeply, "Thank you Taoist priest for sending the news, I wonder if the priests will evacuate with us?"

Guan Xiaolin asked very veiled, meaning that you will help us evacuate, or evacuate together?
The Taoist smiled slightly and said: "Poverty Daoist is indeed a Taoist priest. He became a monk in Tianlongguan, Chengji County, and his Taoist name is Qingsong, but my other identity is the intelligence scout of the Second Scout Battalion of the Song Army. The task we received is to remove you Chengji County."

"Then what should we do?"

The Taoist pondered for a while and said, "I heard that the government is already driving you away?"

Guan Xiaowu said angrily: "My father worked his life for them, if he is treated like this, how can people not be chilled!"

The Taoist said with a smile: "Actually, this is also an opportunity. I suggest that you rent a house outside the city, continue to do things for your father, and hide your eyes. After a month, no one should pay attention to you. At that time, you will return to your hometown with an excuse, and then It will be easy to go to Qinzhou."

Guan Shigu is from Yanzhou, Shaanxi Province, and currently belongs to the territory of the puppet Qi State, so it is not a big problem for them to return home.

"Then can we tell mother?"

"You decide for yourself, but it must be kept secret. We all suspect that there are also monitors of the pseudo-Qi state among the maids. This is not alarmist. According to the information we have, many high-ranking officials have maids who are monitors."

The three brothers discussed for a while, Guan Xiaolin said: "We decided not to tell mother for now, she will reveal the secret emotionally."

"That's okay, it's only a month anyway."

Daoist Qingsong left them his contact information and then drifted away. Guan Xiaolin copied a copy of his father's letter and burned the original letter to prevent leaks.

Two days later, the Guan family hired more than a dozen ox carts and moved to a temporarily rented private house outside the city. The Guan mansion was quickly assigned to Zhao Guozhang, and it was hung with the sign of Duke Jin's mansion. Qi State and Bianliang City were quickly cleared.

One month later, the State of Qi approved the Guan family's request to return to their hometown to build a tomb, and a group of seventeen members of the Guan family left Bianliang by boat and walked the Yellow River to Yanzhou.

At this time, news of Liu Yu's refusal to send troops reached the Jingzhao Mansion. Not only did he refuse to send troops, but he also refused to allocate money and food, which made Wan Yanchang furious.

"I knew that this stupid king would betray me one day. He thought that with Wushu backing him up, I wouldn't be able to do anything to him. Then he can ignore me, okay! He will wait and see, see me turn around How to deal with him!"

Yu Hong, an aide next to him, suggested: "I heard that Liu Yu's levies and levies were so overwhelming that the people lost their hearts and even ordered the people to sell their sons and daughters to pay taxes. Marshal Du can use this reason to ask the court to abolish Liu Yu."

Wan Yanchang sighed and said, "Now that the court situation is unstable, we will definitely not consider this matter. We can only wait for the court situation to stabilize, then it will not be too late to deal with him."

Wanyan Lisa was a little worried: "Without the Qi army, our Jurchen army alone may not have enough numbers."

Wan Yanchang said helplessly: "Then we can only gather the state soldiers from Shaanxi Road and Hedong Road prefectures in the name of training, and then train them, change their armor and weapons, and improve their combat effectiveness."

"How many troops can there be?"

"About fifty thousand!"

There were actually [-] troops, which was a little unexpected to Wanyan and Lisa. He couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart and said, "Assemble as soon as possible! I'm worried that Chen Qing's army will provoke us soon."

Wan Yanchang gave him a dissatisfied look. He knew very well what Wanyan Helisa had in mind. He wanted to withdraw all the Jurchen troops to Guanzhong, gather them together, and hand over the remote places to the Qi army to guard.

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, but Wan Yanchang has nothing to do. Wanyan Helisa's idea of ​​keeping the Jurchen army is completely in his own interests. Without the support of the Jurchen army, he will lose everything in the ensuing changes in the Jin Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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