
Chapter 552

Chapter 552
This morning, a few cavalrymen rushed from the northwest official road, and soon came to the west gate of Chengji County. The cavalry shouted: "Urgent military report! Emergency military report! Make way ahead!"

The peasants who were about to enter the city to sell vegetables stepped out of the way one after another, and several cavalry rushed into the city like a gust of wind.
Chen Qingzheng was discussing the anti-counterfeiting of silver coins with several high-ranking officials. They found that there were also coins made of white copper in the market, which were almost identical in appearance to silver coins.

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "There are several kinds of mother coins. The white copper coins are all small in size. You can use large-size copper coins for silver coins, which can be distinguished from the size."

Chen Qing shook his head, "It's useless for us to be able to distinguish. The key is the market. We invest money out. Once it becomes popular, there will definitely be counterfeit people. Xihe Road is easy to manage. What if the counterfeit money is in the Central Plains?"

Jiang Yanxian stroked his beard and smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry about it. The silver coins we cast are mainly for the soldiers' military pay. I don't think the street vendors and vegetable farmers will accept things they don't understand, so each county should set up a mansion shop." , You can exchange silver coins into copper coins at any time, so that the soldiers can rest assured."

Chen Qing took a few steps with his hands behind his back and said, "Actually, I want to change the Baoji Money Shop into an official money shop, for example, it is called Chengqinzhou State Money Shop, which will be directly operated by the government, and then various payments from the government, including Jiang Chang According to history, the money exchange and so on are all done by the state money shop.”

"That's a good idea!"

Sihu Zhang Miao's eyes lit up and said: "Beizhi has always felt that Hucao lacks an institution similar to a money shop. If the government has a money shop directly under it, it would be very convenient. Beizhi suggests that every county should set up a branch, which is both external and public. Internally, it is very convenient for merchants to withdraw and send money.”

Everyone agreed. Now that they control a large territory, it is very inconvenient whether it is to transfer materials or escort money. It is of course good to have a government-run money shop. It is best to have official express delivery, transfer documents, and deliver materials such as.

While they were discussing, a follower reported at the door, "A report to the envoy, an intelligence scout has arrived from Xixia!"

Chen Qing was refreshed, and hurriedly said: "Let the scouts come in!"

Not long after, a dusty scout Dutou walked in and knelt down on one knee to salute, "See Dutong!"

"Get up and talk!"

"Thank you Dutong!"

The scout Dutou stood up and said: "Qi Dutong, Xiao Heda's son-in-law, Xi Muna, is also here. He will come tomorrow, and he should come to ask for help."

Chen Qing frowned, "Didn't Xiao Heda's son-in-law be killed?"

"Reporting to Dutong, the person who was killed was Yelu Jinfeng, the eldest son-in-law. He had long been bought by Emperor Li Qianshun of Xixia, and he had always been Li Qianshun's eyeliner. He informed Li Qianshun and was discovered by Xiao Heda, and Xiao Heda rebelled in advance."

"Is Xiao Heda's army still fighting fiercely with Xixia's army?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Reporting to Dutong, they are now in a confrontation. Originally Xiao Heda had the upper hand, but because of insufficient logistics and food, he was forced to give up Shizhou and retreat."

"Do you know how many troops Xiao Heda has now?"

"The humble officer knows that Xiao Heda's direct army has [-] troops, the new army has [-] troops, and there are [-] Khitan tribe cavalry, all of which add up to about [-] troops."

Chen Qing was really shocked, "Can't Xixia even suppress more than [-] rebel troops?"

"Reporting to Dutong, the Xixia army only has more than [-] people. They have been fighting fiercely for nearly a year, and they are almost unable to fight."

Zhang Xiao asked at the side: "Do you understand the situation in Xingqing Mansion?"

"I probably know a little bit, we have a brother in Xingqing Mansion."

Zhang Xiao continued to ask: "I would like to know the prices of goods in Xingqing Mansion, such as the price of rice and salt."

The scout clasped his fists and said, "Since Xixia issued ten ten cents at the beginning of the year, prices have skyrocketed and people's complaints have boiled. The price of wheat has risen to two hundred yuan per bucket, and the price of salt has also doubled, to eighty yuan per catty!"

There was a murmur of discussion in the lobby, and everyone was a little shocked. The price of wheat rose to two hundred yuan per bucket. You must know that in Chengji County, rice is thirty yuan per bucket, and wheat is twenty yuan per bucket. The county is ten times more expensive.

Zhang Xiao sighed and said, "I also heard from businessmen before that when Xixia issued large amounts of money, I estimated that the Xixia court's financial resources were exhausted. Generally speaking, no imperial court would issue large amounts of money unless it was absolutely necessary."

Chen Qing nodded, "Sima is right. Xixia has already consumed a lot of money and suffered heavy losses when they fought with us. Now that a civil war broke out, it is no wonder that their imperial court is not short of financial resources, but we must be vigilant. Although food and pig iron are banned It is not allowed to sell to Xixia, I am afraid that some merchants will be tempted by the huge profits and take the risk of transporting grain to Xixia."

Jiang Yanxian said aside: "If you want to transport grain, it must be transported on a large scale to be profitable. We have checkpoints at every ferry of the Yellow River, unless merchants purchase grain from the Hehuang Valley and transport it to Xixia by camel."

Chen Qing pondered for a moment and said: "Jiang Changshi reminded us well, we must step up patrolling in the Hehuang Valley, strictly prohibit any contraband from entering Xixia, and offenders will be severely punished!"

Everyone dispersed, and Chen Qing left Zhang Xiao behind. He said to Zhang Xiao: "Xiao Heda's son-in-law will come over tomorrow, and I think you will be the one to approach him. The key is how we can support Xiao Heda and meet their demands. , or according to our own ideas?"

Zhang Xiao thought for a while and said: "The key is what is the strategic decision of Dutong? Do you want Xiao Heda to destroy Xixia, or just weaken Xixia? If you want to destroy Xixia, then you should fully support Xiao Heda. If you just want to weaken Xixia, then give the minimum assistance so that the wolf Xiao Heda can continue to bite Xixia."

"Frankly speaking, I don't want Xiao Heda to destroy Xixia. Yelu Dashi's Xiliao is still there. If Xiao Heda destroys Xixia, Xiliao will probably make a comeback and occupy the land of Xixia. At that time, they will not only deal with Jin Guo, we are the first to bear the brunt, I am worried that Xiao Heda and Xi Liao will attack us from both sides."

Zhang Xiaowei smiled and said: "I think Dutong is a little too worried. Xiao Heda is not a good person. If he worked so hard to destroy Xixia, he must be the emperor, and he will never let Yelu Dashi come to pick the fruit." , Secondly, Xixia is not so easy to destroy, I believe Jin Guo is also secretly supporting Xixia, if you are not at ease, then we will take care of it and don't support too much."

Chen Qing nodded, "That's what I mean. I don't want to kill a tiger and raise a wolf. It's best to let them fight each other, and both sides will suffer. Let's pick this fruit."

"I'm afraid Jin Guo is also planning this idea!"

"That's right! The Kingdom of Jin must also have plans, I guess it will be another battle between dragons and tigers."

In the morning of the next day, Xiao Heda's special envoy, Xi Mu, and his party arrived in Chengji County. Zhang Xiao went out of the county to greet him in person. Xi Mu was about thirty years old that year. Smart and capable.

Xi Muna was Xiao Heda's son-in-law, and was appointed as the governor of Xiazhou, in charge of government affairs. Xiao Heda told him more than once that if he destroyed Xixia and became emperor, he would make Xi Muna the prime minister.

Xi Muna was arranged to rest in the expensive hotel, but he was very anxious. Under his repeated request, Zhang Xiao held the first meeting with him that afternoon.

"I came to Chengji County this time to ask for your support. We have been relatively passive in the last few battles. We lost all three battles and lost nearly [-] people. The main reason is that Jin Guo supported Xixia with [-] barrels of fire oil. We failed to attack Shizhou City three times."

Zhang Xiaowei smiled and said, "Did the Dujian come to Chengji County this time just for fire oil?"

Xi Muna sighed and said, "It's mainly fire oil. If possible, it's better to support us with some gunpowder and food. In fact, I still need some salt and armor."

Maybe he also felt that his request was a bit too much, Xi Muna said a little embarrassedly: "Of course, we can use barter exchange."

Zhang Xiao suddenly became interested, and asked with a smile: "What do you plan to exchange with us?"

(End of this chapter)

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