
Chapter 561 Double-click

Chapter 561 Double-click
In order to ambush the [-] Jurchen cavalry of Wanyan and Lisa, Chen Qing also dispatched [-] troops to deploy on both sides of the Jing River. The Wan army surrounded and annihilated the enemy troops on the west bank, while Yang Zaixing led [-] cavalry to ambush the Jurchen cavalry on the east bank.

On both sides of the official road, Chen Qing deployed a thousand bed crossbows, behind the bed crossbows were [-] strong crossbow troops, and deployed [-] ambush soldiers in the woods one mile away.

At this time, there was a muffled rumble of thunder in the distance, and [-] Jurchen cavalry gradually approached, forming a long line of three miles long on the official road.

One mile away from the bed crossbow formation, the Jurchen cavalry team suddenly burst into flames, and a raging fire ignited on the ground of the official road. Immediately afterwards, hundreds of powder kegs buried in the ground exploded in series, blowing up the Jurchen cavalry. The dense poisonous nails scattered and splashed in all directions, causing heavy casualties.

Sarigan, who was running ahead, realized that he was in an ambush by the Song army, and he waved his mace and shouted: "Follow me!"

Sarrigan ignored the situation behind and led [-] cavalrymen to gallop at high speed, but within a few hundred steps, there was a sound of clappers ahead, and five thousand jackdaw arrows were fired at the same time. Dozens of jackdaw iron arrows pierced his body and killed him immediately, and he and his horse fell into the mud.

More than [-] Jurchen cavalry were shot dead, and the corpses piled up on both sides of the official road. The cavalry behind could not stop at high speed. They left the official road and spread out to both sides, trying to break through more points, but the horses of the Jurchen cavalry After falling down one after another, the soldiers of the Song Army dug tens of thousands of small pits on both sides of the official road. It doesn't matter if a person steps on the ground, but the stepping on the ground by a horse means a broken leg bone.

At the same time, [-] Song Army crossbowmen began to fire. They were divided into three sections and fired round by round. shoot.

A thousand bed crossbows started the second and third rounds of firing, and the jackdaw arrows swept three times, and there were no standing cavalry within [-] steps.

At this time, the back road was also cut off by eight thousand crossbowmen. There was interception in front, and there was no retreat in the back. Thousands of Jurchen cavalry fled to the woods in the north. This seemed to be their last chance.

The [-] Song soldiers ambushed in the woods, armed with crossbows and spears, had been waiting for a long time.

At this time, Wanyan Helisa's army was also ambushed by the Song Army. The official road had to pass through a low slope several miles long, which was actually a fault. The top of the fault was two feet high. The official road was on the fault Below, weeds grow near the fault.

Jin Bing never dreamed that more than a thousand gunpowder barrels were thrown from the top of the fault, and exploded in a line that was several miles long, with poisonous nails flying. Next, the flames burned on the official road, causing extreme panic among the Jurchen cavalry and war horses. There was a rumbling, thunderous noise, and hundreds of giant trees rolled down from the cliff and rushed towards the official road. Hundreds of Jurchen cavalry were smashed His brains burst and he was crushed by a giant log.

The giant tree cut the Jurchen cavalry in two, and the cavalry behind fled the official road and fled to the wasteland to the south, but a large number of cavalry turned their backs, and the horses refused to move forward.

Wanyan Drinking Lisa's eyes were red, and he yelled anxiously: "What's going on?"

"Marshal, the ground is full of thorns, and the horses cannot walk!"

Arrows rained down from the top of the fault, thick arrows fell from the sky, the density was so dense that people could not breathe, countless Jurchen soldiers were hit by the arrows, and the casualties were extremely heavy.

"Come on!"

Wanyan Holisa no longer cared about the Jurchen soldiers behind him, and rushed eastward with [-] cavalry, leaving behind the Jurchen cavalry who were crying loudly, and were gradually swallowed up by arrows.

When it was almost dawn, Wanyan Helisa ran for more than [-] miles in one breath. He was exhausted and couldn't run anymore. There were only dozens of soldiers behind him. Some soldiers came up to report: "Report to Marshal, A lot of cavalry had a toxic attack, and they fell to the ground, I'm afraid they won't be able to keep up!"

"Wait a minute!"

After waiting for another hour, Jurchen cavalry arrived one after another, many of them were two people riding a war horse, and finally more than [-] cavalry arrived.

Wanyan Helisa estimated that the Song army would definitely chase him, so he didn't dare to stay any longer, and fled eastward in panic with more than [-] people.

Yang Zaixing was indeed chasing behind to prevent the remnant Jurchen soldiers from looting the county towns along the way. They kept seeing the single Jurchen soldiers who were killed, all of them were bloody and bloody, and they looked like they were beaten to death with random sticks. These Jurchen soldiers should have been killed by local farmers. killed.

Yang Zaixing's army chased them all the way, and Wanyan Helisa's army was too frightened to stop, so he escaped from Guanzhong in one breath, passed Pujin Pass and headed towards Hedong Road
On the fourth day when the Song army almost wiped out the Jurchen cavalry, [-] puppet Qi troops from Jingyuan Road left Jingchuan City and surrendered to Niugao's army. The momentum recovered.

Chen Qing immediately sent Gao Ding as the main general and Liu Qiong as the deputy general, and led an army of [-] to Hanzhong from Ziwu Valley to recover the lost ground in Hanzhong.

This morning, Chen Qing arrived at Pujin Pass under the escort of [-] cavalry. Pujin Pass was actually the name of Sui and Tang Dynasties. Its current name is Daqing Pass, but the people are used to it and still call it Pujin Pass.

At present, the general of the Song Army at Pujin Pass is called Guan Tao, and he is a general commander. He was originally the guard of Nanxianren Pass. military.

Guan Tao had rich experience in guarding the pass, and was appointed by Chen Qing as the guard envoy, leading [-] soldiers to garrison Pujin Pass.

Hearing that Dutong is coming, Guan Tao came down the mountain to welcome him, bowing his head and saluting, "See Dutong for the humble job!"

Chen Qing smiled and nodded, "General Guan is exempt!"

Chen Qing looked up and asked, "Do you still want to climb over the mountain?"

"Reporting to Dutong, Pujin Pass is backed by a low mountain, but the official road is relatively gentle, and you can pass by on horseback, and there is no problem with carts carrying goods."

"Then ride over there and have a look."

There are two days to go over the mountain to Pujin Pass. One is to turn over directly, which is suitable for people on foot, and the other needs to go around the mountain halfway up the mountain, which is suitable for carts and livestock.

Chen Qing rode a horse around the mountainside and came to Pujin Pass. Pujin Pass was actually built on a peninsula extending into the Yellow River. A mooring pier was built on the peninsula, and you can take a ferry to the Hezhong Mansion on the opposite bank.

For a long time, Pujin Pass even built an iron chain bridge to connect with the other bank of the Yellow River. Both the army and the people could directly take the iron chain bridge to the opposite bank, but the iron chain bridge had been destroyed by the war.Now the only way to get to the other side is by ferry.

Standing on a high place, Chen Qing looked towards the opposite bank and asked, "Do you know how many troops are stationed in Hezhong Mansion?"

Guan Tao bowed and said, "I heard from the businessman that there are about [-] garrisons in Hedong City, and [-] militia troops. In fact, there are [-] people."

Liu Cui, who was accompanying Chen Qing, said with a smile: "I always feel that it is within my reach, Dutong, why don't we directly seize the Hezhong Mansion?"

Chen Qing shook his head, "Step by step, if you eat too fast, you won't be able to digest it. Let's swallow Shaanxi Road first, and then consider the next step."

Chen Qing then said to Guan Tao: "Normal people's exchanges and caravans crossing the border, don't stop them, but also prevent the enemy from pretending to be caravans and seize the customs. More importantly, strict rules are strictly prohibited. Soldiers are strictly prohibited from accepting benefits. You should compare these I have experience."

"Xiaozhi understands, Beizhi is going to adopt the diversion method of the former Immortal Pass!"

"Tell me more about it!" Chen Qingrao asked with great interest.

"It's just a separate passage, with high walls on both sides. Merchants and people can only enter and exit the pass. Even if they want to seize the pass, it is impossible. Then add a surveillance and search point at the pier, basically foolproof."

"That's a good idea!"

Chen Qing praised happily: "It's a bit like an urn city."

"Yes! Wu Dutong also said that it was the idea of ​​Wengcheng."

"It can be implemented, make a specific plan, and propose it to the Jinglue Mansion, and the Jinglue Mansion will arrange manpower and material resources to build it!"

(End of this chapter)

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