
Chapter 562 Handle

Chapter 562 Handle
At the same time that Chen Qing captured Shaanxi Road, Yue Fei, the Deputy Xuanfu envoy of Jingbei Road, ordered Wang Gui and Dong Xian to be the vanguard, and personally led an army of [-] to attack Jianghuai eastward. Nearly [-] soldiers were recruited into the state capitals of Zhouzhou, Qizhou, Anqingfu, and Luzhou.

Liu Yu was shocked and immediately appointed Li as the commander-in-chief, commanding an army of [-] troops to fight for Jianghuai.

In early September, Li Cheng led his army along the Feishui River to Shouchun County of Anfeng Army. Although Li Cheng was defeated by Chen Qing in Chengji County, his defeats in the Central Plains were not many.

In front of the map, Li Cheng's opponent's subordinate general said: "Yue Fei's eastward expedition is like a crossbow arrow. He was very strong at the beginning, but the further eastward he went, the weaker his offensive momentum became. After he captured Luzhou, he did not continue eastward. , indicating that his momentum is exhausted, if we cut off Shucheng to the south, the Song army in Hefei will lose supplies and will be forced to abandon Hefei City, so Shucheng is the key."

General Pan Yue worried: "Shucheng is tall and strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack. I heard that there are thousands of Song troops guarding it. We can see its importance, and the Song army also knows it. I am afraid it will not be easy to capture."

Li Cheng smiled lightly: "I have dealt with Chen Qing for so long, and I have learned a few of his various siege tactics."

Shucheng is located [-] miles southwest of Luzhou. It is the only way for Anqing Mansion to enter Luzhou. Its strategic location is very important.

Currently there are [-] defenders in Shucheng. In the afternoon, Wang Gui led [-] soldiers to Shucheng.

Wang Gui is stationed in Hefei, and he came to Shucheng to urge grain. Zeng Huang, the guard of Shucheng, said that the grain ships have been arranged and will be transported to Hefei tomorrow morning.

At night, the sentries of the Song Army patrolled the city of Shucheng back and forth, and a fleet of ships came along the small river. The ships were all five hundred stone cargo ships, about ten feet high. It seemed that these ships were no different from ordinary cargo ships. The water city gate is closed at night, and ordinary cargo ships can only berth in the moat.

This kind of situation happens almost every day, and the soldiers defending the city are no strangers to it.

Each ship was packed with more than a hundred puppet Qi soldiers. Of course, if there was a big ship, Li Chengcheng directly used the big ship to attack the city. Unfortunately, there was no big ship, so he could only use this five hundred stone cargo ship.

There are five fierce oil fire cabinets placed in each cargo ship. This is the most famous fire oil weapon in the Song Dynasty. It is made of cooked copper and filled with hundreds of catties of fire oil. The front is a copper pipe. Of course, it can't reach the level of guns, but it is simply fused together with copper water.

The principle of the fierce oil fire cabinet is similar to that of the bellows. Two soldiers push the piston to make the kerosene spray out, and the maximum distance can reach several feet. If the kerosene is ignited, it is a flamethrower.

Hundreds of kerosene were kept in the warehouse of the Bianliang Arms Supervision until Li Cheng discovered that the Central Plains army did not pay as much attention to kerosene as the Western Army. This is also related to the origin of kerosene, but Li Cheng and Chen Qing fought Countless, he understands the importance of kerosene.

He immediately moved hundreds of fierce oil and fire oil back to the barracks. This time he went south, he also brought fierce oil and fire tanks. Thirty cargo ships were moored on the moat of Xicheng, and [-] puppet Qi troops appeared in the distance. Li Cheng Take charge personally.

A lantern was lit on the leading ship, which was the signal for action. One hundred and fifty fuel tanks from thirty cargo ships sprayed kerosene at the top of the city at the same time, and the defenders on the top of the city were awakened by the black rain falling from the sky. , shouted, "There is a situation!"

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" The alarm bell sounded on the top of the city.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of burning torches were thrown on the top of the city, and the kerosene on the top of the city immediately burned, which shocked hundreds of soldiers to retreat.

"Fire! Fire!"

On the top of the city, the soldiers of the Song Army shouted loudly.

But the fierce oil fire cabinet continued to spray fire oil upwards, and the fire became more and more fierce
At this time, Li Cheng led [-] troops to approach the city wall. This was a complete copy of Chen Qing's method of capturing Pingliang City, but Li Cheng didn't have Huo Huanbing under his command, and they couldn't make Huo Huanjia.

Thirty large ships ambushed the soldiers and rushed out, and hung [-] siege ladders on the top of the city. Each soldier carried a wet bedding and climbed to the top of the city. Five thousand soldiers of the puppet Qi army followed closely behind. Behind them, [-] soldiers extinguished the fire at the top of the city with wet quilts, and at the same time occupied the top of the southern city. The [-] puppet Qi troops behind them surged up and killed them all on the top of the city.

At this time, the lord general Wang Gui led more than [-] soldiers to the head of the west city. The fire burning above made him hesitate, but the fire suddenly went out.


Wang Gui immediately realized that the enemy had captured the city in this way.


A soldier rushed to report: "The puppet Qi army has entered the city, and there are nearly ten thousand people."


Wang Gui decisively issued an order, "The whole army retreats to the east gate!"

The Song army quickly retreated to the east gate, and then retreated directly to Hefei. Li Chengbing occupied Shucheng without bloodshed.

Shucheng fell, and the supply line of the Hefei garrison was cut off. Wang Gui had to abandon Hefei City, led [-] troops to retreat south, boarded a ship from the Yangtze River, and returned to Anqing Mansion.

The fall of Luzhou also meant that Li Cheng's army cut off the momentum of Yue Fei's army's eastward advance. Yue Fei stopped his eastward advance and concentrated on consolidating the already occupied Jianghuai area.

In Lin'an, Shen Li, the censor, put an impeachment memorial on Qin Hui's desk. Angry, but not held accountable."

After reading the impeachment memorial, Qin Hui was very satisfied. He had been grabbing Lu Yihao's tricks, but Lu Yihao was very cautious and couldn't find any tricks.

Qin Hui then turned his target to Lu Yihao's family, but unexpectedly got a big harvest.

Lu Datong, the second brother of Lu Yihao, served as the judge of Yuanzhou, but Lu Tang, the son of Lu Datong, was a complete bully, bullying men and women, picking quarrels and provoking troubles. Asylum, has not been held accountable.

Qin Hui looked at the impeachment paper again, and asked, "Who is this Liu Er?"

"This Liu Er is a butcher. There is a daughter named Liu Ying in his family. She was learning pipa in the music workshop, but she was taken by Lu Yan and his gang. They took her to the brothel to humiliate her and framed her as a prostitute. The ax went to Lu Tang to settle the score, but Lu Tang snatched the ax and chopped him to death in the street. This incident caused a lot of trouble, but the government only sentenced the two to lose in the fight, and they paid [-] pennies to settle the matter."

"Are there witnesses?"

"The humble official has specially interviewed some of the parties involved, and they can all prove that Liu Er did not do anything at all. He was knocked down by Lu Han's men, and Lu Han chopped off Liu Er's head with an axe. The humble official has dozens of witnesses to testify. It is so obvious. The murder incident was nothing, without the intervention of the Lu family, it would have been impossible."

Qin Hui said proudly: "Very well, Yushitai directly impeached Lu Yihao for lax family management, condoning his family members to harm civilians, and humiliating women. This time, the truth is to see how he has the audacity to rely on his appearance!"

In the afternoon of the next day, Lu Yihao returned to the mansion with a lot of thoughts, paced back and forth in the study, sighing, at this moment, the eldest son Lu Jin came to the door of the study, bowed and said: "Father, are you looking for me?"

"Come in!"

When Lu Jin walked into the study, he felt that his father was in a very low mood, and he didn't dare to say much, so he stood at the door with his hands down.

"How much do you know about Lu Xian?"

Lu Xian is actually the eldest grandson of Lu Datong, because he was posthumous, and Lu Datong raised him as his son since he was a child, so that everyone thought he was Lu Datong's son.

"The boy has heard about his affairs. The second uncle spoiled him too much, and he developed a lawless character. He caused many disasters. It was the second uncle who took care of the funeral for him."

Lu Yihao sighed and said: "It's God's will! I persuaded my second brother not to condone this rebellious grandson before, but he didn't listen, and now the disaster has finally come out."

Lu Jin was startled, "Father, what happened?"

"Qin Hui focused on this rebellious grandson, and sent a supervisory censor to Yuanzhou to investigate for two months. The final investigation report shocked me. At least five lives were taken by Lu Xian, and dozens of women from good families were raped. He was arrested in Yuanzhou. The common people call Lu evil thief, and they have completely disgraced the Lu family."

"The second uncle may be impeached."

Lu Yihao sneered: "Will Qin Hui's target be your second uncle?"

"Ah! Did Qin Hui attack father?"

Lu Yihao nodded, "Qin Hui impeached my Lu family for being lax in running the family and allowing my children to harm the people. Your second uncle used my power to shield Lu Qiang. The evidence is convincing. He asked the officials to punish me as a crime of immorality and depose my prime minister."

Lu Jin knew that the problem was serious. Being implicated by his family, even if he was innocent, he still had a heavy responsibility.

"Father, do the officials really want it?"

Lu Yihao said with a sad expression: "The officials came to talk to me today, and gave me a step to find an excuse to resign, so I handed in my resignation this afternoon on the grounds of my poor health."

(End of this chapter)

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