
Chapter 553 Fighter

Chapter 553 Fighter
"What do they want to exchange?" Chen Qingrao asked with interest.

"They want to exchange horses and sheepskins with us, but they don't give much. They just want to exchange a lot of supplies with [-] horses and [-] sheepskins."

"Is it because they can only give so much, or are they greedy?" Chen Qing asked again.

"Humble job thinks they are the latter!"

"Is there any basis?"

Zhang Xiao nodded, "When I was sorting out the information some time ago, I saw an information from last autumn, saying that Xiao Heda won a big victory in Yincheng and captured more than [-] horses."

Chen Qing sneered, "We captured more than [-] war horses, but they only gave us [-] horses. It's a good thing they figured it out."

"What does Dutong mean?"

Chen Qing walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and said: "Our free aid is only [-] barrels of kerosene and [-] shi of military rations. If they want other things, they can exchange them with horses and sheepskins. I don't want to take advantage of them. Calculated at market value."

"The humble staff understand that they also want gunpowder. They said that the powder kegs of the Xixia Army exploded and shot poisonous nails, which hurt them very much. They also want to use gunpowder to retaliate!"

Chen Qing looked out the window for a while and said: "Tell them, we don't have any extra gunpowder, but I can teach them how to avoid gunpowder nails for free, and take them to the firearms testing ground in the afternoon."

"Understood, I will arrange it."

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao brought Xi Muna and his team to the firearms testing ground in Chigu Town.

This is the firearms testing ground of the Song Army. Xi Muna is very interested and curious about everything, wishing to learn all the secrets inside.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said to Xi Muna: "We have never opened it to outsiders, and even middle and low-level generals are not qualified to enter. We all hope that you can defeat the Xixia Army, so we make an exception and let you visit!"

"I know that Chen Dutong's sincerity is touching, and we will remember it in our hearts!"

Zhang Xiao smiled, and led them to a hut, where a soldier led the way, "Everyone, please go this way!
Everyone passed through the hut, and the front suddenly opened up, and it was another testing ground, covering an area of ​​about two acres, and everyone stood on a high place.

Only then did Zhang Xiao introduce to Xi Muna: "My family has heard that many soldiers of your army were injured by the gunpowder and poisonous nails of the Xixia Army, and they all feel that it is necessary to help everyone. How to guard against poisonous nails, you can watch the drill below !"

There were twenty soldiers standing below, each soldier was wearing ordinary leather armor and holding a large shield. At this moment, a ignited gunpowder barrel flew over their heads, and Xi Muna and his entourage all exclaimed.

A leading soldier shouted, "There is an explosion, get down!"

Twenty soldiers got down on the ground at the same time, covered their heads with shields, and there was a violent explosion, and iron nails splashed everywhere. Of course, the drill will not really quench the poison.

But when the smoke cleared, twenty soldiers stood up one after another, and none of them were injured.

Xi Muna and his followers understood and applauded warmly together.

Zhang Xiao added with a smile: "The Song army consists of [-] soldiers. Among the [-] soldiers, there must be two guards. They can yell at their companions to lie down at any time. The shields don't need to be good, ordinary shields are enough."

The general Wang Lian'an who came with Xi Muna bowed deeply to Zhang Xiao again, "Today's visit is too important. We know how to deal with the gunpowder and poisonous nails of the Xixia people. I express my gratitude and respect to your army again!"

Perhaps this visit allowed Xi Muna to see the sincerity of the Song army, and the subsequent negotiations were much easier. The Song army was unable to support Xiao Heda's army with [-] barrels of kerosene and [-] shi of grain, and the extra supplies were sold at the expense of In the exchange of military horses, the two parties negotiated the price of the top-grade war horses and ordinary war horses.

In the end, Xi Muna agreed to exchange [-] barrels of kerosene, [-] shi of grain, [-] catties of salt, and [-] sets of ordinary soldiers with the Song army at the cost of [-] ordinary war horses and [-] superior war horses. .

This price is more appropriate, mainly because [-] high-quality war horses are expensive. In the Jiangnan area, such high-quality war horses are worth hundreds of guan, and even if you have money, you can't buy them.

For the Xihe Army, superior war horses were generally used to equip elite cavalry, while ordinary war horses were used to ride infantry instead of walking.

Chen Qing has been planning to form a Tianlong Army since last year, that is, the most elite cavalry, under the direct command of Chen Qing, there are currently [-] people, and after the arrival of these first-class horses, his Tianlong Army will expand to [-] people.

The extra thousand horses were used to expand the scout army and form a new scout battalion, led by Tang Qian who had just been promoted to commander.

The details of the transaction are still being discussed, but at this moment, Chen Qing received the eagle letter from Jingzhao City and Taiyuan City. The army rushed back to Shangjing, and Jurchen nobles such as Wanyan Wushu and Wanyan Zonghan also rushed back to Shangjing.

At this critical moment, the opportunity to counterattack the Jin soldiers came. Not only Chen Qing's army attacked Shaanxi Road, but also other Song armies also had the opportunity to counterattack the Jianghuai line.

In Lin'an, the emperor Zhao Gou urgently convened a meeting of the prime minister in the imperial study.

"You must have read Yue Dutong's memorial. Today, Han Dutong also sent a memorial with the same content. The emperor of Jin died, and the Jianghuai army was empty. There were no Jurchen troops stationed, and there were not many puppet Qi troops." , Han Dutong suggested attacking Jianghuai, let everyone talk about it!"

A few days ago, Yue Fei, who was stationed in Xiangyang, also sent a memorial. He got accurate news that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom had passed away, and the senior officials of the Jin Army rushed back to Shangjing. The memorial caused great controversy in the court, with both supporters and opponents, which made the court hesitate to make up its mind.

Han Shizhong also sent a memorial today, asking the imperial court to seize the opportunity to attack Jianghuai in the north. Both Han Shizhong and Yue Fei's memorials were written impassionedly, and Zhao Gou was really moved.

Moreover, the Jin Guoguan also hung up white flags yesterday to mourn, and Zhao Gou specially sent Qin Hui to the Jin Guoguan to pay tribute on behalf of the court.

Although Zhao Gou is a peaceful faction in his heart, he doesn't want to live in danger all the time, and be forced to escape on a boat at any time. For this reason, Zhao Gou also accepted Zhang Jun's plan to retake the Jianghuai River as the defense line of the Yangtze River. Buffer, even if a long-term armistice agreement is to be signed in the future, the Huaihe River should be used as the dividing line, not the Yangtze River.

It's just that the disastrous attack on the Huaihe River twice made him feel hazy, and he couldn't make up his mind. Zhao Gou looked at Zhang Jun, hoping that Zhang Jun would speak first.

Zhang Jun understood, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I have always believed that security is not only the cause of war, but also the result of war. We take the initiative to challenge threats for the sake of security. If we defeat the opponent, we can gain security, but we also It is not to challenge blindly, but to wait for the opportunity. Now that the head of the Jin Kingdom is killed, it is a once-in-a-century opportunity. We have at least half a year to retake the Jianghuai and consolidate the Jianghuai defense line. This opportunity is missed. Wait for the Jin Dynasty to stabilize Come down, it will be difficult in the future."

As soon as Zhang Jun finished speaking, Zhu Shengfei hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, it is not loyal to plot to kill the good; it is not benevolent to take advantage of people's danger. The king of the Jin Kingdom is mourning, and the country is in misfortune. Since we go to mourn, but send troops to attack, it is really not etiquette. What Shangguo did, I firmly oppose sending troops."

Xu Xiantu and Zhu Shengfei were at odds. He sneered and said, "When did Jianghuai become the territory of the Kingdom of Jin? Our capital is still Bianliang, and the Taimiao of the Song Dynasty is also in Bianliang. The second emperor did not return. We will take back the country and fight against rebellion. , does Zhu Xianggong think we are taking advantage of others' danger?"

Zhu Shengfei also said angrily: "I'm not saying that we won't take back the country, but it shouldn't be at this time. After the disaster of Jin Guoguo is over, wouldn't it be better for us to send troops to attack it openly?"

Xu Xiantu sarcastically said, "I didn't expect Zhu Xianggong to be Song Xianggong's confidant. It's rare!"

Zhu Shengfei blushed, and looked at Qin Hui as if asking for help. Qin Hui was in a dilemma. He was not as stupid as Zhu Shengfei. He also saw that the officials wanted to seize Jianghuai. If you speak out against it, I'm afraid it will arouse the resentment of the officials. If you don't object, it will be difficult to explain to Jin Guo in the future.

It took him a long time to say: "It's still during the truce, and there is an agreement to bind it, so I'm afraid it's not easy to send troops!"

Qin Hui didn't talk much, but he touched on the key point. There is still one month until the truce agreement expires. It is really inappropriate for them to send troops at this time.

Zhao Gou was a little embarrassed, and looked at Lu Yihao again. Lu Yihao was always prudent, thoughtful, and more pragmatic. Although Zhao Gou wanted to dismiss Lu Yihao's position several times because of Chen Qing, but the government couldn't find a substitute for it for a while. Lu Yihao's minister, Zhao Gou, could only pinch his nose and let Lu Yihao continue to be prime minister.

Lu Yihao smiled, and said slowly: "The full-scale deployment of troops has too much impact, and indeed violated the armistice agreement. Wei Chen suggested that we should use the method of last time, let Yue Dutong send troops from the center line, but instead of attacking Bianliang, go to the Attack Jianghuai from the east, so as not to violate the armistice agreement on the eastern front, but also to seize the opportunity."

Qin Hui retorted: "Isn't it a violation of the armistice agreement to attack Jianghuai eastward?"

Lu Yihao said calmly: "Mr. Qin can go and see the agreement, it is very clear that the east line refers to the Yangtze River line, the Song army is not allowed to cross the Yangtze River to the north, and Yuedu sent troops, and did not cross the Yangtze River to the north, right? "

Zhao Gou's eyes lit up, although it was a literal loophole, it was indeed a good way.

(End of this chapter)

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