
Chapter 560

Chapter 560
In the wilderness to the north of the Weishui River, the ground was trembling, yellow dust billowed in the distance, a large number of birds in the woods were frightened, and the peasants who were working in the farmland were frightened and scrambled, running desperately, and soon a black line appeared in the distance. On the front line, [-] Jurchen cavalry galloped quickly, covering the sky and covering the ground, the momentum was shocking, and the millet seedlings that had just grown in the farmland were trampled to death.

The [-] Jurchen troops are indeed retreating strategically. Although Wanyan Helisa is reluctant to withdraw from Shaanxi Road, the situation forces him to make a choice. The most realistic problem is the supply of food and grass. Fengxiang's food and grass can only support the Jin soldiers two months.

Wanyan and Lisa withdrew to Fengxiang. Originally, he wanted to retreat to Hanzhong in a crisis, but he just received an urgent letter sent by Wanyanchang from Shangjing, saying that if the situation on Shaanxi Road is not good, he must Withdraw back to Hedong Road as soon as possible, and never go to Hanzhong to retreat to the Central Plains, which means that the [-] Jurchen troops will use Wanyan Wushu for nothing.

This was something Wanyan Helisa didn't think of beforehand. His army had to go through the Central Plains to withdraw from Hanzhong to the east, and it was indeed possible that it would be annexed by Wanyan Wushu's army.

Wanyan Helisa weighed repeatedly, and finally decided to follow Wanyanchang's arrangement, and led his army to withdraw from Shaanxi Road and head for Hedong Road before the Song army completed the encirclement.

The army had already passed Xianyang County, and ran for more than [-] miles. The horns sounded continuously. The speed of the rear army slowed down, and the cavalry in front also gradually slowed down. Finally, the whole army stopped.

In front is the Jingshui, where the Jingshui flows into the Weihe River, forming a distinct water color, but how they cross the Jingshui is a troublesome matter. They found a ferry a few miles to the north, but the ferry boat has disappeared. The current is fast, hundreds of feet wide, and the water surface is open.

Wanyan Drinking Lisa immediately ordered: "Build a pontoon bridge!"

Thousands of Jurchen soldiers began to quickly build a pontoon bridge using rafts and wood. Wanyan Heli looked around. Not far from the north was a large forest, which stretched for several miles, and then there were rolling mountains. It is the Wei River, they are actually in a narrow triangular area, if there is an army intercepting it from behind, the consequences will be disastrous.

Wanyan and Lisa secretly felt a little uneasy, and ordered: "Send the order, speed up!"

At this time, Deputy General Sa Liqian said in a low voice: "Marshal, cross the river and go northwest, and you will enter Jingyuan Road. Shall we withdraw the [-] Qi troops from Jingyuan Road and take them to the east of the river?"

Wanyan and Lisa said noncommittally: "Let them deal with Chen Qing's main force! We don't have the time to wait for them."

"Marshal really thinks that Chen Qing's main force is still on Jingyuan Road?"

"Is not it?"

Wanyan Holisa looked at Sa Ligan suspiciously, "Could it be that the information received before dispatching troops was false? Fifty thousand Song troops attacked Jingchuan, but this is information written in black and white."

"The humble officer just felt that the number of the Song army was not so small. It was impossible for Chen Qing to send only [-] troops to attack Shaanxi Road."

"That's just what you think!"

Wan Yan and Li Saleng said: "We all know that Chen Qing divides his troops into three groups, one to attack Shaanxi North Road, the other to attack Shaanxi Middle Road, and the other to attack Jingyuan Road. When our army withdraws from Fengxiang, Chen Qing will follow Li Shui went straight into Fengxiang, with such a clear attack path, can you deny it by saying 'do you think'?"

"I dare not to be humble!"

Sarri moved his lips dryly, but finally he couldn't help but said: "The humble position means that it is best to send an army to Chang'an to take a look, and maybe bring some food."

Before he could finish speaking, Wanyan and Lisa interrupted him in disgust, "General Sarigan, you go to take charge of the rear army, go now!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Surrey had no choice but to turn his horse's head and go to the rear army.

Wanyanhe left Salem and looked at Sarigan away. Although Sarigan was a lieutenant general, he was Wanyanchang's confidant and had always looked down on him.

At this critical moment, he still has to point fingers at himself, does he think Wan Yanchang is still on Shaanxi Road?

"Hmph!" Wanyan Helisa snorted heavily.

An hour later, the pontoon bridge was finally built, and the Jurchen cavalry began to cross the river on the bridge. The pontoon bridge was unstable, and the soldiers did not dare to ride horses.

About [-] people passed by, and suddenly a soldier pointed to the river and shouted: "There is fire!"

I saw more than a dozen flaming rafts floating from the upper reaches, the speed was very fast, the soldiers panicked, shouting and pushing back and forth, the pontoon began to shake, dozens of soldiers and their horses fell into the river, instantly Swallowed by the rushing river.

At this time, a burning wooden raft leaned against the pontoon bridge, and within a moment, it exploded. The raft on the pontoon bridge was blown to pieces. Dozens of Jurchen cavalry screamed and fell into the river, but the explosion was not powerful enough, and the iron chains were not strong enough. Can blow up.

Soon, more than a dozen burning rafts leaned against the pontoon bridge and exploded one after another. The pontoon bridge was finally blown into three pieces, and all the thousands of Jurchen cavalrymen on the pontoon bridge fell into the water.

Wanyan and Lisa had already crossed the Jingshui, but there were more than [-] Jurchen cavalry on the other side, and it was impossible for him to give up the cavalry on the other side.

Wanyan and Lisa shouted anxiously: "Rebuild the pontoon bridge!"

Hundreds of soldiers ran to the ferry, ready to rebuild the pontoon bridge. Suddenly, a large area of ​​fire floated on the river, as if the entire river was ignited. The soldiers who built the pontoon bridge shouted and fled back one after another.

There was also the sound of fierce war drums on the other side, and a large number of soldiers who ran to log fell staggered and fled back. There were ambushes in the woods. They were attacked by bows and arrows, and thousands of Jurchen soldiers were killed or injured.

Wanyan and Lisa's face was extremely ugly. He already realized that he was in big trouble, and Song Jun would not allow them to build a pontoon bridge.

Another way is to cross the river directly on a leather raft and give up the horses, but the leather raft must use wood as the base, but the Song army is ambushed in the woods, and they will be attacked by arrows when they get close to the woods.

Sarigan sent [-] cavalry to the woods to encircle the Song army and cover other soldiers from cutting down trees.

Just as the five thousand cavalry rushed to the woods, the arrows in the woods were shot like a storm, all of them were arrows from the god arm crossbow. .

The remaining less than [-] cavalry were so frightened that they retreated. When Sarigan heard that a round of arrows killed more than [-] people, he knew that the problem was serious. This is the effect of [-] arrows. Song The army actually ambushed ten thousand people in the woods.

Seeing that it was getting dark, he hurriedly ordered, "The army retreat!"

The triangular area where Jingwei meets is too narrow, and the cavalry can't use it at all. Once the Song army surrounds them here at night, they will definitely be wiped out.

Sa Ligan didn't care about Wanyan Drinking Lisa's thoughts, and led the army to the west
It was already dark, and the lights on the east bank were brightly lit. Soldiers of the Jurchen Army lit hundreds of torches.

Wanyan and Lisa are urging his men to speed up the production of leather rafts. They are going to make a batch of leather rafts and send soldiers across the river. Even if the Song army intercepts them on the river, he can at least save part of the army, even if half of them are saved. Thousands of people.

At this time, a subordinate who sent a letter across the river ran back to report, "Send to the Marshal, the army on the west bank has withdrawn to the west, and I only found one brother who left the report."


Wanyan Helisa's eyes widened, and he was furious, "How dare he retreat without my order? Where is the messenger?"

A messenger was brought up and knelt down on one knee to report, "General Sarigan found tens of thousands of Song troops in the woods. He was worried about being surrounded by Song troops, so he led his troops to Xianyang County while the sky was still dark."

Wanyan Lisa was taken aback, "How do you know that there are tens of thousands of Song soldiers in the forest?"

"General Sarigan thought that there were only a few Song troops in the woods, so he sent five thousand cavalry to encircle and suppress them. Unexpectedly, the enemy fired ten thousand arrows, all of which were crossbow arrows with god arms. More than two thousand people were shot and killed in one round of arrows. Only a part of the Song army, there are still a large number of Song troops who did not participate in archery."

Wanyan and Lisa had nothing to say. He also realized that the main force of the Song army had arrived in Guanzhong, so he made a mistake in his judgment.

At this time, Wanyan Helisa felt more and more uneasy. He was in a dangerous situation, and it was very likely that he would be attacked by the Song army.

He immediately ordered the whole army to mount horses, and left dozens of people to support the rear army. He led [-] cavalry to leave the east bank and continue to gallop towards Pujin Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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