
Chapter 550

Chapter 550
In the Chen Qing official room of Jinglue Mansion, a group of officials gathered around a big table. The Department of Money and Cargo ordered Li Yao to take out a coin and a silver coin and put them on the table. He said with a smile to everyone: "This is the famous Xuanhe coin." Hezhenghe Yinqian, this is the back of Shanxi, and there is Shaanxi Road on the back for casting. At that time, one coin could be exchanged for consistent money, and one silver coin could be exchanged for Baiwen coin. Now the money has increased ten times, and the silver coin has increased five times.”

Chen Qing picked up the silver coin, looked at it and asked, "It seems that this kind of silver coin has never been seen in the market!"

"Even though I don't know, the amount of casting was not much at that time, and it was snatched up by rich people as soon as it came out. It was collected and almost never circulated in the market. Most people have never seen it. We are just lucky to be here. Hundreds of them were found in the official treasury in Lanzhou."

"What about ours?" Chen Qing asked again.

Li Yao took out two more gold and silver coins from the box, put them on the table, and said with a smile, "This is the gold and silver coins minted by us, please have a look."

Everyone was very interested. Chen Qing looked at the money and handed it to Jiang Yanxian who was next to him. Jiang Yanxian looked at it carefully and found that it was exactly the same as Xuanhe's money. He asked curiously, "Where did you get the mother's money?"

Chen Qing said with a smile: "I know this. When Xianyang was captured, I found a set of ten mother coins in the official treasury of Xianyang."

Zhang Xiao added on the side: "The envoy of Jinglue is right. The coin mint on Shaanxi Road was in Xianyang back then. Xuanhe stopped minting money in five years, and the mother's money box was stored in the official treasury. People touched it, and it was almost forgotten by others. At that time, I was working as a staff member of Qiangu in Xianyang County. I also considered using it to make money, so I applied to Bianliang for cast iron money, but there was no reply at all.”

"How much gold and silver and copper and fine copper do we have now?"

"Reporting to Jinglueshi, the [-] jin of crude silver returned to the Sichuan Silver Mine has been refined, and about [-] jin of fine silver are obtained, and [-] jin of copper ingots are obtained after refining Zhangye crude copper. In addition, we also have our own refined copper. [-] catties, [-] million catties in total, [-] taels of gold and [-] copper coins in the warehouse, [-] copper coins and [-] pieces of silk were seized in this big victory alone."

Jiang Yanxian sighed: "It sounds like a lot, but when you think about the monthly salary, it's far from enough."

The monthly salary of ordinary soldiers is two guan qian, which may not seem like much, but it cannot support the huge army!The total strength of the Xihe Road Army has reached [-], and the annual tax revenue is only tens of thousands of guan. The Silk Road trade can make a little difference, but it has only just started, and it only earns more than [-] guan.

This is the reason why the Song army quickly expanded to hundreds of thousands of people after the Battle of Fuping, and then quickly shrunk to tens of thousands of people, and they couldn't afford it.

What's more, if the monthly [-] military salary flows into the market, the price of Xihe Road will skyrocket, and there is not so much material supply at all.

Before that, the Song Army used land to pay their salaries, but now the land on both sides of the Wei River is gone, only the Tao River Valley and the Hehuang Valley are left. Soldiers may not like the land there, so starting from this month, they will If you want to pay the military salary in a serious manner, you will have to pay [-] yuan a month, which scares the officials even thinking about it.

Lu Wei said worriedly: "A few days ago, the army had a day off. As a result, nearly [-] people poured into Chengji County and ate and drank all the wine and meat in Chengji County. We had to urgently buy sheep and wine from Liangzhou. It hasn’t arrived yet, and the people in the city are complaining, saying that the soldiers are too good to eat, and now everyone is afraid that the soldiers will go on vacation again.”

Chen Qing nodded and said: "I understand what everyone means. It can't affect the distribution of military salaries, but it can allow soldiers to store their salaries. That's why I asked for silver coins to be minted. Four silver coins a month , and then spread it to the soldiers, this kind of silver money is rare, in the Central Plains and Jiangnan, one silver coin can be exchanged for the same money, so the soldiers are naturally reluctant to use it and store it.”

"But it won't work if it goes on like this for a long time!" Jiang Yan said first.

"It's only a few months!"

Chen Qing said to everyone: "I have received definite news that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom will die soon, and the Jin Kingdom will face another fierce power struggle. This will be our chance to expand eastward. I have ordered the scout battalion to dispatch all The intelligence scouts went to the main counties on Shaanxi Road to find out the intelligence first, and we have started to deliver food and supplies to Pingliang City to prepare for the war in advance.”

In the afternoon, Chen Qing returned to the mansion. As usual, he came to the study first.

Just as Chen Qing sat down, his wife Lu Xiu came in with tea.

"Husband, why haven't you taken off your coat yet?"

"I forgot!"

Chen Qing got up and took off his coat, Lu Xiu stepped forward and untied her husband's belt on the back, and said with a smile: "The little guy insisted on coming to your study to play, but I didn't let him come, so he cried,
"Sometimes I'll be with him when I look back."

Lu Xiu hesitated, and whispered, "Husband, I may be pregnant again."


Chen Qing was taken aback, and quickly turned around to support his wife's arms, and asked pleasantly, "When was it confirmed?"

"This morning, two doctors came to see it, and they unanimously confirmed that it was Ximai. I didn't have menstruation last month, and I haven't had any this month. I can already feel fetal movement. I guess I'm almost three months pregnant. "

"Great, let's have a baby girl this time."

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "It's not up to you and me, but this time the reaction is really not big, much better than last time, they said it might be a daughter."

Chen Qing's heart was full of joy, he wanted a daughter very much now, Jiang Yanxian's granddaughter was only two years old, she was very lively and cute, which really made him envious.

"Then you can rest! If there is anything in the mansion, you let Yu Lian and Yu Ying do it, they are not young anymore, they can take care of themselves."

Lu Xiu glanced at her husband, it turned out that the husband also knew that the two young ladies were not young anymore.

"Husband, let the two girls move to the outside room to sleep! I wake up a lot at night now, it's really inconvenient, I need someone to help me."

"What about Ji'er?"

"Let him sleep with the wet nurse, no problem, it's all in the same yard anyway."

Chen Qing didn't think too much, nodded, "I have no objection, you arrange it!!"

Lu Xiu laughed again: "There is one more thing I need to discuss with my husband."

"You said, what's the matter?"

Lu Xiu smiled sweetly, "Next month is my master's [-]th birthday. I want to celebrate my master's birthday in a lively manner and invite all her dozen female disciples to the mansion."

Chen Qing thought for a while and smiled: "Why don't you stay in the teahouse! Then just take over the teahouse. You are too tired at home, so what can you do?"

Lu Xiuyou felt that what her husband said was reasonable, so she readily agreed.

Back in her dormitory, Lu Xiu found Yu Ying and Yu Lian, smiled at them and said, "Clean up the outside, you can move here tonight!"

Yu Lian's pretty eyes lit up, and she asked in a low voice, "We move here, does the master agree?"

"Of course he agreed. I promised you last time, and now I give you the chance."

All women are scheming, and Lu Xiu is no exception. She is pregnant again, which means that she will not be able to have sex with her husband for half a year. She knows her husband and is full of energy. She does not want him to raise other housewives outside during this time .

Especially after the incident between the second brother and Li Mei happened, Lu Xiu became more vigilant. Her husband has become the master of Xihe Road at such a young age. I don't know how many women are staring at him. During her pregnancy, she is the easiest to give other women a chance.

Anyway, the sisters of the Yu family were her husband's concubines sooner or later, and they followed her for many years, and were loyal to her. More importantly, they were all orphans, and at most they were favored, but they would not have their natal family as a backer to pose a threat to their status.

It happened that during my pregnancy, I asked the sisters to serve my husband for me. As for whether the husband is willing or not, it depends on their own ability.

Lu Xiu reckoned that Yu Ying would be a bit thin-skinned, but Yu Lian had absolutely no problem, that little lady was born to be a vixen who would seduce men.

That night, the Yu sisters moved to the outside room again.

(End of this chapter)

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